Vincent T. Bugliosi
Former Los Angeles, California, Deputy District Attorney Vincent
Bugliosi has believed in Lee Harvey Oswald's sole guilt in the JFK
assassination for many years. In 1986, Mr. Bugliosi even garnered a
"Guilty" verdict from a sworn-in jury during a 21-hour "mock trial" of
Oswald ("On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald").
Mr. Bugliosi's soon-to-be-published JFK book, which has now been re-
titled "Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F.
Kennedy" (projected U.S. release date of May 29, 2007, which would
have been JFK's 90th birthday), will dive head-first into all aspects
of the Kennedy assassination (per the original 1998 and the updated
2006 publisher's blurbs about the book) and reveal beyond a reasonable
doubt that no conspiracy existed to assassinate President Kennedy, and
that Oswald (alone) murdered President Kennedy in Dallas on November
22, 1963.
And given Mr. Bugliosi's reputation for common sense, preparedness,
thoroughness, and logic -- such "Lone Assassin" arguments will be hard
for anyone to dismiss (IMHO).
Mr. Bugliosi, whom I have the utmost respect for, has a habit of
getting to the full truth of any subject matter he chooses to tackle.
And I have no reason to believe that the John F. Kennedy assassination
will be any different in this regard. "Reclaiming History", in this
writer's pre-release opinion, is bound to be quite an eye-opener.
Vincent's long-awaited JFK book has been in the works since 1986 (the
year that VB "convicted" Lee Oswald in front of that jury during the
TV "Docu-Trial" in London). The book has gone through three titles
during those 20-plus years as well. It was originally to be called
"Final Verdict: The True Account Of The Murder Of John F. Kennedy".
In late 2004 or early 2005, Vince changed it to "Final Verdict: The
Simple Truth In The Killing Of JFK". And now it's been changed once
again, to "Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F.
Kennedy". (A very good title indeed.)
Vince said in late 2005 that the manuscript for his mammoth JFK
publication "could easily fill five volumes". But he has been working
hard on condensing it for the last two or three years now.
The final page count for the book, per the data released by the
publisher (W.W. Norton & Co.), will be 1,632 pages, which is almost
twice the size of the 888-page Warren Commission Report.
Mr. Bugliosi had planned to release his JFK book in two separate
volumes; but evidently he has changed his mind about that 2-book
format, and has decided on just a single volume (plus a CD-ROM, which
will be included with the book, containing hundreds of pages of
The amount of pro-Lone Assassin CS&L (Common Sense & Logic) that will
undoubtedly exist within such a huge Bugliosi-authored tome borders on
the unfathomable.
Here's the official publisher's webpage devoted to "RECLAIMING
The publisher's promotional blurb reads as follows.....
"The book that lays all questions to rest.
Polls reveal that over 75 percent of Americans believe there was a
conspiracy behind Lee Harvey Oswald; some even believe Oswald was
entirely innocent. In this absorbing and historic book-the first ever
to cover the entire case-Vincent Bugliosi shows how we have come to
believe such lies about an event that changed the course of history.
The brilliant prosecutor of Charles Manson and the man who forged an
iron-clad case of circumstantial guilt around O. J. Simpson in his
best-selling Outrage, Bugliosi is perhaps the only man in America
capable of "prosecuting" Oswald for the murder of President Kennedy.
His book is a narrative compendium of fact, forensic evidence, re-
examination of key witnesses, and common sense. Every detail and
nuance is accounted for, every conspiracy theory revealed as a fraud
upon the American public.
Bugliosi's irresistible logic, command of the evidence, and ability to
draw startling inferences shed fresh light on this American nightmare.
At last we know what really happened. At last it all makes sense.
32 pages of illustrations.
May 2007 / Hardcover / ISBN 978-0-393-04525-3
7" x 10" / 1632 pages / History"
The W.W. Norton website has revised its ordering page for VB's book --
adjusting the price (upward) for the massive publication, which was
previously going to be released in November 1998 at 992 pages (a
figure that, obviously, has ballooned significantly since '98).
