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uranus and the midlife crisis

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T. Bryk

da leggere,
11 nov 1996, 03:00:0011/11/96

Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
transit position.

Layo Lehmann

da leggere,
11 nov 1996, 03:00:0011/11/96

It brings a revivification, a chance to start over. Long-standing
commitments that have become deadening or entrapping, through the
individual doing things by rote and taking things for granted too
much, suddenly seem unbearable in their stiflingness. The person
looks at their home, their marriage, and their career and decides
that they must find a way to be free and creative, at the cost of
security if need be. Looking for new options, they may abruptly
begin a new lifestyle, leaving friends and family who cannot
support them in this change. The deeper questions of life become
central to them. New interest in metaphysics and other fringe
disciplines may become preoccupations. This is an exciting time,
an echo of being twenty-one years old and free from and independent
of your parents at last. Many events are packed into a few
months, as the personality undergoes a metamorphosis; old limits
never seem as compelling or important again. Anything is possible.
For this reason, some people say that life really doesn't begin
until after forty.


Diane Zeines

da leggere,
11 nov 1996, 03:00:0011/11/96

> (T. Bryk) wrote:

>Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
>midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
>certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
>midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
>transit position.

The midlife transition actually starts at around age 37, when
transiting Saturn is square natal Saturn, and ends at around age 44,
when transiting Saturn opposes natal Saturn. In between those years
you will experience Neptune square Neptune, Pluto square Pluto and
Uranus opposing Uranus. Therefore, the midlife transition, which can
certainly be a "crises" for some (but not for all) is a PROCESS that
starts off with a reevaluation of one's life and self, at about age 37
(Saturn sq Saturn), and may have a turning point at about age 38-39
(Uranus opp Uranus). Usually -- hopefully -- there's some kind of
"resolve" at around age 44-45, when Saturn opposes Saturn. If you've
done your personal homework, you will probably know more about who you
are and what you need.

Some people do go a little crazy when they have Uranus opposing
Uranus, but this really depends on what your life has been like up
until that point. How true to yourself have you been? How genuine
does your life feel at that point in time? Even if you have been true
to your real nature, there is still often a craving for freedom in
one's self-expression, although one doesn't necessarily need to
overthrow their entire existence to obtain this new life-expression.

Since most of us will feel at least some twinge of a need for change
at the Uranus opp Uranus cycle, it's just a matter of when and how
we'll do it. The people who seem to be outwardly going through a
"crises" are usually also engaged in some sort of resistance to the
changes that are necessary. So, in other words, denial of the need
for change is what can precipitate the acting out of so-called nutty
behavior. Denial of a need for change in one's life can also create
the very thing that one is trying to avoid. Therefore, the changes
can happen TO you, seemingly out of your control, when actually you
are creating the very changes that your conscious mind won't allow you
to fancy.

And, also, Uranus is an interesting planet because it often seems to
the outside world that you are behaving in quite an irrational manner
when, actually, you've been planning those changes all along. You may
not have mentioned your plans to anyone so that it seems TO THEM that
you've lost your mind, when, in actuality, you were just waiting for
the right time to do what you wanted to do.

If there's NOT a craving for change or personal self-expression, you
may be ignoring the signals that are telling you that an adjustment in
the life is needed. If you've been asleep at the wheel of life,
that's when you can start "acting out" and behaving like a teenager.
Uranus is on a 19-year cycle, so if you do start going a little nuts
at age 38-39, you can probably look back to when you were around 19
years old and see what was going on in your life and in your psyche
around that time. You might be repeating a pattern that was never
resolved. In that case, the midlife transition can easily turn into a
midlife crises because we haven't been true to ourselves during the
ensuing years. During the midlife transition, we have a chance --
about 7-8 years in fact -- to figure out what we want, how we want it,
and who we really are.

It ain't an easy time, believe me. Been there, done that and, to a
great extent, still doing it. But one of the fringe benefits of the
midlife transition is that you no longer have to care what other
people think. What's important is being true to who you are and
making the attempt to express and attain what you need.

Diane Zeines

Kevin Burk

da leggere,
11 nov 1996, 03:00:0011/11/96
a T. Bryk

T. Bryk wrote:
> Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
> midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
> certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
> midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
> transit position.


While the Uranus Opposition is certainly a large part of the 'midlife
crisis' it is only one part. Around the age of 38 - 45 (depending on
the positions and motion - retrograde or direct - of the natal planets)
we experience several exceptionally significant planetary cycles.

Uranus Opposite Uranus
Saturn Square Saturn (1st Square, 2nd Saturn Cycle, about age 37)
Jupiter Opposite Jupiter (4th Jupiter Cycle, about age 42)
Jupiter Square Jupiter (4th Jupiter Cycle, last square, about age 45)
Saturn Opposite Saturn (2nd Saturn Cycle, about age 44)
Not to mention that some individuals also get:
Neptune Trine Neptune
Pluto Square Pluto

(Astrology knew about "mid-life crisis" LONG before psychology finally
put a name to it.)

These transits will always overlap to a certain extent, and again, not
everyone will experience them at the same time, but the vast majority
will experience them all over a period of about 7 years between ages 38
and 45.

