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Evidence for the earthquake from China on 12 May 2008 induced technically by UFOs (JP)

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May 19, 2008, 11:54:01 PM5/19/08
Why only 9 days after the cyclone in Burma China was hit by a
murderous earthquake? Well, UFOnauts have this nasty habit that are
prepared to kill just in order to divert more effectively the
attention of people from noticing that these are them who caused
problems again. Thus typically UFOnauts induce technically as many as
two disasters one after the other. The first of these disasters is
aimed at the destruction of an area of the Earth. In turn the second
disaster is aimed, amongst others, at diverting the attention from the
participation of UFOnauts in the first disaster. Just such two
disasters appeared in case of the famous tsunami induced technically
by UFOs on 26 December 2004 - for details see the totaliztic web page
"day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by UFOs
on 26th December 2004). (This second disaster was then the cyclone
which devastated Vietnam.) Also this happened in case of the hurricane
"Katrina" which devastated the New Orleans on 29 August 2005 - for
descriptions of "Katrina" see part #D of the web page "Katrina.htm"
indicated below. (This second disaster that was to divert attention
from "Katrina" was the hurricane "Rita" which devastated parts of

As it turned out, UFOnauts repeated their "trick of diverting the
attention" also in case of the cyclone "Nargis" from Burma. Namely, on
Monday, 12 May 2008, means just in 9 days after the cyclone "Nargis",
UFOnauts induced technically a highly destructive earthquake of the
power 7.9 in southern China. The epicentre of this Chinese earthquake
was located around 10 km underground in the Chinese province Sichuan.
This earthquake turned out to be the worst in China for the period of
last 60 years. Initially the number of human victims was estimated at
12 000. But on Saturday, 17/05/08 it was lifted to an estimated number
of 50 000 killed people.

The technical inducing of an earthquake by UFOs (see the totaliztic
web page "military_magnocraft.htm") is very easy. UFOnauts simply
detonate underground a UFO vehicle of a smaller type, which
"Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
"oscillatory_chamber.htm") are loaded with huge amounts of magnetic
energy. This allows them to place the epicentre of their earthquake
exactly under the goal of their attack, means under the area which
UFOnauts intend to destroy (even if this goal of the attack does not
lie above a "fault-line" of a continental plate). Furthermore, it
allows also UFOnauts to select exactly the power of the earthquake
that they induce, through exploding a strictly calculated amount of
energy. But simultaneously such explosion of UFO's Oscillatory
Chambers unleashes a whole range of unique attributes and phenomena
which after being learned by people allow us to identify earthquakes
induced technically by UFO vehicles, and to distinguish these from
natural earthquakes. About the fact that the Chinese earthquake
described here was also induced technically by UFO vehicles certifies
the presence of several such unique attributes. Let us indicate here
at least the most important amongst these:

1. Telekinetic formation of a kind of "mist" near the epicentre of the
underground UFO explosion (and also unique "hissing noise"). A unique
attribute of the earthquakes induced technically by UFOs (see the
totaliztic web page "military_magnocraft.htm") is that the underground
explosion of "Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
"oscillatory_chamber.htm") of a UFO, loaded with magnetic energy,
causes a kind of powerful "magnetic flash". In turn a consequence of
this "magnetic flash" is, amongst others, the magnetic excitation of a
whole range of extraordinary phenomena near the place where such
Oscillatory Chambers exploded (i.e. near the epicentre of a given
earthquake induced technically by UFO vehicles). None of these
phenomena appears in natural earthquakes. To the most extraordinary
amongst these phenomena belongs the telekinetic formation in the air
of a kind of like "white fog" or "smoke" - which actually is composed
of particles of the air that because are telekinetised assume white
colour. This unusual white like "fog", which rapidly "materialised" in
mid-air, registered numerous amateur video cameras in China, at the
moment of the earthquake discussed here. Some of such videos which
captured the "fog" were shown later in television of practically every
country in the world - probably the reader also saw these. What even
more interesting, just such a telekinetic white "fog" was also noticed
during the famous tsunami induced technically by UFOs on 26 December
2004 - for descriptions of it see (3) in item #10 of the web page
"day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by UFOs
on 26th December 2004). To other extraordinary phenomena induced by
this "magnetic flash" from exploding Oscillatory Chambers of a UFO,
belong amongst others the magnetic de-focusing of pictures recorded on
video tapes - also clearly visible on videos recorded in China during
the earthquake described here, and also strange magnetic distortion of
sounds recorded on tapes - also registered in China. Moreover, the
explosion of Oscillatory Chambers from UFOs induces a strange kind of
"hissing noise" - unfortunately in earthquakes on a solid land this
hissing noise was overpowered by other noises of the earthquake.

2. Combining the main earthquake from several waves with different
speeds of propagation. Magnetic explosions induce in the Earth's crust
several waves which propagate with different speeds. Therefore such
technically induced earthquakes, including the China earthquake
described here, always cause appearance of like several separate
earthquakes occurring one after the other (i.e. when the subsequent of
these waves with different speeds of propagation arrive to a given
area). Independently from China, such several waves of shocks were
noticed also in the tsunami of 26 December 2004, described on the web
page "day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by
UFOs on 26th December 2004). Thus, still another attribute of
earthquakes induced technically by UFO vehicles, which was present in
China, is that a given earthquake is combined from at least three
waves of shocks, which are like symmetrical towards each other, and
each of which can contain tens of separate chaotic quakes. Of course,
the present science all these puts into a common bag of "aftershocks".

3. Collapsing of an underground post-explosive cave which is a source
of long-term appearance of numerous "aftershocks". An underground
explosion of "Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
"oscillatory_chamber.htm") from a UFO, not only that generates an
earthquake, but also forms under the ground a huge post-explosive
cavity. This cavity does NOT appear after natural earthquakes. It then
collapses gradually for a long period of time. In turn this gradual
collapsing of the underground post-explosive cavity causes a long
series of chaotic "aftershocks", for which almost there is no end. For
example, in China these aftershocks even as long as a week after the
main earthquake still troubled local people at least 5 times a day.

4. Technical inducing chaotic vibrations. Natural earthquakes
typically induce vibrations of the Earth's crust, which as a rule
display a kind of orderly behaviour. After all, the natural mechanism
of generation of earthquakes through the mutual slipping of two
continental plates is similar to slipping of our finger pressed
against wet glass - means the natural earthquake generates a series of
rhythmical vibrations that are closely related to this regularly
rattling squeak of the finger moved along wet glass. Therefore each
larger natural earthquake is perceived as a rhythmic and "orderly"
series of waves of the earth vibrations. I personally live
sufficiently long in New Zealand, which is frequently troubled by
earthquakes, to notice this rhythm and orderly fashion of natural
earthquakes. For example, one time during a powerful earthquake I was
just looking at a road along which there was a row of telephone poles.
These poles started then to slant towards each other in a rhythmic
oscillatory motion, looking like a row of mutually synchronised
Japanese people who are rhythmically "bowing" to each other. Other
time during a powerful earthquake I was just in a library on
(probably) forth floor. I was looking at rows of high library shelves,
as these shelves, similarly to the telephone poles that I described
before, also rhythmically "bowed" towards each other. Still another
time a long and powerful earthquake awake me at night when I was just
in a bed. The bed was tossed up rhythmically in a highly orderly
manner which me resembled a rhythmical beat and swaying of the type
"tu tu tut, tu tu tut, tu tu tut, etc." experienced in old railway
carriages which rolled over old rails that were composed of short
sections screwed together (presently such pieces of rails are welded
together into a single infinitively long piece on which wagons are not
"tossed up" anymore). Also destructions and collapsing caused by
natural earthquakes display a unique kind of "order". But earthquakes
induced technically through underground explosions of UFOs'
Oscillatory Chambers induce a large mixture of various chaotic
vibrations. Thus, e.g. on videos such technically induced earthquakes
appear as highly chaotic jerky tossing and swaying in all possible
directions. In turn destruction induced by such explosion of UFOs'
Oscillatory Chambers display a shockingly chaotic picture - e.g.
buildings and other objects collapse in all possible (random)
directions. This chaotic character of vibrations and destruction that
results from the explosive (technical) rather than natural origin of
the China earthquake we could see on videos that recorded the
earthquake and destruction in China, which are described here.

It is worth to add that practically each one amongst the above
attributes just by itself is a proof for the technical inducing this
earthquake by UFOs. In turn all of them taken together give to this
earthquake the certainty that it originates from the technical
detonation (deeply underground) several UFO "Oscillatory
Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm")
loaded with magnetic energy.

For me personally is puzzling why China does NOT undertake the
construction of the apparatus for the remote detection of impending
earthquakes which works on principles of the interpretation of
contents of telepathic waves ("chi"), and which is known under a
popular name of the "Zhang Heng seismograph" (see the totaliztic web
page "seismograph.htm"). After all, it was invented by the Chinese
genius already almost 2000 years ago. On the basis of historic records
it is known that this apparatus was able to detect remotely
earthquakes, which are just brewing up, from as far distances as even
500 kilometres - for details see the paper available under the address
. The construction of this apparatus with the use of present
technology surely would provide people with a tool that should allow
to prevent disasters similar to the one that is described in this

The explanations presented above, which indicate most meaningful
evidence on the technical origins (from a UFO-caused underground
explosion) of the China earthquake on 12 May 2008, are adopted from
item #E3 of the totaliztic web page named "katrina.htm", updated on 20
May 2008, or later. This item #E3 of the web page "katrina.htm"
complements information about the cyclone "Nargis", also unleashed
technically in Burma by UFO vehicles, the technical origins (from
UFOs) of which, and also satellite photographs that document its
double character, are documented in item #E2 of the same web page
"katrina.htm". The latest update of the web page "katrina.htm" should
be available from following addresses ?if it was not sabotaged in
there by UFOnauts that recently rampage freely in the internet and all
over the Earth:

(In this place I intended to publish links to totaliztic web pages
"katrina.htm" - as I have the custom to do in all threads that I
authorise. Unfortunately, UFOnauts clearly sabotaged my profile on
this discussion group, "blacklisting" somehow links to all totaliztic
web pages. Therefore I was unable to publish this thread until I
erased from it all links to totaliztic web pages.)

I am going to try to camouflage here several such links by listing
them here without the initial segment "http://". Perhaps these
sabotaging procedures allow such "camouflaged" links to be published,
taking them for just a text. If it turns out to be possible to publish
this thread with such "camouflaged" links to web pages "katrina.htm",
then in order to use these links one needs just to copy any of
internet addresses listed below to the addressing window in his or her
browser. Here are such "camouflaged" links (5 of them):
(Unfortunately this does NOT work either - the "blacklist" seems to
include domain names of totalizm.)

