How to get to the helppage of shiftwidth in options.txt?

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Peng Yu

Mar 29, 2015, 5:45:51 PM3/29/15
to vim_use

When I ":help shiftwidth", I get to eval.txt. But I'd like to get to
options.txt. How to do so? Thanks.



Mar 29, 2015, 6:09:58 PM3/29/15
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 04:45:46PM -0500, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,

> When I ":help shiftwidth", I get to eval.txt. But I'd like to get to
> options.txt. How to do so? Thanks.

:help 'shiftwidth'

Peng Yu

Mar 29, 2015, 6:26:25 PM3/29/15
What is the difference between with the single quote and without the single quote? Where is this difference documented?

Tim Chase

Mar 29, 2015, 6:51:05 PM3/29/15
On 2015-03-29 15:26, Peng Yu wrote:
> > > When I ":help shiftwidth", I get to eval.txt. But I'd like to
> > > get to options.txt. How to do so? Thanks.
> >
> > :help 'shiftwidth'
> What is the difference between with the single quote and without
> the single quote? Where is this difference documented?

By convention, Vim's settings are targeted in the help by putting
single-quotes around them. If they're unique, you can find them in
the help without the quotes, as Vim does a best-guess matching for
substrings. Thus if you do something like

:help formatexpr

it will take you to the same place as

:help 'formatexpr'

However, as you discovered, if you leave off the single-quotes and
some other target is found, it will take you there instead. E.g.

:help 'list' " takes you to the help on the 'list' setting
:help list " takes you to the help on ":list"

So generally, if you want to find an option/setting, make sure to
include the single-quote. The conventions are listed at

:help help-context

which is visible right from the first page of just typing


You can also hit control+D to have Vim show you the potential matches
such as

:help list<C-D>

which shows that there are Ex commands, settings, functions,
build-time options, variables, and data-types all containing the
search-term "list".


Dmitri Vereshchagin

Mar 29, 2015, 7:15:10 PM3/29/15
to vim_use
* Peng Yu <> [2015-03-29 16:45]:
> When I ":help shiftwidth", I get to eval.txt. But I'd like to get to
> options.txt. How to do so? Thanks.

Surround shiftwidth with single quotes. Read ":help help-context".

Dmitri Vereshchagin


Mar 29, 2015, 7:28:50 PM3/29/15
and, if you want to dive in and spend an afternoon reading up on various
things in the docs try using

:helpgrep <whatever-you're-interested-in>


let mapleader = ','

nnoremap <Leader>hhh :call HelpgrepScrollers()<CR>

function! HelpgrepScrollers()
silent! nmap <F6> :cnext<CR>
silent! nmap <S-F6> :cprev<CR>
echo 'helpgrep scrollers :cn and :cp mapped to F6 and S-F6'

in your .vimrc you then hit ,hhh to map F6 and S-F6 to scroll through
the helpgrep results at your leisure

_|_ _ __|_|_ ._ o|
|_(_)(_)|_| ||_)||<

Tim Chase

Mar 29, 2015, 8:07:52 PM3/29/15
[side rant]

On 2015-03-29 18:28, toothpik wrote:
> let mapleader = ','

I've never understood why people remap the exceptionally useful
functionality of "," to become the map-leader. I use the native ","
and ";" all the time in conjunction with f/F/t/T.

:help ;
:help ,

If one isn't going to keep the single-key "\", at least choose
something that has more than one key providing the same
functionality, such as "+" & <enter>

Or, just map them straight out:

:nnoremap <f8> :cn<cr>
:nnoremap <f7> :cN<cr>

without bothering to wrap them in an extra mapping merely to create
the mappings.


Peng Yu

Mar 29, 2015, 9:22:46 PM3/29/15
to Tim Chase,
Is there a way to somehow print the potential matches in the command to stdout.