The Uranus Opposition is considered to be a time when we are able to
truly access our full potential as individuals, particularly our
creative potential. Of course, how we experience this has a great deal
to do with how comfortable we are with Uranus energy (which in turn has
everything to do with how well we've learned to deal with Saturn).

In the most general of terms, during this period, Jupiter, Saturn and
Uranus are all encouraging us to get out and do something with our
life. the Opposition point of a cycle is the point of culmination, the
point where we're supposed to shine (like the full moon). After the
opposition, the cycles are about disseminating, teaching, integrating,
adjusting and setting our intention for the next cycle.


Astrological Horoscopes & Forecasts
P. O. Box 16098 San Diego, CA 92176 (619) 221-5534


da leggere,
11 nov 1996, 03:00:0011/11/96

Diane Zeines wrote:

> > (T. Bryk) wrote:
> >Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
> >midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
> >certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
> >midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
> >transit position.

So.. Diane - Howzabout a teeny bit more on that old Saturn opposing Saturn... Hm? It
certainly has my panties in a knot at the mo.

da leggere,
12 nov 1996, 03:00:0012/11/96

>Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
>midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
>certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
>midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
>transit position.

Polarities are one thing, they are axis'. All oppositions manifest the
beliefs inherent in the planet opposed. If you have had trust in your own
individuality, there will be an intensification and more force of will in
executing it and creating the reality you prefer (remember Uranus is the
counterpart aspect of the Sun). If not, there will be a crisis in through
the recognition that one has acted from aquiesence (Saturn) and fear
rather than excitement and spontenaeity (Uranus), and there will be
anxiety that things must be "shaken up" if you are to begin to re-cognize
the you you are. This may create within the person reflections of times
when they did act more spontaneously (early 20's when Uranus trined its
natal position).
Therefore, as I have said 100 times (or more) if you act on what it
inspires and excites you to do ALWAYS and DON'T act on things that don't
(with integrity of course-pls refer to those posts) you will always be
exercising your Uranian birhtright and won't have to wake up to it later.
Of course, many act from anxiety-not excitement. This is the same energy
when expressed negatively though the judgment of tension as "bad". It is a
matter of belief in your own power that determnines the difference in
expression. I have posted all the tools necessary to understanding this to
anyone so inclined. I hope this answers the question in some small way.
"A cool wind is blowing through your crazy hair, one color's flowing this
feeling we have shared, and now I'm lonely I want to feel the love, so
deep within you.
Your love's a neverending dream, a castle by a stream, of sweet
understanding. I know you're thinking of me too the message is but you, in
our inspiration." The Moody Blues "So Deep Within You"

Ava Rosenblum

da leggere,
12 nov 1996, 03:00:0012/11/96
a G1

I think it hits people differently. Mine was characterized by being a
victim of the housing boom in my town. Had to move out of a great place,
into a noiser one. And a very difficult school exam that seemed to go on


Diane Zeines

da leggere,
12 nov 1996, 03:00:0012/11/96

>G1 <> wrote:

>So.. Diane - Howzabout a teeny bit more on that old Saturn
>opposing Saturn... Hm? It certainly has my panties in a
>knot at the mo.

Saturn transits and cycles bring to light how, where and why we've
been limiting ourselves. We become more aware of what we fear, what
we feel we lack and, most especially, what we think we haven't
accomplished. They are often all the same thing!!

For those who might not know this, there is a difference between a
transit and a cycle. A transit is something personal that happens
based on your personal birthday. You might, this month, have Mars
transiting over your Venus, but your friend might not. However,
cycles are stages of life. Each planet has a specific cycle -- a path
-- of its own that corresponds to specific chronological ages. A
cycle is when a transiting planet transits "itself" (i.e., its natal
position) and this occurs at the same time for everyone in that age
bracket. Therefore, for example, everyone who reaches the age of
7-1/2 will, at that time, have transiting Saturn square to its natal

The first Saturn opposite Saturn cycle usually occurs at around ages
15-16, which is why that is such a difficult age. "Who am I?" and
"Where do I fit in?" are often questions we ask ourselves at this age.
And then, there we are again, an adult of about age 45, and we're
asking those same questions. Yes, your midlife Saturn opposite Saturn
cycle can be like going through a second childhood, with all the same
angst-ridden drama and depression. It can be a very uncomfortable

Saturn transits in general are often about personal reevaluation.
Wherever Saturn is transiting will give you a clue to what issues you
are reevaluating. For example, if Saturn is transiting over your Sun,
you're probably reevaluating your self. If Saturn is transiting
through a certain house, then the issues of that house come into
question (as well as the opposite house and any and all of the planets
that the Saturn transit is "setting off").

When Saturn is involved in a "life" cycle (meaning that Saturn is
transiting to its own natal position), you will probably be
reevaluating your entire life and everything that you've accomplished
up until that point. The self-questioning begins at around ages
37-38, with Saturn's square to itself, but, at that point, you can
probably ignore it, and many of us do. There are plenty more
experiences to come that will have you questioning your entire life.
Then, when you get to the end of the midlife transition cycle, at age
45, if you still haven't done any of the things that were on your mind
at the beginning of the cycle (at ages 37-38), you're really going to
be going through a little crises ... or one big booming one (she said,

Saturn transits and cycles correspond with times when we feel stuck --
and we often ARE stuck. And sometimes there's a good reason for being
stuck: you're supposed to be reevaluating your life, not running away
from it. Being stuck in one spot forces you to look at all the things
you've feared and all the things you feel you lack and all the things
you feel you haven't accomplished. It's a time to try to start
figuring things out. Which direction do I want to go now? How do I
get there? Who and what do I have to leave behind to get what I need?