It is also worth to know that under each address indicated above ALL
totaliztic web pages should be available (unless some of these web
pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view
descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page
listed in this message, or listed in other totaliztic messages, then
in the above addresses the name "katrina.htm" is just enough to
exchange for a name of the web page that he or she wishes to view,
e.g. for the name of web page "god.htm", "bible.htm",
"dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
"evolution.htm", "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm",
"memorial.htm", "newzealand.htm", "free_energy.htm", "fe_cell.htm",
"boiler.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm", "text_1_5.htm",
"day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm", etc., etc.

Please notice that links to the web page "katrina.htm" can also be
found on blogs of totalizm which are accessible at following

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. This thread complements the evidence that UFO vehicles formed
technically the cyclone "Nargis" which on 3 and 4 May 2008 devastated
Burma - which evidence is presented on the discussion group from

The thread belongs to a longer series of discussion threads that I
authorise and that concentrate on providing and discussing the
scientifically verifiable evidence, proofs, and explanations for the
existence of UFOs and for evil activities of UFOnauts on the Earth.
The aim of all these threads is to provide scientifically-based
explanations and verifiable scientific evidence for the continuous
(although secretive) aggression of UFOnauts towards people from the
Earth. It is my hope, that by attempts to provide these rational
explanations, I manage to reverse the trend to-date that rationally
acting UFO researchers were scoffed at by agents of UFOnauts only
because representatives of scientific fraternity either were scared to
present evidence and proofs regarding UFOs and UFOnauts, or ignored
the evidence that was known to them. In turn by reversing this trend,
I hope to inspire people for defending themselves from this open
aggression of UFOnauts against people from the Earth.

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May 20, 2008, 8:41:00 PM5/20/08
to wrote:
> Who's hiding all the UFOs? Been around a long time, travelled here and
> there and no luck seeing one.
they must be those invisible UFOs that abduct people. amateur
astronomers never see UFOs. they photograph space objects, jet planes
and lots of deep space objects.

I go sailing in the summer
and look at stars in the winter,
"Everybody is ignorant but on
different subjects"
--Will Rogers
Its not what you know
that gets you in trouble
its what you know that ain so.
--josh billings.

May 20, 2008, 11:34:17 PM5/20/08

May 20, 2008, 11:50:46 PM5/20/08
On May 21, 12:41 pm, josephus <> wrote:

> they must be those invisible UFOs that abduct people. amateur
> astronomers never see UFOs. they photograph space objects, jet planes
> and lots of deep space objects.

YES, these are the invisible UFOs which do all the damage. UFO
vehicles have at lest three different ways of hiding from people.
These are explained on totaliztic web pages "magnocraft.htm",
"military_magnocraft.htm", and "dipolar_gravity.htm".

By the way, also on this discussion group work some "invisible
UFOnauts". They sabotaged my original post on this thread by changing
my email address (the one that appears at the original post) into some
address which is NOT mine, and also by removing from the list one
newsgroups at which this thread is visible. These UFOnauts do a lot of
damage, only because various people pretend that do not see their
secretive activities on our planet.

It is NOT true that astronomers do NOT spot UFOs. Every now and again
UFO reports from stronomers are published - except that these reports
are left unnoticed by the majority of "astronomers" who DO NOT wish to
notice what really happens around them.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. I wonder how many people who read this post, is soon going to die
from hands of these UFOnauts which I am describing here. I also wonder
if, after UFOnauts trap them uder some collapsed house, they will
recal this writing and are going to be sorry that laughed or dismissed
the truth only because this truth is so inconvenient.

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Archie Leach

May 21, 2008, 1:53:21 AM5/21/08
Note that is a sockpuppet of Pajak's.

I include it uninterrupted because it would seem to be a shame to
disrupt such grade-A sciencek00kery.

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Larry Huntley

May 21, 2008, 1:32:01 AM5/21/08
to stepped up to the podium, tapped the aging SM57 and
announced in news:a49f6e9c-80d9-4e82-a396-5c316b500d16

> Invisible UFO - a tad contradictive.

It makes them that much harder to identify.

- L
Larry Huntley Beaverton, Oregon
Skep-Ti-Cult® Member #130-978649-969
The Jupiter Effect, written by two otherwise sensible astronomers in
1974, predicted dreadful effects on our planet as a result of a March 10,
1982, "alignment" of planets. When the date came and went, no one
noticed. One of the authors reported that some earthquakes which had
occurred in 1980 had been the "premature result of The Jupiter Effect,"
and the public yawned in amazement.
- James Randi
** Posted from **

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 21, 2008, 1:45:26 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 1:34 pm, wrote:
> Why only 9 days after the cyclone in Burma China was hit by a
> murderous earthquake? Well, UFOnauts have this nasty habit ...

If it was done by intelligent extraterrestrials
they would have done the whole country.

I never met a single good person in China.
I rode around Guangzhou on a bicycle for three months.
They are all so fluffing mind controlled.

Even the best person I ever met there was an angelic type medical
But he said to me "I will not tell anyone about putting salt in a bath
to help eczema because I won't make some money from it" ...... and he
also died from liver cancer at age 65 and he never had a drink of beer
or wusky hardly ever.

And he died not giving his secret medicine recipes to the world.

Well 'Lo Dou' (that's the name I called him) ..... well Lo Dou fluff
you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's only thanks to the USA military DARPA that we can share wisdom
and secret medicine recipes on the internet,
instead of being locked into selfish mind conrolled idiot morons !!!


Have a great day!

Message has been deleted

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 21, 2008, 6:17:47 PM5/21/08
On May 22, 4:08 am, wrote:
> On May 21, 10:45 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
> Dumb and dumber, Luny and Lunyer.

Oh, and your post was just brilliant.
What a wonderful contribution to humanity.
We can just sit around reading your posts all day and all night.
Do you have a website?
Did you ever make a homepage?
We want to see more of your great efforts!!!

May 21, 2008, 11:31:20 PM5/21/08
On May 22, 5:45 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

> If it was done by intelligent extraterrestrials
> they would have done the whole country.
> Have a great day!

I do NOT think so. Intellignet and cunning UFOnauts exploit (rob) our
planet for thousands of years only because they are more intelligent
and more cunning than us people. In turn doing too much damage at once
would induce suspicion in humans - people would ask "who have done it,
since it is NOT identical to a natural disaster". Therefore evil
UFOnauts prefer to exterminate humanity gradually, step by step,
always pretending that this is a "natural" disaster which kills us.

Regarding the email "" which appeared in my initial
writing - it is NOT mine. (I do NOT have nor use such email address.)
I wrote the initial thread under my normal email address (which is NOT
secret and which appears also on my numerous web pages), namely under
"". However, UFOnauts who systematically sabotage
practically everything that I write or do, somehow changed my email
address in my initial post into this strange "". I
believe that UFOnauts did it on purpose, mainly in order to tell me
"you see, we are always in control - even on this discussion group",
and also to arrogantly "show off" their advanced knowledge and
technology - meaning "your (human) computer systems are still so
primitive, that we can do with them whatever we wish - even change
texts in this discussion group - if we wish so". By the way, several
times I noted that UFOnauts even removed my posts - if these posts
were stating something that UFOnauts did NOT like. So one day my post
was there, the other day it wasn't there any more.

The point is, that UFOnauts hide from us only because in this way they
can operate more effectively. However, if they know that someone knows
about them, then they simply do NOT care. In my case they operate
almost opently. This kind of enemies we are facing (and one day we
need to fight).

With the total;iztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 1:51:36 AM5/22/08
On May 22, 1:31 pm, wrote:
> On May 22, 5:45 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
> wrote:
> ...
> > If it was done by intelligent extraterrestrials
> > they would have done the whole country.
> ...
> > Have a great day!
> I do NOT think so. Intellignet and cunning UFOnauts exploit (rob) our
> planet for thousands of years only because they are more intelligent
> and more cunning than us people. In turn doing too much damage at once
> would induce suspicion in humans - people would ask "who have done it,
> since it is NOT identical to a natural disaster". Therefore evil
> UFOnauts prefer to exterminate humanity gradually, step by step,
> always pretending that this is a "natural" disaster which kills us.
> Regarding the email "" which appeared in my initial
> writing - it is NOT mine. (I do NOT have nor use such email address.)
> I wrote the initial thread under my normal email address (which is NOT
> secret and which appears also on my numerous web pages), namely under
> "". However, UFOnauts who systematically sabotage

> practically everything that I write or do, somehow changed my email
> address in my initial post into this strange "". I
> believe that UFOnauts did it on purpose, mainly in order to tell me
> "you see, we are always in control - even on this discussion group",
> and also to arrogantly "show off" their advanced knowledge and
> technology - meaning "your (human) computer systems are still so
> primitive, that we can do with them whatever we wish - even change
> texts in this discussion group - if we wish so". By the way, several
> times I noted that UFOnauts even removed my posts - if these posts
> were stating something that UFOnauts did NOT like. So one day my post
> was there, the other day it wasn't there any more.
> The point is, that UFOnauts hide from us only because in this way they
> can operate more effectively. However, if they know that someone knows
> about them, then they simply do NOT care. In my case they operate
> almost opently. This kind of enemies we are facing (and one day we
> need to fight).
> With the total;iztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

Your post is a laugh mate.
Keep up the good work.
I don't want to scare you away with documents and UFO testimony and
top secret information. Your post is just fine the way it is. Thank
America and England and other good democratic countries for freedom of
speech. A good laugh and an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

I will get you a spot on Sir Arthur CB Wholeflaffers ASA UFO 100%
Proof and Evidence radio in the near future 24/7.

Where everyone can get their Daily Dose of Aliens !!!


Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 2:48:41 AM5/22/08
On May 21, 1:50 pm, wrote:
> On May 21, 12:41 pm, josephus <> wrote:
> ...> they

Here's another Earth Quake update for you .....

"While this is happening Mother Earth has likewise stepped up the pace
of her physical transformation, and so the number of weather anomalies
has dramatically risen. The growing instability in your atmosphere is
partly produced by many diabolical experiments being secretly carried
out by government-sponsored projects. These projects are compelling us
to intervene on the side of Mother Earth in order to limit the effects
of these actions. She has been equally affected by projects, which
attempt to use her natural changes as a future weapon. All this is
being closely monitored and we intervene physically whenever these
operations get out of hand. Mother Earth is beginning to seal many of
her tectonic plate seams from the bottom up and this can boosts the
probability of major earthquakes. It also increases the possibility
for a whole range of unforeseeable things to happen.

