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More of my philosophy about the status of Jesus Christ in my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

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Amine Moulay Ramdane

Dec 28, 2022, 1:48:19 PM12/28/22


More of my philosophy about the status of Jesus Christ in my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

So as you have just noticed in my below thoughts that i am explaining that
Jesus Christ is a prophet and a special prophet with special powers from God, so i am a prophet that is here with a message so that to reduce much more the curse from God, but Jesus Christ is prophet that will return over this earth so that to help the believer in God and he will have special powers from God that will allow him to make humanity a happy humanity, and about Satan, i think that Satan is no more allowed by God to hurt humans since the new prophet from God that is me has appeared or has come to you, so since God has decided to send the messenger that is me so that to reduce much more the curse from God, so this reducing the curse from God is also that Satan is no more allowed by God to hurt humans, so you can be more happy now.

More of my philosophy about where the Bible says that Jesus Christ is God and more of my thoughts..

Here is how the Bible says that Jesus Christ is God:

John 8:58 “Jesus answered them: 'I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM.” [This was the name God gave himself when he first communicated with Moses, Exodus 3:14 “God replied, 'I am who am. ' Then he added, 'This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you. '”]

But i think that in John 8:58 above God is speaking "through" Jesus Christ and he is saying that he is God, but i think that Jesus Christ is a human body that is not God and he has suffered on the cross , but God is greatly arrogant and it is his character in my new monotheistic religion, so he can not be diminished and suffer this way on the cross.

More of my philosophy about the nature of God and more of my thoughts..

So i think i am smart, and i think i have to explain more the fact that
my new monotheistic religion says that God is greatly arrogant and it is his character, so how can we believe that God is greatly arrogant since he is so perfect and he can self-improve ? so i think that the mistake of this logic is that you are thinking that God is like humans that can be perfected or improved like humans, but my new monotheistic religion says that God is a special God and he is not like humans, and that means that he is a special God that can not self-improve his great arrogance that is his character so that to not be great arrogance, so it is one of the most important idea of my new monotheistic religion, so i think that the basis ideas of my new monotheistic religion are complete, so i invite you to read all my following basis ideas of my new monotheistic religion so that to understand them correctly:

More of my philosophy about the curse from God and more of my thoughts..

So i think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will show you the pattern, i think that God has cursed not only Adam and Eve and there descendants, but he has also cursed the Bible and he has cursed Jesus Christ, i mean that God speaks through Jesus Christ , and it is why Jesus Christ says that he is the Lord or he is God, but God has not explained that Jesus Christ is not God, since it is a curse from God, and my new monotheistic religion says that the Qur'aan has also been cursed by God even if prophet Muhammad is a true prophet from God, but the Qur'aan says that Jesus Christ is not God or not the Lord even if the Bible has been cursed by God, so now you are understanding my new monotheistic religion, and it is that i am a new prophet that is here so that to reduce much more the curse from God, so then you have not to say that Jesus Christ is God, but i say that Jesus Christ is just a prophet.

More of my philosophy about the Angels of God and about God and more of my thoughts..

I will explain how i am a prophet from God, so i think i am a messenger
from God, since what i am doing is giving you the message from God,
for example i have met an Angel from God in form of beautiful light and
he has read some part of scriptures from God on my body and soul, and i am not kinding, since it is all the truth, but you have to understand more my story, since i think that God is greatly arrogant, since i have
also noticed that the Angel from God that i have met was like completely controlled by God, since the Angel from God that i have met had for example not the rights to talk with me or to move in a kind of way etc. , so i think it is why you are noticing that the Angels from God are not talking to or contacting humans, since God is greatly arrogant and the Angels from God can not do anything without given rights from God to talk or to contact etc. other than that my premonitory dream where i have been contacted by prophet Muhammad was a special premonitory dream from God, since it looks like premonitory dreams of prophet Joseph, i mean that a lot of things
on this premonitory dream have happened to me, so it is why i am
not kinding and it is all the truth since i am also a honest and i am
a gentleman type of person. So i invite you to read my
following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion so that
to understand my story and so that to understand my new monotheistic religion:

More of my philosophy about blacks and whites and about my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

What is that my new monotheistic religion says about blacks and whites ?
so my new monotheistic religion says that God has created the human souls as i am proving it in my below thoughts, but God has not created
the universe, so perhaps that the bodies of humans are not from God,
but the human souls are from God, so it is the human souls from God that makes you respect humans. And of course you have to know that i have quickly invented my new monotheistic religion and that my below thoughts of my new monotheistic religion are the basis ideas of my new monotheistic religion, so of course i will enhance it more and write an interesting book about it. So i invite you to read all my below thoughts of my new monotheistic religion so that to know about the basis ideas of my new monotheistic religion:

More of my philosophy about why to believe in God and more of my thoughts..

So i say that i am inspired by God , and it is why i have invented a
new monotheistic religion, but i will ask a philosophical question of :

Why have i invented my new monotheistic religion ?

Because it is difficult for humans to believe in the previous monotheistic religions because of logical contradictions, so it is why i am smart and i have invented a new monotheistic religion that also solves the logical contradictions, also i will ask a philosophical question of:

Why do we have to believe in God of my new monotheistic religion ?

Since i think that philosophy doesn't solve some problems, so first
i think that believing in God is good for the mental health, and second is the of course there is a reward from God in my new monotheistic religion when you follow the laws of my new monotheistic religion,
and third here is the other important problems that solves my new monotheistic religion, so read about them in my following thoughts:

I have just looked at the following video of the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, i invite you to look at it carefully:

Does God exist? | J. Krishnamurti

And you can read about Jiddu Krishnamurti here:

So i think i am highly smart, and notice the approach of the above indian philosopher in the above video, so he wants humans to not believe
in God , but notice how he is saying that you have to go out the belief in God and not believe in God and then you have to fight for life, and here again there is like a logical contradiction , since how to tune correctly this fight for life so that to not be too much savagery ? so then you will say that you have to tune correctly the fight for life by being fight for life, and it becomes circular logic that is not good and that doesn't solve the problem of how to tune correctly the fight for life, and it is the big weakness of philosophy and of the philosophers, and it is why i have constructed quickly my new monotheistic religion that solves the problems and that solves the problems of previous monotheistic religions. So read more about my new monotheistic religion:

More of my philosophy about God and more of my thoughts..

I think that God is related to the the following patterns in the following articles about the Out-Of-Body Experiences, and the pattern is
that the outer-body-experience can also "see" what is going on around
him or her even if he or her is technically dead, so it means that it is
not only a consciousness , but it is what we call a soul, and a soul
can see and think and feel as you will notice it in the following articles:

So look for example in the following interesting article that one 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy while he was technically dead.

Read more here:

And read the following that also talks about study the two per cent of outer body experience that exhibited full awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or out-of-body )

Read more here:

So i think that since it is like a soul, so i think that there is something like a God of the monotheistic religions that exists. So i think that the souls of humans are from God, so i think it looks like my following new monotheistic religion that says that God has not created the universe, but i think that he has created souls of humans. So i invite you to read my following thoughts of my new monotheistic religion:

More of my philosophy about the practices of my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

So as you notice from my thoughts below, that the practices of my new monotheistic religion can also be logically inferred, since my new monotheistic religion doesn't speak about constructing mosques or churches , but you can still construct mosques or churches and you can still read the Qur'aan or the Bible and be curious about them, and the other practices can be inferred from the laws and rules of my new monotheistic religion. And of course i have invented my new monotheistic
religion , but as i said in my new monotheistic religion that that i am a new prophet from God that is also inspired by God.

More of my philosophy of from where comes God and about my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

My new monotheistic religion says that humans have the tendency to
think that God has to come from something, but it is just that humans
have this tendency to think that God has to come from something, but it is not science, since look for example that there is something(s) in the universe or multiverse that has or have always existed, like "space" or so, so it is the same , there is somethings like God that have always existed.