So, Saturn transits and cycles correspond with those times in our
lives when we begin to make the painful journey through the reality of
who we are and what we've become. Is this what we expected from
ourselves? Have we reached our personal and professional goals? Have
we paid any attention to our own needs?

With Saturn cycles (as opposed to just the transits), we are
reevaluating our total existence. During both transits and cycles of
Saturn, we often feel more than usually limited. And, of course, it's
always ourselves who create the limitations; you just need the full
length of the transit to see that it's you and not some outside force.
Therefore, it's almost a "given" that no matter where Saturn is
transiting through your chart, that's where you'll be doing your
reevaluation, that's where the work needs to be done. And the real
point of it all is: Why, where and how am I holding myself back? (In
other words, how the hell did I get HERE?)

And there's a pretty good chance that the issues you're reevaluating
now are the same ones that you left untouched and unresolved the last
time that Saturn was transiting that same planet or point in your
chart. In other words, if Saturn is transiting in an opposition to
itself right now and you didn't resolve certain issues the last time
that Saturn squared itself, you're probably just gonna be "doing it
again" this time around. Meaning: you'll be dealing with pretty much
the same issues on this Saturn opp Saturn cycle that you were dealing
with on your Saturn square Saturn cycle (about 7-1/2 years ago).
During Saturn transits and cycles we often find ourselves saying, "Oh,
shit, I thought I already handled that issue! Guess not." So you end
up having to work on the same issues all over again. Practice should
make perfect but, then again, denial is a powerful thing. You can
easily go through this Saturn cycle and not do much of anything to
change your ways. But you'll have another chance, in 7-1/2 years,
when Saturn squares itself again. We usually keep doing it until we
get it right!

So, merely recognizing the limits we put on ourselves does not
necessarily make for a change... does not necessarily force us out of
the box we've put ourselves in. But if you can become aware of where
in your life you've been putting on the brakes, you can at least begin
to work on those issues, freeing yourself up for some new adventure
that you've been afraid to take.

Diane Zeines

Edmond Wollmann

da leggere,
12 nov 1996, 03:00:0012/11/96

G1 wrote:

> So.. Diane - Howzabout a teeny bit more on that old Saturn opposing Saturn... Hm? It
> certainly has my panties in a knot at the mo.

Well I am not Diane, but I certainly know about Saturn-it tests your
ability to consciously peceive, what your beliefs and definitions about
reality create-PHYSICALLY, WHEREVER and WHENEVER it is (remember a fear
is a belief). All oppositions EXTERNALIZE into physicality the beliefs
reflected and held within the planet opposed. Here are some cases from my

The second opposition is dependent upon the degree of integration of the
first at age 14-15

Saturn Opposition Saturn; View To Reality
Š 1996 Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A. /Altair Publications

