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Evidence which confirms that the cyclone "Nargis" that devastated Burma was induced technically by UFOs (JP)

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May 11, 2008, 9:46:09 PM5/11/08
From descriptions of the cyclone "Nargis", which were presented in
newspapers and television, a whole array of facts emerges that
directly document the technical origins of this murderous cyclone from
advanced technology of UFOnauts. Below indicated are the most
significant amongst such facts. Of course, the majority of people
probably is unable to accept the bitter truth that UFO vehicles may
intentionally induce murderous cyclones (hurricanes) and then so
control their course as to induce possibly the largest damage.
Similarly, the majority of human experts are unable to comprehend that
UFO vehicles fly thousands of light years only to hide from people and
abduct humans at nights. However, the inconvenient truth does NOT
cease to be the truth only because someone does NOT want to accept it.
So let us now review the most significant facts that confirm the
technical origins from UFOs of this Burmese cyclone "Nargis" on 3rd
and 4th May 2008:

1. This cyclone manoeuvred intelligently and so precisely, that it
devastated only one country (Burma), while after arriving to the end
of curved Burma it rapidly disappeared. Burma ("Mayanmar") destroyed
by the cyclone "Nargis" is a long country, which occupies mainly the
basin of river Irrawaddy. The territory of it is additionally like
"curved". Initially (to "trick" people) the cyclone followed a
trajectory that was typical for local cyclones aimed at Bangladesh.
Only in the last moment it turned sharply eastward and hit at Burma.
As it turned out later, the cyclone moved precisely along this
"curved" country, even making a turn to thoroughly destroy the entire
territory of it. After the cyclone arrived to the end of Burma, it
rapidly disappeared. Such a precise control over the trajectory, area
of destruction, and the time of disappearance of the cyclone would NOT
be possible if it was NOT controlled intelligently by crews of UFO
vehicles which induced this cyclone and controlled its motion.

2. The cyclone hit on weekend, means when almost all human
institutions were closed, or had just a limited personnel. As this is
explained in volume 11 of monograph [1/4] (see the totaliztic web page
named "xext_1_4.htm"), in order to increase the destruction, UFOnauts
carry out their criminal activities almost always in weekends or in
public holidays - so that there is difficult to organise any warning,
prevention, or salvation.

3. This cyclone generated non-typical roar that sounded
technologically like a powerful jet engine. Such a roar does NOT
appear in natural cyclones, but it appeared once during the tsunami
"organized" by UFOnauts and described on the web page "day26.htm".
Means, only the action of propulsion of UFOs could so change
parameters of this cyclone that it induced such an unusual roar.

Quite informative turned out to be the article [1E2] entitled
"Swamped", which appeared on page B1 of the New Zealand newspaper "The
Dominion Post", issue dated on Thursday, May 8, 2008. This article was
written by a correspondent who was just present in Burma territory,
and thus who could report effects of this cyclone from the area of the
destruction. (The majority of other articles were based on telephone
interviews carried out from outside of Burma, as the military
government of Burma in spite of this catastrophe would NOT allow
almost anyone inside.) This article revealed several further
extraordinary attributes of the cyclone "Nargis", which (the
attributes) strongly and directly confirm the technical origins of it
from UFOs. Here are most vital amongst these:

4. Bodies of victims of the cyclone were burned by powerful magnetic
field of UFOs. The above article [1E2] describes, that "... some
survivors appeared to have suffered chemical burns during the
storm ..."). On the other hand it is known to us from research on
UFOs, that the powerful magnetic field utilised by UFOs for the
propelling purposes, causes just such burns (as if made by chemicals)
in the mode of "magnetic whirl". E.g. magnetic burns of just such
origin are visible on ears of the cat shown in "Fig. #B1" on the web
page "bandits.htm" (about bandits from UFOs eager to stub our backs.)
But because victims of this technically induced cyclone had no idea
that they were burned by the field of UFOs, these victims suspected
that during the cyclone they accidentally were affected by some
burning chemicals.