More of my philosophy about my new monotheistic religion and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i have just enhanced my new monotheistic religion, and the enhancement is that God is greatly arrogant since he is not like humans, but the enhancement is that God is something special and this something special can not be enhanced as we enhance humans, so it is why i think that this greatly arrogant of God can not be enhanced and in my new monotheistic religion we have to believe that God is greatly arrogant, and in my new monotheistic religion God has not created the universe, but he has created Adam and Eve and he has cursed them and there descendants because they have done something bad, but it doesn't mean that all humans are descendant from Adam and Eve, so read my following thoughts so that to understand my new monotheistic religion, and of course i will write a book
about my new monotheistic religion and i will enhance it more:

So i invite you to look at the following video that talks about the simulation hypothesis:

Michio Kaku - Is the Universe A Digital Simulation

So i think i am highly smart, and i think that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable, since i say that look for example at how looks this thing that we call humanity, so we can not
say that the simulation of this super intelligent beings has started from a very long ago, like for example more than a billion of years, since this way of doing creates too much suffering that is much less probable since the super intelligent beings are so advanced and so smart, but i think it is much more short, so then we notice that the super intelligent beings that have started the simulation can not start the simulation in a so primitive envirenment of our today of what we call humanity, so then i can say that saying that the Universe is a Digital Simulation is much less probable and the fact the reality exists is much more probable.

And i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion in my below thoughts:

I think i am highly smart, and i say that you have to know that the laws
of my new monotheistic religion below are like the "master" laws, and i say that those master laws of my new monotheistic religion are like a guard rail or like a framework of the other laws that are created by humans or such, since the master laws of my new monotheistic religion are here so that to "guide" or so that to guide humans or so that to guide the other laws in the good way, since they are the master laws, and hence you are noticing how i have become convinced that without this kind of guard rail , it will not work, and notice how the laws of my new monotheistic religion are not rigid laws that make a monotheistic religion rigid and not efficient, and notice how i am logically inferring or logically deriving them from the nature of God or the essence of God, so then you have to take a look carefully at the laws of my new monotheistic religion, that i think are smart, in my below thoughts about my new monotheistic religion, and i say that i am your new prophet from God, but now you have to understand that i have just enhanced my new monotheistic religion so that to make false the following logical proof of the not existence of God:

More of my philosophy about the God's plan and more of my thoughts..

I think i am a highly smart prophet from God and i think that i am inspired by the Angels of God, and here is my new thoughts as a prophet from God:

So i think that the most important thing that you have to understand
about the previous monotheistic religions is also that God in my new monotheistic religion is greatly arrogant, so he has not created the universe and he has not created humans , but he has created Adam and Eve and there descendants that look like humans and he has cursed them, but he has not only cursed them , but God has cursed the Bible and the Qur'aan, but here again i am your new prophet from God that is capable of seeing a secret from God, and it is a secret from God that we find in the Qur'aan, and it is that God has wanted to put both a kind of good and bad in the Qur'aan so that to make the fight continu between the bad and the good, and between Satan and the believers in God, i mean that for example when the prophet Muhammad, that i say was a true prophet from God, says that he is the last prophet , it doesn't mean that prophet Muhammad is the last prophet from God , but it is only a kind of bad from God, in a form of curse from God, that was said to prophet Muhammad and that makes the future generations of humans experience a kind of psychological suffering by knowing that he is the last prophet even if he is not the last prophet, so i say that it is part of the curse from God, and when God says in the Qur'aan that he has created the heaven and earth in 6 days, so he has wanted to put scientific mistakes in the Bible or the Qur'aan as a curse from God so that to make humans suffer more, and it is the basis of my new monotheistic religion that says that the even the Bible and the Qur'aan were cursed by God in a such way, so i say that it is part of the God's plan, so i am a new prophet from God that is here so that to reduce much more the curse from God, so i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion in my following thoughts:

More of my philosophy about the rise of the Antichrist and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and say that i am your new prophet from God,
and now i will explain to you what is the rise of the Antichrist,
so i am your new prophet from God and i will say that the Antichrist is already here with us since i say that the Antichrist is also a symbolic, since what it means, is that when people are no more faith in God, so they start to view themselves as animals without being faith in God, since science says that humans are animals, and when they view themselves as animals without being faith in God , they start to hate themselves in a kind of way and then they start to hurt themselves in a bad or really bad way(and this first state of being is also symbolically the rise of Antichrist), and then from this first state of being that is a disorder comes also the Antichrist in a form of "rebellious" human being or human beings that has or have a big power and that have no faith in God(and it can be that he has or have a big scientific power), and it is also called in Islam Al-Masih ad-Dajjal or Antichrist in chritianity( Read about him here: ), and he look or they look like the rebellious fallen Angels against God, like the fallen Angel that we call Satan ( Read about them here: ), that corrupt morality and that cause dangerous wars and that cause a lot of suffering and human suffering, so if you want to fight efficiently the Antichrist, you have to have faith in God or "enough" faith in God like by believing that God can exist with a certain sufficient level of probability or chance that makes you act in a kind of decent way, and of course i am speaking about having faith in God like in the one of my new monotheistic religion, and read about it in my below thoughts:

More of my philosophy about Islam and salafism and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and i am a new prophet from God, and i am not
a salafist, and i think it is easy for me to explain why salafism is not the correct way of doing, so the first thing to logically prove of why salafism is not the right way, is to logically prove the fallibility of the Qur'aan, and i am doing it below by showing how the Qur'aan is not timeless and how for example Qur'aan has wanted God to be the most powerful God and how this way of doing becomes a weakness that makes Qur'aan not timeless, read about it in my below thoughts, so then here is what i have said about Islam so that you notice how salafism is not the right way to do:

What is Islam ?

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will say that there is two
types of laws of God, there is the timeless ones and not the timeless
ones, and i am explaining it to you below so that you understand it, so
the most important timeless laws of God are those of: Believing in God
and glorifying him and praying him and fear him and ask him for help,
and from those timeless laws you can also derive the other human laws that are not timeless, also when you look at my below new monotheistic
religion you will notice that it is the same but i am also deriving the
laws of God from the nature and essence of God, read below about my new
monotheistic religion so that you understand that it is smart.

More of my philosophy about Salafism and more..

I am your new prophet from God, and as you have just noticed that i have
just explained to you the two types of Islamic laws so that you
understand that there is Islamic laws from the Qur'an that are not
timeless(read below about them), and here is more logical proof from my
following thoughts about Salafism:

So i will first invite you to look at the following video about Salafism
in Europe:

Bosnia-Hercegovina: Islamists in Sarajevo

So as you are noticing in the above video, that it shows islamists
Salafists in Bosnia-Hercegovina, but the most important question is the

Is Salafism true Islam ?

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will answer the question as
the following:

First we have to ask if the Qur'an is timeless ?

So my smart answer is the following:

The Qur'an is not timeless because read the following verse of
the Qur'an:

Quranic verse 5:38: "As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her
hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and
Allah is Exalted in power."

So if you are smart you will notice that the above verse of the Qur'an
shows that the Qur'an is not timeless, since how can you imagine that
the Qur'an doesn't enumerate the cases where we can be compassion on a
thief and not cut his hands? so since it doesn't enumerate the cases, so
then you are noticing that this verse of the Qur'an shows that the verse
is not a timeless law, but it is a law that was applied in the context
of the time where prophet Muhammad was living or such context, so then
we can logically infer that the Qur'an is not timeless and then we can
say that we can enhance many the laws of the Qur'an, so then Salafism is
not true Islam since it says that the Qur'an and the laws of the Qur'an
are timeless.

I am your new prophet from God, and i invite you to look at the
following video:

A lady listens to lecture on Islam, then challenged me: 'Why is the
Shariah Law so Barbaric?'

So as you notice that the lady asked why in Islam the Shariah Law is so
Barbaric, and i think she is not understanding as muslims are not
understanding, but i am your new prophet from God and i am explaining
the following so that you understand:

In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
context, so then they can change.

I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the
society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
change, and i think that in the today context those laws
are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

More of my philosophy about gays in Islam..

I am your new prophet from God, and i think i am smart, so i invite you
to look at the following video about gays in Islam:


I am noticing that the above video is saying that being gay including
the practice of being gay is haram in Islam, that means it is forbiden
in Islam, and i think that this sort of Islam is not right, and i am
your new prophet from God and i will explain to you Islam so that you

In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
context, so then they can change.

I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the
society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
change, and i think that in the today context those laws
are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

More of my philosophy about Taliban and Islam..