I am able to get vim print some arbitrary text. But I can not get the
above printed to the command line.

vim -T dumb -c echo\ \"Hello\ World\!\" -c q

> which shows that there are Ex commands, settings, functions,
> build-time options, variables, and data-types all containing the
> search-term "list".
> -tim


Tim Chase

Mar 29, 2015, 9:39:24 PM3/29/15
On 2015-03-29 20:22, Peng Yu wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Tim Chase wrote:
> > :help list<C-D>
> Is there a way to somehow print the potential matches in the
> command to stdout.
> I am able to get vim print some arbitrary text. But I can not get
> the above printed to the command line.
> vim -T dumb -c echo\ \"Hello\ World\!\" -c q

Not that I know of. If I aspired to do something like that, I'd start
by using :helpgrep to find the matches of interest:

:helpgrep \*[#-)!+-~]\+list[#-)!+-~]\+\*

and then access the quick-fix window with ":copen", extracting the
matching contents.



Mar 30, 2015, 1:38:38 AM3/30/15
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 07:08:53PM -0500, Tim Chase wrote:
> [side rant]

> On 2015-03-29 18:28, toothpik wrote:
> > let mapleader = ','

> I've never understood why people remap the exceptionally useful
> functionality of "," to become the map-leader. I use the native ","
> and ";" all the time in conjunction with f/F/t/T.

> :help ;
> :help ,

I can tell you why I do, but not any of the others: I don't use the
comma or the semi-colon -- I can see what's in the current line and
don't need to search it, let alone repeat that search -- not only do I
use comma as the mapleader, I remapped the semi-colon to the colon,
because I use the colon all the time to get to the ex command line and
with it mapped to the semi-colon I save all that energy I might have
expended pressing that big old shift key

> If one isn't going to keep the single-key "\", at least choose
> something that has more than one key providing the same
> functionality, such as "+" & <enter>

> Or, just map them straight out:

> :nnoremap <f8> :cn<cr>
> :nnoremap <f7> :cN<cr>

> without bothering to wrap them in an extra mapping merely to create
> the mappings.

I don't use them enough to permanently map them -- I have things I do
with my F-keys that I do much more frequently than :cn and :cp, and I
happen to like the little message that pops up when I run that function

Gary Johnson

Mar 30, 2015, 3:03:01 AM3/30/15
Because I don't need the functionality of ',' very often and I do
need some sort of prefix/leader for mappings. I can easily type ','
followed by any other key. To type '\', I have to lift my right
hand off the home row and stretch my pinkie to the right. Then
before I type a right-hand key, I have to put my right hand back on
the home row and strike that next key before timeoutlen expires.
That's too much effort and likelihood of error for a mapping I use
often. As for using the function keys: I have enough trouble
touch-typing the keys in the number row. Touch-typing function keys
is right out.

For me, the functionality and usability I gain by using ',' as a map
leader greatly exceeds that lost by not having the bare
functionality of ','.


Peng Yu

Mar 31, 2015, 4:56:35 PM3/31/15
to Tim Chase,
In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
similar to vim as well?


Gary Johnson

Mar 31, 2015, 5:07:28 PM3/31/15
Isn't that what Tim already explained above with

:help list<C-D>

? Take a look at

:help 'wildmode'

for ways to customize the results. You might try

:set wildmode=longest,list

which is what I use.


Peng Yu

Mar 31, 2015, 10:27:19 PM3/31/15
to vim_use
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
> On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
>> > On 2015-03-29 20:22, Peng Yu wrote:
>> >> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Tim Chase wrote:
>> >> > :help list<C-D>
>> >>
>> >> Is there a way to somehow print the potential matches in the
>> >> command to stdout.
>> >>
>> >> I am able to get vim print some arbitrary text. But I can not get
>> >> the above printed to the command line.
>> >>
>> >> vim -T dumb -c echo\ \"Hello\ World\!\" -c q
>> >
>> > Not that I know of. If I aspired to do something like that, I'd start
>> > by using :helpgrep to find the matches of interest:
>> >
>> > :helpgrep \*[#-)!+-~]\+list[#-)!+-~]\+\*
>> >
>> > and then access the quick-fix window with ":copen", extracting the
>> > matching contents.
>> In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
>> similar to vim as well?
> Isn't that what Tim already explained above with

Check compgen in bash, then you will see what I mean.

