Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination and told the American public
on live TV after the shooting that he heard a shot as he was filming and
that JFK slumped to his left. Then he heard another shot or two. He
couldn't tell whether it was one or two. This account matches Mrs.
Lillian Mooneyham's account. She heard a gunshot and observed JFK slump
to the left. Following this first shot there was a slight pause and then
two more shots, the second and third sounding closer together, she
Now Govenor John B. Connally claimed he heard a shot before he himself
was hit. His wife, Nellie sitting right beside him agrees because she
claimed that she turned and looked at JFK upon hearing noise and saw JFK
with his hands towards his throat. Then JBC is hit, she claimed.
The witnesses in Dealey Plaza in my opinion had heard 'pop...pop...Pow'
and described this as the first shot which sounded like a firecracker to
them. Some just did not hear the initial 'pop...pop'. The majority of
the ear witnesses claimed following the first shot that there was a
pause then two quick shots in succession.
If you look at the Zapruder film you will see that at Z255 frame JFK
starts his slump to the left. The evidence is that there will be two
more shots fired after this Zapruder frame. The evidence also is that
both JFK and JBC have been shot at this point in time. Whether you want
to believe that both men were wounded by the same bullet or not the
evidence is that there has been two shots fired before Z255 at a
So the evidence is that at least two shots were fired before Z255 and
that two shots were fired after Z255. Four shots minimum then were
fired during the assassination of JFK and therefore a conspiracy in his
murder took place.
IMO the above evidence is why the HSCA allowed 4 of the 5 shots present
on the acoustic recording to be reported to the public.
The evidentiary bottom line is that President John F. Kennedy was
murdered by at least two people shooting at him November 22, 1963.
Case Wide Open: A JFK Murder Investigation
You are as bad as Ben at defining conspiracy. Two shooters does not
automatically mean a conspiracy, kooks!
Wow, a kook microanalyses testimony, plugs it into the z-film, and
concludes there was a conspiracy. Why haven`t I seen this approach
You claim the "evidence" proves two shots before Z255 but offer no
evidence other than the unreliability of eye and ear witnesses which
we know to be terribly unreliable. At ZAP 223 as the limo comes
out from behind the Stemmons sigh, we first see JC. His white shirt
and tie knot are clearly visible as is the beginning of JFK's right
shirt cuff. At ZAP 224 we also clearly see a distinct change. JC's
right jacket lapel is clearly moved. At ZAP 225, we now see JFK
cluthching his throat and JC clearly uncomfortable. For me, this
is shot #2. Shot 1, at ZAP is also clearning distinguisable by
watching the reaction of young Rosemary Wills as she stops her
running on the sidewalks and turns to look at the TSBD. For me,
this is evidence; not relying on eye or ear witnesses because
quite simply ear and eye witnesses cannot be trusted especially
during times of stress. For me ZAP 223-225 clearly prove the
SBT. With each frame being 1/18 of a second, it's proven
JFK and JC were hit virtually instantaneiously. To address
a different point, the autopsy pics and x-rays show no blow
out of the BOH because we can clearly see at ZAP 313 there
is none!
MR :~? ED
the question really boils down to Eddie, where have you BIN? Now
you've claimed to be a photo expert, where might one confirm this
Hello and good to see you again.
What these lone nut idiots either don't understand, or don't want
anyone ELSE to understand is that for JFK and Connally to be hit by
the same bullet, they would have had to be have been hit IN THE SAME Z-
But the Zapruder film clearly shows Kennedy reacting to a throat wound
at Z225 and Connally's lung collapsing at Z236. There is no way
Connally could have "delayed" the collapsing of his lung voluntarily
because this was a physiological reaction to the lung being pierced by
a piece of broken rib.
Even if the bullet was travelling at half of it's muzzle velocity, say
1,000ft/sec and the two men were 10 feet apart, it would have taken .
01 secs for the bullet to travel through both bodies. Translated,
that's .0549 Z-Frames.
Or, about HALF A Z-FRAME.
The FBI knew this. So did the Secret Service. That's why they never
bought into the Single Bullsh*t Theory. It was obvious to them that
each man was hit by a separate shot.
When the physical evidence, in this case the Zapruder film,
corresponds to and verifies the eyewitness and the earwitness
accounts, (like SM Holland who said that Kennedy and Connally were hit
by separate shots, that Kennedy reacted first and then Connally was
hit, and Governor Connally and Mrs. Connally, who said that Kennedy
had already slumped BEFORE the Governor was hit), those witness
accounts can be deemed pretty accurate.