A number of earthquakes and volcanic episodes have already been
intensified by the secret projects mentioned above. We have therefore
moved in to shut down some of these operations. We have also asked the
Earth's councils of Elohim to direct us in the most effective way to
oversee her current transformational processes, and we have been given
a series of steps that we are presently implementing. Your sacred,
living home has as much right as you to transform herself.
Nonetheless, we reserve the right to discover and put forth a means
for both her transformation and yours to be done simultaneously. As a
heavenly appointed referee we use our full capabilities to ensure that
what is divinely planned comes to pass without a hitch. This is just
another aspect of this first contact mission. "

One of the 57,000,000,000,000 extraterrestrial inter dimensional
entities channels that information to Sheldan Nidle.
And he needs more donations to buy a new house!
Just before the Anchara alliance and Galactic Federation mothership
broadcast 100% fully consciousness over the airwaves. LOL :) heheh.

Fluff, reading this crap is fun.

And the funny thing about it all, is, yes there's a lot of weird stuff
going on Out There.

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 5:08:44 AM5/22/08
On May 22, 3:37 pm, wrote:
> On May 21, 3:17 pm, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
> I have nothing to prove here. Where's all the UFOs? Nothing to add
> yourself? If you're so certain ETs exist and are so eager to say they
> do, please let us in on your secret.


You get a ticket to Luna park instead ...

Dumb idiots like you that are too thick to see one of my many UFO
websites in my Google profile, don't deserve anything other than a
Luna ride with some pink candy floss and a coca cola.

Talk about "dumb".

Step right up mister !!!
Stuff yourself full of candy floss all day !!!
$7.99 cents !!!

Message has been deleted


May 22, 2008, 5:23:37 PM5/22/08
On May 22, 11:04 am, wrote:
> On May 21, 10:51 pm, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

> wrote:
> > Where everyone can get their Daily Dose of Aliens !!!
> >
> Wonder how many of these nuts still believe in the Loch Ness monster,
> UFO crop circles, bigfoot, Burmuda Triangle, ghosts, mind readers,
> Nostradamus, etc, etc. All of which have been totally debunked,
> multiple times .. and not just disproven by The Amazing Randi, but by
> the very idiots that faked all of it themselves. War of the worlds
> wasn't the only proof that the masses are gullible sheeple. Wake up
> people. There are pressing matters to be ingrossed with .. many of
> which are contraversial and hard to believe too.

It would seem very unlikely that any extraterrestrial entity would
waste such energy on a mere fraction of the earths surface.
Discounting tectonic plate locations, the earth's subterranean
complexities and earth's evolutionary history of natural disaster in
favor of a extraterrestrial cause and effect theory is highly
illogical. The existence of UFO's and alien abductions remains
invalidated and fodder for skeptics. Weather and geological related
disasters are natural earth phenomena. No one know when or where but
for sure it will strike when ready.

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Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 6:14:02 PM5/22/08
On May 23, 2:04 am, wrote:
> On May 21, 10:51 pm, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

> wrote:
> > Where everyone can get their Daily Dose of Aliens !!!
> >
> Wonder how many of these nuts still believe in the Loch Ness monster,
> UFO crop circles, bigfoot, Burmuda Triangle, ghosts, mind readers,
> Nostradamus, etc, etc.

That's right steve, there is nothing else in the universe except
supernovas, black holes, and you and your candy floss.

Just relax and enjoy your pretty colors.

I'm so glad the 'powers that be' stopped the ABC chief from putting
the Disclosure Project on the international TV daily. Little dribble
bums like you would have stopped buying our candy floss !!! Panic
Panic !!! and that would be "dumb" !!!

Hehe. I'm not a big bully, but if you call me dumb, you are gonna get
some words of wisdom.

It's funny, people like you, that haven't studied everything I have,
and you run around calling people "dumb nut-jobs" just because they
have studied a lot of information that you haven't.

Well, on a good thought, planet Earth needs millions of people like
you just to keep everything going nicely.

So keep up the good work !!!

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Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 7:27:26 PM5/22/08
On May 23, 8:53 am, wrote:
> On May 22, 3:14 pm, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

> wrote:
> > Well, on a good thought, planet Earth needs millions of people like
> > you just to keep everything going nicely.
> and a little more balanced.


I'm not just into UFOs and Extraterrestrials.
I made this website also .....

I was the first person in the world in Google to think of a regular
'Earth Care Day".
The site there was put together very quickly.
The Air Car is old and not as good as The Water Car.

And if you want some more information ..........

G: My name is Gordon Novel. I have been involved in things like
Watergate and JFK’s assassination, the DeLorean drama and Waco. And
others that would be better not mentioned.Gordon Novel

They’re all over our rights. You know, the Constitution’s out the
window. The Patriot Act is a joke. It’s a fascist document.

On the Paradoxes created by knowing the future

G: Why? And the answer is: paradoxes. They recognized in the mid ‘50s
they probably had rigs at Dugway etc, that was beginning to go up and
down from the thing and they began to recognize the paradox. The
paradoxes are: Tell me how you’re going to run the economy. We’re
getting ready to cut loose a study with Arlington Institute on how do
you run an economy if you know the future. How do you do it? How do
you do it?

Gordon's vision for the future

G: We’re interested in the, ah, Plutopian enhancement of the economy
from about 44 trillion GDP currently to about a quadrillion a year in
about ten years, making everybody about 100 times more wealthy and
spreading the wealth out and causing an equalization. And people don’t
have to work if they don’t have to pay for energy.


G: But how many of ‘em are real? Have you ever seen a photograph of an
ET that you really believed was a photograph of ET? And the answer is
“I ain’t seen one yet.” And do I believe they’re out there? Of course,
yes, but, you know... What Burisch said seems to be real and I would
believe that he got to meet ‘em... They would interface with Majestic
before they would interface with a group of mad rebels. OK?

The Extraterrestrial Revolution

G: I’m in favor of the... what I call the extraterrestrial revolution
which gets rid of the need for government and all this of crap that
goes with it, these decision makers that basically screw with our
lives every day.

On Majestic

G: They know that we will play hardball and that we know how to play
hardball. I mean, now that we... Thanks to Bill Hamilton identifying
all the Majestic characters, we can chase ‘em, you know? They’re

On Dan Burisch

G: That guy’s really got a tale and...

Kerry Cassidy: That’s right.

G: ...and I would suspect that if he and I could get on the same page
that he would be able to communicate to the Majestic inner circle:
“Hey, you need to consider what these guys are doing ‘cause, you know,
they’re gonna do it with you or without you. They’ve got your
technology. They’ve got it. They’re prepared to fight you at the drop
of a lawsuit.”

K: Well, so what do you want to do? You want them to join your team?

G: Well, ideally, it would be to get Majestic on our side.


Message has been deleted

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 22, 2008, 9:19:01 PM5/22/08
On May 23, 9:49 am, wrote:

Imagine if fluck faces like this steve ruled the world .....

> Turn off Art Bell and get out more.

1. Ordering me to turn off Art Bell.

>Let me guess, you believe in
> reptilian phase shifting too.

2. Puts words in your mouth and then condemns you.

> And this isn't a question, don't bother
> responding.

3. Wants to talk, but not be informed of good information.

You steve are our new winner !!!

The special prize of fluck face of the past 50 years !!!

Fluck Face of the Past 50 Years Award goes to Steve.

Award ...........

(-Steve Dumb
Fluck - )
** Pink
Sugar Floss **
( Listening to Friends
instead of Art Bell )
Talking like a loonie!!!!
And proof that Charles has more brains than you (steve) and Hagar.

May 23, 2008, 12:12:50 AM5/23/08
On May 23, 9:23 am, AdHoc <> wrote:

> The existence of UFO's and alien abductions remains
> invalidated and fodder for skeptics. Weather and geological related
> disasters are natural earth phenomena. No one know when or where but
> for sure it will strike when ready.

YOUR knowledge is just out of date ProfessorLar... The existence of
UFOs has been formally proven - you can see this formal scientific
proof for the existence of UFOs on the totaliztic web page named
"ufo_proof.htm". Unfortunately the sabotaging blockade imposed by
UFOnauts on my posts makes it impossible to give you here links to
this web page. But you can easily find these links by simply running
"" and than writing key words "Jan Pajak
ufo_proof.htm" (but without quotes).

In turn the ability of UFOs to technologically manipulate weather and
geology is discussed on several different totaliztic web pages - each
one of which you can find through Google. For example the technical
formation of hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons is explained on the
totaliztic web page "hurricane.htm", while illustrated on example on
the web page "katrina.htm". In turn the formation of tornadoes by UFOs
is explained on the totaliztic web page "tornado.htm" (lately UFOnauts
frequently torment USA with such technologically formed tornadoes).
The technological formation of murderous landslips and mudslides is
explained on the web page "landslip.htm". The technological formation
of tsunami waves by UFOs is explained on the web page "day26.htm". The
technological formation of clouds by UFOs is explained on the web page
"cloud_ufo.htm". Etc. etc. About time "ProfessorLar..." you catch up
with the evidence on this matter and stop pretend that no "naturally
looking" disaster can be accomplished technically to kill people
(apart from present bombing and shooting).

Wth the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Sir Gilligan Horry

May 23, 2008, 3:25:33 AM5/23/08
On May 23, 5:11 pm, wrote:

> ROTF !!

May 23, 2008, 9:17:23 PM5/23/08
On Thu, 22 May 2008 16:27:26 -0700 (PDT), Sir Gilligan Horry
<> wrote:

>Majestic on our side.

You mean the twelve banking families of Europe.

Just bloo them up. :)

May 23, 2008, 11:48:45 PM5/23/08
I am always puzzled how many people who read my warnings about the
killing spree of UFOnauts on the Earth die later from hands of these
UFOnauts. I am also puzzlled whether at least some of them are aware
that they had the means to stop these UFOnauts, but they did nothing
to prevent further secretive killins from hands of UFOnauts. For
example, at the address
(and also on totaliztic web pages "seismograph.htm") an apparatus is
described, which detects impending earthquakes remotely at vast
distances - even up to around 500 kilometres. It is NOT difficulat to
build it. It is known almost for 2000 years. And it is proven in
action - that it actually can detect earthquakes before these strike,
and detect at large distances. Still NO-ONE is building it. On the
other hand this apparatus could save countless lives and huge amounts
of precious human possessions. The building it could be done by even
individual people who have appropriate condition. I wonder whether
some amongst these ones who died in earthquakes did read before about
this apparatus, but dismissed it as "it is someone else's problem" -
as it turns out it is each one of us problem. After all each one of us
can be killed by such an earthquake. In turn when we already are
covered by many levels of concrete from collapsed buildings, and when
our life slowly pours out of us, it is too late to do anything about
this apparatus. In order to sava lives and precious possessions thus
apparatus must be build now, when still it can save us whie we are

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Message has been deleted

May 24, 2008, 9:31:53 AM5/24/08
On Fri, 23 May 2008 22:38:28 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

> Those Ufonauts have high standards.