As astrologers we seek to corroborate human behavior and events to
astrological patterns. As human beings experiencing developmental growth,
we seek justification for anxiety and negative experience.
The conscious mind seeks to clarify and justify identity importance.
This conscious focus complicates awareness of necessary developmental
growth within time. The child does not consciously choose responsible
action. Responsibility is the ability to respond to the environment (it's
reality creation).
This is learned (through conscious mind function). The child (conscious
identity, Mars) seeks to prove it's ego importance. The parental
structure is the identity's first arena of reality testing. Ego
projection (first house) and separation instincts are checked or
dominated (socialized) by the external control of the parents (usually
the father, the tenth house).This is the basis for reality creation, i.e.
the identity seeks to establish itself as an individual (first house)
then meets with three dimensional controls (tenth house) which in turn
forms a perception about reality as a belief that structures the
subconscious inner self (e-motional identity establishment). This belief
patterning is then reflected through attempts to be socially accepted,
and possibly projection (seventh house), in interaction through others.
If the identity forms the belief about this projection-that
reinforcement of the identity will be difficult i.e. through perceived
parental indifference, overcompensation must ensue. Overcompensation
itself implies a defense against the self's perceived condition. Whether
tension (opposition=awareness, square=fulfillment) is welcomed or
resisted, determines the level of developmental resolution and /or
fulfillment. The process continues to repeat (spiraling upward or
downward) and is meant to accelerate to greater levels of self awareness
as to how developmental experience has been created by the self's
definitions and beliefs about reality.
Saturn, Capricorn, and the tenth house represent full externalization in
three dimensional reality. The identity's cumulative attempts to store
belief systems that maintain security towards identity e-motional
establishment (the reaction point of the fourth house). Saturn tests your
ability to consciously perceive what your beliefs about reality actualize
and create. Trines to Saturn; the successful integration of long term
attitudinal belief development in pragmatic terms, squares reflect a need
to develop realism (since realism is relative third density or dimension
is what is meant here), and oppositions; a need to externalize and test
the realism or physical manifestation of the planet opposed.
We must realize that parental conflict is a reflection of existing
belief patterning and momentums. The horoscope exists before parental
interaction at the physical level. The parents and the environment act as
catalysts for belief system developmental tension.
Saturn reflects the externalization of beliefs when entering into
quadrature or conjunction to a planet, to itself, or into other
developmental networks (T-square, Grand cross etc.). The belief system in
question is then challenged by three dimensional
confrontation. It is easy to construct or invent something mentally,
however when a model is physicalized, more often than not, gears do not
mesh as imagined. In the belief system development described above (1st,
4th, 7th and 10th) the conscious mind may not perceive experiences as the
resultant effect of attempts at belief system reinforcement (to maintain
sameness) that are created by the identity and reflected through the
environment. The only boundaries are the ones imposed by the self
determined by awareness. As counselors we must maintain the perspective
that the horoscope only reflects identity, and the environment reflects
the identity's adjustment through and in development. "Losses" or
"limitations" are the cumulative effects of negative belief system
patterning and the conscious experience of same. We create our own
reality-LITERALLY. Saturn reflects that reality back to us either as a
positive strategic effectiveness of need fulfillment and identity
actualization ("success"=trine) or as a lack of realistic appraisal
(gears that don't mesh) of the strategy necessary for identity
manifestation and externalization ("limitations"=square opposition).
Saturn by sign and house will indicate where overcompensation must occur
as a response to the belief of incompetency in that realm (or fear, which
is the same thing). This life function is so crystallized in belief
patterning that client confirmation is rarely difficult (depending on
aspects, modes etc.). In turn the aspect networks will suggest how
developmentally tense the perceived reality is. However, Saturn in one
house emphasis (Angular, Succeedant, Cadent) implies tension by reaction
in the correlating mode. Saturn in five (difficulty giving love) implies
Saturn in two (low self worth or esteem). Others opinions (9th) affects
thinking (3rd) and perspective (6th and 12th). Self projection confidence
(1st) is dependent upon feelings of emotional security (4th), and
Connecting belief systems and physical manifestation takes skilled
corroboration from the astrologer to past Saturn quadratures and aspects,
as well as a thorough knowledge of the corresponding rulerships of signs
and planets to physical structures of the body. High blood pressure can
be linked to Mars in Leo , Moon opposition Mars, and Mars opposition
Uranus etc., where it apparent that temperament and a belief in
powerlessness is high. Relating these insights to the client is usually
not necessary, however engaging in dialogue allows us to detect
temperamental situations, and reflect this knowledge back to the client
so that a recognition of the developmental nature of the energy can
enhance self awareness. Not welcoming tension is where all dis-ease
arises from. For most clients, physical events such as "accidents" are
not as easily seen as a creation of unconscious beliefs as are
relationship difficulties. This is because of our strict training to
believe that physical reality exists outside of us.
In philosophical terms, life is an awareness lesson for the conscious
self in the meeting of itself. When the student is ready, the
developmental experience appears, reflected in planetary structure and
signature throughout our development in time. The horoscope (the planets
,signs, galaxy) does not compel, impel, influence or energize. It
reflects the movement and momentum of our will, beliefs, energy and
development, just as we reflect it as a small part of the "All That Is"
whole. The planets are within, and the transits of the planets reflect at
what times these apparently external concepts are physically manifested.
Christ said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". Our actions are just
re- actions to the prescription by the inner self towards the education
