Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons - {FPP 20110422-V4.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 7, 2011, 6:53:49 PM7/7/11
to Fine Particle Physics
Innovation: Perception Aid also for the Blind to Photons (IPA)

22 April 2011

{FPP 20110422-V4.0}
{HRI 20110422-V4.0}

(Version 4.0
on 7 Jul 2011)

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Why was the Earth flat, for many centuries?
Because the Criminal Minds said it was, and you agreed.

...Truth however, is absolute and it can be looked for,
it can be Perceived and it can be examined, no matter
what the Criminal Minds say or do.




The tremendous, tremendous Love you hold for others,

(Love: the desire to share joy with each other,
to be with each other and be caring for each other
and for Life and for each other's future)


your Loving each other and Life tremendously,

on the one hand; and on the other hand being

(Stupid: unable to connect to the relevant data and
reject the irrelevant or false data, on some
inconceivably Stupid, and being

(Insane: assigning the wrong cause(s) to a condition,
and thus preventing the actual cause(s) for
it from being seen or known, and addressed)

inconceivably Insane:

Those are the two most striking things found, during forty
years of grueling research into your soul,

something that YOU yourself YET HAVE TO FIND OUT.

(prelude end)



(significant excerpt)

You DO have a portable Perceptional Aid with you, or built in
your mobile phone, and you use it INSTANTLY, at any occasion:

THAT use makes you CONSIDERABLY more Intelligent, and increases
your Sanity manifold,

simply because you PERCEIVE a tremendous amount more, of
what is going on with you and with others.


Truth is absolute,* and only ABSOLUTE truth will set you
free of inflicted ills.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with imagination
or with belief, but Criminal Minds want you to
"understand" Perception as if it is "relative."

Criminal Minds want you to CONFUSE your Perception
with "your imagination," and that is why these HIDE
the simple nature of Perception itself.

Both science, and religion, are DOMINATED by
Criminal Minds,

and that is, because neither science nor
religion protects itself FROM Criminal Minds:


Perception however, is absolute, no matter how small
an amount or part of something, you Perceive:

And you perceive far, far too little, indeed,
for leading life.
(excerpt end)



(Overall context or setting)

The very first and main ability needed in Life, for anyone, is
to PERCEIVE (to sense, to feel, to recognize)

and then it is 'a must,' to be able to Perceive INTENTIONS,

and of course, most vitally - else you lose much of your
ability to Perceive, in no time - you HAVE to be able to

any intention to knockout your Perception,

the INTENTIONS of those who PREVENT your Perception of any
Evil *(4)(5)

- your Perception of any Evil that is being
inflicted or is about to be inflicted on you
or on your body, by Criminal Minds in particular:

Harmful Energy that then according to its content,
inflicts physical harm, or

that inflicts harm onto the functioning of your
person, of your soul:

like on your Perception and Memory, on your
Sensing and Feeling Life and people, on your
correctly Perceiving your environment and
yourself, etc..


Science and Religion are almost completely DOMINATED and
subverted and infested BY Criminal Minds (by the "well-
adjusted" Sociopaths), since thousands of years,

so much so, that YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW anymore WHAT
Perception is:

Criminal Minds (also in Science and Religion) DO NOT

- you might at least be willing, to admit that,
that these do NOT like you to Perceive properly -

and of course Criminal Minds DO NOT WANT, that you know
what Perception IS (how it works).


They did not want you to know, a hundred years ago,

But people WHO DID KNOW some things about Perception, back
then, wrote:

"Well, science will advance, and what WE know and
found out, will soon be common knowledge, also in
science, of course - because science is about
embracing knowledge, 'as everyone knows'."

But NOW, a hundred years later, science STILL does not
want you to know, what Perception is,

and medical science STILL NOW, refuses to know even
how a living body does function:

Things known and examined and reported a
hundred years ago, in great and accurate

So you can imagine how MUCH also medical "science"
is dominated by Criminal Minds. [MDSF]

This will not change in another hundred or in a thousand
years, WERE IT NOT for my understanding and my work in the

to get you to understand and to face THE MALICE that
Criminal Minds keep enforcing in science and in
religion, on everyone.


The current "sciences" of Biology and Medicine,
and of Physics - those "sciences" in particular,

make you PRETEND to "know" what Perception is.

But your PRETENDING to Perceive, makes you
into very unreliable friends,

because you can not warn about Evil,

and makes you into treacherous "professionals"
in the medical industry, and in education,

because you PRETEND to know while you
are in fact excluding ninety percent
of the most relevant and most vital and
since long and publicly AVAILABLE data,

it being so much more "pleasant"
and "harmonious," not to disagree
with Criminal Minds, and to not
Perceive these as long as they are
socially "well-adjusted" and

In social life it actually makes you be a dangerous
companion to others,

or a dangerous parent or teacher to your children,
or a dangerous judge or a dangerous journalist to
the society - to name some situations.


The licensed medical profession goes so far, as to describe
the Perception or feeling of anything that seems troubling or

- troubling or unusual, BECAUSE they MADE you wrongly
or not "understand" it in the first place, and thus
MADE you confused about -

'what you have,' is "a disorder,"

like 'you are someone having a "disease" or a "disorder",'

so that they now can legally "treat you" AND be paid for it;

and so they make it very easy for themselves and provide
income for themselves and each other in the process,

to continue to keep you very, very Stupid* and Insane* indeed,

no matter how much Love* you hold for Life and people.


Again: They want to make ACTUAL Perception and Awareness OF
WHAT IS OCCURRING, into being a "disorder"

(in particular, Perception and Awareness of the highly
disturbing, often painful, or nauseating, distorting or
blocking and otherwise Harmful emanations from Criminal

yes, even ecstatic Aliveness itself, and immunity to
sleep, too,

they want to have THAT "understood" and classified as

"a discomfort that must be remedied and treated" them, of course, by the licensed medical quacks with
their "neuroscience" and their drugs and scalpels,

who want Perception NOT understood, much less taking
place, because they are not opposed in that - not
even recognized - by you

(and the more sickness there is, the more social respect(!)
and the higher salaries or fees, and the more money from
charities, from Foundations and from the community, "for
research," these command and are given by you),

because Criminal Minds - of course - DO NOT WANT YOU to Perceive
and certainly they do not want you to Perceive any of THEM.

(context setting end)



Your Beauty (your Aliveness) and your Sanity (seeing in absolute
Truth, who does what with what intentions) and your Love (your
Joy of being together with others and caring for Life)

IS UNDER CONSTANT, Energetically very heavy attack, on Earth,
by Criminal Minds, by the ("well-adjusted") Sociopaths,

whose JOY consists of cleverly to betray and insidiously
to make and keep you VERY stupid, etc. etc., [ODE] and

who ENJOY taking your Life Energy away (rapists as they
all are, for others' Life Energy),



so you have to defend yourself and others, meaning: to educate
yourself and others ABOUT THAT

- with the Human Rights Issues and Fine Particle Physics -

RATHER THAN walking around in your current, smug and dazed
VANITY of "being invincible," and "having no enemies" 'because
you never really did anything bad to anyone and you are in fact
a very helpful and caring and beautiful person,' [IJC]

"being immune to Harmfully Energetic attacks from 'well-
adjusted' Sociopaths," because these "do not exist,"

so these Sociopaths want you to see it,

and you are likely to maintain and absorb that
very self-destructive Stupidity and Vanity,

that "you know all that can be known now
about it,"

also when you are made to feel ill or even are
incapacitated, and when you wind up in a hospital.

Such is the destructive arrogance of the licensed
medical profession - "peer-reviewed" in Medical Journals
and in Universities, at that:


They even made you NOT know, what Life Energy is... or what Life
itself is, for that matter,

let alone what HARMFUL, Harmfully Altered Life Energy is,

and instead, Criminal Minds are telling us, and are teaching us,
"what Life consist of."

Yes, can you imagine: They do not even WANT you to know, what a
living body is - come on, guys! -

(a living body is a structure or frame of Life Energies,
that does or does not, combine, separate and move
molecules - this is known for centuries) but

they do not even want others to know, what a living body


That INTENSELY lacking in Intelligence* and in Sanity* they
- our "well-adjusted" Sociopaths or Criminal Minds - have made
us and keep us (well, not you and me, of course),

BECAUSE THEY ENJOY to make and keep you lacking, and
the more lacking in Intelligence* and in Sanity,* the

which they have greatly succeeded in, obvious as it
is also to you,

if you look at practically ANY school or college or
university, and

if you read practically ANY "science" journalist,

if you look at ANY research-funding charity or
foundation, or at any other foundations "to educate
mankind," or at any organizations from the United
Nations Organization. [MDSF]

(preamble end)





(wanting to perceive)

The subject title assumes, that you like to perceive
more and thus to enjoy (much) more of Life, and much
more safely too, and

that you like, with that, to be of much greater value to
others as well. (And much more liked by others, too.)