Indeed they do.

May 24, 2008, 9:06:48 PM5/24/08
On May 24, 5:38 pm, wrote:

> > I am always puzzled how many people who read my warnings about the
> > killing spree of UFOnauts on the Earth die later from hands of these
> > UFOnauts.
> Many? Not all? Better work harder or else you might be next. Those U-
> Nots have high standards.

What about you? Are you going to think about my earthquake and tornado
warning devices when UFOnauts choose you to be the next one? Are you
going to insert into your will a paragraph for financing the technical
development of these life-saving devices which are NOT being
developped only because of the lack of funds and proper conditions for

By the way "everyone can scoff and deny, but only a rare few is able
to create and to explain - so it is very strange that in our
civilisation the scoffing and denial is rewarded, while the creation
and explaining is harshly punished".

May 25, 2008, 12:47:32 AM5/25/08
It turns out that there was a strange exodus of toads from the
Mianyang area in Sichuan days before the earthquake hit (Mianyang lies
just above the epicentre of this earthquake). In turn it is known that
animals (inclusing frogs) are very sensitive to the field generated by
UFO vehicles. So it looks like these toads were escaping from the area
where UFO vehicles gathered to prepare the technological explosion
which caused this earthquake.

More on these toads from Mianyang and their sensitivity to UFO field
is provided in item #E3 of the totaliztic web pages "katrina.htm" (on
which the evidence provided here is explained in much more details).
The same informatrion can also be found on blogs of totalizm available
under following addresses:

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:03:35 AM5/25/08

It doesn't actually have to be aliens, silly billy.

Although If I told you what really caused it, you'd probably be in
lots of trouble.

Have a Nice Day, and Sorry for any Inconviences- The Management

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:12:16 AM5/25/08
On May 21, 11:31 pm, wrote:
> On May 22, 5:45 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

oh that sounds absolutely dreadful... you guys need some death rays...
or at least tap into some orgozonomic rads... c'mon whats the point of
complaining if you don't even try to build your own crappy ufo, who
knows it might get you noticed by someone with some cheap ultratech to
sell (cause it's stolen of course)...

more to the point you should ally yourselves with other intelligent
species down here. I hear the reptilians are looking for some
equivocation, I'd be wary of the greys though, they just kinda wanna
use up the past shit (they are kinda from one possible future).
Vulturites are pretty groovy, if a bit trashy.

I'm an 'Andromedean', and probably shouldn't be living down here, but
fuck it, this place is grrrrrrrreat (sometimes). Oh yeah and this
message is completely stupid and full of nothing but bullshit, I'm a
liar and completely crazy so don't believe a damned thing other than
this disclaimer line.

Have a Nice Apocalypse! ::))

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:16:34 AM5/25/08
On May 22, 2:48 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

Hey did you see the great Archon lately, he was visiting my home town
a couple days ago, wow, Jehovah/Galactus is just awesome, totally
tops, a man couldn't ask for a better big brother. Don't worry though,
he isn't (probably) going to eat the planet, it's just he's checking
in to make sure it gets terraformed properly, by extreme enviornmental
surgery! HAHAHAHA hey invest in survival products, or better yet get
lots of weapons and build a gang, or join a gang, maybe learn how to
live off of radiation or worms or something.

Don't believe anything in the above paragraph, it's written by a total
schizo lunatic who doesn't know anything at all about the impending
doom on this planet. You are not about to be sold as soul-drug so
don't worry about anything and believe what your authorities tell you.

Have a Nice Day, and Sorry for any of the Inconveniences- The

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:18:53 AM5/25/08
On May 22, 5:08 am, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

Dude email me puhleeeeeze... either one of us or both of us are
completely crazy or this planet is about to get crunched... my mind is
kinda open both ways, party cause I have two minds... maybe more, but
that's au naturale if you get my drift, a survival mechanism.

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:21:06 AM5/25/08

wouldn't you like to know how multiD's feed on anguish, pain and
suffering... oh it's shadenfruede mixed with ecstasy/speed/lsd/dom/
ecetera... concentrated human pain is a fucking commodity dumbass...
or don't you have access to those market channels...

The above is a complete fabrication of an overactive imagination and
shouldn't be heeded in any fashion other than disbelief and derision.

Have a Nice Apocalypse.

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:23:44 AM5/25/08
On May 22, 7:27 pm, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

god not another gordon... always another gordon (i like the one that
runs the dionysian brothels, but i guess they gotta keep the real
money flowing somehow)...

gordons upon gordons of gordons

Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold

May 25, 2008, 1:33:19 AM5/25/08
On May 23, 11:48 pm, wrote:
> I am always puzzled how many people who read my warnings about the
> killing spree of UFOnauts on the Earth die later from hands of these
> UFOnauts. I am also puzzlled whether at least some of them are aware
> that they had the means to stop these UFOnauts, but they did nothing
> to prevent further secretive killins from hands of UFOnauts. For
> example, at the address

> (and also on totaliztic web pages "seismograph.htm") an apparatus is
> described, which detects impending earthquakes remotely at vast
> distances - even up to around 500 kilometres. It is NOT difficulat to
> build it. It is known almost for 2000 years. And it is proven in
> action - that it actually can detect earthquakes before these strike,
> and detect at large distances. Still NO-ONE is building it. On the
> other hand this apparatus could save countless lives and huge amounts
> of precious human possessions. The building it could be done by even
> individual people who have appropriate condition. I wonder whether
> some amongst these ones who died in earthquakes did read before about
> this apparatus, but dismissed it as "it is someone else's problem" -
> as it turns out it is each one of us problem. After all each one of us
> can be killed by such an earthquake. In turn when we already are
> covered by many levels of concrete from collapsed buildings, and when
> our life slowly pours out of us, it is too late to do anything about
> this apparatus. In order to sava lives and precious possessions thus
> apparatus must be build now, when still it can save us whie we are
> alive.
> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

it's probably much worse than that man, oh it's probably as bad as you
can think times a number you don't want to imagine, and then still its
even worse, but at least your thinking and.... yeah, but don't worry
i'm doing my part to reign it in too.

Message has been deleted

May 25, 2008, 10:57:37 PM5/25/08
On May 25, 5:16 pm, "Pulpiteer Jack Sluttmuffin, Kuarter Kobold"
<> wrote:

> Don't believe anything in the above paragraph, it's written by a total
> schizo lunatic who doesn't know anything at all about the impending
> doom on this planet. You are not about to be sold as soul-drug so
> don't worry about anything and believe what your authorities tell you.
This is a typical example of "planting forest to hide a tree" metod
used commonly by UFOnauts in internet for hiding or devaluating
descriptions which these UFOnauts cannot delete. In other words, since
this thread about the earthquake in China is already here, and the
total deleting it would let everyone know that UFOnauts are also
active in the cyberspace, an UFOnaut tries to decrease the evidential
value of this thread by flooding it with posts that sound like "schizo
lunatic". In this way the significance of important evidence provided
at the beginning of this thread is "devaluated". People again are
going to ignore this evidence, so that UFOnauts again can cause a
similar earthquake in a near future. When we people learn finally,
that UFOnauts know all tricks of biblical "devils", "serpents", etc.,
and that they are masters in cunning and in cheeting us.

It is my intention to provide here a scientific data which helps us to
decode gradually methods with which UFOnauts try to destroy present
human civilisation. The above attempts to "plant forest to hide a
tree" is NOT at all a writing of an imbalanced person, but another
example of clever methods (in addition to typical sabotages) that
UFOnauts use in internet to devaluate the evidential value of
important descriptions concerning UFO subject.

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

May 26, 2008, 12:54:22 AM5/26/08
It was an alien action done to see what China would.
Essentially they are going to bulldoze it all and make
cheap (made in China) memorials here and there over
the bulldozed rubble.

They already saw what the USA did about 9/11 and
New Orleans.

What next?????? Your move aliens. Are you going
to break California up into island with massive mega-
earthquakes or maybe let the volcanos blow in Yellow
stone or blast the big island of Hawaii??? There is just
so much for them to pick from.

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May 26, 2008, 11:59:16 PM5/26/08
On May 26, 4:54 pm, Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

I do not think that they are just to check the human reaction. They
seem to destroy to shift the humanit back in the technical
development. I am pretty sure that they already have a next target,
and I do NOT believe that this is going to be anywhere in America.
After all, for America they have tornadoes which are equally
destructive and which can do damage with the pinpoint accuracy.

Very strange this earthquake in China. It already had hundereds of
aftershocks, and still some of them are very powerful. It These
aftershocks suggest that there must be a big hole underground caused
by the UFO explosion, and this hole collapses very slowly and only
gradually. The "natural" explanation for such a huge number of
aftershocks appearing in one isolated area do not "hold water". After
all, in order to cause so many of aftershocks, there would need to be
a continuous shift between two entire plates. This in turn would cause
earthquakes along the entire fault line, not just in one spot (as this
is the case).