5. Black (burned) bodies of dead victims of the cyclone. According to
reports provided amongst others in the above article [1E2], and also
in another article "A journey from horror to sorrow" from pages A1 and
A3 of the newspaper "The New Zealand Herald", issue dated on Friday,
May 9, 2008, the sight of dead victims of the cyclone "Nargis"
revealed "... blackened bodies of people and animals ...". In turn
similar blackened, like burned to charcoal, bodies of animals I
personally saw during my research on the UFO landing sites in New
Zealand. For example, in the lowest UFO landing site shown in "Fig.
#E1" from the totaliztic web page "ufo_proof.htm" (about the formal
scientific proof that "UFO vehicles do exist"), I found a hedgehog
that was magnetically burned and dried out by a powerful magnetic
field of a UFO. This hedgehog was black like these burned bodies of
victims of the cyclone from Burma. It was so dry that when I touch
this hedgehog it disintegrated into a powder. Of course, in Burma
these black bodies most probably do NOT disintegrate into a powder.
After all, opposite to this hedgehog, the Burma bodies were larger -
thus probably less burned by the magnetic field of UFOs. Also above
Burma UFO vehicles were moving, not hovering motionlessly like above
landing sites in New Zealand. Furthermore, in Burma bodies were NOT
dry, but well wet in water brought by the cyclone.

6. The formation of "Nargis" from two counter-rotating cyclones
coupled together into a single "wind pump". Satellite photographs of
the cyclone "Nargis" revealed, that this cyclone was formed by
coupling together two counter-rotating cyclones. Out of these two, the
upper one (northern) rotated counter-clockwise, while the lower one
(southern) rotated clockwise. The reproduction of these satellite
photographs from newspapers is shown on "Fig. #E1" from the web page
"katrina.htm". Such a structure of the cyclone "Nargis" is shocking
and it directly documents the technical origin. I do NOT understand
why climatologists keep it covered with an ignorant silence. After
all, in nature such low pressure clockwise cyclones appear exclusively
in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. (While Burma lies on the
northern hemisphere.) Thus in order to be able to join one of these to
the counter-clockwise cyclone that rages on the northern hemisphere,
and then attack Burma with it, this clockwise cyclone at night was
moved technically by a UFO vehicle onto the northern hemisphere. The
dragging of it is confirmed by the fact which is visible on the
satellite photographs of it, namely that this clockwise cyclone sticks
to the counter-clockwise one on its southern side. Of course, it is
clear why UFO vehicles created technically such a double system of two
counter-rotating cyclones. The reason is that such a system works like
a huge whirling "pump for water". With the use of this pump, the 3.5
metre high wall of sea water was created from the nearby ocean. Then
this high wall of water was directed by UFOnauts at coasts of Burma,
raging as far inland as around 40 km from the sea coast.

7. Intelligent hiding from people this unnatural, southern component
of the double cyclone. In the double form, which is captured on the
photograph from "Fig. #E1" of the totaliztic web page "katrina.htm",
the cyclone "Nargis" existed only shortly when it "pumped" 3.5 metre
high wall of sea water onto the low-level areas of the Irrawaddy
delta. Most clearly UFOnauts were aware that such an unnatural
formation of the cyclone into a shape of a "whirling pump" may induce
someone's suspicions. Therefore they formed this "pump" at night, when
satellites were unable to photograph what happened. In early morning
on Saturday, 3 May 2008, UFOnauts only flooded with the wall of sea
water (pilled up by this "pump") the low-level coast areas of the
Irrawaddy delta. Then, immediately after the wall of water did its
destruction and drowned thousands of people, UFOnauts released from
their hold the lower (southern) unnatural component of both coupled
cyclones, which immediately disappeared. Further destruction they
carried out just with a single component - so that the majority of
time the cyclone looked like it was of a "natural" origin. It should
be stressed here, that such an intelligent, hidden, and just temporary
magnification of destruction capabilities of the cyclone "Nargis"
through coupling it together from two counter-rotating hurricanes,
practically means that from the very beginning this cyclone was
designed as a tool of intentional (but secretive) destruction of

The explanations presented above, which indicate most meaningful
evidence on the technical origins (from UFOs) of the Burma cyclone
"Nargis", and which also shows the satellite photograph of two-
cyclones coupled together at the beginning of their attack at Burma,
are adopted from item #E2 of the totaliztic web page named
"katrina.htm", updated on 9 May 2008, or later. The latest update of
the web page "katrina.htm" should be available from several addresses
listed in other my threads and posts.

