Element not found in the cache-exception

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2015年2月17日 11:25:242015/2/17
收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com
In Xebium I get the following error: "java.lang.AssertionError: com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException: Element not found in the cache - perhaps the page has changed since it was looked up".
When I run the command in the Selenium IDE it works just fine.

It is triggered by the next command: "| ensure | do | sendKeys | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |"

I think it's caused by the 'onchange'-event in the input-type. See html of the textbox:
  <input class="quantity" type="text" onchange="this.form.submit();" value="2" name="Quantity">

I've tried to use other commands (typeKeys, keyPress), but with no luck.

I hope someone has an answer to fix this...

Kind regards,


2015年3月3日 04:46:512015/3/3
收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com
Please try to waitForElementLocated just before the sendKeys. Selenium has probably located the element before the page was changed. Therefor it can't find the element anymore and returns a StaleElementReferenceException.

Op dinsdag 17 februari 2015 17:25:24 UTC+1 schreef stephanv:


2015年3月25日 03:54:432015/3/25
收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the reply.
waitForElementLocated isn't a Xebium-command. waitForElementPresent is, but still I get this exception. Even if I build in a delay for 2 seconds (with the pause-command).
I've tested this in an old image with WindowsXP with Xebium v0.11 and the same script works as expected.
Has anyone any other thoughts on this?

Op dinsdag 3 maart 2015 10:46:51 UTC+1 schreef Albert Roos:

Cirilo Wortel

2015年3月25日 07:32:462015/3/25
收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com
Is there added value in using sendkeys, or would a regular "type" be sufficient? I have never been really successful with sendKeys in combination with webdriver.

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

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2016年9月4日 09:31:042016/9/4
收件人 Xebium
Hi again,

Issue still occurs. No solution found yet. So I'll try again.

It's about this MS-website: http://tailspintoys.azurewebsites.net/

These are the Xebium-commands:

| script |
| start browser | firefox | on url | http://tailspintoys.azurewebsites.net/ |
| do | open | on | / |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | link=Model Airplanes |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | link=Fourth Coffee Flyer |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | css=input.add-cart |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | link=Paper Airplanes |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | link=World Wide Importer |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | css=input.add-cart |
| ensure | do | typeAndWait | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | css=input.checkout |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=FirstName | with | John |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=LastName | with | Doe |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=Email | with | !-j...@doe.com-! |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=Street1 | with | Test 123 |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=City | with | Hilversum |
| ensure | do | select | on | id=countrySelect | with | label=Netherlands |
| ensure | do | select | on | id=stateSelect | with | label=Utrecht |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=Zip | with | 9999AB |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | css=input.textbutton |
| ensure | do | clickAndWait | on | name=id |
| check | is | verifyText | on | !-//div[@id='bdy']/div/div[2]/div/fieldset[2]/table[2]/tbody/tr[8]/td[2]/b-! | $154.00 |
| stop browser |

When I run this in Selenium (IDE) it works just fine. When I do the same in Xebium (and run it with firefox) it still breaks at the "Quantity"-input box.

I hope someone has a solution for me...
Thnx in advance!

Kind regards,

Cirilo Wortel

2016年9月5日 03:05:142016/9/5
收件人 Xebium
Hi Stephan,

In my experience the clickAndWaits don't do a lot more than just a click.

What happens in SeleniumIDE is that you can turn down the speed, making everything work. What helps here, is to wait for the element before interacting with it. This will ensure that the availablity of the element is not causing the issue.

| ensure | do | waitForElementPresent | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! |
| ensure | do | type | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |

Op zondag 4 september 2016 15:31:04 UTC+2 schreef stephanv:


2016年9月7日 02:13:312016/9/7
收件人 Xebium
Hi Cirilo,

Thanks for your quick reply. Tried your tip, but got not the wanted result.
In FireFox I see the textbox gets the focus, but the default value ("1") won't change to 2. I also tried:
    • | ensure | do | type | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |
    • | ensure | do | type | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | !-2-! |
    • | ensure | do | typeAndWait | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |
    • | ensure | do | sendKeys | on | !-xpath=(//input[@name='Quantity'])[2]-! | with | 2 |

    All attempts failed.
    Hope you (or someone else) has another tip.

    Kind regards,

    Op maandag 5 september 2016 09:05:14 UTC+2 schreef Cirilo Wortel:

    Cirilo Wortel

    2016年9月7日 05:08:572016/9/7
    收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com
    Hi Stephan,

    I looked into it for just a bit, I don't see anything wrong with the xpath. My only hunch is that it needs to change focus in order to activate the onchange="this.form.submit(); 

    But ïm just guessing here. I don't have a good answer for you, I'm sorry.

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    Stefan Assenberg

    2016年9月27日 10:08:582016/9/27
    收件人 Xebium
    Looking at the site you use for this test, I think in a selenium-course that I took we used the same site. 
    Was this the case for you also?

    As far as I can tell, the problem is that the actual input field for the quantity is hidden. 

    <input name="id" value="papwwi" type="hidden">

    Xebium can not use a hidden field to input the value.
    I tried using different locators etc, but all with the same result as you;

    I have encountered "similar" problems IRL, in which case the solution is to get the developers to code the fields needed for testing in such a way that automated testing is possible with Xebium / Selenium.
    For example to get them to give unique ID's to all the fields on the website under test.

    Albert Roos

    2016年10月10日 07:53:232016/10/10
    收件人 xeb...@googlegroups.com

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