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

May 27, 2008, 3:19:15 AM5/27/08
They are just trying to confuse us all with all that government circle

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

May 27, 2008, 3:24:28 AM5/27/08
They block all my replies because they know I tell it like it REALLY is

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

May 27, 2008, 3:38:23 AM5/27/08
Again it must be made clear to the general Usenet/Internet people:

View profile
More options May 20, 9:02 am
AP- Wednesday May 12, 2008
The United States and its allies unleashed an old weapon with new
technology to counter terrorism in the world this morning. The new
satellite system is designed to cause massive and devastating
earthquakes in designated parts of the world. It uses Thermal
Radical Plasmitectonic Subgeological Pulse to send powerful energy to
any given location in the world from any of seven stations in near
orbit. These stations were designed and sent into orbit by NASA and
the NSA (National security Agency) in the late 1970Õs and early 80Õs
as part of President ReaganÕs star war strategy to counter aggression
toward the United States and its allies. The new system upgrades,
accomplished during what was thought to be the building of the space
station, was in fact, part of the upgrade process of the TLRPSP.
Tested during the upgrade process at several locations on Earth, it
has proven to be very effective. The process is sketchy in its
operation, but, an unnamed source has released some information about
its abilities.
The stations are made of a radical new composite that makes the
detection of the satellites impossible from Earth, or even as close
50 miles from other spy satellites. If a spy satellite gets too close
to a TLRPSP satellite, it will be destroyed using the same technology
it has to create an earthquake. The pulse is in the 100-2500 mghz
range and is powered by new nuclear energy sources. If a group or
person is located near the area that will be getting the earthquake,
the pattern of the pulse can be modified to subject the topography to
internal radio pressure, causing the faults in that area to give way
and cause an earthquake. ÒThe magnitude of the quake is governed by
the number of satellites concentrating the energy, as they are
exponential in their power. One satellite is capable of creating a
magnitude 4.2 quake as deep as seven miles down. The number of
satellites used multiplies the power. Call it ÔDial-a-quakeÕ if you
will. All that matters is that it worksÓ.
It was rumored that Osama Bin Laden was seen in the area of
Pakistan/Afghanistan border in the past, and the system was called
into use. Heavy collateral damage is considered normal in the use of
this new weapon. It may have been used in Sumatra to eliminate
Muslims there, and concentrated in the Indian Ocean Island groups.
When used in areas of very deep water, the pulses are magnified to go
much deeper into the Earths crust. This may also explain the glow
sometimes seen in the area of a large quake, as the amplitude of the
pulse has a tendency to vaporize moisture near the surface.
The trigger system, which requires three trained NSA personnel to
activate, was undergoing standard testing when the system was
accidentally activated and caused a massive 7.9 magnitude seismic
event near South Central China. The head of the testing team was
quoted as saying,Ó Thankfully the area hit was in an isolated area
not some heavily populated area. We try to have the system over an
ocean or desert when we do our bi-monthly tests. This is why. A piece
of pencil lead was jamming a button in the depressed position, and
when the test was initiated, it caused the system to activate the
weapon. We have corrected this and placed all buttons on a wall where
they cannot be tampered with or jammed. We also have installed a
to prevent someone from leaning against the buttonsÓ. Our publicity
people have contacted the authorities in China and the political
problems have been resolved. The Chinese Government has been
instrumental in getting this project to fruition, and is aware of its

So now you know!

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May 27, 2008, 3:20:40 PM5/27/08
On Tue, 27 May 2008 12:10:08 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>The Gov't pulling off shit is a far cry from a bunch of bad-ass

It sure wasn't the Chinese government. Though they do have the
technological capability of returning the strike. England and the USA will
pay for playing with their HAARP toy in trying to coerce the Chinese into
bending to their world domination scheme.

There's a reason why the Chinese have not yet retaliated against the
USA/England (Aquateri) for its wanton disregard for the rest of the people
on this planet.

The Chinese promised very clearly that their retaliation for interfering in
their affairs would be likely an EMP pulse which would send the aggressors
back to the dark ages.

It would be advisable to tell Queen Elizabeth she'll get her wish, a return
to the dark ages. That is -- when the Chinese are ready to pulse England
and the USA.

Prepare thyself. Everything electrical will be rendered useless. Wall
street will close its doors forever.

The Chinese aren't interested in controlling the world unlike the Federal
Reserve and the UK/USA/Israel behind whom they are hiding.

Without the UK/USA.Israel, the Federal Reserve is gone forever.

Get ready.

May 27, 2008, 3:27:37 PM5/27/08
On Tue, 27 May 2008 15:20:40 -0400, <>

Oh, one other minor point. The Chinese are fully aware that the Federal
Reserve installed Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai as communist mass murderers
in their own country to keep them under control.

The Chinese have very good reasons why they don't want a repeat of the past.

"China, of course, also represented a threat to the price structure if
Chinese oil were produced. So the Group installed two more extremely
ruthless agents in China’s government: Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai. These
two Rothschild boys slaughtered sixty-four million potential middle class
enemies by 1964, according to the congressional records."

May 27, 2008, 3:30:52 PM5/27/08
On Tue, 27 May 2008 15:27:37 -0400, <>

And of course, there's a back up plan if needed. :)

"The Romanoffs and twenty million Russians were not murdered by Zionists,
but by Communist Jews. The Hungarians and Ukrainians were destroyed by
Communist Jews."

May 27, 2008, 10:14:39 PM5/27/08
On May 27, 7:24 pm, Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

<> wrote:
> They block all my replies because they know I tell it like it REALLY is

By the addressing "they", you mean of course, agents of UFOnauts who
secretly sabotage also the internet (means UFOnauts who do not just
torment Burma with the cyclone "Nargis", destroy China with the
earthquake on 12 May 2008, and pacify the USA with latest tornadoes -
as this is explained on the totaliztic web page "torando.htm"). These
agents of UFOnauts are also gradully converting the internet into a
gutter, so that people are turned off from using the internet as a
reliable source of information - as this is explained on the thread

May 27, 2008, 10:38:04 PM5/27/08
On Tue, 27 May 2008 19:14:39 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>With the totaliztic salute,
>Jan Pajak

Bill of Indictment from China's Netizens against Bush-administration of
United States

Plaintiff: Day Rong Gender: Male Date of Birth: April 20th, 1970 Domicile:
China ID Card No.: 330302197004205239
e-mail: homepage:

Defendant: Bush-administration and CIA of United States Address: Washington,
United States

Prosecution Reasons:

American spy agencies - the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
is the specialized spy agencies for dominating the world in the United
States, Not long time from building,they tore off the "safeguard national
security" disguise,And change to be the United States global hegemony direct
strategic vanguard.the responsibility is to control the world, China and the
implementation of the Cold War. comprehensive anti-China, its core mission
is comprehensive anti-China. Uuder the Cold War environment,The CIA
expanded, But it also made the United States suffer from their own, they
made a big impediment on the mankind's survival and development, It is
unexpected to americans
We all know that the CIA has the habit of assassinating the national elite
for the purpose of rapid striking and weaking the strength of other
countries. But people know little about the scope,approach in
outside.infact,it strike by any kinds of ways , it has been extended
to persecute the
family or their families, and persecution is in the all lifes. if it is
eyeing the whole family,the whole families will suffer in all the lifes.
persecution means cover all ways, there are many strange ways in them.
Including the use of top-secret electronic Mind control weapons.
Directed-energy weapons, a lifelong secret persecution.
I am an ordinary Chinese people, parents early work in an aircraft factory
in China, so our family was locked by the CIA, be added to the monitoring
persecution blacklist.From the beginning of 1970-1980 ,my family members
were persecuted by organized,planned and systematic the long-term secret
persecution , secret persecution is still continuing, persecution is very
hidden, only i knowed the existence of this persecution, and the persecution
to me is the most serious.
This is a never Report the massive persecution system, it is organized and
implemented by the spy agencies to the ordinary people which is the whole
secret actions, The aim of the operation is sustained, no evidence
,completely disrupted the physical health of mental health, work and life
relationships, private property ,and so on. the goal is let people be with
"a private matter" difficulties in all human life, so that they can not
effectively work for the state. to achieve this purpose,they can use all
ways, all possible espionage means. This is the most vicious persecution in
human history. after several decades development, they use electronic Mind
control weapons, directed energy weapons remote control human mind,
persecution, harassment, has became a specialized art. if
it is wrote as detailed book,it will be as thick as an encyclopedia.
After I disclose this persecution on the Internet in 2002 ,the persecution
greatly strengthened, and gradually turned into a blatant abuse. They use at
least 10-member group to 24-hour track and monitore me,and use top-secret
electronic Mind control weapons, directed energy weapons to persecute me.
destruction objectives include all aspects of life, directed-energy weapons
constantly fire me every day, sometimes continuous shooting at one part for
many hours, and sometimes power increaseing ,you can only escape from
residences, shooting torture tactics are many kinds, great variety
,dangerous and terrorist, let me every day in agony, the following is part
of the persecution tactics from my long-time persecution diary:
1 using directed energy weapons physiological persecution
Making constant nightmare,irradiate vascular closure, caused four limbs numb
then awakened at night etc. they caused I could not sleep.
Regular irradiating head, lead to ugly facial expressions and wrinkles
,irradiating the head of vascular,lead to dizziness blurred vision.
Regular irradiating bladder, lead to frequency urgency pee,sometimes 10
times a day.
Regular irradiating large intestine, lead to farte, incontinence fecal or
Regular sustained irradiating muscle of leg and hand, lead to keep trembling

2 using directed energy weapons destructe property
Regular using electromagnetic radiation directed energy weapons irradiate
desktop computer,laptop handheld computer, hard drives ,lead to computer
crash,can not synchronous backup
Regular blocking Gprs and broadband, lead to I can not access internet.
Regular threating to disrupt business,lead to I am afraid to carry out my
own business.
Regular using big Power directed energy weapons irradiate me, force me to
leave residences , no fixed abode.
3 using electronic Mind control weapons to persecute mentality, destructe
interpersonal relationships, for example,
24-hour monitore my brain, compulsory Mind control. Instil Dual Personality
Frequent death threats
Regular malicious remote control emotions, constantly instill bad feelings.
Idea, lead to brain keep in a long-term adverse emotion.
Regular undermine relationships ... educate staff around me feeling
disgusted offensive and other negative emotions to me.

The difference between i and other victims is that when I secretly suffer
from the CIA's long-term monitoring of persecution, I has also been forced
as a long-term "human catastrophe occurred precognition people" . The United
States has a geophysical weapons can be used to man-made earthquakes,
typhoons and so on. in order to achieve political objectives, they often use
it in China to make earthquakes, typhoons, then put pressure on China. First
they hinted that I have the ability to predict human disaster external
everywhere, and then they began to make earthquakes, typhoons which related
to the my Words and deeds,not only using my to prove that it is "natural"
disasters, not need to be responsible for the consequences of the disaster,
but also coming to the purpose of threating Chinese Government.One action
can achieve many purposes
Specific examples to illustrate how they operate:in 2006, Through CIA
monitoring system, they found I would be back to Wenzhou, therefore when I
first arrived Wenzhou on August 9, the United States used geophysical
weapons to make the Sandinista on the next day and typhoons landed Wenzhou
on time , and it is the largest super typhoon which landed china in recent
50years, the largest gusts up to 19 at the centre. This imply the Chinese
government that this typhoon is their made, and force the Chinese government
to meet some of their requirements.there are so many examples like this.
Such using started in 1999, enhanced in 2002 when i disclose this
persecution on internet. So that I understand that some other dark insider,
such as:to plitical purpose, the Bush administration make the 9.11 terrorist
attacks, for purpose of the Cold War, they used artificial arms to make
Hurricane Katrina,used artificial earthquake weapons to make the 2004
Tsunami on Indian Ocean which death toll reached 400,000 -- 500,000 people,
and so on. These all hang a hook with me, then they implied and threated to
the Chinese government, asked the Chinese government to obey the will of the
United States Government. For fear of these top-secret insider exposure,the
CIA stepped up to monitor and persecute me.