One more time Gil "Chico" Jesus shows his lack of knowledge of this
assassination and what evidence shows. Of course, this is the same
"Chico" that has refused on 7 different occassions to prove his
comment that JFK's body was switched at Parkland so we shouldn't be
that surprised now should we? What Chico refuses to accept is the
lapel movement on JC at ZAP 225. He apparently doesn't accept this as
EVIDENCE even though the American Academy of Science has.
This is only rocket science to those CT's such as Chico that MUST
FIND CONSPIRACY somehow where it doesn't exist. JFK's hand and arm
position at ZAP 224 and JC's lapel flap at ZAP 225 are
instantaneious! That is FACT. ZAP 224-225 are YOUR PROOF of the
single bullet fact (SBF). Whether JC's lung collapsed at ZAP 236 is
totally and completely irrelevent and pure conjecture on the part of
Chico. Then again, EVERY SINGLE word uttered by Chico Jesus is pure
conjecture, now isn't it??
Here's how:
Bring in any "ringer" or expert(s)
you wish who knew photo retouching
from that era David.. They (he)
can ask me any sophisticated
question on photo-retouching or
altering or air-brushing in that
era that they wish.. I will answer
them all in detail..
You or they can call me at home
at 972-596-4363 (Listed under Ed
Cage in Plano TX) - That way you
can be certain my answers were my
own. Additionally you can confirm
the existence of the Art Board in
Dallas which I owned for decades.
And if that isn't enough I'll be
glad to, in fact I think I will
post a somewhat sophisticated expose
I did some years ago re the Jack
White Moorman BadgeMan photo.
Try me: 972-596-4363
Ed Cage
> On Mar 3, 2:19 pm, "aeffects" <aeffe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 12:13 pm, ecag...@tx.rr.com wrote:
> > Charles this is truly ancient
> > news.. The otherwise stellar
> > report by the HSCA was
> > grotesquely marred by the
> > blunder to end all investigative
> > blunders.. The mike tape the
> > HSCA analyzed was 3.5 miles
> > north on Stemmons I-35 at the
> > time of the assassination.. The
> > HSCA assumed they were analyzing
> > DPD Officer McLain's mike but as
> > he pointed out after their
> > historic faux pas they never
> > even bothered to ask him!
> > This has been documented over
> > and over Charles by both McLain
> > and several high tech follow-ups..
> the question really boils down to Eddie, where have you BIN? Now
> you've claimed to be a photo expert, where might one confirm this
> claim?
> - Show quoted text -
On Mar 3, 9:50 pm, "tomnln" <tom...@cox.net> wrote:
> "Bud" <sirsl...@fast.net> wrote in message
> news:1172952454.5...@v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com...
> > charles wallace wrote:
> >> Three TSBD employees were on the fifth floor during the shooting in
> >> Dealey Plaza. They heard no more than three shots. There is no evidence
> >> that the sixth floor shooter in the TSBD fired more than three shots.
> >> If there was more than three shots fired during the shooting then there
> >> was more than one shooter and therefore a conspiracy.
> =============================================================================
> >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK- Hide quoted text -
Me either, it is a simple case.
> i accepted the
> conspiracy when i was 7 years old and my mother explained it to me.
That is how a lot of people get their religion.
> everything i have learned about it ever since only reinforces that.
> some people think that by some fluke of paperwork they are going to
> discover the truth. when all of the documents have been opressed by
> the gov. because like little kids, we cant be trusted with such
> information. maybe my son will some day be able to get hold of the
> classified material. but i doubt it.
Make sure you teach your son to be the paranoid kook mom taught
you to be.
> two shooters to me, does mean conspiacy,
But in reality, two shooters doesn`t necessarily mean conspiracy.
>when they were soo hot to
> frame oswald and murder him,
Ruby was hot to kill Oz. Who are the "they" you refer to?
> who no one saw do it.
Everyone saw Ruby shoot Oz. Oh, do you mean nobody saw Oz shoot
JFK? Howard Brennan did.
> the government does alot of sinister things,
Yah, and the Rodney King beating shows black people are beaten by
police every time they are stopped.
> ignorance to it, doesnt
> change the facts.
Another pilgrim with the "facts" on his side. You must be a
regular in Nutsack`s chatroom, right?