This is counter to the intentions of Sociopaths
however, counter to Criminal Minds,

and you find it unpleasant or bothersome to oppose

and you find it easiest, to conform to and thus not
feel and not oppose their demanding, and forcefully
Harmful Energies

- you rather comply with their violent but
nevertheless wholly "unnoticed" (because
camouflaged or wrongly labeled) infliction
of Harmful Energies, that you would probably
call hypnotism ...if you would name these
inflictions correctly at all -

and certainly you find it "the most comfortable,"
if not also comforting, to think and to do as
Criminal Minds or "well-adjusted" Sociopaths want
you to think and do,

thinking and doing which, however does violate
the basic Human Rights Laws, and conflicts
with the Natural Human Rights Articles.


But therefore YOU DO complacently AGREE - in schools
and in colleges and in universities - that

"education" and "science" there - in your school and
college abd university - does THROW AWAY and does

ninety-five percent of THE MOST VITAL AND APPLICABLE
DATA on most subjects to do with humans and bodies,

that however IS available publicly, and has
ALWAYS been available publicly.

You are being Energetically bullied,
hypnotized, brow-beaten, cajoled, into
NOT looking at the relevant data,

and "science" has, in particular since
the time that Benjamin Franklin and
Lavoisier (in the Academy of Science in
Paris, in France, around 1800) have
officially have declared, that "Life
Energy does not exist,"

making science thus dominated by
Criminal Minds, who keep Life Energy
BANNED from "science,"

destroying not only science, but
also most severely harming Life

not even mentioning the harm, that
"science" inflicts daily on your
Sanity and on your Intelligence.


(wanting also others to perceive)

The subject title, of this HRI or FPP issue, assumes,
secondly, that you like also OTHERS to perceive more,

so that also others are then more capable of enjoying
Life, likely together with you or else supportive of you.

Again, this is most strongly counter to Criminal
Minds, to the ("well-adjusted") Sociopaths,

who project, "how terrible it is, if anyone would
perceive, and find out or feel your thoughts and

- and finding those out, of course FOR THEM
means a social 'death sentence:' if THEIR
violently Criminal thoughts and desires
were exposed. [IDCM]

And again, you go along with the Sociopaths or
Criminal Minds

because - the more Insane a society is

(influenced or even dominated by Criminal
Minds and by debilitating customs and
religious Insanities, that these have
originated and do enforce)

THE MORE things you indeed do have to hide
from each other,

in order to avoid being falsely accused by others,

accused of doing or wanting something, that
the ("well-adjusted") SOCIOPATHS do not like,

and that THESE try to prevent, or that
THESE are ridiculing or otherwise do

things such as PERCEPTION (and Perceiving THEM
in particular).


(mechanism of perception)

Thirdly the subject title assumes, that you know, that
Perception, all Perception, IS connection to what or
whom you perceive,

Perception consists of, is established, is brought
about as, a connection

by means of Life Energy Particles, to whatever or whomever
you are Perceiving,

sensing Life, sensing what and who exists, and their

and the Saner* you are, the more you are Perceiving,
are connecting with Perception Energy;

while the opposite is not at all necessarily

A person, let's say a medium, a clairvoyant or
a prophet, may Perceive many things, but may
nevertheless be lacking so much in Sanity,*

that his or her actual Perception brings about
more confusion amongst those admirers who
assume automatically, that high Perception
"proves" Sanity.

But these are very separate things - a blind
person may be quite Sane,* while the seeing
on the other hand, can be quite Insane.*


(perception violently opposed)

But the mechanism of Perception, what Perception IS,
is denied vehemently or hidden, by Criminal Minds,

Perception is - of course - violently opposed by

They do NOT want to be recognized!

Again, you find it the easiest, to go along with or
to comply with their intentions and ideas, their
Harmful Energies and the ideas in those Energies,

inflicted by them to oppose, to distort or
deny your sensing Perception, of exactly
those very Energies of them,

the violent, Harmful Energies from Criminal Minds,
from "well-adjusted" Sociopaths,

inflicted on you and on anyone.


(perception and photons)

You use Life Energy Particles to connect also to photons:

When you connect to photons that are converged by
the lens in your eyes onto the back (on the retina)
of our eyes, then you call that 'being able to see
(with your eyes).'

This fact is COMPLETELY denied, by Sociopaths, however,

IN ORDER THAT they can manipulate, filter and
distort, or damage that connection

- which IS your Perception -

your connecting to the photon image in your eyes,
you understand:

THEY inflict damage onto (they distort or they
block) your Perception,

- which IS your connecting -

they distort your Perception (your use and
interpretation of the photon image in this
case) they manipulate it,

by means of Harmful Life Energy THEY project,
or that a Criminal Mind inflicted in the past,

to determine "how you see," how you interpret
the photon image in your eyes, that you
connect to and thus Perceive.

All that, WHILE they tell you

- "scientifically," mind you: Their Evil is
very far ABOVE your ability to Perceive,
indeed, so they can tell you, they in fact
HYPNOTIZE you to agree -

that "it is your body or your brain playing havoc,"

"and not Harmful Energy" - inflicted BY SOMEONE
on you, in the past or present, to distort
or blot out your perception,

and to inflict headaches, as well, which
consist of Pain Energy Particles, inflicted
into your head.

I do not like to have headaches, or any aches
SOON AS or soon after these are inflicted on

And I am probably under far more heavy
attack, constantly, by Criminal Minds,
than you are - due to my work and due to
who I am OPPOSING the heaviest Criminal
Minds on Earth.

Once again, however, you find it easiest to go along
with the Criminal Minds, it is much easier, and it
feels pleasant, harmonious and agreeable, and as if
you are "following your own ideas,"

when you agree with any "well-adjusted" Sociopaths,
and with their destruction of science.



Without Connecting Life Energy, you are seeing nothing,

like when the connecting Life Energy Particles are
taken away from you, sucked away from you, smashed
away from you; or

when your connecting Life Energy Particles are (when
your Perception is thus) blocked off, with some kind
of Harmful Energy, inflicted by someone;

no matter how perfect your eyes are, you see nothing,

or you see, whatever Harmful Energy is blocking your

The eyes of a person in coma, may be in perfect
shape, and his brain may be in perfect shape too
(as may at many times be the case, with a person in

but he - HIS SOUL you dummies... - he does not
connect (which is done with Life Energy) to his

And in coma, he does not see - at least not that, what is
captured by his eyes,

that which we call seeing, the ability to see and
the action of seeing what photons your eyes capture.

Got it?

You create that Life Energy yourself, naturally, to
perceive with.

Good to know, when you want to restore or increase
your Perception,

and also when you want to push away or disconnect
from unwanted, or from enforced Perception,

which is a tricky business however, because
Criminal Minds use exactly THAT, to block
your perception most effectively, by manipula-
ting your DESIRE to look:

They project Energy, by which "you do not want
to look at them or at something" - projecting
a layer of Ugliness Energy, which is repulsive
and which "you do not want to look BEHIND."


(not for eyes only)

Now you can - and do - also connect with those Life
Energy Particles to other things (than to your eyes)

other things than to your body, and to the photons
its eyes capture when open and the air vibrations
its ears amplify at your ear drums,

you ALSO connect with Life Energy Particles around
you to your environment, and to other people,

- at school, college and university, you are DENIED
by Criminal Minds, to know what Perception is,
but -

in fact you do this all the time and most intensive-

and they should train or choose airline pilots
accordingly, so that these won't stall and
crash their plane into the ocean when some
instruments-sensors break down,

in order to feel or sense your environment all around
you, and to 'see' feel, to Perceive other people as well,

for instance to get an idea of someone's intentions
towards you,

either his actual intentions, or those intentions
he projects at you and at others, as his mask of
projected intentions towards you or others, like
a true actor does while acting,

it is extremely important to PERCEIVE, to sense - and
correctly of course - the INTENTIONS of others,

- which you DO, with your own Connection type Life
Energy Particles, that you create and project -

and that is wholly different from your perceiving photons
hitting (your retina, in) the back of your eyeballs

- in fact, the photons, which represent only the physical,
the outer appearance of someone's body,

photon perception might impress the very opposite of his
(or her) actual intentions -

you might be willing to admit:

You can NOT PERCEIVE someone's intentions by
looking at photons.