of the conscious mind, of it's role, narrowness, and focus on the
illusion of three dimensional reality.
The following examples are of typical cliental from this writer's files.
Analysis begins with psychodynamic interpretation, and ends with belief
system physical confirmation. The outside wheel represents the transits
of the planets at the first revolution of transitting Saturn Opposition
natal Saturn. This is the first externalization of implied
overcompensation inherent in the natal premise and sets the tone for
future Saturn quadratures in the externalization of our beliefs about
reality. These methods are used for every client.
Horoscope #1 1/24/51 10:33 am 117w03-32n46 Sat opp Sat 3/21/67
On the following page is the horoscope of a female, age 35, beautiful,
and at the time of consultation, overweight. Upon arrival she presented a
very meek demeanor (Mars in Pisces rules 1, Saturn in Libra). Her
presentation did not accurately reflect the remainder of the horoscope
however. The Sun/Moon blend implies an especially strong conflict between
the intellect and the emotions, giving love (creative extension Moon in 5
in Leo, Sun rules 5), the identity's sense of emotional security (Moon
rules 4) and the alteration of perspective through deep emotional value
exchange (Moon conjunct Pluto, Pluto rules 8). Self worth is under
awareness tension in relationships and undermines emotional security
(Venus opposition the Moon from 5 to 11. Venus rules 2 and 7, the Moon
rules 4). A strong analytical discernment of belief structure, is made at
a glance.
Saturn is in Libra in the 6th house and is retrograde. Overcompensatory
cooperation and inferiority feelings about the life direction that
relationships may take (Saturn rules the 10th). Saturn in Libra implies a
fear of not being socially accepted, a need to acquiesce. The fears of
not being accepted, allow the individual to vacillate between agreement
and rejection. Alternating resentment for being controlled (allowing
themselves to be), followed by acquiescence, resentment, acquiescence,
etc.. Just understanding the Saturn placement allows us a very good
understanding of a very powerful belief momentum. Aspects determine how
developmentally tense the structure is. Saturn forms the base of a
T-square between it and the Mercury/Uranus opposition in Cadent houses.
An information (3rd and 9th)/perspective (6th and 12th)crisis,(Cadent,
Mercury rules 6 and 3) about love received and hopes for the future
(Uranus rules 11). The 5th and 11th emphasis implies sexual concerns. We
know that self worth is under tension and giving love can be
difficult-and yet in this case powerful creative and sexual drives are
evident (Moon conjunct Pluto in Leo in 5). Orgasm was not experienced
during intercourse, but only through fantasy during masturbation. The
Pisces Mars ruling the ascendent complicates the Saturn in Libra by
adding a need for sensitivity and lessens aggression. Venus (the
dispositor of Saturn) is in awareness tension with the Moon/Pluto
conjunction. Temperamental thinking (Mercury opposition Uranus) works
against practical application and communication, making fantasy (Venus
trine Neptune) a less threatening solution. A self isolation pattern that
lasted 19 years.
This experience exists as a belief about reality in probability form at
birth as reflected by our deductions thus far. The transits at the first
Saturn opposed Saturn reflect this probability manifestation powerfully.
Transiting Saturn ruling the tenth (the father) completes a grand cross
with the natal Saturn, Mercury, and Uranus. Transiting Venus squares the
natal Sun; an identity conflict (1st house) about the life direction
(10th house) of love given and creative extension (Sun rules 5). Transit
Mars opposes transit Venus and squares natal Sun. Tremendous
identity/relationship conflict. Venus rules 7, Mars rules 1! Transiting
Moon in four opposes the natal Sun and completes a grand cross from the
fourth house (emotional security). Transiting Neptune also squares the
natal Pluto/Moon opposed Venus and rules 12. The law of momentum flow
continues to reinforce initial deductions, the conclusions are not
Client confirmation; During this period this sixteen year old became
pregnant (Sun rules 5, Saturn opposed Saturn from 6 to 12) by her high
school sweetheart whom she admittedly was not in love with at the time.
She decided to have the child (5th) under feelings of guilt (Saturn in
Libra, self worth concerns) and extreme pressure from the father (Saturn,
the 10th). This life of repressed identity and creativity endured until
Saturn returned to the birth position 15 years later, when she divorced
went back to her music and art interests, and concentrated on
self-development. She lost a significant amount of weight on her new diet
(the cessation of "weighting").
The tensions discussed in the natal analysis became physically
externalized through this period of unfulfilling relationship. A harsh
lesson in the manifestation of relationship fears (uz) verses
individuality development (q,i-bg), within time (u).
Horoscope #2 11/30/37 2:18 am 087w39 41n52 Sat opp Sat 11/2/50
This horoscope is that of a male, age 49 at the time of consultation.
Saturn, the ruler of the 4th house (the establishment of the identity) is
in a T-square configuration, opposition Neptune and square Mercury from
the 6th in Pisces. Again Saturn in the 6th implies overcompensatory
discrimination in preparation for relationship (the 6th is the 12th of
the 7th). Saturn in Pisces reflects fears of self-introspection and a
belief that the identity may be severely misunderstood and have to suffer
to gain insight. Under developmental tension this self pity may be
magnified. Saturn opposed Neptune (the dispositor of Saturn) and in
square to Mercury in Sagittarius, reflects a dissolving, confusing, and
impressionable (Neptune) rationalizing and blurry (Mercury in Sagittarius
square Saturn) thinking and perspective (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th houses, with
Mercury ruling two of them). Jupiter, the Sun sign ruler and dispositor
of Mercury opposes Pluto, the ruler of 2. Self worth concerns do not
allow for clear thinking. Cooperation will be difficult. Saturn completes
a grand trine with Pluto (10), and Venus (2) creating an emotional closed
circuit defense against the perceived threat to value interaction (Pluto
rules 2, and Venus rules 8). The early environment threatened the
identity's emotional security and establishment (Saturn rules 4). A
belief about reality that will be reflected through the early environment
and parental structure. The Moon (mother) is in Scorpio. The reigning
need for emotional self worth significance (2nd), implies a severe
deprivation of same. The Moon opposes Uranus and squares Mars, with
Uranus disposing of Mars. The need for individuality recognition (Uranus)