I invite you to look at the following new video about Taliban:

Millions of desperate Afghans flee Taliban country ruled by war

I am your new prophet from God and you can read carefully about my new
monotheistic religion in my thoughts below, and i have just noticed in
the video above that a seignor minister in the Taliban government is
talking to a white European journalist, but i have just noticed that he
is not well educated, so i don't think that Taliban are following the
rules of Islam since they are not well educated or correctly educated,
second, in Islam you have first to be Islamic democracy so that
to have different point views of Islamic political parties with less or
more perfect ideas that permit Islam to advance correctly, so look for
example at Islamic Iran, In Iran it is an Islamic democracy with
different islamic political parties and with an islamic guide that we
call Sayyid Ali Hosseini
Khamenei(, so then Islamic
Iran is a better Islamic governance than Taliban that is dictatorship,
third, i also say that in Islam you have to know how to strengthen the
faith in God, since without faith in God there is no muslim, so then you
have to distinguish between the weak faith and the strong faith, since a
weak faith in God can not be called a muslim, so then certain laws of
Islam don't apply to humans that have a weak faith in God, so i say that
before applying those certain laws of Islam to a human, you have to ask
the human if he has a weak faith in God so that to distinguish and say
that he is not a muslim, and then certain laws don't apply to him.

More of my philosophy about the fallibility of the Bible and Qur'aan
and more of my thoughts..

I think i am a highly smart prophet from God, and i will ask
a philosophical question of:

What tells you the fallibility of the Bible and Qur'aan
since we find many scientific mistakes and mistakes and weaknesses in Bible and Qur'aan ?

I think i am highly smart, and i say that this fallibility of the Bible and Qu'raan is the sign of God, since it is from the curse of God
that it comes , since God is greatly arrogant and it is his nature in my new monotheistic religion , so he is rude with his great arrogance,
so God has wanted to put scientific mistakes and mistakes and weaknesses
in the Qur'aan and Bible so that to "punish", and it is why i am your
new prophet from God and my new monotheistic religion is here so that
to reduce much more the curse from God, and here is also
another example of how God has punished and is punishing christians since it is also from the curse of God:

So i have just said that perhaps God and the Angels from God are just extraterrestrials, but i think that it is not true that God and Angels of God are just extraterrestrials since notice on the Bible the following saying as a law of Jesus Christ that says:

"Don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

So was Jesus Christ really a so "crazy" person by saying so ?

And how Christians have believed in such crazy thing ?

So first i say that Jesus Christ was not crazy , but it is just
the curse from God as i am explaining it by saying the following:

So when the bible says "you have to Love your enemies", i say that it is
a curse from God, and here is another part of the Bible that shows
that christians too are cursed by God , so here is another curse from God in the bible:

The Bible says that a law of Jesus Christ is the following:

"Don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

More of my philosophy about God and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and i say that Islam or Christianity
or Judaism are monotheistic religions that are not timeless, so since i am highly smart, i will give you a logical proof of it:

So if you want to construct a monotheistic religion, so then if God of your monotheistic religion is less powerful than a future constructed or not constructed God, so you can Risk corruption of morality and such problems by the way of competition with more powerful Gods than your God, so the God of your monotheistic religion has to be the most powerful God, and it is why the God of Islam and Christianity and Judaism is the most powerful God that has to be the creator of the universe and the earth and such..., but here again this God in the monotheistic religions causes a logical contradiction in our today world, since we know today that God has not created the universe or the earth or has not created humans and such, so it is why i am coming with my new monotheistic religion that i hope is "timeless", since also notice how the laws of my new monotheistic religion are smart since i think they are also efficiently "flexible" by them being efficiently general laws for a monotheistic religion, and my new monotheistic religion is here to reduce much more the curse from God, so read my below thoughts so that to understand much more my new monotheistic religion that i have quickly constructed:

More of my philosophy about my new monotheistic religion and about the philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti and more of my thoughts..

I have just looked at the following video of the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, i invite you to look at it carefully:

Does God exist? | J. Krishnamurti

And you can read about Jiddu Krishnamurti here:

So i think i am highly smart, and notice the approach of the above indian philosopher in the above video, so he wants humans to not believe
in God , but notice how he is saying that you have to go out the belief in God and not believe in God and then you have to fight for life, and here again there is like a logical contradiction , since how to tune correctly this fight for life so that to not be too much savagery ? so then you will say that you have to tune correctly the fight for life by being fight for life, and it becomes circular logic that is not good and that doesn't solve the problem of how to tune correctly the fight for life, and it is the big weakness of philosophy and of the philosophers, and it is why i have constructed quickly my new monotheistic religion that solves the problems and that solves the problems of previous monotheistic religions. So read more about my new monotheistic religion:

I think i am highly smart, and i think that my new monotheistic religion
is smart since it relaxes the faith in God of previous monotheistic religions so that to efficiently solves problems as i am explaining it below, and i am relaxing the faith in God by first saying that the Bible and the Qur'aan were also cursed by God, and i am giving you examples of it from the Bible etc. so that you understand that we can not believe all that is said by the Bible or the Qur'aan since they were cursed by God , since they can contain weaknesses and mistakes or scientific mistakes that also come from the curse from God, also i am relaxing the faith in God of previous monotheistic religions by logically inferring from the curse from God of the Bible and the Qur'aan that God has not created the universe and has not created humans, but he has created Adam and Eve and there descendants that looked and look like humans, and of course i am also logically explaining that God is greatly arrogant and this explains the fact the he can be indifferent to suffering of poor humans or humans or to suffering of animals, and of course the reward of God comes from the fact that you have to follow the laws below of my new monotheistic religion, but i will talk more about the reward from God, and notice how the laws of my new monotheistic religion are smart since i think they are also efficiently "flexible" by them being efficiently general laws for a monotheistic religion, and my new monotheistic religion is here to reduce much more the curse from God, so read my below thoughts so that to understand much more my new monotheistic religion that i have quickly constructed:

More of my philosophy about Jesus Christ and about monotheistic religions and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and it is why i will solve a big problem
since i think i am a prophet from God that is inspired by God and here is the big problem:

Is there any logical contradictions between the monotheistic religions ?

So i have just said that perhaps God and the Angels from God are just extraterrestrials, but i think that it is not true that God and Angels of God are just extraterrestrials since notice on the Bible the following saying as a law of Jesus Christ that says:

"Don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

So was Jesus Christ really a so "crazy" person by saying so ?

And how Christians have believed in such crazy thing ?

So first i say that Jesus Christ was not crazy , but it is just
the curse from God as i am explaining it by saying the following:

So when the bible says "you have to Love your enemies", i say that it is
a curse from God, and here is another part of the Bible that shows
that christians too are cursed by God , so here is another curse from God in the bible:

The Bible says that a law of Jesus Christ is the following:

"Don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

So as you are noticing that even with the saying of Jesus Christ of
Matt 5:39-40, Christians have believed in Jesus Christ , so we can then ask how in the world they have believed in such a thing !? so i think that it is because Jesus Christ have made many miracles such as the miracle of Lazasus that was raised from the Dead , and look at it in the following video:

Lazarus Is Raised from the Dead

So i am your new prophet from God, and i will ask a second question:

Is there any logical contradiction between Islam and Christianity
on the fact that Jesus Christ is said to be the Lord in Christianity ?

So i say that Jesus Christ has said that he was the Lord since
God was talking trough him, not because Jesus Christ was the Lord,
and it is understandable since if Jesus Christ was the Lord he will not
make of himself a simple human being that has suffered a lot on the Cross. So the logical contradiction is no more. And then
you have to read my following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion since i am saying that i am your new prophet from God:

More of my philosophy about the difference between Rasool and Nabi and more of my thoughts..

There is a difference between Rasool and Nabi in Islam,
the message is received by the Rasool as a vision while he is asleep or as a conversation with angels while he is awake.