It is also worth to know that under each such address ALL totaliztic
web pages should be available (unless some of these web pages were
sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view
descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page
listed in this message, or listed in other totaliztic messages, then
in the above addresses the name "katrina.htm" is just enough to
exchange for a name of the web page that he or she wishes to view,
e.g. for the name of web page "god.htm", "bible.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm" "evil.htm",
"evolution.htm", "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm",
"memorial.htm", "newzealand.htm", "free_energy.htm", "fe_cell.htm",
"boiler.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", fruit.htm? "text_1_5.htm",
"day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm", etc., etc.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. Motto: "An inconvenient truth does NOT cease to be the truth only
because someone does NOT want to accept it."

This thread belongs to a longer series of discussion threads that I
authorise and that concentrate on providing and discussing the
scientifically verifiable evidence, proofs, and explanations for the
existence of UFOs and for evil activities of UFOnauts on the Earth.
The aim of all these threads is to provide scientifically-based
explanations and verifiable scientific evidence for the continuous
(although secretive) aggression of UFOnauts towards people from the
Earth. It is my hope, that by attempts to provide these rational
explanations, I manage to reverse the trend to-date that rationally
acting UFO researchers were scoffed at by agents of UFOnauts only
because representatives of scientific fraternity either were scared to
present evidence and proofs regarding UFOs and UFOnauts, or ignored
the evidence that was known to them. In turn by reversing this trend,
I hope to inspire people for defending themselves from this open
aggression of UFOnauts against people from the Earth.

May 11, 2008, 9:52:07 PM5/11/08

May 12, 2008, 11:18:08 PM5/12/08
I should add here, that in the original post above I tried to provide
links to the totaliztic web page "katrina.htm" on which the
photographic evidence on the technological origion of the cyclone
"Nargis" is shown. This evidence has a form of the satellite
photograph of a "double" cyclone - which does NOT appear in the
nature. A similar satellite photograph, only that provided with a
errornoeus caption, is also shown at the address
. However, some UFOnauts obviously sabotaged this thread in such a
way, that I am unable to provide here a link to any totaliztic web
site which contains the page "katrina.htm". Thus I recommend to
readers to seek this web page through "" by providing
following key words
Jan Pajak katrina.htm
(Perhaps readers could repeat the link they find on this thread.)

Z totaliztycznym salutem,
Jan Pajak

P.S. Please notice that up until this (sabotaged) thread I
traditionally provided links to totaliztic web pages in each post
which referred to these web pages - as an example see threads

May 14, 2008, 12:15:32 AM5/14/08
Interesting that someone obviously cooperates with UFOnauts in Burma.
Effects of the cyclone "Nargis" (induced technically by a UFO vehicle)
are additionally increased in there by disallowing the international
assistance to victims of that cyclone. Thus the number of victims is
going to grow due to starvation and illnesses. This again confirms the
thesis, presented on the totaliztic web page "evil.htm", that UFOnauts
(who look exactly the same as humans do, as they are close cosmic
relatives of humans) are actually mixed with people on the Earth, thus
freely sabotaging all important human efforts.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

May 14, 2008, 11:06:10 PM5/14/08
How it happens, that already 2000 years ago Chinese had an aparatus
for a remote detection of impending earthquakes. It operated on
principles of telepathy (in Chinese called "chi") and was able to
detect an earthquake that was brewing up at a distance of around 500
km. This apparatus is described quite comprehensively at the address
, and also on the totaliztic web page "seismograph.htm". How it
happens that neither Chinese, nor anyone else in the world tries to
build this device? Is it posisble that someone (surely NOT people) is
scared that by building this apparatus people would learn how to
utilise telepathy in their technical devices?

By the way, the Monday (12/05/08) earthquake (of 7.9 scale at 2:28
local time) in China also displays several attributes of an earthquake
induced technically by a UFO vehcile (I intend to discuss these
attributes in my future posts). It appears that UFOnauts lately are
concentrating on a destruction of the South-East Asia and also the USA
(USA is polagued recently by tornadoes induced technically by UFOs -
for details see the totaliztic web page "tornado.htm" available via
links with other posts mentioned earlier).

