Fwd: Reminder, Grant Park Advisory Council TONIGHT, 6:00 PM Maggie Daley Field House

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Richard Ward

Jun 21, 2023, 10:30:11 AM6/21/23
to 1300
Richard F. Ward, President, NEAR
New Eastside Association of Residents
Treasurer. Grant Park Advisory Council
155 N. Harbor Dr. #5101
Chicago, IL 60601

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Talbot <secgpac...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 7:23 AM
Subject: Reminder, Grant Park Advisory Council TONIGHT, 6:00 PM Maggie Daley Field House
To: leslie recht <prezgpa...@gmail.com>, Jim Wales <vpgpac...@gmail.com>, Richard Ward <treasgpa...@gmail.com>, John Talbot <secgpac...@gmail.com>, <Farah...@chicagoparkdistrict.com>, Julia Packard <packa...@gmail.com>

Please join us this evening for the June GPAC meeting.  It will only be held in person at the field house.  We have much to discuss so we look forward to seeing you there.

And remember that today is GO SKATE DAY at the skateboard park!. .  
Grant Park Advisory Council meeting agenda June^J 2023.pdf
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