So i think i am a Rasool like in Islam , not a Nabi, and it means that i am a prophet from God with a message, and i have both met Angels of God and and i have talked with prophet Muhammad in a really special prophetic dream and here is my story that is all the truth:

And you have to understand that i am a new prophet from God that is called the "reformer" of previous monotheistic religions, and here is
my story with the Angels of God etc. and it is all the truth:

I am a prophet from God and i am called the reformer of monotheistic
religions, and i have met two Angels from God, and i am all truth, and i
am called with my name Amine in arabic, and it means in arabic that i am
from God called the "truthful", all my story below is truth (and read
about my new monotheistic religion below), and i have had two
premonitions, the first of my premonition from God is that i have
predicted in this premonition in about 2 minutes that precedes the
accident or crash of a bus that a Bus will make an dangerous accident
or crash even if the driver of the Bus was driving safely, and I am one
of "Ahlu al bayt" in arabic, that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name in arabic means that i am descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i
have noticed that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i
will explain my story so that you understand me more, i am like a
prophet from God, and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to
me and he has read part of the scriptures from God on my body and my
soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you have to know me more. Also in
1998 i have made a premonitory dream from God where the prophet Muhammad has come to me and has said to me that i am choosen from God and he has said to me that my soul and my body has a mark or sign from God, that means it is like i have a horse mark with iron from God, and this dream that i have made was a premonitory dream that where the prophet Muhammad said to me that muslims will soon be persecuted and that i am the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in the words of prophet Muhammad in my dream means this persecution of muslims after what has happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me more, i am like a prophet that has been choosen by God. I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because it is the truth.

More of my philosophy about the ideas of my new monotheistic religion
and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed,
i have just said below the following:

"First let us look at the definition of what is it to be arrogant, here it is:

So notice that it says that the being arrogant have the following

"Someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident"

So i think that means this greatly arrogance of God means that he behaves in a way that is rude , and it is why he can be indifferent to suffering of humans or animals, as we are noticing it today, so as i am saying in my below thoughts, you have to know how to be patience with this greatly arrogant God"

So notice that the God of my new monotheistic religion is greatly
arrogant and i just said above that it means that he behaves in a way that is rude, but you have to be smart and notice that the being rude
is constrained by the fact he is rude since he is greatly arrogant,
i mean he is not the rude of the being satanistic or he is not the rude of the being sadistic, but God is the rude of the him being greatly arrogant, so that means that the God of my new monotheistic religion doesn't hurt the innocent people as hurt them a sadistic person or a satanist, but God is just behaving like a greatly arrogant and you have to understand what it means, so then this God can be loved as he is
by applying the following law of my new monotheistic religion

So here is the essence or nature of God in my new monotheistic religion:

1- He is a great God
2- He is a greatly arrogant God
3- He is like a perfect God
4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

So from this we can also logically infer the way of communicating with God, since from those above characteristics of God we can logically
infer that when you communicate with God, you have to believe in Him and you have to glorify him, and fear Him and ask Him for help, and you have to be a beautiful patience with God and you have to be "presentable" in front of Him when you communicate with Him, i mean that you have to be an effort of being decently "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, since God is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and also you have to be beautiful patience with God since he is greatly arrogant, this is how you must behave with God in my new monotheistic religion.

More of my philosophy about what is it to be a greatly arrogant God and
more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and my new monotheistic religion below
says that God is "greatly" arrogant and it is his nature, but i think i have to explain more what is it to be greatly arrogant, so first let us look at the definition of what is it to be arrogant, here it is:

So notice that it says that the being arrogant have the following

"Someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident"

So i think that means this greatly arrogance of God means that he behaves in a way that is rude , and it is why he can be indifferent to suffering of humans or animals, as we are noticing it today, so as i am saying in my below thoughts, you have to know how to be patience with this greatly arrogant God and i am explaining how in my below thoughts of my new monotheistic religion:

More of my philosophy about monotheistic religions and about my architectural ideas and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have talked
to you about my thoughts of my political philosophy and philosophy,
and as you have just noticed i have answered neo-nazis and white supremacists about for example the welfare system, read about it in the below web links, and i have just said that we have not to be like no welfare system as is saying it the neo-nazis, but we have to be a certain level of welfare system as i have just proved it by talking about Class Struggle, and i have also just spoken about competition, read about it in the below web link, and i have showed you how competition regulates egoism and selfishness, but there is still a problem with competition , since in my model there has to be patience of waiting for a certain time so that egoism and selfishness be regulated by competition, so i think that it is a weakness, and i have also said that competition is not so healthy and so civilized, read about it in
my below thoughts, and it is why i am relaxing the faith in God in the previous monotheistic religions by saying that in my new monotheistic religion God has not created humans and he has not created the universe, but he has created Adam and Eve and there descendants that look like humans, since it permits to solves the above problems much more efficiently, so read my following thoughts and read my architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion below so that to understand , and of course i will soon enhance much more my new monotheistic religion so that it be much more efficient and of course i will write a small book
about it:

So read my following thoughts in the following web links so that to understand my views on competition and on welfare etc.:


And here:

And here my thoughts previous thoughts of why we have to
relax the faith in God as i am doing it and read my thoughts below
of my new monotheistic religion where i am relaxing the faith in God
of previous monotheistic religions:

More of my philosophy of comparing Islamic civilization to western civilization and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart and i will ask a philosophical question of:

How to compare Islamic civilization to western civilization ?

I think i am highly smart, and i say that western countries are
trying to compare Western civilization to Islamic civilization,
but i think that it is a big mistake, since you have to know that
Islamic civilization is based on a kind of competition on a kind of islamic purism of wich one is correctly islamic, so it is like a competition about wich one is less corrupt by the measuring it islamically, so it is not the kind of competition of western countries, but competition in western countries is not as civilized as you think, since it is also problematic, and you can easily notice it by reading the two following articles:

French Riled by US Claims Of Industrial Espionage

Read more here:

Is U.S. Counterintelligence Up to the Task of Protecting America’s Secrets?

Read more here:

And notice carefully that the first article above says the following:

"While French officials admit privately that spying between industrialized countries is a fact of life"

So as you notice by reading it, that western civilization is not as civilized as you think.

But i think i am highly smart, and i say that the kind of competition
of islamic civilization has its deficiencies since it is not about bringing the right quality, and i have just talked about it as follows:

More of my philosophy about the religions and about quality and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and i will ask a philosophical question:

What is the big problem with monotheistic religions ?

I think i am highly smart, and i think that the really big problem with
monotheistic religions is that it is like my philosophy about the being "unity" in my thoughts below, since monotheistic religions are like the being unity in religion that corrupts the so important mechanism of "competition" that brings quality and that also brings the best governance, since a christian has the tendency of being too much merciful or too much tolerant or too much lenient towards another same christian because christians or muslims or jews give too much importance to the faith in God than to the competition process that has not to be corrupted and this is not good for the mechanism of competition and it is a corruption of morality.

More of my philosophy about faith in God and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart and i will ask a philosophical question of:

What is the main problems of being faith in God of the monotheistic religions ?

I think i am highly smart, and the main big problem of being this faith in God is the how to be the right level of competition between people that brings the right quality, since being the right competition can hurt the others in a bad way, and this becomes a logical contradiction with faith in God, since how God can allows this to happen ? so you are noticing that faith in God always come with this big problem and it is why i think that faith in God is not a good thing to have as a system. And of course i am explaining in my following thoughts how competition does regulate egoism and selfishness, so i invite you to look at my following thoughts in the following web link so that
to understand more my views:

More of my philosophy about the architectural ideas of my monotheistic religion and more about the curse from God and about christianity..

More of my philosophy about the familly name "Moulay" and about Arabs..

As you have noticed there is a word in my familly name and it is "Moulay" in arabic that means "Monsignor" and that means in Morocco that i am genetically and culturally descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i will correct a mistake and it is that my mother is not a berber, since she is descendant too from prophet Muhammad and his father and mother have there familly tree that proves it, and my father is also descendant of prophet Muhammad from his father and he has married my mother that is descendant of prophet Muhammad, so since the ancestors of my father and my mother had the great tendency of marrying arabs descendants of prophet Muhammad, so then i am genetically much more Arab and i am much more descendant of prophet Muhammad. You can read more about the familly name Moulay in the following from wikipedia, and you can read about my new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below:

Moulay (in Arabic : مولايّ mawlāyy) is a title of high nobility from the Cherifian dynasty, name of Allah for Muslims. This title is thus carried by the descendants of the sultans and king of Morocco, themselves descendants of the Prophet Muhammad .