Under the CIA's long-standing persecution, my life completely is destroyed,
and i has strained relations with family, loss of work, sold real estate,
was forced out onto the mountains, was forced into mental hospitals, often
caught strange disease ..... now i keep in the death threats, destruction of
property threats, harassment and all kinds of persecution every day.

I appeal to the courts and international community for stopping this kind of
unprecedented persecution actions against ordinary people, protecting my
basic human rights, and investigating crimes of national terrorism and
anti-human that Bush-administration and CIA in the above-mentioned actions.

Plaintiff: Day Rong

January 10th, 2008

Message has been deleted

May 28, 2008, 12:21:23 AM5/28/08
On Tue, 27 May 2008 21:12:03 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>On May 27, 12:20 pm, <> wrote:

>This thread should be retitled: "Kook Central"

Why didn't you?


May 28, 2008, 12:40:46 AM5/28/08

"" <> wrote in message

allow me

<cue bubbles>

May 28, 2008, 12:44:38 AM5/28/08
On Wed, 28 May 2008 00:40:46 -0400, "^@%>---*=#" <> wrote:

>allow me

feel better?

Thanks for playing.

Tag you're it.:)

May 28, 2008, 12:55:11 AM5/28/08
On Wed, 28 May 2008 00:44:38 -0400, <>

>On Wed, 28 May 2008 00:40:46 -0400, "^@%>---*=#" <> wrote:

You want to know how long they've been there?

About 6 years. You can't 'see' them because it's technological, not

May 28, 2008, 11:47:09 PM5/28/08
On May 27, 7:38 pm, Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet
<> wrote:

> The United States and its allies unleashed an old weapon with new
> technology to counter terrorism in the world this morning. The new
> satellite system is designed to cause massive and devastating
> earthquakes in designated parts of the world. It uses Thermal
> Locating
> Radical Plasmitectonic Subgeological Pulse to send powerful energy to
> any given location in the world from any of seven stations in near
> orbit.

Do you know that your story above matches exactly a "model" or a
"pattern" of stories typically told to people by UFOnauts. Exactly the
same line of story was told by UFOnauts to a Polish UFO abductee,
about a "plate" (this Polish abduction story is reported (in the
Polish language) in treatise [3b] disseminated through totaliztic web
pages named "tekst_3b.htm"). Also a similar story was published on the
web page (mainatined by UFOnauts) about "wing makers". So it appears
to me, that you may represent here (i.e. in Internet) the occupational
interests of UFOnauts and are trying to tell us this rubbish in order
to divert our attention from the fact that actually UFOnauts are
responsible for the disaster in China.

There are numerous inconsistencies in your story, which do NOT hold
water, and which indicate that what you have written is just a UFO
propaganda. For example we do NOT know on the Earth neither a source
of energy which could cause the earthquake as powerful as that in
China, nor the means of secretive sending such a powerful energy from
space to the Earth.

You also use a jargon, which makes impression of being "scientific",
but which actually is a "double Dutch". It is pity that many people on
the Earth are suspective to the UFO propaganda similar to this above,
and believe in it. If humans have more "common sense", and accept
finally that agents of UFOnauts freely operate amongst people to
divert our attention from UFOnauts and from evil deeds spread by
UFOnauts on the Earth, human lives would NOT be as miserable as are

The attributes of your post make me to believe that you are one of
these "masked agents of UFOnauts" which secretly operate in internet,
and about which writes the thread
. Am I right?

May 30, 2008, 11:47:04 PM5/30/08
Who would think that UFOnauts that sabotage internet discussion
would so much "appreciate" my contribution to the disclosure of their
actuivities on the Earth, that they nominate me for the WF award - as
stated on the thread
. Or perhaps this nomination is just another manner of undermining
merit of posts which try to point human attention on the continuous
activities on Earth of these secretive occupants of the human race.

Archie Leach

May 31, 2008, 9:20:24 PM5/31/08
to wrote:

>On May 23, 9:23 am, AdHoc <> wrote:

>> The existence of UFO's and alien abductions remains
>> invalidated and fodder for skeptics. Weather and geological related
>> disasters are natural earth phenomena. No one know when or where but
>> for sure it will strike when ready.

>YOUR knowledge is just out of date ProfessorLar... The existence of
>UFOs has been formally proven - you can see this formal scientific
>proof for the existence of UFOs on the totaliztic web page named
>"ufo_proof.htm". Unfortunately the sabotaging blockade imposed by
>UFOnauts on my posts makes it impossible to give you here links to
>this web page. But you can easily find these links by simply running
>"" and than writing key words "Jan Pajak
>ufo_proof.htm" (but without quotes).

You mean like this page: ?????

Or this one: ??????

Funny, these "Saboteurs" somehow impede your ability to post URL's to
your own webpages but they don't stop me from doing so.

>In turn the ability of UFOs to technologically manipulate weather and
>geology is discussed on several different totaliztic web pages - each
>one of which you can find through Google. For example the technical
>formation of hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons is explained on the
>totaliztic web page "hurricane.htm", while illustrated on example on
>the web page "katrina.htm". In turn the formation of tornadoes by UFOs
>is explained on the totaliztic web page "tornado.htm" (lately UFOnauts
>frequently torment USA with such technologically formed tornadoes).
>The technological formation of murderous landslips and mudslides is
>explained on the web page "landslip.htm". The technological formation
>of tsunami waves by UFOs is explained on the web page "day26.htm". The
>technological formation of clouds by UFOs is explained on the web page
>"cloud_ufo.htm". Etc. etc. About time "ProfessorLar..." you catch up
>with the evidence on this matter and stop pretend that no "naturally
>looking" disaster can be accomplished technically to kill people
>(apart from present bombing and shooting).

It's all the UFONauts fault! It couldn't possibliy be the natural
workings of nature and the atmosphere. No, that's too scientific.

Certainly not "totaliztic".

Archie Leach

May 31, 2008, 9:21:59 PM5/31/08
to wrote:

>In order to sava lives and precious possessions thus
>apparatus must be build now, when still it can save us whie we are

Well, then stop bitching about it on Usenet and build the device

Art Deco

May 31, 2008, 9:42:52 PM5/31/08
Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:

Whah-hah-hah! Please continue to totaliz to AUK.

"Substantiation that you regard yourself as a God to be worhsipped [sic]
should be your concern, Deco."
-- David Tholen

mariposas rand mair fheal

May 31, 2008, 9:52:27 PM5/31/08
In article <>, Art Deco <>

aliens abducted my baby
drove up in a totaliztic low rider
and drove off to vancouver

nobody believes me

arf meow arf - raggedy ann and andy for president and vice
limp and spineless lint for brains is better yet and nice
then rueing pair of shrub and dick the republican lice
call me desdenova seven seven seven seven seven seven


May 31, 2008, 11:15:17 PM5/31/08
On Sat, 31 May 2008 18:52:27 -0700, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
mariposas rand mair fheal <> got double secret
probation for writing:

The KKK took my baby away.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute

mariposas rand mair fheal

Jun 1, 2008, 12:07:54 AM6/1/08
In article <>,
Aratzio <> wrote:

a fire of unknown origin took my baby away

Art Deco

Jun 1, 2008, 12:46:12 AM6/1/08

qartl and his pals took my baby away.



Jun 1, 2008, 12:48:33 AM6/1/08
On Sat, 31 May 2008 21:07:54 -0700, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,

Stagger Lee took my baby away.

Jun 1, 2008, 12:51:18 AM6/1/08
On Jun 1, 1:20 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:

> You mean like this page:
> Or this one:
> ??????
> Funny, these "Saboteurs" somehow impede your ability to post URL's to
> your own webpages but they don't stop me from doing so.

The fact that you CAN provide links to the totaliztic web pages, while
I CANNOT use these links in my posts because the system would NOT
accept them, only confirms that something is "going on" regarding the
truth that I am revealing in my posts. So far no-one else was able to
provide these links. This may also imply various strange

By the way, the "line of deception" which agents of UFOnauts try to
push in through this group, and through internet in general, is the
lie that "there are no UFOs". But simultanously we have thousands and
thousands of consistent and authentic photographs of UFO vehicles, all
of which have rational explanations. Some of these photographs are
interpreted scientifically on the totaliztic web page
"explain.htm" (which can be found via with the key
words "Jan Pajak explain.htm", but listed without quotes) about which
is a new thread at the address
. I invite everyone to have a look at these authentic photographs of
UFOs that are shown on the web pager "explain.htm".

mariposas rand mair fheal

Jun 1, 2008, 12:59:37 AM6/1/08
In article <>,
Aratzio <> wrote:

the band limosuine took suzie away

Archie Leach

Jun 1, 2008, 1:11:26 AM6/1/08
Art Deco <> wrote:

dolf "qolon" boek took my baby away.

Art Deco

Jun 1, 2008, 11:30:38 AM6/1/08
<> wrote:

>On Jun 1, 1:20 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
>> You mean like this page:
>> Or this one:
>> ??????
>> Funny, these "Saboteurs" somehow impede your ability to post URL's to
>> your own webpages but they don't stop me from doing so.
>The fact that you CAN provide links to the totaliztic web pages, while
>I CANNOT use these links in my posts because the system would NOT
>accept them, only confirms that something is "going on" regarding the
>truth that I am revealing in my posts. So far no-one else was able to
>provide these links. This may also imply various strange

No. This only means that you should obtain a real NSP instead of
GooGoo Gruppes, and that you should obtain clue.

>By the way, the "line of deception" which agents of UFOnauts try to
>push in through this group, and through internet in general, is the
>lie that "there are no UFOs". But simultanously we have thousands and
>thousands of consistent and authentic photographs of UFO vehicles, all
>of which have rational explanations. Some of these photographs are
>interpreted scientifically on the totaliztic web page
>"explain.htm" (which can be found via with the key
>words "Jan Pajak explain.htm", but listed without quotes) about which
>is a new thread at the address
>. I invite everyone to have a look at these authentic photographs of
>UFOs that are shown on the web pager "explain.htm".
>With the totaliztic salute,
>Jan Pajak

Sieg Heil!