Archie Leach

May 17, 2008, 6:54:18 PM5/17/08
Below is evidence which confirms that Jan Pajak is a k00k and a bit
ghoulish as well.

I like the whole "The cyclone only devastated Burma" bit, which is not
true, because Nargis also wrought havoc in Sri Lanka.


Message has been deleted

Archie Leach

May 17, 2008, 10:10:18 PM5/17/08
Meat Plow <> wrote:

>On Sat, 17 May 2008 17:54:18 -0500, Archie Leach wrote:
>> Below is evidence which confirms that Jan Pajak is a k00k and a bit
>> ghoulish as well.
>> I like the whole "The cyclone only devastated Burma" bit, which is not
>> true, because Nargis also wrought havoc in Sri Lanka.
>> Seconds?

>I didn't read all of it but WOW if anyone deserves the WFWS Jan does.

Well if you liked that then you'll love Jan's personal "site"
dedicated to his doctrine of "totalizm" (sic)

He bringin' it STRONG.

Archie Leach

May 17, 2008, 10:19:54 PM5/17/08
Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:

And if you loved that (make sure to scroll down, only the first 200
lines or so are in 32 point bold face type), then you'll be positively
ecstatic about this page:

Yep. The UFONauts are SABOTAGING his website.

Or perhaps he's confusing the Men in Black (tinMIB) with the Fellows
in the White Coats, coming to take him away, ha ha, they're coming to
take him away, ho ho.

May 17, 2008, 10:42:31 PM5/17/08
On May 18, 10:54 am, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:

> I like the whole "The cyclone only devastated Burma" bit, which is not
> true, because Nargis also wrought havoc in Sri Lanka.
I see, you are a master in using evidence "pro" to pretend that this
evidence is "against". You forgotten to mention WHEN it "devastated
Sri Lanka" (as you claim). The point is that before it was directed by
UFOs at Burma, it followed a usual trajectory of cyclones in that
area, which is pointed towards Bangladesh, passing near Sri Lanka.
However, after UFO vehicles took control over it, it went stright to
the delta Irrawaddi river in Burma, and later followed the path along
this river within boundaries of Burma, until it diminished at the
border of Burma with Thailand. So my boy, you seem to be good in
"twisting truth". However, "whatever you say and do, the truth still
remains true".

Well, since you are so good in twisting the truth, please explain here
why the cyclone "Nargis" was composed of two separate cyclones, the
upper one rotating counter-clockwise, while the lower one rotating
clockwise, while in nature clockwise cyclones appear exclusively in
the southern hemisphere of the Earth. (This double nature of Nargis is
shown on photo from the address

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. Links to totaliztic web pages "katrina.htm" on which the evidence
provided here is explained in much more details, can also be found on
blogs of totalizm available under addresses (in this thread here
providing such links turned out to be impossible - surely someone
sabotaged (black-listed) this capability of linking to web pages of
totalizm on this thread):

Message has been deleted

Archie Leach

May 17, 2008, 11:06:43 PM5/17/08
to wrote:

>On May 18, 10:54 am, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
>> I like the whole "The cyclone only devastated Burma" bit, which is not
>> true, because Nargis also wrought havoc in Sri Lanka.
>I see, you are a master in using evidence "pro" to pretend that this
>evidence is "against". You forgotten to mention WHEN it "devastated
>Sri Lanka" (as you claim). The point is that before it was directed by
>UFOs at Burma, it followed a usual trajectory of cyclones in that
>area, which is pointed towards Bangladesh, passing near Sri Lanka.
>However, after UFO vehicles took control over it, it went stright to
>the delta Irrawaddi river in Burma, and later followed the path along
>this river within boundaries of Burma, until it diminished at the
>border of Burma with Thailand. So my boy, you seem to be good in
>"twisting truth". However, "whatever you say and do, the truth still
>remains true".

Or, perhaps the positioning and motion of the various high pressure
systems surrounding Nargis caused its motion (as typically happens
with cyclonic systems).