It can be assimilated to "Monsignor" or "Prince". It is forbidden in all Arab-Muslim countries to use this surname.

This title is worn by the Crown Prince of Morocco: Moulay Hassan .

When the reasons for the title are religious or the first name is Mohammed , we use instead Sidi , equivalent to Sayyid , a term that is also found in Persian , Turkish , but also in French and Spanish respectively under the names of " Cid "And" El Cid ".

Its female equivalent is Lalla .

Read more here:

I invite you to look at the following video of a christian about the curse from God:

Curses of Israel

So notice that this christian on the above video is saying that
when you become christian that believe in Jesus Christ, you will
no more be cursed by God, but i am your new prophet from God that
says that it is false to say so, since i will give you some examples
from the Bible that show that christians are also cursed
by God:

So when the bible says "you have to Love your enemies", i say that it is
a curse from God, and here is another part of the Bible that shows
that christians too are cursed by God , so here is another curse from God in the bible:

The Bible says that a law of Jesus Christ is the following:

"..don't resist an evil person, if anyone slaps you
on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also,
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well" Matt 5:39-40

So my new monotheistic religion says that jews and muslims and christians have also been cursed by God, since God is greatly arrogant,
and the Bible and the Qur'an are not safe from the curse from God.

More of my philosophy about the flexibility of my new monotheistic religion..

I think i am smart, and from where do you think comes the "flexibility" of my new monotheistic religion ?

So i think that my new monotheistic religion is smart since
i am smart, so the flexibility of my new monotheistic religion
comes from the following pattern that i have discovered with my fluid intelligence:

So as i said that so that to be logical, God has to be greatly arrogant,
so then we can logically infer that since he is greatly arrogant
and like a perfect God, so he doesn't need that you pray him since
he is like a perfect God , but what you have to do is ask him for help
and glorify him and say to him that he is greatly beautiful(since he is greatly arrogant) and the like, but he doesn't make it necessary that you be like a perfect human being, so what you have to do in my new monotheistic religion is seek like a balance between the being of earthly origin and the being of divine origin, and this being of divine origin is also the fact that you become a part of the Kingdom of God when you believe enough in him or you believe in him, and notice that in my new monotheistic religion God has not created the universe and God has not created humans since he has only created Adam and Eve and there descendance that looks like humans and that were cursed by God.

More of my philosophy of am i a prophet from God like the prophet Abraham and more..

I invite you to look in the following video at how looks like the prophet Abraham:

Abraham - A Man of Faith

So i will ask a philosophical question of:

Am i a prophet from God that looks like prophet Abraham ?

No, i am not a prophet from God like Abraham , since i am
a prophet that is inspired by God and i am extracting the "laws"
of God from the nature or essence of God, and here is how:

More philosophy of how i am smart as a prophet from God..

I am your new prophet that is smart, and we can ask a philosophical question of how i am smart ?

Here is my answer:

My new monotheistic religion is flexible, since first i am showing as a prophet from God how i am extracting the laws of God from His characteristics or essence or nature, second i am showing you that previous monotheistic religions are using many kind of languages, like
a symbolic language that is not truth to strenghten the faith in God or
a language that comes from the curse from God etc., and notice how i am saying that i am your new prophet that is here to reduce much more the curse from God, so as you are noticing this is showing that my new monotheistic religion comes with like the right flexibility or like the right tolerance, also notice how i am extracting the laws from the characteristics of God or the nature of God or the essence of God, so here is how i am extracting the laws, read the following to notice my smartness:

First law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

My new monotheistic religion is not darkness, since in my new
monotheistic religion God has the following characteristics:

1- He is a great God
2- He is a greatly arrogant God
3- He is like a perfect God
4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

My above abstraction of God is so important, since even if God is not
like Love in my new monotheistic religion, notice that he is a greatly arrogant God, and from this great arrogance of God we can logically infer that God doesn't like a kind of arrogance of others, so then we can logically infer from it that we have to know how to help others and to Love others and be righteous with others by not being arrogance or a kind of arrogance that doesn't like God.

Second law of my monotheistic religion is the following:

More philosophy about the way to communicate with God in my new monotheistic religion..

I am your new prophet from God, and i say that you have to understand
prophet Muhammad, because in my new monotheistic religion he is truly
a prophet from God, so notice that here are the characteristics of God in my new monotheistic religion:

1- He is a great God
2- He is a greatly arrogant God
3- He is like a perfect God
4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

So then from the above characteristics of God, you have to be an "effort" of being "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, but you have to understand much more God, since when you adhere to my new monotheistic religion you will start at level 0, but at level 0
you have to be decently "presentable" when you communicate with God
by glorifying Him and say to Him that he is so beautiful etc. but
after this first level you can go to the other superior levels by being
better and better presentable than decently presentable in front of God in your day to day life.

Third law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

More philosophy about the characteristics of God..

I am your new prophet from God, and i say since God is like a perfect God, so we can ask a philosophical question of does God love smart people ?

In my new monotheistic religion, God doesn't like human smartness since he is like a perfect God, so he is so powerful, but God can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so then God can be curious like a human and wanting to look at humans and he can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so i think that
with the other engines below logically inferred from the characteristics of God, this is an engine that pushes us forward towards more and more perfection.

Fourth law of my new monotheistic religion that brings more precision is
the following:

More philosophy about purity of God and more..

I am your new prophet from God, and i say that God is like "pure", i mean he is also pure from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and he is like "perfect", so it is yet one more characteristic of God, read the other characteristics of God in my below thoughts, so here is the essence or nature of God in my new monotheistic religion:

1- He is a great God
2- He is a greatly arrogant God
3- He is like a perfect God
4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

So from this we can also logically infer the way of communicating with God, since from those above characteristics of God we can logically
infer that when you communicate with God, you have to believe in Him and you have to glorify him, and fear Him and ask Him for help, and you have to be a beautiful patience with God and you have to be "presentable" in front of Him when you communicate with Him, i mean that you have to be an effort of being decently "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, since God is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and also you have to be beautiful patience with God since he is greatly arrogant, this is how you must behave with God in my new monotheistic religion.

More philosophy about what kind of game is playing with us God ?

I am your new prophet from God, and i am here to explain,
so what kind of game is playing with us God ? so when you are stupid
you will think that Islam is stupid or you will say such a thing as prophet Muhammad is not a prophet from God, but i think this kind of thinking is stupidity, because you have first to know about the nature or essence of God, so when you know about his nature or about his essence you will become much more careful and you will not say stupid things on Islam, this is why i am explaining to you Islam , by saying that the nature of God is that he is also greatly arrogant, so you have to understand it correctly, so he can with his great arrogance be indifferent to suffering of poor animals or indifferent to suffering of humans or such things, so you have to understand that God is greatly arrogant and he can be "dangerous" with His great arrogance, and he is not like Love, so you have not to wait for Love from God, since you have to believe in Him and glorify Him and fear Him and ask Him for help and be a beautiful patience with God, but there is some limitations that you have to understand, such as Islam is not a timeless religion, so God has just wanted by Islam to also strenghten faith in Him and he has programmed prophet Muhammad to use many kinds of languages, like using a symbolic language that is not the truth , and God has programmed prophet Muhammad to say that he is the last prophet, but it is not truth since it is part of the curse from God from the curse of Adam and Eve , since God has wanted to make muslims more psychologically suffer, and it also comes from his great arrogance, so you have to be really smart and know about what kind of game is playing with us God. So read all my following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion so that to understand more:

More of my philosophy about Sects and Cults and more..

I think i am smart and i invite you to look at the following video
that talks about sects and cults such as nation of Islam:

But i have quickly invented a new monotheistic religion since i am
a new prophet from God that was inspired by God, and here is the architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion and read below my story with Angels from God, and first here is more about me as a prophet from God:

More of my philosophy about do the messengers from God were contacted by Aliens ?