A [Temporary] Dog

Jun 1, 2008, 12:38:04 PM6/1/08
On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 09:30:38 -0600, Art Deco <>
painted a red bull's eye on his forehead, ascended the altar of Fluffy
and shouted:

><> wrote:
>>On Jun 1, 1:20 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
>>> You mean like this page:
>>> Or this one:
>>> ??????
>>> Funny, these "Saboteurs" somehow impede your ability to post URL's to
>>> your own webpages but they don't stop me from doing so.
>>The fact that you CAN provide links to the totaliztic web pages, while
>>I CANNOT use these links in my posts because the system would NOT
>>accept them, only confirms that something is "going on" regarding the
>>truth that I am revealing in my posts. So far no-one else was able to
>>provide these links. This may also imply various strange
>No. This only means that you should obtain a real NSP instead of
>GooGoo Gruppes, and that you should obtain clue.

Jan is a hell of a find. He's got more then a VVF in him.

>>By the way, the "line of deception" which agents of UFOnauts try to
>>push in through this group, and through internet in general, is the
>>lie that "there are no UFOs". But simultanously we have thousands and
>>thousands of consistent and authentic photographs of UFO vehicles, all
>>of which have rational explanations. Some of these photographs are
>>interpreted scientifically on the totaliztic web page
>>"explain.htm" (which can be found via with the key
>>words "Jan Pajak explain.htm", but listed without quotes) about which
>>is a new thread at the address
>>. I invite everyone to have a look at these authentic photographs of
>>UFOs that are shown on the web pager "explain.htm".
>>With the totaliztic salute,
>>Jan Pajak
>Sieg Heil!

USEnet, USEnet, uber alles
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält,
Von der Nose bis an die news.groups,
Von der news* bis an den alt -
USEnet, USEnet über alles,
Über alles in der Welt.

-A (Temporary) Dog, Prophet of the Copybook Headings
use the domain that is erols with tempdog as a name for email
"[A]ll things end under heaven, and if temporality is held to
be invalidating, then nothing real succeeds." - John Updike

Jun 1, 2008, 12:43:39 PM6/1/08
On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:38:04 -0400, "A [Temporary] Dog"
<AMunged...@munged.see.sig> wrote:

>"[A]ll things end under heaven, and if temporality is held to
> be invalidating, then nothing real succeeds." - John Updike

Great quote. My point exactly.

mariposas rand mair fheal

Jun 1, 2008, 4:02:27 PM6/1/08
In article <>, Art Deco <>

> <> wrote:

> >On Jun 1, 1:20 pm, Archie Leach <le...@spam.antiham> wrote:
> >...
> >> You mean like this page:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Or this one:
> >>
> >> ??????
> >>
> >> Funny, these "Saboteurs" somehow impede your ability to post URL's to
> >> your own webpages but they don't stop me from doing so.
> >...
> >
> >The fact that you CAN provide links to the totaliztic web pages, while
> >I CANNOT use these links in my posts because the system would NOT
> >accept them, only confirms that something is "going on" regarding the
> >truth that I am revealing in my posts. So far no-one else was able to
> >provide these links. This may also imply various strange
> >possibilities.
> No. This only means that you should obtain a real NSP instead of
> GooGoo Gruppes, and that you should obtain clue.

totaliztic web pages saved my marriage
now thanks to totaliztic love techniques
we have now acheived total radar love bliss

Jun 2, 2008, 11:40:39 PM6/2/08
On Jun 2, 4:38 am, "A [Temporary] Dog" <AMungedTemp...@munged.see.sig>

> Jan is a hell of a find.  He's got more then a VVF in him.
There is already another thread opened under the address
or the address
. It provides scientific interpretation for authentic photographs of
UFOs, which we already have thousands and thousands. Such authentic
photographs of UFOs are consistent with each other. They also
consistently prove that our planet is secretly raided (and robbed) by
destructive UFOnauts that operate these alins starship called UFOs.
Pity that agensts of the same UFOnauts that impersonate our scientists
make such a mokery from the rational research on UFOs. After all,
these are UFOnauts which are true enemies of the humanity, NOT some
persecuted people living at the edge of the civilised world.

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

Jun 10, 2008, 1:49:47 AM6/10/08
NASA already has all this info. Your techno-rambling
is REALLY old news among the enlightened.

Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet

Jun 10, 2008, 1:50:43 AM6/10/08
On May 19, 8:54 pm, wrote:
> Why only 9 days after the cyclone in Burma China was hit by a
> murderous earthquake? Well, UFOnauts have this nasty habit that are
> prepared to kill just in order to divert more effectively the
> attention of people from noticing that these are them who caused
> problems again. Thus typically UFOnauts induce technically as many as
> two disasters one after the other. The first of these disasters is
> aimed at the destruction of an area of the Earth. In turn the second
> disaster is aimed, amongst others, at diverting the attention from the
> participation of UFOnauts in the first disaster. Just such two
> disasters appeared in case of the famous tsunami induced technically
> by UFOs on 26 December 2004 - for details see the totaliztic web page
> "day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by UFOs
> on 26th December 2004). (This second disaster was then the cyclone
> which devastated Vietnam.) Also this happened in case of the hurricane
> "Katrina" which devastated the New Orleans on 29 August 2005 - for
> descriptions of "Katrina" see part #D of the web page "Katrina.htm"
> indicated below. (This second disaster that was to divert attention
> from "Katrina" was the hurricane "Rita" which devastated parts of
> Mexico.
> As it turned out, UFOnauts repeated their "trick of diverting the
> attention" also in case of the cyclone "Nargis" from Burma. Namely, on
> Monday, 12 May 2008, means just in 9 days after the cyclone "Nargis",
> UFOnauts induced technically a highly destructive earthquake of the
> power 7.9 in southern China. The epicentre of this Chinese earthquake
> was located around 10 km underground in the Chinese province Sichuan.
> This earthquake turned out to be the worst in China for the period of
> last 60 years. Initially the number of human victims was estimated at
> 12 000. But on Saturday, 17/05/08 it was lifted to an estimated number
> of 50 000 killed people.
> The technical inducing of an earthquake by UFOs (see the totaliztic
> web page "military_magnocraft.htm") is very easy. UFOnauts simply
> detonate underground a UFO vehicle of a smaller type, which
> "Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
> "oscillatory_chamber.htm") are loaded with huge amounts of magnetic
> energy. This allows them to place the epicentre of their earthquake
> exactly under the goal of their attack, means under the area which
> UFOnauts intend to destroy (even if this goal of the attack does not
> lie above a "fault-line" of a continental plate). Furthermore, it
> allows also UFOnauts to select exactly the power of the earthquake
> that they induce, through exploding a strictly calculated amount of
> energy. But simultaneously such explosion of UFO's Oscillatory
> Chambers unleashes a whole range of unique attributes and phenomena
> which after being learned by people allow us to identify earthquakes
> induced technically by UFO vehicles, and to distinguish these from
> natural earthquakes. About the fact that the Chinese earthquake
> described here was also induced technically by UFO vehicles certifies
> the presence of several such unique attributes. Let us indicate here
> at least the most important amongst these:
> 1. Telekinetic formation of a kind of "mist" near the epicentre of the
> underground UFO explosion (and also unique "hissing noise"). A unique
> attribute of the earthquakes induced technically by UFOs (see the
> totaliztic web page "military_magnocraft.htm") is that the underground
> explosion of "Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
> "oscillatory_chamber.htm") of a UFO, loaded with magnetic energy,
> causes a kind of powerful "magnetic flash". In turn a consequence of
> this "magnetic flash" is, amongst others, the magnetic excitation of a
> whole range of extraordinary phenomena near the place where such
> Oscillatory Chambers exploded (i.e. near the epicentre of a given
> earthquake induced technically by UFO vehicles). None of these
> phenomena appears in natural earthquakes. To the most extraordinary
> amongst these phenomena belongs the telekinetic formation in the air
> of a kind of like "white fog" or "smoke" - which actually is composed
> of particles of the air that because are telekinetised assume white
> colour. This unusual white like "fog", which rapidly "materialised" in
> mid-air, registered numerous amateur video cameras in China, at the
> moment of the earthquake discussed here. Some of such videos which
> captured the "fog" were shown later in television of practically every
> country in the world - probably the reader also saw these. What even
> more interesting, just such a telekinetic white "fog" was also noticed
> during the famous tsunami induced technically by UFOs on 26 December
> 2004 - for descriptions of it see (3) in item #10 of the web page
> "day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by UFOs
> on 26th December 2004). To other extraordinary phenomena induced by
> this "magnetic flash" from exploding Oscillatory Chambers of a UFO,
> belong amongst others the magnetic de-focusing of pictures recorded on
> video tapes - also clearly visible on videos recorded in China during
> the earthquake described here, and also strange magnetic distortion of
> sounds recorded on tapes - also registered in China. Moreover, the
> explosion of Oscillatory Chambers from UFOs induces a strange kind of
> "hissing noise" - unfortunately in earthquakes on a solid land this
> hissing noise was overpowered by other noises of the earthquake.
> 2. Combining the main earthquake from several waves with different
> speeds of propagation. Magnetic explosions induce in the Earth's crust
> several waves which propagate with different speeds. Therefore such
> technically induced earthquakes, including the China earthquake
> described here, always cause appearance of like several separate
> earthquakes occurring one after the other (i.e. when the subsequent of
> these waves with different speeds of propagation arrive to a given
> area). Independently from China, such several waves of shocks were
> noticed also in the tsunami of 26 December 2004, described on the web
> page "day26.htm" (about the murderous tsunami induced technically by
> UFOs on 26th December 2004). Thus, still another attribute of
> earthquakes induced technically by UFO vehicles, which was present in
> China, is that a given earthquake is combined from at least three
> waves of shocks, which are like symmetrical towards each other, and
> each of which can contain tens of separate chaotic quakes. Of course,
> the present science all these puts into a common bag of "aftershocks".
> 3. Collapsing of an underground post-explosive cave which is a source
> of long-term appearance of numerous "aftershocks". An underground
> explosion of "Oscillatory Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page
> "oscillatory_chamber.htm") from a UFO, not only that generates an
> earthquake, but also forms under the ground a huge post-explosive
> cavity. This cavity does NOT appear after natural earthquakes. It then
> collapses gradually for a long period of time. In turn this gradual
> collapsing of the underground post-explosive cavity causes a long
> series of chaotic "aftershocks", for which almost there is no end. For
> example, in China these aftershocks even as long as a week after the
> main earthquake still troubled local people at least 5 times a day.
> 4. Technical inducing chaotic vibrations. Natural earthquakes
> typically induce vibrations of the Earth's crust, which as a rule
> display a kind of orderly behaviour. After all, the natural mechanism
> of generation of earthquakes through the mutual slipping of two
> continental plates is similar to slipping of our finger pressed
> against wet glass - means the natural earthquake generates a series of
> rhythmical vibrations that are closely related to this regularly
> rattling squeak of the finger moved along wet glass. Therefore each
> larger natural earthquake is perceived as a rhythmic and "orderly"
> series of waves of the earth vibrations. I personally live
> sufficiently long in New Zealand, which is frequently troubled by
> earthquakes, to notice this rhythm and orderly fashion of natural
> earthquakes. For example, one time during a powerful earthquake I was
> just looking at a road along which there was a row of telephone poles.
> These poles started then to slant towards each other in a rhythmic
> oscillatory motion, looking like a row of mutually synchronised
> Japanese people who are rhythmically "bowing" to each other. Other
> time during a powerful earthquake I was just in a library on
> (probably) forth floor. I was looking at rows of high library shelves,
> as these shelves, similarly to the telephone poles that I described
> before, also rhythmically "bowed" towards each other. Still another
> time a long and powerful earthquake awake me at night when I was just
> in a bed. The bed was tossed up rhythmically in a highly orderly
> manner which me resembled a rhythmical beat and swaying of the type
> "tu tu tut, tu tu tut, tu tu tut, etc." experienced in old railway
> carriages which rolled over old rails that were composed of short
> sections screwed together (presently such pieces of rails are welded
> together into a single infinitively long piece on which wagons are not
> "tossed up" anymore). Also destructions and collapsing caused by
> natural earthquakes display a unique kind of "order". But earthquakes
> induced technically through underground explosions of UFOs'
> Oscillatory Chambers induce a large mixture of various chaotic
> vibrations. Thus, e.g. on videos such technically induced earthquakes
> appear as highly chaotic jerky tossing and swaying in all possible
> directions. In turn destruction induced by such explosion of UFOs'
> Oscillatory Chambers display a shockingly chaotic picture - e.g.
> buildings and other objects collapse in all possible (random)
> directions. This chaotic character of vibrations and destruction that
> results from the explosive (technical) rather than natural origin of
> the China earthquake we could see on videos that recorded the
> earthquake and destruction in China, which are described here.
> It is worth to add that practically each one amongst the above
> attributes just by itself is a proof for the technical inducing this
> earthquake by UFOs. In turn all of them taken together give to this
> earthquake the certainty that it originates from the technical
> detonation (deeply underground) several UFO "Oscillatory
> Chambers" (see the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm")
> loaded with magnetic energy.
> For me personally is puzzling why China does NOT undertake the
> construction of the apparatus for the remote detection of impending
> earthquakes which works on principles of the interpretation of
> contents of telepathic waves ("chi"), and which is known under a
> popular name of the "Zhang Heng seismograph" (see the totaliztic web
> page "seismograph.htm"). After all, it was invented by the Chinese
> genius already almost 2000 years ago. On the basis of historic records
> it is known that this apparatus was able to detect remotely
> earthquakes, which are just brewing up, from as far distances as even
> 500 kilometres - for details see the paper available under the address
> . The construction of this apparatus with the use of present
> technology surely would provide people with a tool that should allow
> to prevent disasters similar to the one that is described in this
> item.
> The explanations presented above, which indicate most meaningful
> evidence on the technical origins (from a UFO-caused underground
> explosion) of the China earthquake on 12 May 2008, are adopted from
> item #E3 of the totaliztic web page named "katrina.htm", updated on 20
> May 2008, or later. This item #E3 of the web page "katrina.htm"
> complements information about the cyclone "Nargis", also unleashed
> technically in Burma by UFO vehicles, the technical origins (from
> UFOs) of which, and also satellite photographs that document its
> double character, are documented in item #E2 of the same web page
> "katrina.htm". The latest update of the web page "katrina.htm" should
> be available from following addresses ?if it was not sabotaged in
> there by UFOnauts that recently rampage freely in the internet and all
> over the Earth:
> (In this place I intended to publish links to totaliztic web pages
> "katrina.htm" - as I have the custom to do in all threads that I
> authorise. Unfortunately, UFOnauts clearly sabotaged my profile on
> this discussion group, "blacklisting" somehow links to all totaliztic
> web pages. Therefore I was unable to publish this thread until I
> erased from it all links to totaliztic web pages.)
> I am going to try to camouflage here several such links by listing
> them here without the initial segment "http://". Perhaps these
> sabotaging procedures allow such "camouflaged" links to be published,
> taking them for just a text. If it turns out to be possible to publish
> this thread with such "camouflaged" links to web pages "katrina.htm",
> then in order to use these links one needs just to copy any of
> internet addresses listed below to the addressing window in his or her
> browser. Here are such "camouflaged" links (5 of them):
> (Unfortunately this does NOT work either - the "blacklist" seems to
> include domain names of totalizm.)
> It is also worth to know that under each address indicated above ALL
> totaliztic web pages should be available (unless some of these web
> pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view
> descriptions from any other totaliztic web page, e.g. from a web page
> listed in this message, or listed in other totaliztic messages, then
> in the above addresses the name "katrina.htm" is just enough to
> exchange for a name of the web page that he or she wishes to view,
> e.g. for the name of web page "god.htm", "bible.htm",
> "dipolar_gravity.htm", "nirvana.htm", "totalizm.htm", "evil.htm",
> "evolution.htm", "wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm", "malbork_uk.htm",
> "memorial.htm", "newzealand.htm", "free_energy.htm", "fe_cell.htm",
> "boiler.htm", "partia_totalizmu_uk.htm", "fruit.htm", "text_1_5.htm",
> "day26.htm", "ufo_proof.htm", etc., etc.
> Please notice that links to the web page "katrina.htm" can also be
> found on blogs of totalizm which are accessible at following
> addresses:

> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak
> P.S. This thread complements the evidence that UFO vehicles formed
> technically the cyclone "Nargis" which on 3 and 4 May 2008 devastated
> Burma - which evidence is presented on the discussion group from
> .
> The thread belongs to a longer series of discussion threads that I
> authorise and that concentrate on providing and discussing the
> scientifically verifiable evidence, proofs, and explanations for the
> existence of UFOs and for evil activities of UFOnauts on the Earth.
> The aim of all these threads is to provide scientifically-based
> explanations and verifiable scientific evidence for the continuous
> (although secretive) aggression of UFOnauts towards people from the
> Earth. It is my hope, that by attempts to provide these rational
> explanations, I manage to reverse the trend to-date that rationally
> acting UFO researchers were scoffed at by agents of UFOnauts only
> because representatives of scientific fraternity either were scared to
> present evidence and proofs regarding UFOs and UFOnauts, or ignored
> the evidence that was known to them. In turn by reversing this trend,
> I hope to inspire people for defending themselves from this open
> aggression of UFOnauts against people from the Earth.

:) Absolutely!

Jun 10, 2008, 10:19:35 PM6/10/08
On Jun 10, 5:50 pm, Saint Isadore Patron Saint of the Internet
<> wrote:
... Absolutely!

WOW, I am impressed by the effort put into supporting-condemning my
arguments. So how the technologically induced earthquakes look-like
from the "absolute" point of view? (Is this "absolute" actually
meaning "by UFOnauts" or "gallactic"?)

By the way, I am just curious whether readers have noticed that lately
increasingly more disasters affect the USA, and the mojority of these
look-like also are technologically induced by UFOnauts. For example,
such destructive phenomena as tornadoes, according to the "theory of
everything" named the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (see the totaliztic
web page "dipolar_gravity.htm") cannot occur naturally. The nature
simply has no means to narrow down a "low-pressure whirl of counter
matter" to the size which appears in a tornado. (Similarly like nature
is NOT able to form a laser beam with a similar density of energy).
Thus, accvording to this "theory of everything", ALL TORNADOES are
formed technologically by UFOnauts - for details see the web page
"tornado.htm" which can be found when in someone types
in the key words "Jan Pajak tornado.htm" but without quotes. (But just
such unnatural tornados attack the USA very visiously in this year.)
Also if one analyses tornadoes, they display all features which
certify their origin from a UFO vehicle - e.g. each tornado has marked
areas where a UFO has its propulsors, each tornado emerges from a
cloud shaped like a UFO, there two kinds of tornados that correspond
to UFOs flying in an upright and in hanging positions, etc., etc. -
for details see also the web page about authentic photographs of UFOs
named "explain.htm" - which is discussed at the thread

These ever increasing hidden atrtacks of UFO technology at the USA is
a bad sign. It means that UFOnauts are really determined to completely
destroy our present technologically advanced civilisation.

Jun 14, 2008, 9:07:54 PM6/14/08
These UFOnauts quite cleverly divert the attention of people from
their current attack at the USA. They just cuased a technological
deludge in the Mid-West, which local people compare to effects of the
Katrina hurricane (for details see the web page "katrina.htm" which
can be found by typing in the key words "Jan Pajak
katrina.htm", but without using quotes). UFOnauts also technologically
unleashed tens of technologically formed tornadoes in the central
parts of the USA (for details about the manner of technological
forming such tornadoes see the web page "tornado.htm"). In California
UFOnauts started wild fires (how they did it is explained in item
#B5.1 from the web page "military_magnocraft.htm"). Yet, to divert the
attention of people from all these vicious attacks on the leading
country of our civilisation, UFOnauts just create small "diversions",
like the most recent (yesterday) earthquake in Japan of the force 7.2.
In other words, through cunning applications of "diversions" UFOnauts
can secretly keep destroying the most important country of our planet,
withut allowing people to realise that these are UFOnauts and their
advanced technology which does all this to the humanity. In turn when
UFOnauts really manage to do a damage to the USA, our entire planet is
going to suffer (similarly as this happened with the present economic
crisis), as the wellbeing of every other country on the Earth depends
on the prosperity of the USA.

So let us wake up and take the notice of the secret war that the UFO
technology is carrying out against our present technical civilisation
on the Earth. No damage happens without reason and without the
participation of some kind of hostile force which carries it out.

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