advice for a newbie

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John Klahn

Jun 27, 2023, 12:48:00 PM6/27/23
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API
Good morning everyone,
I am new to developing apps/websites that have hooks to CMS data and are going to be a Blue Button product.  I am trying to come up to speed as completely and efficiently as possible.

I was hoping someone(s) in this group could give me a quick piece of advice on what I should do to come up speed with developing in this arena.  

Our idea is to have a app/site that will ingest CMS data files and spit out a report to be made available to a customer.  This report would be the value proposition that we present to our potential customer to save them money/time/resources related to their CMS related care.

Here is what I've done so far (I started this adventure yesterday, 6/26/23, so I'm crawling before I walk):
- I'm digging into all available resources located on, specifically but not limited to the download page here
- I'm doing the same with, the developers section
- I've signed up for the BB sandbox.
- I joined this Google Group.

I hope that makes sense.  I am so grateful and glad that this group exists.  See you all around!


Kirsten Hansen

Jul 3, 2023, 11:33:00 AM7/3/23
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API
Hi John,

You've taken good steps by visiting those websites and reading through our documentation. Other resources that may help are listed below.

Background Videos on YouTube:

 Or in general search YouTube for "FHIR Dev Days Blue Button" or "FHIR Dev Days CARIN"

Upcoming connectathons:

  • CMS Connectathon (July)

  • HL7 FHIR Connectathons

(3x/year, Jan, May and Sept)

Choose a track relating to BB, like "CARIN IG for Blue Button"

Tracks run by CARIN, caveat that they are past basic Blue Button

  • CARIN connectathons

These happen somewhat adhoc; none scheduled at the moment

Other communities:

  • Join the FHIR Zulip community

Subscribe to the "CARIN IG for Blue Button" stream and the "CARIN BB Explanation of Benefit"

  • CARIN Regular Meetings

Thanks and please reach out if you need additional support.

Kirsten Hansen

Product Manager

The Blue Button 2.0 API Team

Tom Toggas

Jun 7, 2024, 5:05:46 PM6/7/24
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API

Thanks for all of your info supplied.  I was wondering if yu could direct me to a contact inside CMS I could contact thru email and/or phone regarding the BIC/BEQ access.

I am a software developer focusing on CMS and this area is elusive and I am in need of their assistence regarding a project I am trying to complete.  

Likewise, how am I able to establish a lead person inside CMS that can help me like a CMS Lead.



Jillian Theil

Jun 10, 2024, 12:35:12 PM6/10/24
to Developer Group for CMS Blue Button API
Hi Tom -

I'd like to point you to a recent thread on this list that discusses BIC/BEQ API:

-The Blue Button 2.0 Team
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