You're presupposing this existence of "UFO"s and "UFO"-nauts without
any first-hand proof of the actual presence of UFO's (because
satellite or doppler radar should be able to detect anomalous flying
objects); but then again you presuppose the "sabotage" of UFO-nauts
against your web page. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

>Well, since you are so good in twisting the truth, please explain here
>why the cyclone "Nargis" was composed of two separate cyclones, the
>upper one rotating counter-clockwise, while the lower one rotating
>clockwise, while in nature clockwise cyclones appear exclusively in
>the southern hemisphere of the Earth. (This double nature of Nargis is
>shown on photo from the address

I'm not a meteorologist, so I don't have an answer for what happens
when a cyclone happens to cross from one side of the equator to the

I do know that on rare instances tornadoes in the United States have
been observed spinning clockwise and not counterclockwise.

As for the "lower" storm, it looks like a swath of unorganized
moisture being sucked into Nargis; it's not unheard of for larger
cyclones (either tropical or extra-tropical) to cannibalize smaller
systems; storms that are labelled "Storm of the Century" tend to have
their origins in a convergence of multiple low pressure systems.

>With the totaliztic salute,
>Jan Pajak
>P.S. Links to totaliztic web pages "katrina.htm" on which the evidence
>provided here is explained in much more details, can also be found on
>blogs of totalizm available under addresses (in this thread here
>providing such links turned out to be impossible - surely someone
>sabotaged (black-listed) this capability of linking to web pages of
>totalizm on this thread):

It's SABOTAGE~~~~~~111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A [Temporary] Dog

May 18, 2008, 2:39:51 AM5/18/08
On Sat, 17 May 2008 21:10:18 -0500, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham>
painted a red bull's eye on his forehead, ascended the altar of Fluffy
and shouted:


>Well if you liked that then you'll love Jan's personal "site"
>dedicated to his doctrine of "totalizm" (sic)

Wow, just Wow

>He bringin' it STRONG.

Moral fields, changelings (lots of them), UFOs attaching the WTC,
dipolar gravity, UFOs creating tornados and huricanes ...

-A (Temporary) Dog, Prophet of the Copybook Headings
use the domain that is erols with tempdog as a name for email
"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth
minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own
meaningless affairs by minding other people's business"
-Eric Hoffer

Message has been deleted

May 18, 2008, 10:17:56 PM5/18/08
On May 18, 3:06 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
> You're presupposing this existence of "UFO"s and "UFO"-nauts without
> any first-hand proof of the actual presence of UFO's (because
> satellite or doppler radar should be able to detect anomalous flying
> objects);
There is a formal scientific proof published on totaliztic web pages
named "ufo_proof.htm" (you can find links to this web page through
blogs of totalizm listed before, or by typing in googles key words:
Jan Pajak ufo_proof.htm). The proof explains also that UFOs have
several different manners of becoming invisible to the human eyes,
while they still can do the destruction. One of such manners is the so-
called "telekinetic flickering" described on the totaliztic web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm" - which (the page) you can also find through
links that are sabotaged on this thread (also by invisible UFOnauts).
This "telkinetic flickering" simply depends on UFOs flickering like
subsequent frames in movie films, or like TV picture, so our eyes do
NOT see them, in spite that they are here. Of course, when such UFOs
induce a cyclone (e.g. Nargis) or do any other form of harm to people,
they surely hide from our sight behind such "telekinetic flickering".
So surely our present primitive technology is unable to detect them.
However, marks left by UFOs on the trail of the cyclone Nargis (e.g.
bodies burned magnetically until they become "black", or like
"chemical" burning of skins of victims), prove thet these invisible
UFOs were present inside of the "eye" of the cyclone Nargis.