As a further illustration: I like to use a lot of my
Perception Energy for (connecting to) a subject when I
take a photo of it; and thereby,

not intentionally though, but automatically,

my Energy for Perceiving behind me and above me and below
me, at times was considerably diminished,

- a very vulnerable condition, of course, caused by
those Criminal Minds who with their Energies try
to make inroads constantly,

who generally try to block or hinder Perception,
and in particular my (strong, very Intelligent,
and very caring) Perception.

(Introduction end)






(Main text)



Perception IS connection with Life Energy Particles: You create and
use Life Energy Particles to connect to something

to perceive something about another person,

for instance to perceive someone's intentions

- and you perceive those intentions that someone wants you
to see, sense and feel,

but you might desire and could actually perceive also,
whether intentions felt, are genuine intentions,

or, whether these are just designed to make you feel,
that "they are genuine intentions" but actually are
designed to manipulate you in some way -

so, perception of someone's intentions is very, very
important for you, if not the most important to
perceive or sense,

in particular if you want to protect yourself,
and have a lot of real friends, and

also if you want to be a leader, this is a
must for you, to be able to recognize the
ACTUAL, real intentions of people;

no matter what someone holds out for you to sense and/or WANTS
you to sense or perceive, "as being his intentions."


Again, Perception IS connection with Life Energy Particles
and you create and use Life Energy Particles to connect:

To perceive something about another person,

like his intentions that show on the outside, and much
more importantly, his actual or inner intentions,

and on the other hand, to Perceive, to penetratingly sense,

what a Criminal Mind will PREVENT you from sensing, which he

by projecting for instance a lot of Black Life Energy
(Particles) at you, or around himself, or around whatever
he wants NOT PERCEIVED, *(5) and

he also prevents Perception, and Awareness of what
you have perceived, he prevents or destroys it also,

by sucking away or trying to divert or to contaminate your
Perception Energy (Particles).


But nevertheless, you can

by creating ENOUGH of your connecting, Perceptional
Life Energy, which are Particles,

that connect you, your soul, to sense whatever
or whomever these Perception (your sensing,
probing) Particles make contact with,

for instance penetrating or circumventing
the Black Energy that Criminal Minds inflict
as Unawareness, to 'knock you out,'

but by your creating ENOUGH connecting,
Perceptional Life Energy Particles, and

by 'formulating,' by intending, by 'steering' and
controlling your own Perception (your Connecting
Energy Particles) PRECISELY enough

- and with some knowledge of Fine Particle
Physics of course, to guide you, and to
avoid deceptions, in order for you

well enough to penetrate any distorting lies
and any other misdirecting or blocking ideas

which all are Harmful Life Energy
Particles inflicted now, or in the
past, by Criminal Minds -

by penetrating any Blocking Energies and by
persistingly creating a lot of Perception Energy

- which might be or become very natural, or
as a 'second nature' to you - *(6)

you can then perceive the ACTUAL intentions towards you.



You understand, that this is vital knowledge, for anyone

who thus wants to perceive, to sense, to feel, to examine
what is actually going on,

which is of course the most vitally necessary thing
to Life, to living, that there is,

for anyone who wants to be alive, to remain alive,
and to secure and protect the life of others, too.



This is all very basic and simple Fine Particle Physics, which
you should of course learn in any school as one of the first
things, even before writing and reading.





(perception aid)

Based on our knowledge of how Perception works, we use a Perception
Aid, as it CONSIDERABLY increases our perception of or about things
most vital to us.

This Perception Aid is technically called a

Life Energy Fluctuation meter - (abbreviated: LEF meter)

because that is what it does, what it measures

(what the Mathison-Trenite meter or LEF meter does): *(1)


Indeed it easily measures the Fluctuation in Life Energy Particles
that are acting upon your body INSTANTLY,

with then also INSTANT fluctuations in the electrical resistance of
your body,

in particular and most significantly in either of your hand

And these FLUCTUATIONS in resistance, are measured (they
show up very precisely) when you use an electrical current
of a few micro Ampere,

for instance something between 5 and 50 uA DC or
Direct Current, which,

even when the hands are dry or calloused,

needs a very low voltage, like from a small battery,
applied to the skin of one hand palm,

where we measure the electrical resistance by means
of the usual way to measure electrical resistance:
with a tiny electrical current,

using the sides and bottom of your cell-phone (your
mobile phone),

which is held in your hand palm, isn't it,

as the most obvious and most convenient method for picking
up the signal,

the tiny, fast fluctuations in resistance to an
electrical current, and picking this up as signal,
as information,

at the most sensitively-reacting spot for this, of your

your hand palm;

and using the electronic circuitry inside your mobile
phone, to do the amplifying, the processing,

and to show the result in exciting visual patterns, in the
display, and with compelling sound patterns, from the
speaker or earphone. (see 'Feedback Loop,' below)



For professional, experimental or even for amateur
use, you may take for instance two big coins (tin-
or nickel- or also gold-plated coins),

or two pieces of thin sheet iron, similarly plated,

two small soup cans for instance (meaning,
thin sheets of iron bent round to be small
cylinders, plated with tin) with their bottoms
insulated and glued together:

You easily keep your hand (palm) wrapped
around this two-part construction (of
essentially two small soup cans),

and so you pick up the signal

- via two wires attached, applying the small
DC voltage from your battery, to create the
tiny measuring current at the hand palm -

and this gives you the best signal pickup

regardless of whether the skin is dry or wet or
thick (callous) or thin

- and we are NOT interested in the overall
or static average LEVEL of the electrical
resistance, AT ALL, (see below)

but ONLY in its FAST or SUDDEN fluctuations
and its FAST patterns of fluctuation.




A professional person OF GOOD INTENTION, using the
'Perception Aid' instrument

with the skill and ability to thus act as a
Perception Guide assisting others,

may deliver a service of guiding his clients towards
adequate, sufficient PERCEPTION of their personal or
work relations, and of the past and future in this

so that someone is assisted IN ADDITION TO his OWN
(regular, normal, any-time-day-or-night) use of the
'Perception Aid' that for instance his mobile phone
is equipped with it,

and by which anyone guides, deepens or simply
confirms, his own vital Perceptions.


People in positions of leadership, may like to obtain such
assistance with their Perception, in order to deal much
better with people in their job, and to stay healthy in
body, too,

or people in high risk professions, or in very demanding
positions, may want to considerably increase their
security by means of penetrating Perception of their
working circumstances,

and I can imagine, that delivering such assistance,
as a 'Perception Guide,' would become a tremendously
respected and popular profession,

in very high demand by those who want to
maintain and increase their caring Aliveness,

which is directly proportional to the amount
of well-directed, intelligent Perception,

where (the assistance or guidance by) a
friend or professional, will of course
aid or enhance your own Perception

especially in one's 'Blind Spots,'
that by oneself, one famously "can
not see through."


A respected profession delivering highly
desired assistance, it will be certainly,

and by necessity, to guide those whose Perception is
impaired to the point of social dependence on others
for life's daily activities,

such as for the Blind to photons, but also for
the Deaf to vibrating air,

and for the learning-impaired,

and for those suffering any other Perception
disability (and regardless of any medical term
to confuse the issue),

ALSO disabilities in (Perceiving - in
connecting to) any sensation(s) and
any feeling(s),

not only a Lack of Perception,

but also Perception Distortion and
Perception Enforcement

(think about, what that means:
a Distortion of Perception,

where Perception IS the
connection with Life Energy
Particles to whatever you
direct these at and thus
Perceive it) and

(think about, what that means:
Enforcement of Perception,

where Perception IS
connection with Life Energy

and think without the debilitating
infusion of medical terms that
DENY what Perception is, and that
DENY what you are)

which you experience as falsely
'connected' Perception,

meaning very bothersome, unwanted
Perception, that you can not
control, like a panic attack or
a migraine, that you can not
understand, and

that hinders, diverts or prevents
proper and desired Perception,

disabilities, or 'Disorders' as you may have
called them,

and to remedy such things by sufficiently enhancing
or restoring your Perception

- either by yourself alone,

or aided by a professional, by a 'Perception
Guide' OF GOOD INTENTION and disposition
towards Perception, and towards you -

also then of course, alone or as a professional, and
also as an amateur, or as a researcher,

you have of course to have this electronic circuitry, a
Perception Aid

that properly amplifies the signal obtained, and that
recognizes and processes the signal patterns, and shows
the result visibly and audibly - in an appealing way.




(translation into sound and visual display)

Indeed the Fluctuations are best compared with sound, but,

because the Fluctuations are mostly much slower, than what
normally vibrates and thus produces sound,

you have to translate these electronically to the audible range, so,

in such a way, that from the resulting, audible SOUND output,

you really get a feeling of the actual Life Energy Fluctuations:


The best (electronic) TRANSLATION of Life Energy Fluctuation

into audible sound and into visual display,

gives you the best FEEDBACK LOOP (see below for 'Feedback Loop')
and thus

provides the greatest Perception Enhancement, and produces the
best and easiest Perception Aid (the best instrument and best
programing of it).