Norton's previous listing had the 992-page volume priced at $35.00 (US
$); it's now listed at $49.95 (US$):
And here's the Simon & Schuster webpage for the "Audio Book" edition
of "Reclaiming History" (a 15-Disc Audio-CD package, featuring actor
Edward Herrmann as narrator):
Here's a glance at the Table of Contents for "Reclaiming History".
This chapter information and the associated chapter titles, however,
are subject to change prior to the book's release in late May of 2007:
1.) "Four Days In November"
2.) "The Investigations"
3.) "President Kennedy's Autopsy And The Gunshot Wounds To Kennedy And
Governor Connally"
4.) "The Most Famous Home Movie Ever, The 'Magic Bullet', And The
Single-Bullet Theory"
5.) "Lee Harvey Oswald"
6.) "Oswald's Ownership And Possession Of The Rifle Found On The Sixth
7.) "Identification Of The Weapon"
8.) "Oswald At The Sniper's Nest And 'Evidence' Of His Innocence"
9.) "Motive"
10.) "The Grassy Knoll"
11.) "A Conversation With Dr. Cyril Wecht"
12.) "Secret Service Agents On The Grassy Knoll"
13.) "The Zanies (And Others) Have Their Say"
14.) "Other Assassins"
15.) "Summary Of Oswald's Guilt"
16.) "Introduction To Conspiracy"
17.) "History Of The Conspiracy Movement"
18.) "Mark Lane"
19.) "Mysterious And Suspicious Deaths"
20.) "The Second Oswald"
21.) "David Lifton And Alterations Of The President's Body"
22.) "Ruby And The Mob"
23.) "Organized Crime"
24.) "CIA"
25.) "FBI"
26.) "Secret Service"
27.) "KGB"
28.) "Right Wing"
29.) "LBJ"
30.) "Cuba"
31.) "The Odio Incident And Anti-Castro Cuban Exiles"
32.) "Cover-Up By Federal Agencies Of Alleged Conspiracy To Murder
President Kennedy"
33.) "Jim Garrison's Prosecution Of Clay Shaw And Oliver Stone's Movie
34.) "Conclusion Of No Conspiracy"
35.) "The Murder Trial Of Jack Ruby"
36.) "A Conversation With Marina"
37.) "Kennedy-Lincoln Coincidences"
38.) "The People And Groups Involved In The Plot To Kill Kennedy"
39.) "Epilogue"
40.) "In Memoriam"
The following quotes were spoken by Vincent Bugliosi himself (over a
period of several years), and they give an indication, in brief
"snippet" form, as to what Vincent's general opinions are regarding
the JFK murder and who was responsible for the crime. Not
surprisingly, there's not a single mention in these quotes of how
"Badge Man" on the Grassy Knoll fired the fatal shot.....
"Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President
Kennedy. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming that he carried out
the tragic shooting all by himself. .... In fact, you could throw 80
percent of the evidence against him out the window and there would
still be more than enough left to convince any reasonable person of
his sole role in the crime. .... The Warren Commission looked at a
tremendous amount of evidence and concluded that Oswald acted alone.
I've studied the evidence, and I agree." -- VB; 1986
"Almost all of the current books on the subject deal with conspiracy
theories. I believe there was no conspiracy, and I think I can
convince the average reader in 25 pages that Oswald killed JFK." --
VB; April 22, 2004
"The evidence will show that Oswald's rifle, to the exclusion of all
other weapons, was determined by firearms experts to be the rifle that
fired the two bullets that struck down President Kennedy." -- VB; 1986
(Via the TV Docu-Trial, "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald")
"There may have been fifty people firing at President Kennedy that
day; but if there were, they all missed; ONLY bullets fired from
Oswald's Carcano rifle hit the President." -- VB; 1986 (TV Docu-Trial)
"I am at work writing an in-depth book on the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, one that I'm confident will shed a
different light on the tragedy that altered the course of American
history." -- VB; 1991
"Every book that comes out alleges a conspiracy. Someone has got to
debunk these absurd conspiracy theories." -- VB; January 1988
"There was no plot, no conspiracy. JFK wasn't murdered by anti-Castro
Cubans, the mob, or rogue CIA agents. In almost 40 years, there has
not been one scintilla of proof tying the assassination to anyone but
Oswald. There have been theories, but no evidence. Oswald had the
motive, the opportunity, and the skill to kill President Kennedy." --
"If Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with President Kennedy's
assassination and was framed....this otherwise independent and defiant
would-be revolutionary, who disliked taking orders from anyone, turned
out to be the most willing and cooperative frame-ee in the history of
mankind!! Because the evidence of his guilt is so monumental, that he
could have just as well gone around with a large sign on his back
declaring in bold letters 'I Just Murdered President John F.
