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Marianne Korten

Jun 3, 2013, 4:52:52 PM6/3/13

Hello ladies, I need to learn some stuff: How does hiring at the senior level get carried out?

Time ago, a prominent colleague told me you sort of mention you would like to change place and then you
get an informal invite, and only then you apply. Now I'm definitely not that prominent, not in my most daring dreams :).

Then there are places that hire at any level (?). I have seen ads saying depending on credentials of the applicant the
hiring may be at different levels.

I am targeting a specific geographic area (containing 2 math departments), and would (try to)  move from one group II
school to a similarly ranked one. I have been recruited for chair of a group 2 department and didn't want to hear about it
right after my tenure a few years ago. I would be willing to try low to mid level administration but it intimidates me a bit,
especially the budget and money managing part, and dealing with unhappy people.

I am not amazing, but have solid credentials, including supervising undergraduate research and mentoring students
coming form community colleges. I have several in-house awards for doing a bit of Robin Hooding and trailblazing around here.
I have excellent interpersonal skills and vision, English is not my native language (I am Hispanic) and I suffer over writing.

Thanks for any useful things you can tell me :)

Marianne wrote:


    Christina Sormani <> May 02 07:29PM -0700  

    Please be sure to send me the names/emails/affiliations of any new
    women who have recently been *tenured* in mathematics at *doctoral
    institutions*. We would like to include them on the list of members
    here and the list has not been updated in a few years.
    The reason this list only included women mathematicians tenured at doctoral
    institutions is because we discuss issues relevant particularly to being
    at doctoral institutions. I created this group, because discussions at AWM
    tended to rapidly involve so many women at four year colleges that it was
    hard to
    focus topics on issues relevant to those of us at doctoral institutions.
    For example: it is a critical concern to women at doctoral institutions
    that we pursue
    NSF funding, invitations to the top conferences, and other highly selective
    forms of acknowledgement. While women at other institutions may pursue
    if they wish, they are less required to do so. Discussing these
    topics with the larger
    group engaged tended to lead to accusations of elitism. It isn't
    elitism, it is a matter
    of promotion to full professor for us.
    This group was in fact created specifically to address the selection of
    for top prizes and to start a discussion around the 2006
    Alexander-Taylor-Uhlenbeck letter
    published here. It can also be found here:


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Marianne Korten
Professor of Mathematics
SUMaR Director
Kansas State University

Dina Taiani

Jun 3, 2013, 5:03:12 PM6/3/13
We were just trying to hire for a tenure track assist prof. position and had a person ( assoc prof) apply who wished to be in NYC. The credentials were good but the dean ( and probably my department as well) refused to consider anyone with automatic tenure.  The school has been burned too much.  However, there was a second person applying ( full prof who also needed to be in NYC) and was a bit of a superstar.  My dean wanted us to only consider this person for that assist. prof. and the person did get hired by another school as a tenured full prof.  The end result is the dean did not like any of our choices for assist. prof.  We are rolling over our search.
Geraldine Taiani, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Mathematics
Pace University, New York

Christina Sormani

Jun 3, 2013, 6:14:00 PM6/3/13
Marianne's question is of importance to many women in many departments.
There are often rumors that advertised positions are not really open to all
applicants. It also seems quite common for departments to interview and
hire without sending any rejection letters to those who have applied. Women
have reported to me that no one replies to their emails when they request more
information and communicating at conferences becomes stilted and awkward
around the members of departments where they've applied. Perhaps it is
because they are under consideration or perhaps it is because no one will admit
they had someone else in mind before the application even went out. Or perhaps
its because the department isn't informing its own faculty as to what is going on. For professors like Marianne who have an imperative to move to certain location in a certain amount of time, this can be even more stressful.
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> Marianne Korten
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Prof. Christina Sormani
Department of Mathematics
CUNY GC and Lehman College

Marie Vitulli

Jun 3, 2013, 10:29:01 PM6/3/13
I am at a school that was ranked Group I Public under the old AMS categories and is Public Medium under the new categories.

We sometimes advertise for positions with an open rank, but this is rare. If we do hire someone with tenure it is usually a superstar or
someone who has an in with the department.  A number of years ago we hired a very strong, very ambitious woman who wanted the dept. to build up strength in her research area.  She was led to believe this was possible, maybe even probable.  Once she accepted the position, the department wouldn't seriously consider very strong, well known people in her field.  Her field wasn't an "in" field in the department.  She left and I was again the only woman with a tenure-related position.  Had she been in one of the fields that the department openly supports or a field that the ruling clique champions, there would have been a good chance that we would have made a senior hire even if we didn't advertise a senior position.

Marie A. Vitulli
Professor Emerita of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
1222 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1222
tel.      1-541-346-5530

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