(range and scope of the fluctuation in electrical resistance)

These Fluctuations are usually very tiny AND they are very fast, and
thus they need an electronic amplifier (an Operational Amplifier

to make these fluctuations and their patterns very visible and very

- and that in any situation in real-life.


AND these fluctuations can - and may do so practically at the same
time - get VERY BIG as well,

so your electronic circuit has to be able to handle and show that
too, and simultaneously:

BOTH the very, very small fluctuations in the probing electrical
current (just above the background "noise" of the body and of
the electrical current connection to it),

the tiny current by which you measure, at your hand palm,
the fluctuations in electrical resistance resulting from
Fluctuations in Life Energy,

AND the bigger and also VERY BIG fluctuations

- mostly sharp DECREASES (see below) in electrical
resistance -

that occur within a short time span

- taking place mostly in less than a quarter of a second,

or exceptionally, at the very slowest, within two
or three seconds, but

for our purpose of Perception Enhancement, you should
neglect anything taking longer than half a second,

and discard, as unwanted interference, a DECREASE
or INCREASE that takes longer than one second to
complete -

things that the Perception Aid automatically takes care
of, but that electronics engineers who build the thing,
definitely want to know, to build the circuitry,

which has to handle, further,

ALSO very fast fluctuations, extremely irregular, jagged signal,

that, translating it in terms of electronic circuitry, as
a signal with harmonics, is

going up to something like thirty or forty Herz,

in pattern we call a 'Shudder,' the 'Shudder' pattern, as
explained below).


And all that across (spanning) a range from several mega Ohm, down to
some five kilo Ohm

if we want to - and we definitely do want to, and HAVE to -
use the meter, the Perception Aid, under any possible
circumstances of daily life, and at any time day and night:

Criminal Minds do NOT wait with their Harmful Energy
Inflictions or attacks on you or on your body, till you
sit comfortably and have time for looking at such things,
or at them.

They do not wait till you have finished your shower
or till you finished your speech or till you have
finished your dinner or till you have finished
sleeping, or have finished working or have finished
looking at your favorite TV program.

Nor do they wait until you are educated about what
these emanate and inflict on you,

nor do they postpone their inflictions on you and on
your body, until your children are educated about
these things in their primary school education.

Quite the contrary:

Criminal Minds DO act much like you can expect it from any

and in this case regardless of any distance between you
and them - such is the nature of (also Harmful) Life
Energy, of any Life Energy Particles.

And their Harmful Energy towards you is not stopped by
walls, nor by distance,

nor by hiding under the blankets on your bed, nor by
waiting for sunrise to come,

and also not by your being unaware of it and your "not
believing that someone would or could do something like
that to anyone,"

"and certainly not to you, because you are Friendly
to anyone,"

and it is also not stopped, by "believing that it does
not exist," or by taking sleeping pills or other drugs,

with the "philosophy," that "a tsunami cannot harm
you as long as you do not believe in its existence."

That will certainly save on building costs,
but you will not save your health with that,
nor that of others, when the tsunami occurs:

It IS the infliction of Harmful Life Energy Particles,
BY SOMEONE, onto your body or onto you,

and therefore these can be removed - located, recognized,
and removed:

These things are NOT 'self-generated,' NOR
'of unknown cause.'




(most significant fluctuation type - the 'Shudder' pattern)

And then there is the - MOST IMPORTANT - most significant fluctuation,
which we will call

the 'Shudder' type signal pattern: *(e)(f)

A 'Shudder' is a highly DIS-HARMONIC Life Energy Fluctuation pattern,

you might imagine how the screeching of a fingernail
on a blackboard at school, feels, as an analogy,

extremely dis-harmonic Life Energy emanations, very
poisonous to Life,

and that may register as such upon your soul, or
upon the Life Energy of your body,

which will result in the corresponding Fluctuations,
(Fluctuations that this Perception Aid measures)

when you are hit with emanations of that kind,

and you look at these to find out the source
of these, to find out WHO inflicts these on

which disarms these inflictions, makes
these vanish when correctly looked at,

or, you look at these in order to push them
away, by creating a large amount of your Life
Enhancing Energy Particles,

resulting in corresponding Fluctuations, and
the same applies,

when you stumble upon, or are pushed with your nose
into, or when you simply look at and examine Harmful
Energy Particles such as have been inflicted in the
past on you, or on your body, or on someone else,

and you look at these

in order to undo some or much of their effect
of trying to make your soul ailing or your
abilities failing, or your body ill:

it is very dis-harmonic Energy, intensely poisonous to Life, they are
very Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles, [ODE]

created by someone in the present or such lingering from the
past infliction by someone and still being Energetic or that
may be activated, potentially being Energetic,

someone intending extreme Harm thereby CREATES Harmful Energy,

opposing and trying to nullify or divert or destroy the normal Energy
of Life, for holding and enjoying Life, [ODE]

but that Criminal Minds OPPOSE, MALIGN, and try to DESTROY,
and they ENJOY doing that. [NDG]


And when you are looking at such Bad, Harmfully Altered
Energies or when you are being hit with such (Particles),

and when you ARE willing to be aware of it,

aware of being attacked and of being hit by it (from
any distance and through any physical barrier),

when you have connected to perceiving or sensing that
(what IS there anyway, whether you perceive it or not,

when you feel (being hit by or actively go looking for
and examine) SUCH Extremely Harmful Energy attacking Life,
attacking you or when you sense it attacking others

(and maybe you feel the soul of the Criminal Mind who
is emanating it, meaning the individual,

whose general Energies will be of that nature

- quite possibly hidden behind his or her
Energy mask - but it will be of that nature,

then you see and hear that on your Perception Aid (when
it is switched on, and in your hand palm, of course), it
shows you and sounds for you a 'Shudder' signal, it tells
you that a Shudder is taking place.


Or when you are (or your body is) bombarded by such
'Shuddering,' Extremely Harmful Energy Particles

- wholly without your inviting it, and often out of
the blue and often (and especially) when you are
off guard

remember, Criminal Minds ENJOY to
inflict this onto you and anyone,

it has nothing whatsoever to do with
what you are thinking or doing or
have done or thought, necessarily at

they just ENJOY to attack you and also
to then get some of your Life Energy,

so they try to MAKE you be off guard,
really, in order more successfully to
attack you, *(5)

or they attack when your body is facing some
physical challenge, like pepper or pollen in
your nose, or bright sunlight in your eyes

- and Migraine Associations and Epilepsy
Associations make whole catalogs,
led as they are BY Criminal Minds who
will make very sure that the members
do not ever read this and thus become
free of their plight and their pains -

or they attack when some small injury of your
body occurs,

whenever something is - or when you yourself
are - diminishing the normally wide enough
sphere of your attention (of your Perception
Energy) *(5)

that you normally maintain ALL AROUND
YOU, automatically, when you are in
normal shape and good health,

which is necessary to keep yourself composed

- so, when you are actually
focused and NOT dispersed,
then you DO have and keep a
wide area of your attention
very alive, above, behind and
below and at the sides of you,

but which is the very opposite
of what Criminal Minds want,

and so, when THESE tell you "you
must focus," then THEY mean

"you must stop looking at THEIR
emanations" so that you will
stop defending yourself and
others, against THEM -

defending yourself IS keeping
yourself composed: And that is
what you do

by means of your keeping your own Energy
of Perception in a wide sphere around
you, to sense what is happening, or what
is intended towards you,

and if hostile, to defend yourself
accordingly *(5)

- you do that automatically if
you are in good shape, *(6)

EVEN THOUGH you have been MADE
that stupid, that you do not
even learn these things in
primary school:

the very basic necessities
of your social safety and
bodily health -

keeping your attention all around you,
which is necessary to stay composed;

and when a breach by the attacker, of your
Energy, is imminent,

meaning he is already attacking you
with his Harmful Energy Particles,

but you still manage to stand up to it,
preventing a breach of your defensive

also then you can see and hear the resulting
'Shudder' pattern of Fluctuation in Life
Energy, on your Perception Aid,

when you are or your body is bombarded with
Extremely Harmful Life Energy Particles -

inflicted by some Criminal Mind to harm you or your body,

for instance - and mostly, primarily - because he or
she (or it if not living) wants to Vampire on (wants
to obtain) your Life Energy (and they have to
inflict harm on you, in order to obtain what they
want) [HPJL]

harm that you thus have no choice BUT to feel,

or at least to suffer as a loss of your Life Energy and as
a diminishing of your abilities (including some loss of
your memory),

or that you will have to recognize as a contamination or
sickening of your body,

also when a Criminal Mind (like a Sociopath)
does INFLICT Life Energy containing and
making felt the lie, that