> :help list<C-D>
> ? Take a look at
> :help 'wildmode'
> for ways to customize the results. You might try
> :set wildmode=longest,list
> which is what I use.
> Regards,
> Gary
> --
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Nicolas Dermine

Mar 31, 2015, 11:01:26 PM3/31/15
I also have ',' as my leader key, and I find I can still use it after f/t/F/T
There is just a lag between the moment I press ',' and the cursor
movement, unless I immediately type another command after hitting ','.
This made me realise that if that command started like a mapping of
mine it would not do what I expect :)


> Regards,
> Gary

Christian Brabandt

Apr 1, 2015, 1:44:51 AM4/1/15
Am 2015-04-01 04:27, schrieb Peng Yu:
> Check compgen in bash, then you will see what I mean.

Please be more specific and say exactly what you want. Not everybody
wants to install bash to check a manual page.



Apr 1, 2015, 2:51:40 AM4/1/15
Currently I use "set number" for this purpose. But it takes a lot of
window space. So I wonder whether there is a better way to do it, such
as the way used in Emacs window (showing a little line wrap symbol at
the end of a window line if it continues to the next window line), or
maybe show alternative background colors for different long lines? Any

Paul Isambert

Apr 1, 2015, 2:57:16 AM4/1/15
to 'Paul' via vim_use
I’m not sure I understand your request correctly, but perhaps the
showbreak option is what you’re looking for?


Christian Brabandt

Apr 1, 2015, 3:00:49 AM4/1/15
Also note, you can configure the width of the number column using
the 'numberwidth' option.


Gary Johnson

Apr 1, 2015, 3:12:08 AM4/1/15
to vim_use
On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:

> >> In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
> >> similar to vim as well?
> >
> > Isn't that what Tim already explained above with
> Check compgen in bash, then you will see what I mean.

I am quite familiar with compgen, having written a number of
bash_completion scripts. I still don't understand what you think
bash has that Vim doesn't, when it comes to command or argument

I thought you were just looking for completion of help topics. If
you're looking for general context-dependent completion, see

:help 20.3
:help cmdline-completion
:help :command-completion

I found the last by typing

:help complet<Tab>


Paul August

Apr 1, 2015, 9:03:16 AM4/1/15

Thank you for your quick response. The showbreak option helps. But it
looks like a character is inserted at the beginning of each continued
line. It is a workable but not an ideal solution. Ideally, I would like
to have showbreak symbol to be displayed in the margin.

I did try numberwidth before. But this option is not very useful because
it does not set the width of the number column as the name suggests. It
actually sets the minimum width of the number column. When working with
a big file, it has little impact on the space taken by the number column.


Christian Brabandt

Apr 1, 2015, 9:22:53 AM4/1/15
Am 2015-04-01 15:00, schrieb 'Paul August' via vim_use:
> Christian:
> Thank you for your quick response. The showbreak option helps. But it
> looks like a character is inserted at the beginning of each continued
> line. It is a workable but not an ideal solution. Ideally, I would
> like to have showbreak symbol to be displayed in the margin.
> I did try numberwidth before. But this option is not very useful
> because it does not set the width of the number column as the name
> suggests. It actually sets the minimum width of the number column.
> When working with a big file, it has little impact on the space taken
> by the number column.

Well, it is not particular pretty, but you can use something like this:
:set cpo+=n nonu rnu nuw=3 bri briopt=sbr

This will draw the 'showbreak' symbol in the margin of the number
column. But you need a number setting (either 'number' or
applied so that this column will be drawn and the relativenumber option
is set only, because this number is usually not so wide, so 3
letters should be enough and you need 'breakindent' set so that the
briopt setting is applied.