Kennedy'!!!" -- VB; 1986 (TV Docu-Trial)
"Anyone...ANYONE who would believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was
innocent, would believe someone who told them that they heard a cow
speaking the Spanish language!" -- VB; 1986 (TV Docu-Trial)
"I am writing two volumes on the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. My conclusion is that I believe beyond ALL doubt that Lee
Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, and beyond all REASONABLE doubt that he
acted alone." -- VB; 2001
"It might sound corny, but the truth is I feel an obligation to write
this book. I've read every book that's been published {re. the JFK
assassination} since 1964, and 85% of them feel that there's been a
conspiracy of some kind. My book will tell the other side, and I feel
I'm equipped to do it." -- VB; January 1988
"I'm 95% sure he {Oswald} acted alone; and if you threw 85% of the
evidence out the window there would still be enough to prove his guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt." -- VB; January 1988
"No one has produced one piece of evidence to support a conspiracy
theory. And the thing about a conspiracy is, you can't keep it secret.
More than 25,000 interviews have been conducted by the FBI, the Warren
Commission, and independent investigators. No one has come up with one
piece of solid evidence {to support a conspiracy theory}. Just
theories and motives." -- VB; January 1988
"I'm certainly satisfied, beyond all doubt, that Oswald acted alone.
The Warren Commission might not have done much work, but its staff was
prodigious. He {Oliver Stone} deliberately twisted and warped the
record. .... There was nothing mysterious about Oswald's shots. The
first was from only 57 yards, the second from only 83 yards; all were
fired at a stagnant target with a favorable angle. My firearms guy
says he was a sitting duck." -- VB; February 1992
"It's been said that if you push something at someone long enough,
eventually they're going to start buying it -- particularly if they're
not exposed to any contrary view. And I think that's precisely what
has happened here. For 25 years, the American people have been
inundated with an unremitting torrent of books, and radio and TV talk
shows, all alleging conspiracy.
"And what's happened, is that the shrill voice of the conspiracy buffs
finally penetrated the consciousness of the American people and
convinced the majority of Americans that there was a conspiracy. Even
though the reality is that no one in 25 years has come up with one
scrap of credible, substantive evidence pointing in the direction of a
"In any event, throughout these same 25 years, apart from the early
media in 1963 and 1964, the United States Government's position hasn't
been told. True, it's been available. But how many Americans have gone
out and purchased the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission? They
haven't done that. And this is why the vote coming in will be very,
very heavy in favor of a conspiracy.
"I think it's very, very noteworthy that before this five-hour
{televised Docu-} trial, 85 percent of the American people believed in
a conspiracy. And being exposed to only five hours, it dropped
dramatically to 71. If they had seen the eighteen hours of testimony
and evidence, it would drop even further. And if they knew all the
truth about the case, very few people would conclude that there was a
conspiracy." -- VB; 1988
"Right now I'm working around the clock, almost literally, because I'm
reliving the JFK trial in my dreams." -- VB; 2005
"I agree with all of {Gerald} Posner's conclusions -- that Oswald
killed Kennedy and acted alone -- but I disagree with his methodology.
There's a credibility problem. When he is confronted with a situation
antithetical to the view he's taking, he ignores or distorts it." --
"Though there are some notable exceptions, for the most part the
persistent rantings of the Warren Commission critics remind me of dogs
barking idiotically through endless nights." -- VB; November 1986
"If there's one thing I take pride in, it's that I never, ever make a
charge without supporting it. You might not agree with me, but I
invariably offer an enormous amount of support for my position." --
VB; 1998
"I am trying to finish my book on the assassination of President John
F. Kennedy. There is a need for a book on the non-pro-conspiracy side.
My view is that Oswald acted alone and that there was no conspiracy. I
know that somewhere between 75 percent and 80 percent of the American
people believe he was the victim of a conspiracy.