On Mar 4, 6:50 am, "Bud" <sirsl...@fast.net> wrote:
> > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
What about now? Aren`t they still out to get you?
> since i have done twenty years in the government and retired from it,
Further evidence our government could never pull off an operation
as complex as this assassination.
> i know tons more about the "kooky" things they do stupid.
> your ignorant is bested only by your own stupidity.
> retard
Easy, Mongo. I`m sure you`re right. Rest.
On Mar 4, 6:50 am, "Bud" <sirsl...@fast.net> wrote:
> > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hidequoted text -
He had a strange way of showing it, sending troops there and all.
But, our story so far, mommy was bitter at the government over daddy`s
death, so she home schooled you in the leftist party line, that about
right? Something about the information you are throwing out seems, I
don`t know, lets say "questionable".
>and the sick degenerate individuals that you sit here and
> defend ..did. then go educate yourself about the bay of pigs
> moron...........and while your at it moron, watergate. then you can
> thank the greedy power minds that "are" in controll now for the wars
> that cost more life for causes that arent going to get fulfilled, all
> the while you sit here in your dreamworld thinking that your right.
Are you purposely portraying yourself as a parody, or is it
> then if you have any brains in you at all, it can all be traced back
> to one person, one deed, one dead ruler who's murder changed the
> coarse of this nation.
Yah, we`d all have those hovercraft by now if Kennedy would have
> so now you can go be part of all the degenerate
> nation that you belong.
> moron, police arent part of the CIA or FBI are they??
> then go ask yourslef at why all those witnesses were murdered.
> why kennedys body was hacked up after it left dallas
Much less than many standard autopsies, more is the pity.
> > > > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hidequoted text -
> > > > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hidequoted text -
And we'd also have those automatic "Food-A-Rac-A-Cycle" thingies that
George Jetson posssessed in "The Jetsons", too.
Goddamn conspirators! Robbed me of so much stuff!
We'd probably have Land Speeders by now too.
Oh, come now, my good kook! You can do better than 177! There must
have been at least 277 that fell victim to the massive "Mystery Death"
gang of murderous cover-uppers.
You haven't forgotten to put Gerry Ford and Arthur Schlesinger on your
Mystery Deaths list, have you? Those two men were definitely murdered
because of what they "knew". It's obvious!
>>> "And you sit here and refrence a zapruder film thats obviouslly tampered with." <<<
Ahh, yes. The "Everything Was Tampered With" ploy. Lovely.
Let me guess -- you've got a front-row seat at every Conspiracy
Symposium, right?
Take a typing class instead. You need it.
>>> "i have to admit, you give the word idiot new meanings. and like all the other losers here, all you can do is sling names." <<<
You mean sling insults? If so, yes, that's my stock in trade when
encountering kooks like you. And you make it quite easy to do, too.
>>> "ha.....go back to your fantasy world that you obviouslly live in, because your not living in reality......... your money and possesions perish with thee." <<<
Ever hear of the "Shift" key?
Or a dictionary?
Typical kook. Unable to write two sentences in a row without one of
them containing either an ample amount of CT kookshit or numerous
grammatical errors....and usually both.
Back to your bottle, kook. After your last tirade, you must be quite
Glad you see things my way.
>>> "you think your gonna outwit me...." <<<
Doesn't take much to outwit a nitwit.
And I plan on out-spelling you too.
>>> "go smoke another blunt..." <<<
If I knew what that was I still wouldn't have a chance to smoke
one....for it's obvious you've just smoked the last one.
>>> "connally is holding his stetson when his wrist is shattered..." <<<
Learn the case before opening your large yap, Mr. Nuthatch. Connally
Now, what about that SHIFT key? Ever plan on utilizing it, kook?
What about them? The TOTAL amount of fragments that were LEFT INSIDE
Connally AND removed from Connally's body (from his wrist only, since
there were ZERO fragments found in his chest/thorax and just one super-
tiny fragment left in his thigh) weighed "less than the weight of a
postage stamp".
The total amount of lead missing from Bullet CE399 is approximately
2.2 grains, which is way more than the amount of fragments that were
removed from Governor Connally and left inside his body COMBINED.