tries to prove this uniqueness by being different (Aquarius).
Relationships (the 7th, ruled by Mars) would need to be different and
difficult to maintain (Uranus in 7), and giving love would threaten
emotional security (Moon) and individuality (Uranus).
The impact and externalization crisis as shown by transiting Saturn
opposed natal Saturn at age thirteen is the first of three oppositions.
Saturn retrograded and again opposed Saturn, turned direct, and opposed
it a final time. This process occurs often and signifies a complex belief
structure with accompanying issues, not easily resolved. Space limits a
discourse on this subject, and we will deal with the most important for
the purpose of this example, the initial opposition.
At first glance, we see Saturn opposed Saturn from the 12th square
transiting Mars in 3 conjunct natal Mercury. The informational
perspective complex discussed in natal delineation, is being profoundly
challenged through relationships (Mars ruling 7) possibly involving
brothers and sisters (3rd house). The natal Moon, Uranus, Mars T-square
is being triggered by transit Venus, Sun, Mercury (self worth references,
the mother). The transiting Pluto opposition transiting Jupiter from 11
to 5, completes a T-square with natal Venus (self worth, love given and
received). The prudent question to the client about these
issues of self worth with the mother at this time, prompted immediate
discourse on the mother's alcoholism (Neptune) and violence (Mars) at
this time. The beatings and unwarranted abuse stemmed from her favoritism
of his brother and distaste for him (3rd house references). He couldn't
do anything right. This belief manifested in his relationships with women
until one year before this consultation, during which all of his
relationships were homosexual. His reason for consultation was tension
over his first close female relationship (Saturn transiting Venus) during
the past year and the probability of break up based on his tremendous
fear of being taken advantage of (Moon in Scorpio, 2nd house reference,
Grand trine in Water signs) and not being valued over others in the
relationship. His response was to go back to living alone with his own
interests (Grand trine in Water, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn T-square) as
women would just never be sensitive and understanding enough (Saturn in
Pisces) and disrupt his security (Saturn ruling 4). The challenge is to
build self worth and analytical insight through successful relationships
with trust. We are not responsible for people-only responsible to them,
to be as much as we can be with integrity.
Horoscope #3 8/31/57 9:50 am cdt 087w39 41n52 Sat opp Sat 5/15/72
This chart is that of a female, 22 years of age at consultation. Self
worth issues (2nd house) are obviously very problematic. The Sun, Mars
and Pluto in 11 (love received, future speculation) are all squaring the
Moon/Saturn conjunction. Saturn in 2 implies a feeling of low self worth
and with the Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius (the greatest need and fear)
a strong belief that the opinions and intellect will not be respected.
The Moon and Saturn both rule the parental axis (4th and 10th)-a crisis
in personal worth reflected through parental relationship. Saturn squares
the Sun ruler of 11 (love received), Pluto ruler of the 2nd (self worth),
Mars ruler of the 7th (relationship reflection), and is the ruler of the
4th (identity establishment and emotional security). The Moon squares the
same planets. Venus in 12 in Libra, indicates a very refined and isolated
sense of beauty and relationship needs. There are no oppositions, and all
of the planets are grouped on the eastern hemisphere of the chart, to
defend the sensitivity of the self projection and identity (the
ascendent). Externalization would be difficult. Neptune in 1 confirms
idealism and identity sacrifice. A loss of focus and direction. Mars
square Saturn implies poor judgement (analytical discernment) in
clarifying (Mars in Virgo) the kind of love needed for identity
establishment and self worth reinforcement (Saturn in 2, ruler of 4) in
relationships (Mars rules 7). Energy for acclaim and love, clashes with a
feeling of being undeserving.
The transits at transit Saturn opposition Saturn at age 15, graphically
illustrates the probability of belief manifestation promised in the natal
chart. Transiting Saturn, ruler of 4 is in 8 and squares the natal Sun
and opposes natal Saturn. Self worth belief systems would be powerfully
externalized (opposition=awareness) through love received by others (Sun
in 11). Transiting Sun is opposed the natal Moon and square natal Pluto.
How will this identity/worth tension be manifested into reality? Transit
Uranus (the avant guard, and awakener) is exactly conjunct the private
idealism Venus in 12 and rules 5. The refined, idealistic, and private
sense of beauty (Venus) was shocked behind the scenes (Uranus and 12)
triggering self worth/identity concerns through the parental structure
(Saturn and Moon ruling the parental axis of 4/10). She was raped by her
stepfather on this date. This incident was known only by her and the
stepfather and now myself. She reported that intercourse continued for
several years. There was great anxiety and self worth conflicts and
feared that her mother knew (Moon aspects). She came for the consultation
originally to get reinforcement for her decision to marry her fiance, and
left deciding that she probably wasn't ready.
The challenge is to develop a healthy sense of self worth through self
directed fulfillment, and a recognition that every individual is as
powerful as he or she needs to be to create whatever they desire to
create in their reality, without having to hurt themselves or anyone else
in order to create it.
It is very striking, the photograph of developmental challenge signified
by transiting Saturn opposed natal Saturn. Not only can it indicate
probable events connected to an individual's beliefs/perceptions about
reality, but can confirm the call to fulfillment at the Saturn return.
They are not always this dramatic. Many individuals choose not to
remember them, so confirmation may be difficult.
It is obvious to this writer that restructuring the conscious and
subconscious belief systems through an analytically discerning awareness
of self-which is operationally demonstrable through a skilled delineation
of an accurate horoscope-is the path to restructuring externalized
physical reality. The point of power is always in the present. Mind and
matter are the same thing! Plato said "The purpose of living, is to
discover the purpose of living". When this level of perspective and
awareness are reached, fate certainly becomes unrecognized choice.
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
Š 1996 Astrological Consulting/Altair Publications
PO Box 221000 San Diego, CA. 92192-1000
(619)453-2342 e-mail

