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Poor little Chico , Lost in Conspiracy Yarns , I wonder if ? .......

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Mar 6, 2007, 6:47:49 PM3/6/07
Short of a lobotomy , will this little below the border excuse for
thinking will ever get his Conspiracy factoids straightened out ?
With his JFKconspiracy talk forum now defunct , will he stick around
long enough ' to cough up ' some new funnys for us ?
Lets hope so . He's a god send for LNer's world wide , who now
only have to sit back and watch with great mirth as this one man
disaster for conspiracy plys his trade . Let er rip
Hahahahahahhehhehheehhohhohohoho !


Mar 6, 2007, 8:10:55 PM3/6/07
> "cdddraftsman" <> wrote in message

> > Short of a lobotomy , will this little below the border excuse for
> > thinking will ever get his Conspiracy factoids straightened out ?
> > With his JFKconspiracy talk forum now defunct , will he stick around
> > long enough ' to cough up ' some new funnys for us ?
> > Lets hope so . He's a god send for LNer's world wide , who now
> > only have to sit back and watch with great mirth as this one man
> > disaster for conspiracy plys his trade . Let er rip
> > CHICO !
> > Hahahahahahhehhehheehhohhohohoho !- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Mar 7, 2007, 1:22:20 PM3/7/07
The Opinions of MOTHER-TRUCKERS do not count .

Please address Official Records MOTHER-TRUCKER.

The following are official records Lousy Refuses to address.

Gil Jesus

Mar 7, 2007, 1:28:23 PM3/7/07
I'm still waiting for you or any of the other brainiacs on this forum
to tell us what YOU see in that piece of the Zapruder film.

But as always, you morons run when you're faced with the truth.

No evidence to the contrary, you resort to name-calling.

Coming from the biggest piece of garbage on this newsgroup, I consider
it a compliment.

David Von Pein

Mar 7, 2007, 1:39:22 PM3/7/07
>>> "I'm still waiting for any of the other brainiacs on this forum to tell us what YOU see in that piece of the Zapruder film." <<<

Already told you, kook. Right here.....

(BTW, Jesus, do you still think the "cough" theory is your own
invention? Just asking.)

Gil Jesus

Mar 7, 2007, 7:52:31 PM3/7/07
Well, Von Pein, as usual, you twist things around.

You see JFK reaching for an exit wound?

Why did he cup his hand over his mouth ?

Why the forward movement of the head 224-237 ?

( that's 13 Z-Frames, my friend, or about 2/3 of a second ) pretty
fast movement.

Think he was maybe trying to catch the bullet in his hand as it
exited his throat ?

Maybe he was pulling his tie to make it easier for the bullet to
exit ? eh ?

You people make me laugh.

It's so obvious to anyone who looks at the video.

I never said that I was the only one who ever discovered this. That's
you trying to put words in my mouth.

But I will take credit for bringing this issue to the attention of
world. I will take credit for putting it out there for you
knuckleheads to pound me with. And I will take credit, most of all,
for standing my ground, for my right as a citizen of this world to
call them as I see them, regardless of the personal consequences.

And for defending what I believe.

And for the e-mails and comments I've received from around the world
thanking me for my JFK videos. For my fight to reveal the truth. For
the kind words of folks who are
"proud" to be a part of JFKconspiracy.

These are the things that make it all worth it.

Arguing with morons like yourself, who can't see a man trying to cough
something up in a video, when the WORLD can see it, is just a waste of

Go back to LALA Land. Go read your " Reclaiming Fantasy" Bugliosi book
when it comes out. I'd buy a copy, but toilet paper is cheaper.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

David Von Pein

Mar 7, 2007, 9:31:25 PM3/7/07
>>> "You see JFK reaching for an exit wound?" <<<

Of course. That's obvious. Because it was determined that the hole in
his throat WAS, indeed, an "exit wound". Duh.

Why is reaching for the exit wound not a possibility? He had TWO holes
created in his body by of them in his throat, where his
hands generally rise toward.

>>> "But I will take credit for bringing this issue to the attention of {the} world." <<<

And don't forget to take a few additional kook bows for ISOLATING yet
another HIGHLY-SUBJECTIVE hunk of evidence in the case...and then
KEEPING IT ISOLATED without offering up any potential alternative,
other than your "Proof Of Conspiracy" conjecture. Nice work (for a CT-

>>> "And I will take credit, most of all, for standing my ground, for my right as a citizen of this world to call them as I see them, regardless of the personal consequences. And for defending what I believe. And for the e-mails and comments I've received from around the world thanking me for my JFK videos. For my fight to reveal the truth. For the kind words of folks who are "proud" to be a part of JFKconspiracy. These are the things that make it all worth it." <<<

"Proud" to be part of a kook's world, eh? A great thing to be "proud"
of there alright.

Looks like being a conspiracy kook is pretty advantageous indeed.
Maybe you'll get some "thank you" notes from Fetzer and Marrs before
long too. Those would look great next to those life-sized cutouts of
those guys you have in your bedroom.

