Suggestion: Insert a new task between two dependent tasks

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Jul 21, 2017, 5:38:10 PM7/21/17

It would be very helpful if a new task could be inserted between two dependent tasks.
For example task 2 is dependent on task 1. The new task 3 is set between task 1 and 2. Task 3 is then dependent on 1 and task 2 is then dependent on 3.

Best regards


Oct 4, 2018, 3:16:16 AM10/4/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Marcus

I can certainly modify 'New Task > New Dependent Subtask Below Selected Task' to insert the new task into the dependency chain if there is one...


Oct 6, 2018, 2:37:33 AM10/6/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

My understanding of Marcus' request is:
  1. to insert the new task at the same level (tree / hierarchy)
  2. (as a consequence) to shift the dependency references to have the new inserted task "incorporated" in an existing dependency sequence flow.
However, if I decode your reply correctly, you propose to insert it as a subtask of an existing task having a dependency sequence flow - not the same usage IMHO.

I have already been many times in situations where I had to make manually this job of dependent task insertion + dependency references shifting.
I understand very well the benefit of this feature and would really appreciate to have it available.

Of course, it would save time. But mainly it would ensure the dependency references shifting is correct.
I must admit I already messed some dependency sequence flows during my manual adjustment exercises.

However... this new concept of inserting a task could collide with the existing concept of adding a task.  [1]
Considering the trigger of the intention:
- if it is the task position in dependency sequence flow  >>  you could insert 'before' or 'after' = 2 cases
- if it is the task position in tree / hierarchy  >>  you can add 'below' (or maybe soon 'above' ) = 2 cases

It makes a total of 4 cases (= before below / before above / after below / after above) to foresee in the menu  >>  quite complex IMHO
And so far, I can't see an easy solution to take the best of both worlds, other than just add it in the menu situation 'as is' - still thinking...

Have a nice day - Eric


Oct 6, 2018, 5:35:09 AM10/6/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Sorry, my bad, 'subtask' should have just read 'task', my memory failed me at the critical moment!

>>- if it is the task position in dependency sequence flow  >>  you could insert 'before' or 'after' = 2 cases
>>- if it is the task position in tree / hierarchy  >>  you can add 'below' (or maybe soon 'above' ) = 2 cases

I think we may be able to figure most of it out from existing context. 

1. Consider tasks A and B where B is dependent on A (A->B) 
2. Now we add a new dependent task C below A (and dependent on it ie. A->C)
3. Because 'A->C' has the same 'direction' as 'A->B' we can also insert C between A and B in the dependency chain ie. A->C->B
4. However, if instead A had been dependent on B (A<-B) we would not update the existing dependency because of the differing 'directions' ie. we just get: C<-A<-B.

Perhaps I can add this logic to 7.3 and in the case of 1-3 above I can popup a confirmation message box...
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