paul fletcher

da leggere,
13 nov 1996, 03:00:0013/11/96

> wrote:
> >Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
> >midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
> >certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
> >midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
> >transit position.


Dear Ed:
For many years I have understood that Uranus in the 7th, natally or by transit was an
indicator of domestic abuse, discord. I have seen this many times in charts and lives. The
most recent was a woman murdered in my home town and the estranged husband was
charged. She was 40 -- her Uranus was exactly opposite natal Uranus on October 23 when
we had a square from transiting Sun to transiting Uranus in opposition to her natal Uranus.
Uranus has to do with unique or odd things. It also has to do with youth, new young things,
whether human or mechanical like in inventions. So, in a man's life, at age 40, it is not
always so much that a man (or woman) seeks a one-time (unique) youthful flirtation -- as it is
that -- that young person comes into his or her life and has to be dealt with in some way. It's
how this is handled of course -- character, level of maturity and all that stuff that will
determine the outcome.
Personally I am not one to get turned on by Uranus but then I have it in the seventh myself
and it is now transiting my fourth. When it transited my first house I was the recipient of a
great number of domestic and business surprises. But that's another story.

Edmond Wollmann

da leggere,
13 nov 1996, 03:00:0013/11/96

paul fletcher wrote:

> wrote:

Hi Paul.

> Dear Ed:
> For many years I have understood that Uranus in the 7th, natally or by transit was an
> indicator of domestic abuse, discord.

"Things" that "happen" are effects of ideas that are held-whether at
conscious or unconscious levels. Uranus is the archetype that reflects
this forgotten knowledge or ideas-Saturn put them to sleep. The reason
they pop up unexpectedly is simply because you forgot this definition and
your conscious mind is "surprised" that it has anything to do with you,
because Saturn has fooled you into thinking that the you you are is ALL
you are. Do you follow? Uranus reminds you "well here are some things you
have defined as reality-maybe long ago (early environment?), last life,
unconsciously, as a path to awaken you to other truths-whatever" LOOK AT
THEM. WHY would you define these things this way? That is what Uranus
action is- to awaken you to greater aspects of the self. There is no "out
there"-no planets "affecting us", "making us" do things, bombarding us
with "random" events mindlessly. What creator would create us and not
provide us with all the tools and abilities to be the creations that it
created us to be? We have created the game of forgetting-the illusion of
separateness to allow us to focus on certain ideas and ignore others as
"not real" (Saturn as opposed to Neptune).

> I have seen this many times in charts and lives. The

> most recent was a woman murdered in my home town. She was 40 -- her Uranus was exactly

> opposite natal Uranus on October 23 when we had a square from transiting Sun to
> transiting Uranus in opposition to her natal Uranus.

She created the whole event and could not fulfill her own plan. She could
not awaken from the Saturnian dream-but we are eternal-she still
exists-she is just gone from this reality-she will incarnate again and go
for it again. Not meaning to sound insensitive-but this is just the
truth. If we are eternal-there is no such thing as time-what difference
really in the long run does it make WHEN you wake up? Of course you can
choose to do it now if you prefer-and I do-and so I have (Jupiter
conjunct Uranus in Cancer in 12).

> Uranus has to do with unique or odd
> things.

These are the EFFECTS of unrecognized ideas connected to the self-of
course they are surprising, you think they have nothing to do with
you-not possible, you ARE a path you are not ON one.

> It also has to do with youth, new young things, whether human or mechanical like in
> inventions.

EFFECTS of waking up to greater and forgotten aspects of the self. No
such thing as time-therfore these things have always "been" there we are
just discovering-remember I said "hell from the old english to cover
over, hide from consciousness (Saturn)- heaven (Uranus) is the
UN-COVERING of these things!

> So, in a man's life, at age 40, it is not always so much that a man (or woman)
> seeks a one-time (unique) youthful flirtation

"A youthful flirtation" is a superficial way to try to relate back to a
period when discovery was still alive and Saturn and Hell was not so
solidly placed-IT IS an EFFECT of placing the power outside the self. The
discovery needs to come from within-not from a younger person. But-of
course it can happen that both occur at the same time. The basic energy
is to discover the TRUER aspects of the self.

> -- as it is that -- that young person comes into
> his or her life and has to be dealt with in some way.

A younger person coming into the life is not a given, it can be one of
the effects of this period.

> It's how this is handled of course --
> character, level of maturity and all that stuff that will determine the outcome.

Whether they need to come into the life at all is the effect of the level
of maturity and integration.

> Personally I am not one to get turned on by Uranus but then I have it in the seventh myself
> and it is now transiting my fourth.

Then your fears must be great, because discovery is what life is all

> When it transited my first house I was the recipient of a
> great number of domestic and business surprises. But that's another story.

How exciting-another effect of Uranus-depends of course ALWAYS how you
look at it.Saturn=anxiety, Uranus=excitement-same energy or event,
different approach.

Uranus=The waking up to the reconition of choice in the creation of ones
reality and the excitement in that exploration of these undiscovered
aspects of the self.
I hope this is helpful in removing the strictures of Saturn.
"I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of
the peace." Baruch Spinoza

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.

© 1996 Astrological Consulting/Altair Publications

paul fletcher

da leggere,
13 nov 1996, 03:00:0013/11/96

> wrote:
> >Is there anybody who knows more about uranus opposite uranus and the
> >midlife crisis. The onbly things I know about are: people who become a
> >certain age (38-40) have uranus opposite their radix uranus. I think the
> >midlife crises is in that part of the horoscope where uranus has its
> >transit position.