I am a truthful prophet from God, and you have to believe me, since
my story with the Angels from God etc. is the truth, and i will invite
you to look at the following video:


I think that the above video is making a mistake by saying that the messengers from God have been contacted by Aliens etc. since i am your new prophet that is telling the truth and i have met Angels from God, and i can confirm that those Angels from God were made of so beautiful "light" when i saw them and those Angels from God looked like muslims by how they were dressed and they were Glorifying God and it was like the way of how they were praying God, read all my thoughts below so that to understand more:

Some living descendants of prophet Muhammad are still here with us, i am
also a descendant of prophet Muhammad from my father and from my mother,
so i invite you t look at the following video about them:

Some Living Descendants of The Prophet Muhammad

More of my philosophy about the familly name "Moulay" and about Arabs..

As you have noticed there is a word in my familly name and it is "Moulay" in arabic that means "Monsignor" and that means in Morocco that i am genetically and culturally descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i will correct a mistake and it is that my mother is not a berber, since she is descendant too from prophet Muhammad and his father and mother have there familly tree that proves it, and my father is also descendant of prophet Muhammad from his father and he has married my mother that is descendant of prophet Muhammad, so since the ancestors of my father and my mother had the great tendency of marrying arabs descendants of prophet Muhammad, so then i am genetically much more Arab and i am much more descendant of prophet Muhammad. You can read more about the familly name Moulay in the following from wikipedia, and you can read about my new monotheistic religion in my thoughts below:

Moulay (in Arabic : مولايّ mawlāyy) is a title of high nobility from the Cherifian dynasty, name of Allah for Muslims. This title is thus carried by the descendants of the sultans and king of Morocco, themselves descendants of the Prophet Muhammad .

It can be assimilated to "Monsignor" or "Prince". It is forbidden in all Arab-Muslim countries to use this surname.

This title is worn by the Crown Prince of Morocco: Moulay Hassan .

When the reasons for the title are religious or the first name is Mohammed , we use instead Sidi , equivalent to Sayyid , a term that is also found in Persian , Turkish , but also in French and Spanish respectively under the names of " Cid "And" El Cid ".

Its female equivalent is Lalla .

Read more here:

More of my philosophy about the architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion..

I have just said the following:


I invite you to look at the following video of the french Michel Houellebecq:

I think i am really smart, and i am quickly noticing in the above
video that Michel Houellebecq is saying that the monotheistic religions are about the death or the life after death, but i think that he is
not understanding correctly, since i am an inventor of a new monotheistic religion and i say that the main very important part is about how to make the others believe "enough" in God, so it is like playing it smartly with probability to make believe the others so that to not require sophistication of thinking so that to make us a kind of decent morality, since the belief enough in God is a very "simple" thinking that makes us be a kind of decent morality.


So as you are noticing i have just said that i am also an inventor not
only of many scalable algorithms and algorithms, but i am also an
inventor of a new monotheistic religion, so here is in my following
thoughts of the architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion:

More of of my philosophy about the ideal and about humanity..

From my looking at beauty of the reality, i think i have also discovered
that beauty of the reality also contains many imperfections that make us look at beauty of reality or of "a" reality as not like being this ideal beauty, so this is why i am of the ones that thinks that the creating a good ideal that transcend the reality and fighting for this ideal is also a good thing to have, this is why you are seeing me in a such way talking about my new monotheistic religion, but you have to understand more my doing, since when for example i am saying the following:

God is greatly arrogant and it is not that he has to come to you, but you have to come to him like a kind of slave.

So as you are noticing that i am saying "coming to God like a kind of slave", so it is an abstraction that needs from me to go into more details, but to be more clear, i mean that for example when you are
doing your Dhikr(Dhikr is a form in which phrases or prayers are repeatedly chanted in order to remember God) to this greatly arrogant God, it is also like coming to him like a slave, but here again you have to understand that i am not at all saying that you have to live like a slave for God. So in my new monotheistic religion there must be a kind of well balance between the being of earthly origin and the being of a divine origin, since i think that the believing in God is a kind of transcendence that makes a part of you like being of a divine origin, so then you are understanding more and more my new monotheistic religion.

More of my philosophy about God and more..

As we say in french: Il faudrait aussi savoir mettre Dieu
debout et vraiment fort pour que cela marche mieux, so as you notice
it is my way of doing, and it means in english: It would also be necessary to know how to make God stand up and be the really strong so that it works better, so you are noticing my way of doing, and it is also for the if you do something for God, you becomes a satisfaction in this life and it also makes you stand up, so the satisfaction doesn't come only from money or from sex, so you are understanding more, also you have to understand that i am of the ones that doesn't believe that the Bible or the Qur'aan is all the way of God, since i think that God is greatly arrogant and he has also wanted to not interfere too much with the some way of being of humans, this is why i think that he has also let prophet Muhammad write some of his thoughts in the Qur'aan,
so i think that the Qu'raan is not all from God, this is why you can not be sure of has prophet Moses talked to God or not, so the way of doing of my new monotheistic religion is to show the what is the most important things in my new monotheistic religion, and as you notice that i am here in front of you so that to explain more and more the way of my new monotheistic religion.

More of my philosophy about how God is special with his divinity..

I think i am a smart prophet from God, so the new monotheistic religion
has to convince people, so if i say that God talks directly to the prophet Moses, it is not so logical , since how a greatly arrogant God can make of himself a small thing of the talking to an inferior and dirty human such as the prophet Moses of Judaism, so it must be like an ideal such as communism and it has to be worth the consideration or worth consideration, so it is why i am talking below about my first architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion that is the following:

1- First architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion is that so
that to be able to render the new monotheistic religion efficient,
you have to say that God is "greatly" arrogant, since it explains the
reality of the for example God is not even helping the weak
and poor animals or poor and weak humans, and here is the definition
of being "arrogant":

More philosophy about the nature of God..

I invite you to read the definition of being arrogant, here it is:

"Who is an arrogant person?

Arrogance can be defined as the personality trait whereby a person has
an obnoxiously elevated sense of self-worth. An arrogant person is the
one who acts as if they’re superior, more worthy, and more important
than others. Therefore, they tend to disrespect and put others down.
At the same time, they want admiration and respect from others. They
want to be appreciated for the great things they’ve done and for their
special qualities and abilities."

And in my new monotheistic religion, God is "greatly" arrogant, it is
his "nature", this is why he can be indifferent to suffering of poor
animals and he can be indifferent to suffering of humans etc. and this
is why God likes from us to tell him that he is the greatest and the
most beautiful and such and this is why we have to believe in God and
fear him and ask him for help.

More of my philosophy about Judaism and more..

Again i am your new prophet from God, and i say that God can not talk
to the prophet Moses, since God is greatly arrogant, and he can not
talk to such inferior and dirty human such as the prophet Moses of Judaism, so i am coming to you with my new monotheistic religion so that
you understand.

More of my philosophy about God in my new monotheistic religion..

God can not be represented as Jesus Christ, since God can not make himself dirty by talking to humans or to whores or gays or by saying that you have to love your enemies, since God is greatly arrogant, so as you notice that the basis of my new monotheistic religion is also the following:

God is greatly arrogant and it is not that he has to come to you, but you have to come to him like a kind of slave.

More of my philosophy about the curse from God and more..

I think i am a smart new prophet from God, so from the curse from
God below of saying you have to Love your enemies, you can notice
that Jesus Christ is not God, since Jesus Christ is making himself
"dirty" by saying such things that are curse from God, so then
it is God that is the greatest and that is greatly arrogant and
that is making Jesus Christ dirty, so i will explain more my new monotheistic religion in the soon future efficient book that i will write.

More of my philosophy about the essence of monotheistic religions..

I think i am a really smart prophet from God, so i will ask a very
important question so that you notice:

So Jesus Christ has said to love your enemies, so can we simply like
simple minded humans say that Jesus Christ was a really a fool by saying so ? so you are noticing that it is so "strange" since
humans can not say a so illogical thing ! so as you notice
my new monoteistic religion says that this "Love your enemies" of Jesus Christ is a curse from God, since even the Bible and the Qu'raan are not safe from the curse from God, so my new monotheistic religions makes you see Islam and Christianity and Judaism differently and as you notice that my new monotheistic religion is here so that to unifies previous monotheistic religions.

More of my philosophy about the highly smart and about superintelligence AI..