"But I want to tell you a story. I was speaking in Toronto on tactics
and techniques used in the movie "JFK" just after the Oliver Stone
movie was released. After the speech, there was a Q & A, and I asked
for a show of hands of how many believed the assassination was a
conspiracy. It was 80 percent to 90 percent of the audience.
"Then I said that I'd like to have a show of hands as to how many saw
the movie "JFK" or at any time in the past had read a book rejecting
the Warren Commission or believing in a conspiracy. Again, there was
an enormous show of hands. I told them they should hear both sides of
the story before making up their minds. With that thought in mind, I
asked how many had read the Warren Report. Hardly any raised their
"Very few had heard both sides of the story. It was easier and more
romantic to believe in the conspiracy. My book will show otherwise.
Many of the conspiracy theories are appealing to the intellectual
palate at first glance, but they do violence to all notions of common
sense." -- VB; April 6, 1997
David Von Pein
March 2005
November 2005
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007
TABLE OF CONTENTS for "RECLAIMING HISTORY" (subject to possible change
before publication date):
> read more »...
I tried my best to get Mr. Bugliosi to call this chapter "THE KOOKS
HAVE THEIR SAY" ..... but he liked "Zanies" better.*
Then, too, "Zanies" has a nice ring too.
We could always start calling Ben "Mr. Z", I reckon. ;)
* = Disclaimer, to head off any "You're A Rotten Filthy Liar!" retorts
from the kook crowd --- This was a tongue-rooted-in-cheek remark. (But
if that chapter title had said "kooks", I'd have loved it! Maybe I CAN
get Vince to change it at the last minute, ya think?)
Since I haven't read the book either, all I'll say is that the TOC is
Oliver Stone gets a place in the TOC although he is not a researcher
I didn't see many of the serious researchers listed in the TOC
As Arte Johnson says "Very Interesting"
> would-be revolutionary, who disliked taking orders from anyone, ...
> read more »
Why does Stone deserve a large chapter (IMO)?
Because a large pct. of this generation has gotten ALL (or a goodly
amount anyway) of its info re. the JFK case from that film....which is
a film that totally distorts a large amount of the evidence in the
Kennedy case.
But, in Stone's DEFENSE, I must say that, in a way (at least to a
goodly degree), Stone's film IS "factual"...because it's telling the
FACTUAL tale of the CT-Nutcase named Jim Garrison. Stone tosses in his
own fantasies too, in addition to Garrison's....but Oliver always can
say to the public that his film is not really a LIE, because he's
But Stone has many times gone on record saying he AGREES with
Garrison's crap, so I cannot defend Stone very far along this
"factual" line. And via the DVD's Commentary Track, it's also obvious
that Mr. Stone is a CT-Kook all his own -- even apart from just
telling Garrison's side of the story.
It's difficult, in fact, to make it all the way through the full 3-
hour-plus film without barfing while listening to Stone on the
Commentary Audio Track, as he continually misstates the evidence and
looks like a general idiot/kook while doing so.
My $0.02.
I would expect the only name Vinnie will run from is Mark Lane (of
course we know why).... By-the-way, Oliver Stone has cashed all JFK
the movie related checks, I suspect he had a very, VERY nice payday...
He certainly has caused you Nutter's and DP purists, aka 'maintainers
of history status quo', **ENDLESS** grief....
> Why does Stone deserve a large chapter (IMO)?
> Because a large pct. of this generation has gotten ALL (or a goodly
> amount anyway) of its info re. the JFK case from that film....which is
> a film that totally distorts a large amount of the evidence in the
> Kennedy case.
GOD, you whine wonderfully.... keep up the good work!
And Healy can't even read a simple list of chapters
(evidently)...because VB is not "running" from Mark Lane. From my
above chapter listing.....