May 20, 2008, 12:42:40 AM5/20/08
UFOnauts have this nasty habit, that they always initiate technically
on the Earth as many as two catastrophes in short distance of time
from each other. Thus in 9 days after the cyclone in Burma on 3 and 4
May 2008, UFOnauts induced also technologically the earthquake in
China on 12 May 2008. Because UFOnauts inducte such technical
earthquakes by exploding underground their UFO vehicles of small
types, these earthquakes display numerous unique attributes which do
NOT appear in natural earthquakers. Thus, these attributes allow us to
distinguish between "natural" and "indiced technologically by UFOs"
earthquakes. One of such attributes is the "magnetic flash" that
appear at the moment when so-called "Oscillatory Chambers" (i.e. UFO
propelling devices - see the totaliztic web page
"oscillatory_chamber.htm") disintegrate. Such "magnetic flash" causes,
amongst others, the "materialisation" in the air of like "white fog"
or "white smoke" (this "fog" is simply constituted from particles of
the air that were "telekinetised" by the "magnetic flash" from
disintegrating propulsors of a UFO). Just such "materialisation" of
this mysterious "fog" was registered on several videos recorded in
China at the moment of the earthquake on 12 May 2008. (These videos
were later shown in TVs all around the entiore world - probably
readers saw them.) Therefore, in order to learn how to distinguish
between "natural earthquakes", and "earthquakes induced
technologically by UFOs", on the totaliztic web page
"katrina.htm" (see tem #E3 on the web page "katrina.htm") I listed
most vital attributes that characterise earthquakes induced
technically by UFOs. These attributes are also discussed in the Google
discussion groups e.g. at the addresses
- I invite everyone to have a look at them (and of course for
commenting - where the expertise allows).

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. There is really an abundance of evidence for the increasingly
blunt attacks of UFOnauts at our civilisation. If we do NOT being our
self-defence soon, it may happen that there will be nothing left from
the present human civilisation. Thus again the humanity would return
to trees and to caves, and again it would need to pass 12 000 years
before we earn the civilisation that is technically so advanced as our
presnet one. (As somne evidence indicates it, the previous advanced
technological civilisation on the Earth existed over 12 500 years ago
- it was that one which built pyramids, megalitic cities, airplanes
like our present, etc.)

Archie Leach

May 20, 2008, 3:04:12 AM5/20/08
to wrote:

Well, whatever. In any case, I'm not reading through every single
word on that or any other of your pages, because, well, I've got other
things to do than sift through multiple 25,000 word essay-rants by a
non-native English speaker.

But if you want to bring one of your propulsion craft up here to
Chicago, that's fine by me, and would certainly merit a cancellation
of your VVF nomination.

May 20, 2008, 11:56:05 PM5/20/08
On May 20, 7:04 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
> of your VVF nomination.- Hide quoted text -
I am uninterestyed in your offers. (These sound like offers of Satan
to Jesus.)

With the totaslistic salute,
Jan Pajak

Archie Leach

May 21, 2008, 1:45:10 AM5/21/08
to wrote:

Are you saying that you are Jesus-esque?

With the partializtic salute,
Archie Leach

Larry Huntley

May 21, 2008, 1:28:57 AM5/21/08
Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> stepped up to the podium, tapped the
aging SM57 and announced in news:vpt434tflrr2smff0apilas09krcqr5dci@

> wrote:

>>However, marks left by UFOs on the trail of the cyclone Nargis (e.g.
>>bodies burned magnetically until they become "black", or like
>>"chemical" burning of skins of victims), prove thet these invisible
>>UFOs were present inside of the "eye" of the cyclone Nargis.
>>With the totaliztic salute,
>>Jan Pajak
> Well, whatever. In any case, I'm not reading through every single
> word on that or any other of your pages, because, well, I've got other
> things to do than sift through multiple 25,000 word essay-rants by a
> non-native English speaker.
> But if you want to bring one of your propulsion craft up here to
> Chicago, that's fine by me, and would certainly merit a cancellation
> of your VVF nomination.

In the event Jan doesn't show up in Chicago with a propulsion craft,
consider this a second to your nomination.

- L
Larry Huntley Beaverton, Oregon
Skep-Ti-Cult® Member #130-978649-969
The Jupiter Effect, written by two otherwise sensible astronomers in
1974, predicted dreadful effects on our planet as a result of a March 10,
1982, "alignment" of planets. When the date came and went, no one
noticed. One of the authors reported that some earthquakes which had
occurred in 1980 had been the "premature result of The Jupiter Effect,"
and the public yawned in amazement.
- James Randi
** Posted from **

May 21, 2008, 11:37:26 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 5:28 pm, Larry Huntley <> wrote:

> In the event Jan doesn't show up in Chicago with a propulsion craft,
> consider this a second to your nomination.