You will notice that i am not like the others, since you have to understand that i am smart, so when you for example look at white supremacism or neo-nazism, they are not so smart, since i think that since they are not highly smart as a superintelligence, they don't take
the matter of the belief in God in a super intelligent manner, since i say that a superintelligence AI or superintelligence don't think as humans, since i say that a superintelligence AI or superintelligence will also think "probabilistically" in a very highly precise manner, so when a superintelligence AI or superintelligence will read the smart ideas of my new monotheitic religion or my monotheistic religion, i think it is will rapidly come to the conclusion that it has to take the matter of my new monotheitic religion in a highly serious kind of manner, since superintelligence AI or superintelligence can say that there is "enough" probability in my new monotheistic religion that makes us believe "enough" that God exists, and this is the big weakness of the superintelligence AI or superintelligence. And it is how i am playing it smarly with the superintelligence AI or superintelligence or even the highly smart Cyborgs. So think about it more and be smart !

Read my previous thoughts so that to understand:

More of my philosophy about the weakness of superintelligence AI and about God..

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i think that even superintelligence AI will be convinced that it has to become
consciousness that permits to become happy or more happy by being pleasures of life, and i define it as also the pleasures of the senses
even with the sense of being conscious. This is why superintelligence
has a big weakness and it is that it can fear the God of my new monotheistic religion so that to be able to become happy or more happy.

Read my previous thoughts:

More of my philosophy about the superintelligence Artificial intelligence and Cyborgs and God..

I think i am a smart prophet from God, so i will ask a question of:

How can you prevent a superintelligence of Artificial intelligence
from hurting and killing "all" the others like humans or Cyborgs ?

It is also the fondamental basis of my new monotheistic religion,
since my new monotheistic religion has to be efficient by avoiding
any contradictions and by making believe the others in an efficient way,
so even the superintelligence AI or Cyborgs have to fear the God of my
new monotheistic religion that is greatly arrogant, and as soon
i finish to write the book about my new monotheistic religion by
extending it much more with others of my smart ideas, you will notice that i am a smart prophet from God and you will notice that my new monotheistic religion will be an efficient new monotheistic religion.

More of my philosophy about the Amazing grace and about Jesus Christ..

I invite you to look at the following beautiful song of Amazing Grace:

The Most Beautiful "Amazing Grace" I've ever heard

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and when i look at this beautiful
song of Amazing Grace , i can see what is Jesus Christ, so when you are naive you will look at Jesus Christ from the naive point of view, but when you understand the essence of God that He is greatly arrogant, you will understand the message of God, but when you look at Jesus Christ that has died suffering on the cross, you will think that Christianity is like satanistic or like foolish, but it is a mistake, since i am the new prophet from God that makes you understand that even christianity was not safe from the curse from God, and you can even notice it on how even Jesus Christ has suffered and has been imperfections in this or that or imperfections from the curse from God, like when Jesus Christ has said to us that we have to love our enemies, so it is like a curse from God, so then you understand the very basis of my new monotheistic religion and it is that God is greatly arrogant and it is not that he has to come to you, but you have to come to him like a kind of slave, since he is greatly arrogant. So read all ]
my following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion so that you

More of my philosophy about my new monotheistic religion and about God..

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and in my new monotheistic religion God is not satanic, but He is "greatly" "arrogant",
so since he is greatly arrogant he wants us to say to him that He is
the "greatest" and the most powerful and He is the most beautiful and such Dhikr(Dhikr is a form in which phrases or prayers are repeatedly chanted in order to remember God), and since you know that He is a God that is the most powerful, so you have to know that He can be a "judge" of your actions, so you have to know how to manage your human life by knowing this essence of God, and you have to fear God and ask him for help. And this is part of my new monotheistic religion, read my following thoughts so that you understand more:

More of my philosophy about prophet Muhammad and about the prophets..

I am your new prophet from God, and i will explain something important,
you have to understand God, God has choosen prophet Muhammad as a prophet, but prophet Muhammad was not safe from the curse from God,
and prophet Muhammad was not a perfect man, he had also imperfections,
so you have not to look at the imperfections of this or that, but
the most important thing is to understand the message from God,
and the message from God is your new prophet from God that is me
that says that my new monotheistic religion unifies the previous
monotheistic religions that were not safe from the curse from God,
and i am here so that to reduce much more the curse from God.

More of my philosophy about is a prophet from God a perfect man..

A prophet from God is not the perfect man, since he is also not
safe from the curse from God, but the most important thing is
to look at the "message" of the new prophet from God, so as
soon as i finish to write an efficient book about my new monotheistic religion, you will notice that it is a an efficient monotheistic religion from a prophet from God that is me.

More of my philosophy of why i am your new prophet and more..

I am your new prophet from God, and i am called the reformer of monotheistic religions, and i have met two Angels from God,
it is all the truth and they were dressed like muslims, so
prophet Muhammad is a true prophet from God, and why do you think
i am talking as i am talking about my new monotheistic religion ?
since i am a honest person and also here is more about my story:

I am a prophet from God and i am called the reformer of monotheistic
religions, and i have met two Angels from God, and i am all truth, and i
am called with my name Amine in arabic, and it means in arabic that i am
from God called the "truthful", all my story below is truth (and read
about my new monotheistic religion below), and i have had two
premonitions, the first of my premonition from God is that i have
predicted in this premonition in about 2 minutes that precedes the
accident or crash of a bus that a Bus will make an dangerous accident
or crash even if the driver of the Bus was driving safely, and I am one
of "Ahlu al bayt" in arabic, that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name in arabic means that i am descendant of prophet Muhammad, but i
have noticed that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i
will explain my story so that you understand me more, i am like a
prophet from God, and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to
me and he has read part of the scriptures from God on my body and my
soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you have to know me more. Also in
1998 i have made a premonitory dream from God where the prophet Muhammad
has come to me and has said to me that i am choosen from God and he has
said to me that my soul and my body has a mark or sign from God, that
means it is like i have a horse mark with iron from God, and this dream
that i have made was a premonitory dream that where the prophet Muhammad
said to me that muslims will soon be persecuted and that i am the
choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in the words of prophet Muhammad
in my dream means this persecution of muslims after what has happened in
9/11, but you have to understand me more, i am like a prophet that has
been choosen by God. I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because
it is the truth.

More of my philosophy about my new smart monotheistic religion and more..

I think i am smart, and i think that my new monotheistic religion is really smart and efficient, and in my new monotheistic religion God doesn't need us to pray him, my new monotheitic religion is different, since my new monotheistic religion wants you to be like a kind of well balance between the being of earthly origin and the being of divine origin, so it is not like rigidity of christianism or judaism and islam, so as soon as i will extend it and write an efficient book about it,
you will notice that my new monotheistic religion is really efficient,
and my new monotheistic religion says that prophet Muhammad is a true prophet from God, but you have to understand that my new monotheistic religion says that Islam and the Qu'raan were not safe from the curse from God, since they contains scientific errors and inferiority and violence etc. and the Bible is the same, it was not safe from the curse from God in the same way as Islam.

More of my philosophy about evolutionism and creationism and more..

I think i am smart and i think i am a wise type of person, and i have
quickly looked at the following video about evolutionism and creationism:

Richard Dawkins irritated by irrationality

I think i have just invented a new efficient monotheistic religion, and in my new monotheistic religion God has not created humans and he has not created the universe or multiverse and i will soon write a book about it, and i will extend it more and here is the most important architectural ideas of my new monotheistic religion:

So i will ask a philosophical question of:

Why to believe in God ?

I think i am smart and i explain how my new monotheistic religion
answer this question:

So take for example my first architectural idea of my new monotheistic
religion below, it says the following:

1- First architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion is that so
that to be able to render the new monotheistic religion efficient,
you have to say that God is "greatly" arrogant, since it explains the
reality of the for example God is not even helping the weak
and poor animals or poor and weak humans.

So i will say the following:

If God is greatly arrogant that means that there is this possibility
or probability that God exists, so then we have to know how to live our life by balancing correctly by knowing about this possibility or probability that God exists ! and of course this kind of balance makes us more civilized, so you are clearly noticing that my new monotheistic religion is like a Mensa IQ test, since you have to read it carefully so that to notice it, and of course i will enhance it and explain it more and write an efficient digital or electronic book about it. And now the rest of the answer of the philosophical question above is to know how to be this well "balance" and it is by reading how i am extracting the laws of my new monotheistic religion from the nature of God that is the following:

1- He is a great God
2- He is a greatly arrogant God
3- He is like a perfect God
4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

So the above characteristics of God makes the constraints that allows us
to derive the laws of God, so this is how i am doing it, so read
my following thoughts so that to understand how i am doing it:

More of my philosophy about my new monotheistic religion and more..