Chapter 18.) "Mark Lane".*
* = Those chapter numbers might not be exactly correct. I added those.
The chapter list comes from an online source which still had VB's book
as a "2-Book" publication. So the exact chapter headings may change.
Sorry to interrupt your kookshit with my above disclaimer, Healy.
Please, continue....
Any reasonable person (on either side) could simply state that the
movie is a work of fiction and deal with issues
Of course, it is so much easier to call people 'kooks' or 'zanies' as
if that is an argument
Hey, if it's good enough for VB...it's CERTAINLY good enough for DVP.
"Zanies", "Kooks"...it's all cut from the same irrational mindset of
such nuts. And, hopefully, Vince will hammer the "Zanies"...hard.
And you seem to have missed my MAIN point re. Oliver Stone. That point
was: Vince needs to tear down that film (and Garrison within it)
because it's a fact that a large % of Americans HAVE arrived at their
"CTer" status as a result of that VERY motion picture. That's a fact.
I talk to people at the JFK/IMDB board all the time who ADMIT that
"Stone's film is the BEST film I've ever seen! He's got the conspiracy
down cold!" (Paraphrasing.)
And since it's THAT FILM that has led many people down the CT
path...even though you and I know it's "fiction", the film will still
need to be addressed (at length, IMO) in VB's all-inclusive tome.
(Stone's "non-serious researcher" status notwithstanding.)
Wouldn't you agree (if you were writing a "definitive" LN book, like
Vince is, that is)?
Want to now tell me I "avoided" the Oliver Stone point again?
no David
the point you continue to avoid was my comment that the chapter
headings did not reflect the existence of most of the serious CT
remember VB is trying to be 'definitive' here
Fetzer? Livingstone? Marrs? Groden? Dankbaar? White? Mellen? Weisberg?
Jones? Law? Thompson? (Josiah's a 'maybe', I'll admit.)
Tell me when I strike gold....
I sure didn't see a Weisberg chapter, a Thompson chapter,
a Meagher chapter
will there be a Mellen chapter
anyone of them capable of walking upright, and there are plenty of
them -- as opposed to Lone Neuter's slithering around here
> Fetzer? Livingstone? Marrs? Groden? Dankbaar? White? Mellen? Weisberg?
> Jones? Law? Thompson? (Josiah's a 'maybe', I'll admit.)
> Tell me when I strike gold....
Dick VanDyke perhaps? Now that is gold, fools gold but gold none-the-
The way you've been hypin da Bug's book, one would think that you were
da bug himself, stirrin up a litle interest in his forth coming
book. Book sales are always better after pre-publication hype.
Mellen's propping up of Garrison's crap doesn't deserve an entire
chapter, of course. (She'll more-than-likely be torn to shreds within
the Garrison/Stone chapter.)
And as for the others, I'm guessing they'll be covered (i.e., trashed)
within these anti-CT chapters:
16.) "Introduction To Conspiracy"
17.) "History Of The Conspiracy Movement"
19.) "Mysterious And Suspicious Deaths"
20.) "The Second Oswald"
And there's no better book/author to promote, IMO. If you don't like
it, press killfile. Then you can turn away from all CS&L (like Ben
supposedly has).
Which is precisely why VB needs to hammer Stone's fantasy film hard.
And then hammer it again.
"For 20 years, Bugliosi has been investigating President Kennedy's
assassination and various conspiracy theories. His conclusion: Lee
Harvey Oswald acted alone (which was doubted by 75% of the public in a
2003 Gallup Poll). Bugliosi's research will be laid out in a 1,696-
page book, Reclaiming History, to be published by Norton in May.
"The book includes a CD with another 1,122 pages of searchable
supplementary material. The list price is $49.95, which editor
Starling Lawrence says is "absolutely underpriced," considering not
only the book's heft but also that it offers "closure on a national
2,800+ pages of Vince Bugliosi's CS&L for $32.97 (the current take-
home price at Amazon.com)....
....I agree with Starling -- that's "absolutely underpriced" for sure!
Just a little more than 1 cent per page.