In fact, Dr. John Lattimer was able to produce 41 fragments from just
2 total grains of lead from a WCC/MC bullet just like CE399. (And it
looks to me like every one of these 41 fragments is bigger in size
than any of the fragments that were ever inside John Connally's
So, what is there about Dr. Charles Gregory's WC testimony regarding
the Connally bullet fragments that you don't like here, Mr. CTer? Do
you think that Gregory is a rotten, scheming "Let's Get Oswald" liar
DR. GREGORY -- "I would identify these fragments as varying from five-
tenths of a millimeter in diameter to approximately two millimeters in
diameter, and each fragment is no more than a half millimeter in
thickness. They would represent, in lay terms, flakes...flakes of
ARLEN SPECTER -- "What would your estimate be as to their weight in
DR. GREGORY -- "I would estimate that they would be weighed in
micrograms, which is very small amount of weight. ... It is the kind
of weighing that requires a micro-adjustable scale; which means that
it is something less than the weight of a postage stamp."
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/discussions/start-thread.ht...
thats what i thought, revert back to your ignorance
dont got a answer for that do you smart
It`s fiction that I believe a magic bullet was needed. You kooks
need a magic shooter, one who disappears without a trace seconds after
the shots.
> and obviouslly no idea what the government is capable of,
Anything, to hear kooks tell it. They can get anyone to swear to
anything at any time. Arrayed against this omnipotent and malignant
force, we have numbnuts who can`t capitalize. You are David without
the sling, Frodo without the ring.
> except
> brainwashing you, ummm you dont even know that.
> your fighting a uphill battle with no answers,
I was hoping you could provide them. I know you said "they", but I
was hoping for something a litlle more specific and tangible. Please
hurry, it`s been decades, and I don`t expect to live forever.
>most the people with
> any common sense at all in this country, know of the conspiracy and
> cover up.
They also knew Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
> but you got no answers, just smart remarks do ya. because your not
> going to change anyones mind who knows of the conspiracy,
I see no reason why that should prevent me from ridiculing them.
> there is way
> to much evidence for you to overcome with your "wit"
Yah, and it points to Oswald.
> ya got no answers
> therefore
> you got no clue
I`m hoping you can provide me with one.
> > > > > > > >>http://community.webtv.net/ccwallace/CaseWideOpenAJFK-Hidequotedtext -
Well, for starters, it'd be nice if YOU (or any CTer) could provide
the world with some kind of logical and reasonable and believable anti-
SBT alternative to replace the SBT scenario of how those 2 men were
wounded in Dallas.
Can you do that, Luthier?
IOW -- What is your shot-by-shot scenario for the shooting event that
did occur on 11/22/63. (The men WERE wounded, you know. The evil Govt.
didn't just make up that part of the "story".)
I've yet to see a reasonable anti-SBT scenario that holds any water at
all. Maybe you've got the first one, Mr. Luthier. Give it a try. And
try to stay within at least 50% of the actual, verified evidence in
the case please. Guesswork about "planted" bullets and swept-under-the-
rug fragments, etc., just isn't gonna cut the muster I'm afraid.
You're going to have a hard time coming up with an anti-SBT theory,
however, that has bullet holes in the victims (which aren't "fake",
those holes are real) which almost perfectly align themselves with the
SBT scenario.
But good luck anyway.
~~Awaiting Luthier's Anti-SBT Brilliance~~
In the interim, here's some more SBT common sense:
Luthier, You da man..... Give em hell. Your posts show more clear
thinking and commonsense than I've seen here in a long time.
I'm merely looking for a reasonable, believable anti-SBT
theory...which is exactly what I said I was looking for from CTers
(but never locating). Wonder why that is?
The next kook observation (replete with hideous grammar and spelling)
>>> "when comes time to release that, it will "get lost" and everybody who cant accept the murder for what it was, will go............."oh well"..." <<<
Yep. Kooky alright.
>>> "meanwhile back at the ranch.....they all laugh at you cause your a moron. you need to watch JFK more carefully..." <<<
That seals the deal right there, my CT-loving kook. A reference to
Oliver Stone's fantasy flick. I suspected as much from you. You've
watched Ollie's picture and it has convinced you that a conspiracy
existed in Dallas...right?
That very scenario (i.e., people being sucked into the vacuum of
Stone's and Garrison's inane "plot" via the motion-picture screen) is
why Vincent Bugliosi MUST systematically take apart that film (from an
HISTORICAL standpoint) within VB's book "Reclaiming History".
Stone's "JFK" is entertainment of a sort, yes. I, myself, love the
John Williams music score and the great-looking 2.35:1 Anamorphic
Widescreen image that can be found on my 2-Disc DVD edition of the
film -- but the "PATSY PLOT" that resides within those 3+ hours of
story-telling is utterly PREPOSTEROUS.
