Fwd: Bicycle Safety Bills Need Your Support

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2017年9月21日 13:39:422017/9/21
收件人 WBWC Board、wb...@googlegroups.com、common-cy...@googlegroups.com、AABTS、Doug Tidd、Bike Alliance of Washtenaw
Spread the word. Letters are needed! 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aneta Kiersnowski <an...@lmb.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Bicycle Safety Bills Need Your Support
Cc: John Lindenmayer <jo...@lmb.org>

Dear Cycling Advocate,

LMB is excited to share that our five-foot safe passing and driver’s education improvement bills are scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, September 27 at 9:30 a.m. before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

We need your help to get them voted out of Committee! Please submit a letter of support for these bills ahead of the hearing.

The five-foot safe passing bill was reintroduced this year as SB 123 and 170, the driver’s education improvement bill as SB 124. Additionally, companion bills SB 580 and 581 strengthen distracted driving penalties in Michigan.

Last September, the members of this committee voted unanimously in favor of the previous versions of the bills. We are optimistic that similar action will be taken next week.

Attached is a sample letter to use as a guide. Please customize your letter! Your personal stories make a huge impact on the committee members.

If you submitted a letter last year, thank you! A copy of your letter can be found in the Senate Judiciary archives here. You will need to select the date of last year’s hearing, September 20, 2016, from the drop-down menu in the top right of the webpage to find your letter. Feel free to use it as a guide, but please note the new bill numbers and updated crash statistics.

You can email your letter directly to the Committee Clerk: Ofc...@senate.michigan.gov prior to the hearing and ask that it be included with testimony on September 27. Please CC: an...@LMB.org on your email.

If you are interested in speaking before the Committee, please contact LMB (jo...@LMB.org) directly to make arrangements. LMB is coordinating with the bills’ sponsor, Senator O’Brien, to line up a short list of brief testimony in order facilitate quick action on the bills. For this reason, a letter of support addressed to the Judiciary Committee is the best way to express your support.

If you are able to attend the hearing, we encourage you to help us fill the room with supporters. You will have the opportunity to submit a card indicating your support for the bills. To help us expedite the Committee’s vote, we urge that you do not request time to speak unless you have coordinated with us in advance.

With your help, we hope to see these bills move forward quickly to the Senate floor for a vote!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 


Aneta Kiersnowski
Development and Communications Director
League of Michigan Bicyclists
410 S Cedar St, Suite A
Lansing, MI 48912

Sample Letter of Support.docx
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