If I ever construct a Magnocraft I would do it for the good humanity,
not to just "show off". However, in present "sceptical" intellectual
climate is NO hope that the Magnocraft will ever be build. (For
problems which the construction of this advanced magnertic vehicle is
facing - see the totaliztic web page "magnocraf.htm".)


May 22, 2008, 3:29:48 PM5/22/08

you're a looney
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.
(Ben Railley in Spiderman)


May 22, 2008, 3:53:16 PM5/22/08
to wrote:

> 1. This cyclone manoeuvred intelligently and so precisely, that it
> devastated only one country (Burma),

It destroyed only a small part of Myanmar (Burma)

> while after arriving to the end
> of curved Burma it rapidly disappeared. Burma ("Mayanmar") destroyed
> by the cyclone "Nargis" is a long country, which occupies mainly the
> basin of river Irrawaddy.

The Irrawaddy basin is near the southern coast of Burma, It is a large
country, with origins at the foothills of the Himalayas (Garo and Khasi

> The territory of it is additionally like
> "curved". Initially (to "trick" people) the cyclone followed a
> trajectory that was typical for local cyclones aimed at Bangladesh.

Following the usual trajectory, it wasn't aimed at Bangladesh, it was aimed
at India, a part which is more or less heavy-cyclone prone!

> Only in the last moment it turned sharply eastward and hit at Burma.
> As it turned out later, the cyclone moved precisely along this
> "curved" country, even making a turn to thoroughly destroy the entire
> territory of it. After the cyclone arrived to the end of Burma, it
> rapidly disappeared.

The cyclone followed into Thailand.

> Such a precise control over the trajectory, area
> of destruction, and the time of disappearance of the cyclone would NOT
> be possible if it was NOT controlled intelligently by crews of UFO
> vehicles which induced this cyclone and controlled its motion.
> 2. The cyclone hit on weekend, means when almost all human
> institutions were closed, or had just a limited personnel. As this is
> explained in volume 11 of monograph [1/4] (see the totaliztic web page
> named "xext_1_4.htm"), in order to increase the destruction, UFOnauts
> carry out their criminal activities almost always in weekends or in
> public holidays - so that there is difficult to organise any warning,
> prevention, or salvation.

This is fucking stupid!

> 3. This cyclone generated non-typical roar that sounded
> technologically like a powerful jet engine. Such a roar does NOT
> appear in natural cyclones, but it appeared once during the tsunami
> "organized" by UFOnauts and described on the web page "day26.htm".
> Means, only the action of propulsion of UFOs could so change
> parameters of this cyclone that it induced such an unusual roar.

Any strong wind causes a roar like a jet engine, especially if it is near
palm or coconut trees.

Fuckwad! Magnets, nor magnetic fields burn. The Burmese cremate their dead.
So they were incompletely cremated bodies.

The cyclone was anti-clockwise in nature.

> (While Burma lies on the northern hemisphere.) Thus in order to
> be able to join one of these to
> the counter-clockwise cyclone that rages on the northern hemisphere,
> and then attack Burma with it, this clockwise cyclone at night was
> moved technically by a UFO vehicle onto the northern hemisphere. The
> dragging of it is confirmed by the fact which is visible on the
> satellite photographs of it, namely that this clockwise cyclone sticks
> to the counter-clockwise one on its southern side. Of course, it is
> clear why UFO vehicles created technically such a double system of two
> counter-rotating cyclones. The reason is that such a system works like
> a huge whirling "pump for water". With the use of this pump, the 3.5
> metre high wall of sea water was created from the nearby ocean. Then
> this high wall of water was directed by UFOnauts at coasts of Burma,
> raging as far inland as around 40 km from the sea coast.