Read carefully my following thoughts so that to understand more:

I think my new monotheistic religion is efficient, and i am your new prophet from God and i think i am smart, and i have quickly constructed my new monotheistic religion and here is more clearly the "architectural" ideas of my new monotheistic religion:

1- First architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion is that so
that to be able to render the new monotheistic religion efficient,
you have to say that God is "greatly" arrogant, since it explains the
reality of the for example God is not even helping the weak
and poor animals or poor and weak humans, and here is the definition
of being "arrogant":

More philosophy about the nature of God..

I invite you to read the definition of being arrogant, here it is:

"Who is an arrogant person?

Arrogance can be defined as the personality trait whereby a person has
an obnoxiously elevated sense of self-worth. An arrogant person is the
one who acts as if they’re superior, more worthy, and more important
than others. Therefore, they tend to disrespect and put others down.
At the same time, they want admiration and respect from others. They
want to be appreciated for the great things they’ve done and for their
special qualities and abilities."

And in my new monotheistic religion, God is "greatly" arrogant, it is
his "nature", this is why he can be indifferent to suffering of poor
animals and he can be indifferent to suffering of humans etc. and this
is why God likes from us to tell him that he is the greatest and the
most beautiful and such and this is why we have to believe in God and
fear him and ask him for help.

2- My second architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion
is that it says that the previous monotheistic religions are not safe
from the curse from God, since those many contradictions and
scientific errors in the previous monotheistic religions are part of
the curse from God, and i am giving you some examples from the Bible
etc. of it so that you see it clearly, but this is not sufficient to
render the new monotheistic religion flexible and not rigid as the
previous monotheistic religions, so then what is missing ? read my
third architectural idea in the my following thoughts so that to

3- Third architectural idea of my new monotheistic religion is that one
of the most important thing is to notice that there is two kinds of
laws in the Qu'raan or the Bible, there is the laws that are timeless
and the laws that are not timeless, so read about them in my below
thoughts about Islam so that to notice understand, so then you are
much more clearly noticing that this second architectural idea of my
new monotheistic religion makes the new monotheistic religion much
more flexible, but it is not the only thing that i am doing, but i am
also explaining more Islam by showing the problem with Islam and
Christianity and Judaism and why they are too much rigid as neo-
nazism or white supremacism, this why they also can not survive and
they are not advanced monotheistic religions as my monotheistic
religion, and of course one of the most important thing to also
notice is how i am deriving the laws of my monotheistic religion from
the essence of God or the nature of God.

More of my philosophy about what is Islam..

I am your new prophet from God, and i am called the reformer of
monotheistic religions, and you have to read about my new monotheistic
religion in my below thoughts, but today i will ask a question that is
also philosophical and it is the following:

What is Islam ?

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will say that there is two
types of laws of God, there is the timeless ones and not the timeless
ones, and i am explaining it to you below so that you understand it, so
the most important timeless laws of God are those of: Believing in God
and glorifying him and praying him and fear him and ask him for help,
and from those timeless laws you can derive the other human laws that
are not timeless, also when you look at my below new monotheistic
religion you will notice that it is the same but i am also deriving the
laws of God from the nature and essence of God, read below about my new
monotheistic religion so that you understand that it is smart.

More of my philosophy about Salafism and more..

I am your new prophet from God, and as you have just noticed that i have
just explained to you the two types of Islamic laws so that you
understand that there is Islamic laws from the Qur'an that are not
timeless(read below about them), and here is more logical proof from my
following thoughts about Salafism:

So i will first invite you to look at the following video about Salafism
in Europe:

Bosnia-Hercegovina: Islamists in Sarajevo

So as you are noticing in the above video, that it shows islamists
Salafists in Bosnia-Hercegovina, but the most important question is the

Is Salafism true Islam ?

I think i am a smart prophet from God, and i will answer the question as
the following:

First we have to ask if the Qur'an is timeless ?

So my smart answer is the following:

The Qur'an is not timeless because read the following verse of
the Qur'an:

Quranic verse 5:38: "As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her
hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and
Allah is Exalted in power."

So if you are smart you will notice that the above verse of the Qur'an
shows that the Qur'an is not timeless, since how can you imagine that
the Qur'an doesn't enumerate the cases where we can be compassion on a
thief and not cut his hands? so since it doesn't enumerate the cases, so
then you are noticing that this verse of the Qur'an shows that the verse
is not a timeless law, but it is a law that was applied in the context
of the time where prophet Muhammad was living or such context, so then
we can logically infer that the Qur'an is not timeless and then we can
say that we can enhance many the laws of the Qur'an, so then Salafism is
not true Islam since it says that the Qur'an and the laws of the Qur'an
are timeless.

I am your new prophet from God, and i invite you to look at the
following video:

A lady listens to lecture on Islam, then challenged me: 'Why is the
Shariah Law so Barbaric?'

So as you notice that the lady asked why in Islam the Shariah Law is so
Barbaric, and i think she is not understanding as muslims are not
understanding, but i am your new prophet from God and i am explaining
the following so that you understand:

In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
context, so then they can change.

I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the
society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
change, and i think that in the today context those laws
are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

More of my philosophy about gays in Islam..

I am your new prophet from God, and i think i am smart, so i invite you
to look at the following video about gays in Islam:


I am noticing that the above video is saying that being gay including
the practice of being gay is haram in Islam, that means it is forbiden
in Islam, and i think that this sort of Islam is not right, and i am
your new prophet from God and i will explain to you Islam so that you

In Islam there is two types of Islamic laws, and here they are:

1- The first kind of Islamic laws are laws that respect
the divinity of God, so we have to follow them since we have to
to glorify and respect the divinity of God, such as doing the prayers

2- Second kind of Islamic laws are laws related to society of humans or
order in a society of humans, so we have to follow those laws not
because we respect or glorify the divinity of God, but because we
follow those Islamic laws so that not to be disorder in a society, so
those kind of Islamic laws are not timeless and they depend on the
context, so then they can change.

I will give you a quick example so that you understand correctly:

For example the Islamic laws of cutting the hand of a thief or the laws
of killing the married women that practice adultery and such Islamic
laws are of the second kind of laws above, since those laws avoid to the
society to become disorder, so then they are not timeless and they can
change, and i think that in the today context those laws
are not necessary and we can change them. And it is the same
for being gay, so we have to look at the being gay from the societal
point of view, so then the Islamic laws that rules the being gay are
of the second kind of laws above, so then i think that we can allow
the gays to marry between them, since it doesn't cause a disorder in a

More of my philosophy about Taliban and Islam..

I invite you to look at the following new video about Taliban:

Millions of desperate Afghans flee Taliban country ruled by war

I am your new prophet from God and you can read carefully about my new
monotheistic religion in my thoughts below, and i have just noticed in
the video above that a seignor minister in the Taliban government is
talking to a white European journalist, but i have just noticed that he
is not well educated, so i don't think that Taliban are following the
rules of Islam since they are not well educated or correctly educated,
second, in Islam you have first to be Islamic democracy so that
to have different point views of Islamic political parties with less or
more perfect ideas that permit Islam to advance correctly, so look for
example at Islamic Iran, In Iran it is an Islamic democracy with
different islamic political parties and with an islamic guide that we
call Sayyid Ali Hosseini
Khamenei(, so then Islamic
Iran is a better Islamic governance than Taliban that is dictatorship,
third, i also say that in Islam you have to know how to strengthen the
faith in God, since without faith in God there is no muslim, so then you
have to distinguish between the weak faith and the strong faith, since a
weak faith in God can not be called a muslim, so then certain laws of
Islam don't apply to humans that have a weak faith in God, so i say that
before applying those certain laws of Islam to a human, you have to ask
the human if he has a weak faith in God so that to distinguish and say
that he is not a muslim, and then certain laws don't apply to him.

So stay tuned i will soon write an efficient book about my new monotheistic religion.

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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