"it is your body doing something to
you" - "you slept badly," or "you ate
something wrong,"

or - with the infamous Hyppocrates,
that "you have been catching a cold"
(not a joke)

and that whatever you might feel as being
inflicted ON YOU or INTO your body by SOMEONE,


IN ORDER THAT you do not defend yourself, and
in order TO PREVENT your getting help from

as they have made also OTHERS THAT
Insane, that these - "professionals"
even - tell you (or they don't tell you
but "they know," or they have been
"educated" to "know") that

"it is all your imagination" or "between
your ears," as they loudly proclaim
THEIR multiple ignorance to you

(you have absolutely no idea, how
Evil they, the "well-adjusted"
Sociopaths are in their domination
of "science" and their domination
of "religion")

so "you must believe their LIES about their
attacks," the lies that they also project

and have firmly installed in the society
especially with Medical Criminal Minds,
from Hippocrates and since,

so you should - and will - suffer the Harmful
Energy inflictions on you and your body,

if the attack is not warded off by you

- warding off is done primarily BY

(you being in possession of and USING
your Perception Energy, either using it
automatically, or using it in conscious
effort, for)

PERCEIVING what is going on, and warding off
the attacking, Harmful Life Energy Particles

and by Perceiving ALSO (correctly, that is:
in absolute truth, Perceiving, sensing) WHO
inflicts the Harmful Energies - but

if not warded fully off, then you are, of
course, perceiving (if not the Harmful Energy
Particles themselves, then)

at least the effect of the Harmful Energy doing the
work intended by the Criminal Mind inflicting it:

like your sudden loss of some of your Life Energy,
some of your Life Force,

a loss with the corresponding effect - of Tiredness,
of Lethargy, of a Loss of Awareness, a Lessening of
Perception, and a Desire to Sleep instead, etc.,

from the Loss of some of your Beauty and
Aliveness Energy, a Lessening of (your
Energies with which you are realizing) your
Purposes in Life

- and things like a Loss of your Joy of
Music, a Loss of your Joy of Being
with People, etc., etc. -

as a result of the attacks on you by

(those who are likely "well-adjusted," and not
labeled as Sociopaths, necessarily at all,

and they may be incarnate as well as
deceased: that makes no difference as
far their emanation and infliction of
Harmful Energy goes, because it is from
their soul, from the soul of)

Sociopaths, in the act of their taking away your
Life Energies, or that of others,

and that you may want to oppose by detecting, recognizing
and examining the infliction of the Harmful Energy

- and you and others opposing it and defending
yourself, this is all naturally done,

automatically, like you walk and talk also
without knowing how to repair walking and
how to repair talking, or how to keep it
all healthy,

this is all done naturally by a healthy
person, and that without even bringing it
to one's Consciousness or active Awareness,

IF the Harmful Energies inflicted or present
are not too Forceful and not too insidiously
Poisonous, not too persistent and not too
well camouflaged (confused, like wrapped in
pleasant feelings, or in Unawareness *(5)) -

when you look at the infliction in order to see

- which necessarily must be to determine at least
a part of the absolute truth - seeing

what is going on and what is caused by whom

- and thereby you start to neutralize even the most
Forceful and the most Poisonous Harmful Energies
inflicted - and

then you will see a SHUDDER type Fluctuation on your
Perception Aid.





These Fluctuations are mostly very tiny, AND mostly very fast, and
thus they need an electronic amplifier, to see these at all

- in any school or university projects up to now, they OMIT any
even vaguely sufficient amount of amplification, which is

like examining blood without a microscope

(and more significantly, without any knowledge of what
blood consists of)

and then they say: "There is nothing further to examine or to
tell (about blood, other than its color),"

and they call THAT a "science project!"

(See the actual definitions of 'Stupidity' and of 'Insane,'
above, near the top.)


The Fluctuations can - practically at the same time - get VERY BIG,

WHEN you are guiding your attention to look at what is happening
AND that the meter, the Perception Aid, GUIDES you, to sense:

guided with an extremely fast 'feedback' which usually results
in an "avalanche" of very big Fluctuation,

in a corresponding big decrease in electrical resistance,
equally suddenly,

due to the feedback by the Perception Aid TO YOU - to your
directing your attention - which makes you 'zero in to,' or
'home in on'

the right thing to look at - the right subject or person
or a very particular time or location, to look at,

because of the visual and audible, instant feedback

(according to your taste and disposition to use both or
only visual, or only audible) instant feedback

where audible feedback is possibly even more effective or more
diverse, than visible feedback,

extraordinary and enormously helpful feedback, due to the
extraordinary quality of feedback that is made possible and
that was INTENDED to be made possible by this Perception Aid
or Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (LEF meter).


The electronic circuit of it, has to be able to handle and show that
wide a range:

not only - just above the background "noise" of the body -

the very fast fluctuations of the Shudder type, in

when they are still very tiny, in the beginning stage of
detection, you are looking at a very small Shudder type

which can grow very big almost instantly,

with the feedback from your Perception Aid, you
are almost instantly 'zooming in' on something or
someone that is extremely relevant to your search
or to your life;

you connect to it, with your Energy to look at
it and examine it,

and the more intensely you look, the more you

now traced and located, more and more
adequately sensed and examined

Harmful Life Energy, (the inflicted attacking,
destructive Particles of Life Energy);

the Neutralization results in (it shows
as) very big Fluctuations,

so the Fluctuation helps to show you, that you are
looking at the right thing,

the Fluctuation helps you to steer your
attention (your Perception Energy)
towards the action of neutralizing the
inflicted Harmful Life Energies,

and helps you to FORESTALL the culprit,
the Criminal Mind who inflicts or who
inflicted it, (or several culprits)

('forestall:' to prevent or obstruct
an anticipated event or action, or
the individual(s) behind it, by
taking action ahead of time)

so the ENERGY, the potential to do something

(something Harmful, in this case: the
Harmful Life Energy)

is being taken out, is being neutralized, BY
your looking at it in absolute truth,

- Truth defined as 'that what happened,
who caused it, with what intention'

which is not relative at all, but

but when people only see a very small
part of it, that may make "truth" SEEM
"relative" or "subjective" - anyway,

that neutralization results in (it shows as)
very big Fluctuations,

so the meter - the electronic circuitry of your Perception
Aid - has to handle and show

also the bigger AND THE VERY BIG fluctuations,

such as a decrease from one mega Ohm down to ten kilo Ohm,
occurring sometimes even within a second or two - but it
is not the amount, it is the SPEED of decrease or change,
that IS significant.




The MOST IMPORTANT, most significant Fluctuation, is the 'Shudder'
fluctuation, as mentioned:

A 'Shudder' signal pattern is highly dis-harmonic, erratic,

indicating as it does a very STRONG opposition to Life in
the Life Energies of whatever or whoever you look at, or
in the Life Energies that you are hit with,

and in electronic terms it is a most unusual kind of signal, as
Alternating Current signals go - a signal 'gone wild,' so to

And further, it is typically a problem for electronic components
to have to handle such things OVER A WIDE RANGE:

when having a very very small amplitude - AND when having
a very very wide amplitude,

to be able to handle these at the same time.


This - it being unusual in electronic science - apparently was
used also as some kind of psychological barrier, to using the
phenomenon to create and develop a Perception Aid,

The prevailing past gurus and past manufacturers in this field
never did cross that barrier to actual Perception - Criminal
Minds being only interested in getting people to Perceive that,
what Criminal Minds will ALLOW them to perceive,

and past manufacturers in this field never dared to cross that
what is merely a psychological barrier:

So in the first place, they simply do not amplify the
higher (small signal) ranges,

and then they let the user turn down even THAT little
amplification, as the amplitude of the signal gets bigger
or as low as the expected amplitude (size) of the signal
will be,

and they make the amplification VERY low even, to
accommodate the BIG signals

- well, of course they have to -

in order to keep the big signal visible on their display,
(they use only a visual display)

and if they would make an audible signal, then
it would be as bare as the visual described
just now, it would be NOT 'polyphone,' but it
would carry so little information, that you
hear only pitch which varies, only one tone
at any time, or 'monophone').

1. Because of the design of their meters, they fail to
show the

very tiny yet MOST significant

signals, "because there are bigger signals expected;"

or they make it seem right, with the very damaging
lie, that "only the bigger signals are significant,"
"the small stuff is just confusing noise," so "it
SHOULD not be shown, or even amplified."