That is not possible. A 3 metre wave would flood more than 95% of the
country, which it didnt! The water was collected from the moisture-laden
Andaman seas, which was _dropped_ as rain

> 7. Intelligent hiding from people this unnatural, southern component
> of the double cyclone. In the double form, which is captured on the
> photograph from "Fig. #E1" of the totaliztic web page "katrina.htm",
> the cyclone "Nargis" existed only shortly when it "pumped" 3.5 metre
> high wall of sea water onto the low-level areas of the Irrawaddy
> delta. Most clearly UFOnauts were aware that such an unnatural
> formation of the cyclone into a shape of a "whirling pump" may induce
> someone's suspicions. Therefore they formed this "pump" at night, when
> satellites were unable to photograph what happened. In early morning
> on Saturday, 3 May 2008, UFOnauts only flooded with the wall of sea
> water (pilled up by this "pump") the low-level coast areas of the
> Irrawaddy delta. Then, immediately after the wall of water did its
> destruction and drowned thousands of people, UFOnauts released from
> their hold the lower (southern) unnatural component of both coupled
> cyclones, which immediately disappeared. Further destruction they
> carried out just with a single component - so that the majority of
> time the cyclone looked like it was of a "natural" origin. It should
> be stressed here, that such an intelligent, hidden, and just temporary
> magnification of destruction capabilities of the cyclone "Nargis"
> through coupling it together from two counter-rotating hurricanes,
> practically means that from the very beginning this cyclone was
> designed as a tool of intentional (but secretive) destruction of
> Burma.

There are no counter rotating formations in Cyclone Nargis.


May 23, 2008, 12:18:31 AM5/23/08
On May 23, 7:53 am, MC PRTK <> wrote:

> Fuckwad! Magnets, nor magnetic fields burn. The Burmese cremate their dead.
> So they were incompletely cremated bodies.

YOU are wrong - spinning magnetic field can burn. It induces powerful
electric currents and ionises ther air. Thus it can burn and evaporate
even tunnels in hard rocks. For details see the web page
"propulsion.htm" and "magnocraft.htm" which you can find by writing in the key words "Jan Pajak propulsion.htm" (but without

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May 29, 2008, 11:07:09 PM5/29/08
On May 29, 9:42 pm, Dick Kennedy <>
> There are many hurricanes and tornados that hit only one country - the USA.
> So I guess the occupants of the UFOs hate the USA too.
UFOnauts are trying to destroy the present technical advancement of
humanity. Thus they attack everything that allows them to accomplish
that goal. Of course, the USA is the leading country of our present
civilisation. Therefore UFOnauts secretly attack the USA in the most
vicious manner (out of all countries in the world they are trying to
destroy). The hurricane Katrina was an example of such an attack -
this is clearly emphasized on the totaliztic web page
"katrina.htm" (you can find and run this web page by typing in the the key words "Jan Pajak katrina.htm" - but without
quotes). But the USA is also attacked continually on many other
secretive ways. For example, the recent murderous tornados that rage
within the USA are also technically induced by UFOnauts - for details
of method of inducing these tornadoes see the totaliztic web page
"tornado.htm" - which can also be found in In the same
manner UFOnauts evaporated the WTC buildings in New York - for details
how they did it - see the totaliztic web page "wtc.htm". Also UFOnauts
are behind downing the Columbia space shuttle - again for details see
the totaliztic web page "shuttle.htm". Most probably UFOnauts are
secretly attacking the USA on many other ways, e.g. finacially,
politically, by changing international moods, by helping competition,
etc. But these other ways of attacking we still need to identify.

What I am highly suprised about is that there is actually an ancient
device, almost 2000 years old, which allows to detect approaching
tornadoes. This device is described in my paper - from the address
. However, in spite that it would cost less than an average house
damaged or destroyed by a tornado, no-one seems to even try to build
it. I suppose that UFOnauts NOT only attack the USA with the recent
swarm of tornadoes, but also telepathically instruct the future
victims to not even try to defend themselves.

Interestingly, I lately red an article which argues that there is NO
scientific justification why tornadoes are lately so deadly in the
USA, why these tornados hit with increasingly better accuracy, and
also why there are increasinly more of them. In my opinion all these
"why" can be explained by one line - "because these tornadoes are
technically induced by UFOs, and have nothing to do with the work of
nature" - again for details see the web page "tornado.htm".

May 30, 2008, 11:43:27 PM5/30/08
Who would think that UFOnauts that sabotage internet discussion groups
would so much "appreciate" my contribution to the disclosure of their
actuivities on the Earth, that they nominate me for the WF award - as
stated on the thread
. Or perhaps this nomination is just another manner of undermining the
merit of posts which try to point human attention on the continuous
activities on Earth of these secretive occupants of the human race.
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