Dear Ed:

For many years I have understood that Uranus in the 7th, natally or by transit was an

indicator of domestic abuse, discord. I have seen this many times in charts and lives. The

most recent was a woman murdered in my home town. She was 40 -- her Uranus was exactly
opposite natal Uranus on October 23 when we had a square from transiting Sun to

transiting Uranus in opposition to her natal Uranus. Uranus has to do with unique or odd
things. It also has to do with youth, new young things, whether human or mechanical like in
inventions. So, in a man's life, at age 40, it is not always so much that a man (or woman)
seeks a one-time (unique) youthful flirtation -- as it is that -- that young person comes into
his or her life and has to be dealt with in some way. It's how this is handled of course --

character, level of maturity and all that stuff that will determine the outcome.

Personally I am not one to get turned on by Uranus but then I have it in the seventh myself

and it is now transiting my fourth. When it transited my first house I was the recipient of a

Gilbert Lafortune

da leggere,
16 nov 1996, 03:00:0016/11/96

Kevin Burk <> wrote:

> ... the Opposition point of a cycle is the point of culmination, the

>point where we're supposed to shine (like the full moon). After the
>opposition, the cycles are about disseminating, teaching, integrating,
>adjusting and setting our intention for the next cycle.

It is indeed very important to differentiate the waxing (from conj.
to opp.) and waning (from opp. to conj.) phases of any cycle.

Here are some little thoughts on Uranus

Uranus takes 84 years to cycle around our Sun.

It is the only planet with a cycle period of the same magnitude order
than human life's optimal span.

BTW: 84 = 7 years x 12 signs

7 visible planets (Sun&Moon included);
7 days of the week;
7 spectral colors;
7 musical notes;
7 God's commands
7 deadly sins;
7 sacraments;
7 chakras;
7 world's wonders;
7 cat's lives;
12 planets (Sun&Moon, Chiron, and one other yet to be decided);
12 months of the year;
12 hours AM; 12 hours PM;
12 inches in a foot;
12 zodiac signs;
12 notes of a full octave (half notes included);
12 Jesus' apostles;
12 Hercules's labors;
12 tribes of Israel;
12 Charlemagne's court paladins;
12 US federal reserve banks;
a dozen of eggs; .
Carbon 12;
vitamin B12; etc... :)

0 x 7 = birth (at the bio/psychological/personal level)
1 x 7 = age of reason
2 x 7 = first puberty (physical level)
3 x 7 = adult age (not anymore in many country, but was 21 for long) 4
4 x 7 = first rebirth age (at the social consciousness level)
5 x 7 = strength of age
6 x 7 = second puberty; mid life crisis; shift of consciousness
7 x 7 = carrier's top
8 x 7 = second rebirth age (at the universal consciousness level)
9 x 7 = retirement age
10 x 7 = third puberty; 70's crisis; second shift of consciousness
11 x 7 = elder age; the wise man
12 x 7 = Uranus return and third rebirth age
(at the spiritual consciousness level or all the way down to start)

Saturn/Chronos is traditionally ruler of Time.
But *Time* may be looked at and experienced in at least two
quite different ways. There is the linear past/present/future
restrictive saturnian time. And there is what I would call the
*holistic all in the now intuitive and telepathic Time's level of
reality*, ruled by Uranus. (BTW. There are quite good articles about
Time and Astrology in TMA. Feb 96. Hannon's and Mann's articles are
particularly interesting)

Uranus having broken down the Saturnian too restrictive wall of fear,
one may then reach the Neptune's level of reality that is seated right
in the middle of the *infinite* and so *confusing* unknown.
Depending on how solid the individual authentic ego structure
(Saturn), and how *truthful* has been the *individuation* revolution
(Uranus), the Neptunian level of reality may be experienced from
totally confusing to wonderfully revealing.

Amicalement ! Gilbert le Québécois Humanistic Amateur Astrologer

paul fletcher

da leggere,
16 nov 1996, 03:00:0016/11/96
a Diane Zeines

Guys: What happened to Uranus and the midlife crisis in this thread?

Anyway, For many years I have understood that Uranus in the 7th, natally or by transit was

an indicator of domestic abuse, discord.

I have seen this many times in charts and lives. The most recent was a woman murdered

back in my home town and the estranged husband was charged. She was 40 -- her Uranus

was exactly opposite natal Uranus on October 23 when we had a square from transiting Sun

to transiting Uranus in opposition to her natal Uranus. The husband was married for the
third time and bought a house with his current wife across the street from the ex and a 14
year old daughter. The mother and her 2 year live-in boyfriend and town councillor sold the
house to move to another street and got child custody two days before the murder. The only
murder the town (8,000) has ever had in a hundred and fifty years.

Uranus has to do with unique or odd things. It also has to do with youth, new young things,
whether human or mechanical like in inventions. So, in a man's life, at age 40, it is not
always so much that a man (or woman) seeks a one-time (unique) youthful flirtation -- as it is


with in some way. It's how this is handled of course -- character, level of maturity and all

that stuff that will determine the outcome. It is very powerful and it will feel unfair but it will
also pass.

Derek Parker

da leggere,
16 nov 1996, 03:00:0016/11/96

The Uranus return can be a wonderful time: my father-in-law had a
ball, learning to glide!

Derek Parker

da leggere,
16 nov 1996, 03:00:0016/11/96

> I have seen this many times in charts and lives. The most recent
was a woman murdered

> back in my home town....

et cetera.

What a splendid textbook example of what Uranus can provoke... File
and remember!

Derek Parker.

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