And to make it much worse even than that,

2. they recommend ("setting the 'Sensitivity'," they call
it, they teach you) the amplification must be set so
LOW, that ONLY an expected BIGGEST fluctuation will be
visible in full,

- remember, they are using only ONE amplification
channel -

with the obvious result, that tiny signals, and even
not so small signals, are not shown at all. So

3. the most significant, tiny signals "do not exist," and,
the not so small ones - though their meter could show
these - these are not showing when and usually because
indeed their meter 'Sensitivity' is set or "has to be
set" for showing anticipated bigger signals.

4. They handle the whole signal as a Direct Current and
have only a visual "display:"

Just one line on a display, or a mechanical needle,
that bobs back and forth.

NO pattern recognition, NO multiple amplification
channels, NO indications of speed and of rate of change
of speed,

all TREMENDOUSLY important calculations and results
to display,

much like a navigation computer in an
Earth-orbiting space shuttle;

no calculation of any of these, MUCH LESS the calcula-
tion of an instance or of the amount of Shudder (of
the most important of all signals) occurring.

5. And they are completely omitting by far the most
important feedback component, which is SOUND.

The signal MUST be translated ALSO into sound, into
polyphone, very expressive sound that represents (and
combines the results of) all these calculations
mentioned just now above, into a full-bodied sound
that - on top - should be very pleasant and at times
obviously very exciting, to listen to, as your feedback

While THEY may feel very comfortable and complacent and
even proud about "doing quite a lot more than nothing,"

WE are NOT pursuing the goal to "know much more than
nothing," and "to see much more than being fully Blind,"
as they feel their PRETENSE to be "right."


They never solved it, because they are DENYING (they REFUSE to
know) - if not the existence, then certainly - the nature of
Life Energy,

and so they could "reason", that "measuring the tiniest fluctua-
tions 'is not needed',"

they can't understand the principle of the meter, of WHY
it functions and how it relates to Life Energy,

and they DENY the nature of Life itself, BY denying the nature
or even the existence of Life Energy.


They can not define Perception - and thus they can not
define Blindness, nor can they detect Deception; and

they can not define Life Energy - and thus they can not
define Harmful Life Energy, either, nor Vampirism, and

they can not define Truth - and thus they have no desire
to find out truth, to Perceive:

They refuse to apply the Trinity of Science ('Truth, Beauty and
Love'), which is necessary if you want to examine Life itself.




Thus I very simply solved their technical "barrier" - I solved it with
a very simple circuit, which even in its primitive state, DOES work
very well already, as a Perception Aid,

solving the problem because MY purpose was and is, to increase
actual Perception by which to find out Truth. And I solved it
most simply:

by adding an extra amplification circuit of course,

an extra circuit which shows the very, very tiny fluctuation
ONLY, (I gave you that, in the 'circuit with five readouts')

and which electronically is very easy to do, with some
capacitors to make that part not a Direct Current-amplifier

and I added some diodes to split any tiniest SHUDDER signal up,
over two readouts, one for 'very small INCREASE" (of the signal,
meaning, of the resistance measured), and another one for 'very
small DECREASE.'

So you can't really miss even the tiniest read or signal, and
a "dead meter"-reading or "zero signal," does not occur anymore,

Of course not - there is always SOMETHING to see - as long
as there is Life. And there IS Life abundance of it.




(feed-back loop - vast multiplication of Perception)


To keep showing the very tiny signals, you maintain really high

and showing such very tiny signals is NEEDED,

for a Perception Aid,

to show you anything, that you should be looking at,

and that, NOT ONLY, is lost in an ocean of data and of

BUT THAT IS HIDDEN, MADE to be hidden,

(MADE "inaccessible" as Criminal Minds would want you to think
it is, or "unknowable," or "of course impossible to see," BUT

it is actively PREVENTED (by them, by their Energies PREVENTING it)
from being seen or Perceived

- whatever it is or whatever happened and by whom it was done
and with what intention it was done -

you are PREVENTED from seeing it,

'by definition it is hidden,' you might say:

Something that you don't see or sense but should find, IS by
definition HIDDEN.

Further, by definition, it is kept hidden or has been made
to stay hidden, by Criminal Minds - or by someone or by a group
of individuals because of the influence of a Criminal Mind -
by means of corresponding Harmful Life Energies.


And as soon as you begin to sense or 'hit' upon (whatever or whoever)
is hidden or hiding but is very relevant,

(and whoever was or is hiding it or him or her - Criminal Minds
do work by PREVENTING Perception,

by Blocking Perception or Masking Perception and by Perverting
true Perception)

then it shows on your Perception Aid, you see, it shows

visibly and audibly,

and then your attention shoots towards that subject

towards that what you feel, and that shows on your Perception

- a Fluctuation in Life Energy is a Fluctuation in
Feeling: Feeling IS Life Energy -

it 'locks your sights' so to speak, onto that feeling that changes
or that brings about a change,

and that feeling may be in connection with some particular feeling or
person or time or area, etc.:


You start suddenly much more to Connect with it by means of your
Perception Energy,

and you (create and) increase your Awareness Energy about it, so
that 'you continue to know, what you looked at,' you start to
hold onto and thus become consciously Aware, of what you are
looking at or sensing, feeling, hearing, etc., Perceiving

rather than having your Awareness (your Life Energy
Particles that HOLD you aware of it) immediately taken
away again

for instance pulled away by the Criminal Mind that
you happened to look at or maybe were about to
find out,

or pulled away by any other Criminal Mind; BUT

you (must) hold on to your Awareness Energy, of course,

while your Perception Aid keeps your attention, your 'sights'
locked onto feeling the Energy of something that or someone who
requires your urgent attention or satisfies your intense - even
if subdued or forgotten - curiosity,

because with the Perception Aid you create a Feedback Loop.


And very soon, or even immediately, you get very, very BIG Fluctua-
tions showing on your Perception Aid,

because your FEEDBACK LOOP is at work:

showing, that you are connecting to and are continuing to look
at and are holding and increasing your Awareness of something
that or someone who needs very close scrutiny by you.'





(most significant signal: a 'Shudder')


The most significant Fluctuation (the most important signal) is
called a 'Shudder' signal, or just a 'Shudder:'

a highly dis-harmonic, extremely irregular Fluctuation, which in
electronic engineering would be regarded to be a very jagged
'Alternating Current' signal. *(g)


It - the 'Shudder' signal - can be very, very tiny to begin
with, when you start to connect to and begin to Perceive
something that or someone who

is very strongly opposing your Perception and

by that necessity, is very hidden from your view,

hidden or camouflaged, and you would detect (sense,
feel, Perceive) that OPPOSITION,

by using your Perception Aid giving you that
'Shudder' signal,

and because it gives you a Feedback Loop to
direct and increase your Perception,

you Perceive the Blocking Energies sufficiently
and thereby remove that barrier to your Perception,

(which is NOT YOUR barrier, you understand, it
is NOT YOUR Blocking Energy, but

it is SOMEONE ELSE's Harmful Energy that
intends to Block you, to Block your Perception
(and to Block Perception by others, too)

you start to Perceive a Barrier to your Perception,
only, when you start to Perceive in that direction,

when you start to connect - not yet strongly enough to be
easily Aware of what it is, or who it is - when you start
to connect with your Perception Energy, and you thus begin
to Perceive something that or someone who

tries to prevent any Perception (your Perception also)

- but the ability to enjoy and protect Life rests
on the ability to Perceive,

so when you look at someone who or something that
PREVENTS or DISTORTS Perception for you and for other
normal people -

then you look at the intention of something or of someone

thereby to prevent or cripple Life itself, (and your Life also),

then you may very well see a very tiny 'Shudder' signal on your
Perception Aid,

and, as it grips and guides your attention, this signal can
grow very quickly into huge Fluctuations,

showing on your Perception Aid, of course, as it is, after
all, a 'Life Energy Fluctuation meter.'



(the 'Decrease' signal and the 'Increase' signal)

A 'Shudder' type signal, tiny or big, may occur superimposed on
(it might happen together with) a fast, very strong Decrease

- Decrease: electrical resistance at the hand palm of your
body, decreasing very fast, *(h)

fast meaning 'within seconds, or in fractions of a

where the Speed of decreasing, is highly significant and
must be processed as an important signal characteristic,
and that Speed must be shown,

and not only that, but the Acceleration of the Speed

(the 'speeding up,' or 'speeding down' - how much
CHANGE in the Speed of Decrease, there is)

is even more significant and must thus be processed
as a most important signal characteristic, and must be
shown accordingly.