And if you add one more tear-jerking passage to your essay above, can
a guest shot on Montel Williams or Jerry Springer be far behind?

Get crackin' on that.

>>> "Arguing with morons like yourself, who can't see a man trying to cough something up in a video, when the WORLD can see it, is just a waste of time." <<<

Tell me, Kook Jesus....did this "Coughing" business just suddenly pop
into your head one day last week? Did you wake up in a sweat one night
and have a "coughing vision"? The light bulb of "coughing" TRUTH went
off in your head possibly?

You've no doubt watched those 26 seconds that comprise the Z-Film
hundreds or thousands of times. But it took until viewing #1,478
before the "obvious" nature (your word) of JFK's cough-fest became so
great in your mind that you felt compelled to say anything about it,

One can only wonder why you failed to note this "obvious" observation
the other 1,477 times.

My guess on that -- You were probably running low on theories this
month, so "The Cough" was re-cycled from Bill Miller's loopy files for
a few more laps around the kook track. (Plus, the advent of FREE
online YouTube video placement was no doubt attractive as well....a
place where any conspiracy nuthatch can peddle his wares, as can be
seen when searching under "conspiracy" at that site.)

I'm also wondering why the proverbial "Z-Film Alteration Crew" didn't
see the "obvious" nature of the conspiracy-proving "JFK Cough" that's
visible in the film?

I guess the "cough" and the "head snap" (with the latter being
something that seals the "It Was A Conspiracy" deal for a huge number
of people) were things that the Z-Film Fakery team couldn't be
bothered with. They were much more concerned with Mary Moorman's shoes
and socks and a motorcycle cop's helmet bands.

>>> "Go back to LALA Land. Go read your "Reclaiming Fantasy" Bugliosi book when it comes out." <<<

Thanks. I'm heading back there now in fact. A place where the stench
of unsupportable kookshit isn't so pervasive.

>>> "I'd buy a copy, but toilet paper is cheaper." <<<

Kooks use toilet paper? Hmmm. That's news to me.


Mar 7, 2007, 10:27:32 PM3/7/07

Well, it seems Chico Jesus is an ego run amuck!
Attention of the world???? He puts the ZAP film
on Youtube; offers that he's done the filming and
speculates on what JFK is doing! Jesus? Why
not film yourself on Youtube jerking off and then
we don't have to speculate!! What kook Jesus
doesn't realize is (not the brightest of guys) is
that Youtube is watched mainly by "kids" who
have NO clue about the assassination other
than what's been provided by Super Kook
Oliver Stone. So, for about the 5th time now
I will ask Kook Jesus the same question:
How do you reconcile that the SBF (single
bullet fact) has been accepted by the
American Academy of Science, The
American Medical Assosication and the
majority of historians, forensic scientists,
Ballistics experts and historians who have
examined it. Can you or can you not
answer this very simple question?

Mar 7, 2007, 11:41:26 PM3/7/07
And now a word from Gil Jesus
as he explains in detail how
JFK got shot in the front of
the neck and the round
penetrated the first layer of
the throat then by Golly got
stuck after it hit the second
layer of the throat.. It got
stuck explains Gil and
Kennedy was trying to cough
it up..

Sure guys have that happen all
the time in combat.. The old
bullet stuck in the throat and
can't make it out scenario..

Gil explains, "You people make me laugh. It's

so obvious to anyone who looks at the video."

Gil you are giving kooks a bad
name.. Even Sacknutz is
embarrassed over your nutty

MR ;~D

Mar 7, 2007, 11:46:48 PM3/7/07
> answer this very simple question?- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

He can't answer right away Yo..
He's choking on a bullet..


Mar 8, 2007, 12:28:00 AM3/8/07
Language Trucker or Treat
Languiage Trucker or treat.

Your spending TOO much time servicing Trucker at the I-95.

"YoHarvey" <> wrote in message

David Von Pein

Mar 8, 2007, 12:33:02 AM3/8/07
Anybody know why The Nutsack is fixated on this Trucker/Truck Stop/
Interstate shit?

Will next week's "Kook Sucker" theme involve greasy-spoon diners or
cozy bed-&-breakfasts?

The Sack has lost his last remaining marble it would seem. Nurse
Ratched awaits.


Mar 8, 2007, 12:54:34 AM3/8/07

<> wrote in message


> He can't answer right away Yo..
> He's choking on a bullet..
> Ed

The reason you LN's don't answer is because your choking on 10 year old boys



Mar 8, 2007, 12:57:55 AM3/8/07
ed cage wrote>>>

> I will address each of the 3 or 4 but
> at some point I'd like to know your
> source(s) for each claim you "quote"
> Quite frankly there's so much subjective
> BS on your site I'm a little leary of you
> just saying "here's what happened and
> what Baker did" ..

<> wrote in message

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