Can't even YOU, Luthier, step back from the movie screen for a minute
THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE?" (Not to mention the other obvious question
that watchers of that film should be asking: "HOW ON EARTH COULD THIS
Per Ollie Stone's flick, Lee Harvey Oswald was supposedly being SET UP
(in ADVANCE!) to take the lone fall for BOTH the Kennedy and Tippit
murders....and yet the three "real assassins" (complete with helpers
by their sides, all of whom fade into history without causing a
ripple) shoot up Dealey Plaza from 3 directions and with SIX rifle
shots....even though Patsy Oswald could only have gotten off three.
Make any sense? Even to a lifelong CTer?
>>> "and actually ask yourself those most important questions that mr X asked..." <<<
Oh, you mean the stuff asked by the guy ("Mr. X") who never really
existed? THAT guy, you mean? The made-up guy who was supposedly privy
to all kinds of "insider" information about the assassination...EVEN
>>> "foreign government destroyers, assassinators, money laundering, mafia connected, drug running, money hungry powerminds." <<<
Don't leave out "Military Industrial Complex", "LBJ did it", "RFK's
killing was a plot", "Cuba offed Kennedy", and "Professor Plum In The
Depository With A Mauser".
Those things deserve headlines too, ya know.
>>> "some day you will wake up and if you dont, so sad too bad." <<<
The next thing I want to hear you say is: OSWALD DIDN'T SHOOT TIPPIT.
If you can say that, you will have earned your "Mega-Kook Badge". For,
believing that Oswald was innocent of murdering Officer Tippit is THE
biggest sign of "CT Kook Disease" that there is. And it's the quickest
way to spot you kooks for what you are -- i.e., people who WANT a
conspiracy to exist in the JFK case.
Do you want to go for Mega-Kook status?
Luthier....when ya get em wimpering like DVP does here, you can be
sure you've got em by the short hair. If you weren't scoring solid
hits on the bullseye, they wouldn't bother to respond to you.
Many of us in this NG learned a long time ago that a person can gauge
the effectiveness of his post by the response it receives from the
Warren Commission apologists. The more truthful the post.... the
louder they cry.
Hey, Von pea Brain.....Thank you.
This post epitomizes the arrogance and contempt you Lner's hold for
your "inferiors". I believe that you KNOW that Luthier is speaking
truth and commonsense, but you're paid to pretend that you accept the
big lie of LBJ's Warren Commission.
You seem to be somewhat intelligent, so the FACTS couldn't possibly
have escaped your grasp. How much does Mc Adams pay you to be his
pimp?? I hope it's an amount that makes it worth-while to appear to
be an idiot.
Perhaps Luthier isn't an accomplished typist, and he has some trouble
with spelling.....so what?? There's nothing wrong with his ability to
reason. In that department you don't begin to measure up to him.
You may think you're superior, but Luthier just kicked your ass and
you're too damned arrogant to know it.
No way "Luthier" is any CTer. He's a "pretender" for sure. Because
nobody can be that stupid (and, more significantly, nobody could
legitimately WANT to sound that stupid). (Except maybe some guy named
Good job at catching that, Walt. I thought my "arrogance" and
"contempt" might have gone over the CTers' heads. Glad to see it
didn't in this instance. ;)
>>> "I believe that you KNOW that Luthier is speaking truth and common sense..." <<<
Well, chalk another one of your "beliefs" up in the "WALT'S WRONG"
>>> "The FACTS couldn't possibly have escaped your grasp." <<<
You're right, the "FACTS" haven't escaped my grasp. The FACT is: Lee
Oswald killed 2 men in '63.
Oh...wait...you meant YOUR "facts", right Walt?
E.G.: "Facts" like:
Brennan DESCRIBING a window on the west side of the TSBD...even though
there's not a HINT of such a description in his WC testimony. In fact,
just the opposite.
And the "fact" of Oswald being set up as a "patsy" for BOTH the
Kennedy & Tippit killings.
Are those the "facts" I should be "grasping", Walt?
Come on, Walt....can't you see the untenable nature of those CT
scenarios you are advocating? Tell the truth....those "plots" are
crazy, aren't they? And do professional "Patsy Framers" usually engage
in "crazy"-sounding plots?
Fess up...you don't believe in such Oliver Stone-theorized junk any
more than I do....do you?