And a tiny or big 'Shudder' type signal could occur superimposed
also on (it might happen together with) a very fast, big, for a
short while continuing INCREASE, in your body's electrical
resistance, measured at your hand palm

- Increase: a fast increasing electrical resistance at the
hand palm of your body, *(i)

see further the definition of 'Decrease,' above,

I bring these signals, the 'Decrease' and the 'Increase' up here,
and define these here, above, in connection with a 'Shudder' signal,
but these

the 'Decrease' and the 'Increase' signal, are usually occurring just
by themselves - that is, they likely occur WITHOUT any 'Shudder' on
top of them.



(signal processing of a 'Shudder')

As a 'Shudder' signal is described primarily by the Acceleration
of its very high Speed of Decrease PLUS the Acceleration of its
very high Speed of Increase,

which indicates the speed and amount of its erratic-ness,
dis-harmony and irregularity,

the summing (which is called integration, mathematically or
electronically) of both Accelerations over a short time (part of
a second) and over a slightly longer time (of one or two seconds
for instance),

that calculation or signal-processing, and its display and its
translation into a sound pattern, gives thus

a fairly accurate and most easily recognized
representation of the magnitude of (and alerts to)

a 'Shudder' signal.



(technical signal description of a 'Shudder')

I tell you a bit more about this 'Shudder' signal:

The frequency of it - it is really an Alternating Current,
though extremely irregular - is of prime significance,

the faster changing, the more significant, as you will

- in electronics, this is expressed as a combination
of lower and higher frequencies, to represent the
very jagged 'Shudder' signal -

and after that, in importance, there is how quickly it develops,
how fast it grows, as a 'SHUDDER,'

so I mean the (rate of) increase in amplitude of the 'Shudder'
(of the 'Shuddering' Alternating Current signal),

also THAT is of extreme importance or significance, for
guiding (your) Perception to what is most valuable for
you to sense the truth of, on Earth and beyond, to find
- supposing you DO want to find out the necessary
things about Life, and about your life,

with the purpose to enhance and protect your Life
and that of others

against the many, many and continuous
Energetic assaults upon Life -

and there is of course the thing obvious to anyone, and that is
how 'wide' or 'big in Amplitude' the 'Shudder' is,

which is of more importance for judging the intent to Harm, of
the Energy that causes such a 'Shudder,'

and if it is very big, then you are already with your nose
onto it, looking at someone's Intention, someone's Energy
for intending TO DESTROY YOU, your Life or your body or

and you can use your Perception Aid to keep looking
at it, till it loses its Force, and loses the
Deception that was necessary to keep it in place and

And once again - and in a very short time, at that -
you have saved a life: Your own!


To display HOW IMPORTANT AND SIGNIFICANT any signal is, you have
to translate it into easily readable and audible form, for
people, for you,

and thus you would have to sum (to calculate together)

(electronically-mathematically to add up, to count
together regularly for short periods of time, to
'integrate' the electronically apparent frequency
or rate of change,

AND to 'integrate' (to sum over short periods) the
'erratic-ness,' the deviation from electronic
sine wave forms, or 'higher harmonics' that describe
the erratic-ness, and

integrating all that to become for instance a polyphone, music
type sound, and to become a visual signal displayed in LED
or LCD or Laser etc. technology,

after the signal processing has taken place, to make the
rate of various other changes visible a=swell, by means of
electronic-mathematical 'differentiation' to various

like the 'Decrease' and the 'Increase' (see below), of the
original signal:

of the fast, very small and big fluctuations in the
electrical resistance of your body at the hand palm,

due to your Life Energy Fluctuations as you interact
with Life, with other Life

and other Life interacts with you - regardless of
whether you know it or not.



(Integrating the other signals - a 'Decrease' and an 'Increase')


You would have to integrate the (usually quickly increasing)
Amplitude of the signal

- that is, when you manage to look penetratingly enough,
and when you look at the right thing, person, subject,
intention, location, action, time or feeling, etc. -

your meter circuit would have to integrate (sum up, count
together, the changes in the electrical resistance of) the
fluctuations (that form the electronic amplitude or size) of
the 'Shudder' - which may increase quickly -

processing it into becoming a polyphone (more or less musical)
sound and into a visual output from an LED or LCD, etc. display,

of which either sound or visual or both can be used, of
course, to fit one's preferences or abilities, and as
prevailing circumstances may demand or suggest.


And then there are the regular - smooth, NOT Shuddering - small
or big decreases in electrical resistance at the hand palm, and
stemming equally from Life Energy Fluctuations, and producing

which are easily incorporated into the polyphone sound and
into the visual output from LED or LCD, etc.,

of the Perception Aid (LEF meter) as it is built into your
mobile phone, for instance.


It must further be noted, that the general level of electrical
resistance, the magnitude of the overall or average resistance

- whether it is two mega Ohm or ten kilo Ohm, as measured
at the hand palm -

the general LEVEL of the electrical resistance, has practically
no significance, and is BETTER OMITTED, BETTER NOT SHOWN,

because showing it, automatically assigns "significance"

- it does not have any useful significance -

and showing the overall resistance level anyway (which an
engineer tends automatically to include) would only serve
to enter confusion and FALSE "significance." *(j)





(true Perception Aid)


It, the processed signal output, whether sound or visual, or both,
acts as a very useful, most important mechanism of 'feedback to
yourself,' to AID your own Perception, you see...

That actually MAKES it into a TRUE PERCEPTION AID.

This mechanical feedback, the processed signal output, makes an
(if you like to call it that, an) 'amplification-loop' with you,

a feedback loop back into to the direction and into intensity of
your Perception.

This adds a sort of suspense factor:

'Do I look at the right thing?' 'Am I sensing, of this person,
what I do have to Perceive?' 'Have I felt everything I need NOW
to sense about this subject?'

'What is he hiding on this?' 'What "will I never find out"?'
'WHO "must I definitely NOT" look at?' 'WHO wants to destroy
(part of) my body, now?' 'WHO inflicts the headache now?' or
any other ache inflicted somewhere in your body.

There can be much at stake - your own life, really. And so you
get a lot of suspense due to the feedback from the Perception

when suddenly the output "goes wild," as with a 'Shudder' signal
and you feel instantly:

"THAT is where I must look, right now - exactly there or at
that person or at that intention of his or her or it."

So it is very exciting, and the meter output - be it audible or
visual or both - must thus reflect the IMPORTANCE of the signal
or Fluctuation,

its significance for finding things out, for Perceiving what you
need or desire to know most.


('Discovery of true History of Mankind' research)

For instance, I used TWO (Life Energy Fluctuation meters
- LEF meters - Perception Aids but still without the
signal processing circuits) for the

'Discovery of true History of Mankind' research, that I
did (and published for you, also) in 1998-2000

with one meter showing to me the Life Energy Fluctuations
of the person whom I then called 'The First Lady' *(b)

- and I used the meter fluctuations, the signal
picked up at her hand palms,

to direct her looking (which, in sessions, took
the form of my saying 'That,' 'That,' 'That!'
'THAT!' as a very small Fluctuation developed,

in response to her looking at a subject or a
location or a person or a past event, that I
asked her to look for

by looking at the content of relevant
Life Energy Particles that contain the
record of a past events, etc., if you want
to be technical,

a small Fluctuation developing then into a very
BIG Fluctuation, indicating, that the subject is
indeed coming to view -

and I had one meter on myself, in my own hand palm,
showing my own Life Energy Fluctuations as I also was
looking at the subject at hand,

and I used both meters, to guide and steer her attention
to look at the various subjects and people,

that I deemed it most valuable - for her and for
others and for Mankind - to look at, in these

all of which I therefore also published at the time,
- the audio of the sessions - plus written summaries
of many of those sessions published as well. *(b)



(the 'Shudder' type signal again)

Again back to the most important signal,

The 'Shudder' signal or read-out.

I repeat:

A 'Shudder' is a highly dis-harmonic Alternating Current signal,

like the screeching of a fingernail on a blackboard
at school, you might say or feel,

an extremely dis-harmonic Fluctuation of Life Energy from
someone, from some actions or intentions of someone, or
from some past, that you or your body registers,

your body IS entirely a Life Energetic frame and
structure, with Life Energy moving its molecules and

and so its electrical resistance FLUCTUATES directly
when it is hit with Life Energy Particles of any
kind, whether good or bad, and in this case it is

maximum-destruction type Altered Life Energy hitting
your body, or hitting your soul and so affecting
also your body,

(Harmful Energy infliction)

the extreme disharmony shown, stems from the Energy opposing and
fighting and trying to destroy the Energy of The Creation.