>>> "How much does McAdams pay you to be his pimp?" <<<
Just the standard "Disinfo" rates. I should be getting a raise in 2008
though (if this silly forum still exists at all in a post-"Reclaiming
History" environment...which would really be silly indeed).
>>> "I hope it's an amount that makes it worthwhile to appear to be an idiot." <<<
Please provide a single instance where DVP appeared to be "an idiot".
I must have missed those posts.
Anyway, I'm getting most of my meal money from VB. He's no cheapskate
>>> "Perhaps Luthier isn't an accomplished typist, and he has some trouble with spelling.....so what?" <<<
Nothing major. It's just one more reason to ridicule the typist. I put
some pride in my posts....and couldn't bear posting such illiterate
messages....no matter if it's here, Amazon, or wherever it might be.
At first blush, it appears to me as if "Luthier" is deliberately
misspelling words just to get a reaction. I could be wrong...he might
be THAT illiterate. Hard to tell at this early point in his "career".
>>> "There's nothing wrong with his ability to reason." <<<
"Reason" like a kook, you mean? On that point, I agree with you. ;)
>>> "In that department you don't begin to measure up to him." <<<
Where's that "LOL" smiley thingy when you need it?!
>>> "You may think you're superior, but Luthier just kicked your ass and you're too damned arrogant to know it." <<<
Now I need the "ROFL" icon! Quick...somebody get me one!
I love this, Von pea brain ... Above, you claim that you think that
Lithier is a fraud, but then you revert to treating him as if he's
> Nothing major. It's just one more reason to ridicule the typist. I put
> some pride in my posts....and couldn't bear posting such illiterate
> messages....no matter if it's here, Amazon, or wherever it might be.
I put some pride in my posts....and couldn't bear posting such
illiterate messages.
Once again you show your true colors ..... ( mostly yellow) Of
superiority, and arrogance. You think that if your posts are
grammatically correct, and you use your spell check, that you'll
appear to be intellectually superior to the lowly unwashed CT's. I
doubt that you know this but you're an excellent example of the
elitists who spew their garbage from Washington D.C.and the News Rooms
of New York.
Yes, I know that. I was just covering all bases (just in case he
really IS that stupid). Why waste a good pro-LN argument, right?
>>> "You think that if your posts are grammatically correct, and you use your spell check, that you'll appear to be intellectually superior to the lowly unwashed CT's." <<<
Once more, Mr. Kook makes a mountain out of an anthill. For, a well-
constructed post, sans any useful info within it, is not very helpful,
is it?
The pride I take in my JFK posts is based on multiple
things....including construction, context, and FACTUAL data. Which is
something sorely lacking from the CT side of the aisle. (Guesswork
does not = Factual data. Sorry.)
>>> "I doubt that you know this, but you're an excellent example of the elitists who spew their garbage..." <<<
I doubt Walt knows the following either -- he doesn't have a leg to
stand on re. the CT-spewing garbage he spouts perpetually.....and I
don't give a damn if he HAS actually seen Robert Studebaker's notebook
re. Bob's exact # of photos he took on 11/22 and exactly what time he
took them (assuming such material actually exists somewhere in the
first place....Walt, any chance of showing us that data, btw?).
> The pride I take in my JFK posts is based on multiple
> things....including construction, context, and FACTUAL data. Which is
> something sorely lacking from the CT side of the aisle. (Guesswork
> does not = Factual data. Sorry.)
Von Pea brain wrote:
The pride I take in my JFK posts is based on.... FACTUAL data.
Are you referring to the impossible Single Bullet THEORY??... Is
that what you mean by... "FACTUAL data"
You are smart enough to realize that the whole case from the LNER's
point of view, is BASED on that impossible THEORY aren't you?? If
that silly impossible THEORY is removed your whole case collapses.
Why CTers cannot see the logic of the SBT is their problem...not the
LNers' problem.
That would be the walls of your ass.
> keep waiting maybe someday you will realize your a moron for not seing
> it sooner, and that you took up the cause for murderers.
You mean I can join the kook club? Really?
> "why didnt someone speak up sooner?"..............THEY DID AND GOT
Aren`t you afraid they`ll come for you? Better change the
combination to your thermos.
> "we need a majick sooter?" ............. no you dont need anyting with
> the CIA covering your arse.
> "why arent the kennedy family seeking justice?" ............Becaue
> they all are MURDERED TOO
> stupid dirtbags
They can hit the nimble ones, but can`t hit fat, bloated Teddy?