It is fighting against the normal Life Energy that you do follow and
use for Life, and that Criminal Minds OPPOSE and DESTROY, [NDG]

and - truth being absolute -[ODE]

you can examine that, to neutralize it and to clean it off of your
body and your soul,

when, with your Connection Energy you start to perceive, to
sense, to feel and examine it (whatever highly destructive,
Harmfully Altered Life Energy someone threw or throws at you
and into your body),

or, that you may NOT be actively looking at, but that you
are bombarded with ANYWAY

- wholly without your inviting it, and often out of
the blue or when you are off guard or MADE TO BE
off guard,

like when you have gotten pepper in your nose,
or some more serious mechanical affliction
befell your body,

resulting in lessening of your attention for
keeping your environment under control and for
naturally protecting yourself from Criminal Minds,

who with severe, attacking, Harmful Energies
constantly probe you for any effective hit on
you and who seek to vampire on your Life

a 'background "Noise"' of constantly probing
Harmful Energies, you might say -

stemming from Criminal Minds, Vampires on your Life Energy
as they are, who attack ANYWAY AND AT ANY OCCASION,

and that you thus have no choice BUT to feel or at least,
to feel the effects of, of their attacking, Harmful Life
Energy Particles inflicted on you, at any time really,

and that you have constantly to defend yourself and your
body against,

INSTEAD OF taking Pain killing Drugs or even taking
Aspirin, preventing yourself from locating and
removing the Harmful Energies inflicted, and from
recognizing the source of the Harm on you,

should you wish to KEEP your health.



('Shudder' type signal required for intense looking)

In fact, if you DON'T manage to have a 'Shudder' showing or
sounding on your Perception Aid

(also, and to you most obvious, it is a most significant
Perception Aid, to people who are blind to photons)

if you DON'T get a 'Shudder' signal

then you are not really facing

- that is, not to any amount necessary, penetratingly,
observingly look at, sensing-feeling -

Energy attacks on you from the most insidious and most deceptive
Criminal Minds

to thus neutralize the effect of those highly Harmful Energies
on your body and on your soul. *(2) [HRO]





(instant use of the Perception Aid)

So you take up, with your Perception Aid, INSTANTLY, every ringing in
your ears, every sneeze itch or the start of any other itch, and

every instance of even the slightest attempt at dumbing, deadening or
blinding you, or at hindering or distorting your connecting to your
eyesight, or to your ears for hearing,

any such hindering Energy that is being inflicted on you,

and you take up instantly,

and infliction of any Pains (which are Harmful Energy Particles) on
or into your body,

the infliction of even the slightest headache, and any other
Pain being inflicted in any part of your body, including in any
tooth, and

most of all any Pains inflicted in your heart, of course, [MDSF]

you take it up INSTANTLY, with a Perception Aid.


And thus you look at, you sense, you examine and you detect, most

the nature of the Harmful Energy inflicted on you, or inflicted on
your body or inside your body,

and you look at the source of the inflicted Harmful Energy Particles,

the source being, WHO is or are the individual(s) who inflicted
the Pain etc., the attacking, Harmfully Altered Life Energy.


You look at it with your Perceptional Aid,

and you automatically use its feedback quality, the Feedback

and so you likely detect WHO

it directs your attention towards sensing, perceiving, WHOSE are the
offending, Harmful Energy Particles inflicted on you, or on your
body - because those Energies (feelings) ARE NOT YOUR Energy
Particles - these are INFLICTED ON YOU. *(a)


You use the meter INSTANTLY, immediately, the moment you feel an ever
so slight - also muted or hidden, camouflaged, or 'Drugged' - attack
on your body or on yourself - also those that make you Unaware or
even Unconscious:

These are NOT YOUR Energies, also not the Unawareness Energies,
but THESE ARE INFLICTED ON YOU or into your body. *(5)


This is also, why you DO have your Perception Aid with you, like built
into your mobile phone, to use it at any occasion INSTANTLY,

and if you don't, then Criminal Minds have you firmly in their
Energetic grip.

But if you want to remain free of their inflictions, then

THAT use, INSTANT USE, which is hardly more effort than studying a
message on your mobile phone or smart phone,

THAT use keeps you free of hospitals, free of depressions, and free
of most other ills commonly inflicted, on Earth:

Truth is absolute,* and only truth that is absolute, will set
you free.

And I would not mind having some free people, to enjoy life



Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


Without this Perception Aid (and mine is still in its most
primitive form) - without it, I would have been 'medical-doctor-
and hospital-bait,' and I would have been dead many times over,
both bodily and spiritually.

So do not underestimate this Perception Aid - even in its
simplest form, it is effective beyond your wildest dreams,
IF you use it:

that is, if you are capable of resisting the compulsions
inflicted and held in place by Criminal Minds, to NOT use it
- their inflictions, that "you don't have to use it."

I resisted their compulsions (their fierce Energies and their
clever Deceptions), I resisted these solely because I have to
stay healthy in order to be able to care for you, and for the
future - of which also I am a part.

So, do something for me, once in a while - it is about time,

To my knowledge, there never was anyone, and there is not
anyone now, who knowingly fights them, or even admits there IS
a fight. [KYRE]

(postamble end)




(a) (published separately, as Addition to this HRI)

(b) (published separately, as Addition to this HRI)

(c) (published separately, as Addition to this HRI)

(d) (omitted, as it was a duplicate)

(e) The 'Shudder' - or 'Shudder' signal - is historically called a
"Rock Slam" (the old meter has a needle and that needle is
heavily, irregularly Slamming back and forth, and it was
supposed - according to whom we call Satan nowadays - to
indicate a 'Rock,' "bedrock" or a "very basic occurrence,"
if I remember correctly the explanation of the term - all
terms used by whom we now call Satan, are however false in
some way, and all his terms INTEND Evil to be inflicted, in
some very 'clever' manner and method, by him). *(2)

(end of Textnote e.)

(f) (published separately, as Addition to this HRI)

(g) Historically called 'Rock Slam or 'R/S' - which is an
inappropriate term and from a false source, so we use
a correct term, from a correct source (from me), and we call it
a 'Shudder,' like you get from wincing ugliness - a type of
signal we call a 'Shudder' signal.

(end of Textnote g.)

(h) (omitted, has lost relevance)

(i) (omitted, has lost relevance)

(j) (omitted, has lost relevance)

(k) In a person with Scoliosis for instance, the Energetic Framework
of the body is easily seen as being distorted, and can thus be
repaired Energetically. [Barbara Brennan]



(*) See {definition}, at various places in the text, for the use of
these words. There are also other HRI's providing more extensive

(1) You will likely find the early and basic schematics (electronic
circuit diagram) on - under Mathison-Trenite

(2) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V3.0}
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

(3) 'The Hollywood poem, and Jay Leno NOT EXEMPT from Human Rights
Order on 'Scientology' icon - (Travolta, plus trivia on Kristi
Alley's sexuality) [On Energy Vampirism]' (HPJL)
{HRI note 20110525-V2.3.1}
(25 May 2011 - Version 2.3.1 on 4 Jun 2011)

(4) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

(5) 'Unawareness, you know what that is? (Fine Particle Physics)'
{FPP note 20110624-V1.0.2}
(24 June 2011 - Version 1.0.2 on 24 Jun 2011)

(6) 'The Two Parts Of Any Therapy (incl. Definition of Living Body)'
{HRI 20110703-V1.1.1} (TPAT)
(3 July 2011 - Version 1.1.1 on 4 Jul 2011)

(n) (to be added)




[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[DCM] 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations' (MDSF)
(incl. Real-life definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.2}
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.2 on 5 May 2011)

[ODE] 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[IJC] 'Introduction to Journalism Course' (2010)

[FLE] 'The First Law Of Economics' (FLE)
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3} (the HRI was first issued on 18 July 2008)
(1 December 2003 - Version 3.7.3 on 8 Apr 2009)

[IDCM] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' (IDCM)
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

[NDG] 'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' (NDG)
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

[HPJL] 'The Hollywood poem, and Jay Leno NOT EXEMPT from Human Rights
Order on 'Scientology' icon - (Travolta, plus trivia on Kristi
Alley's sexuality) [On Energy Vampirism]' (HPJL)
{HRI note 20110525-V2.3.1}
(25 May 2011 - Version 2.3.1 on 4 Jun 2011)

[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V3.0}
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

[HRD-1] 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and
Preamble' (HRD-1)
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1}
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

[HRD-2] 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
Preamble' (HRD-2)
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)

[FLOHR] 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

[SLOHR] 'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

[KYRE] 'Know Your Role on Earth - A Very Simple Observation' (KYRE)
{HRI 20070702-V3.5} (formerly {HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1 ...} )
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.5 on 28 May 2008)



Issue Note:

The original date of 22 April 2011, refers to a note published
on the subject by me, (see Textnote c.) which I considerably
expanded in Versions 2.0 and again in Version 3.0, and now once
again, in Version 4.0


Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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