Peng Yu

Apr 1, 2015, 6:25:56 PM4/1/15
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
> On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
>> > On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
>> >> In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
>> >> similar to vim as well?
>> >
>> > Isn't that what Tim already explained above with
>> Check compgen in bash, then you will see what I mean.

compgen as a command would be able to generate, for example, anything
that would be completed by typing TAB in bash (equivalent to ctrl-D as
in vim). But compgen is a command rather than key combinations. I
don't see vim command that would be able to print all the commands had
one typed ctrl-D. In other words, I am looking an equivalent of
compgen of bash in vim, rather than an equivalent of TAB of bash in
vim. Does this make sense?

~$ compgen -c ls

> I am quite familiar with compgen, having written a number of
> bash_completion scripts. I still don't understand what you think
> bash has that Vim doesn't, when it comes to command or argument
> completion.
> I thought you were just looking for completion of help topics. If
> you're looking for general context-dependent completion, see
> :help 20.3
> :help cmdline-completion
> :help :command-completion
> I found the last by typing
> :help complet<Tab>
> Regards,
> Gary

Nikolay Pavlov

Apr 2, 2015, 1:12:22 AM4/2/15
2015-04-02 1:25 GMT+03:00 Peng Yu <>:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
>> On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
>>> > On 2015-03-31, Peng Yu wrote:
>>> >> In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
>>> >> similar to vim as well?
>>> >
>>> > Isn't that what Tim already explained above with
>>> Check compgen in bash, then you will see what I mean.
> compgen as a command would be able to generate, for example, anything
> that would be completed by typing TAB in bash (equivalent to ctrl-D as
> in vim). But compgen is a command rather than key combinations. I
> don't see vim command that would be able to print all the commands had
> one typed ctrl-D. In other words, I am looking an equivalent of
> compgen of bash in vim, rather than an equivalent of TAB of bash in
> vim. Does this make sense?

I remember myself talking (on #vim) about a hack to do this.

Specifically you need to use

let prefix=''
let last_word='b'
:execute 'normal! :'.prefix last_word."\<C-a>\<C-\>eextend(l:,
let completions = split(cmdline[len(prefix)+1 :], '\v(\\@<!(\\.)*\\)@<!\ ')

. This hack is currently used in some plugin.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Erik Christiansen

Apr 2, 2015, 11:13:18 AM4/2/15
On 01.04.15 17:25, Peng Yu wrote:
> ~$ compgen -c ls
> ls
> ls
> lsof
> lsappinfo
> lsbom
> lsm
> lsvfs
> ls

Or, more succinctly:

$ ls<Tab>
ls lsblk lscpu lsmod lspci lsusb
lsattr lsb_release lsinitramfs lsof lspgpot

Compare, in Vim:

:h complet<Tab> # Type that,
complete() # and with each succeeding <Tab>
'complete' # ONE new alternative is presented.
'completeopt' # Here I have omitted the leading :h
complete_add() # for clarity, BUT
'completefunc' # when the one you want pops up, just
complete-items # press <Enter> to view that help page.
:h complete_CTRL-E<Enter>

Now that you understand how it works, I'm sure it's clear that the two
are already highly equivalent, with the added advantage that we do not
need to type anything - just whack tab until we hit enter on the desired

However, if preferred, then by all means invoke the compgen-like

:h complet<Ctrl-D>
complete() sql-completion cmdline-completion
'complete' ins-completion-menu sql-completion-customization
'completeopt' sql-completion-maps :command-completion
complete_add() sql-completion-views new-omni-completion
'completefunc' sql-completion-static omni-sql-completion
complete-items sql-completion-tables popupmenu-completion
complete_CTRL-E sql-completion-columns :command-completion-custom
complete_CTRL-Y sql-completion-dynamic :command-completion-customlist
complete_check() sql-completion-tutorial g:ada_extended_completion
complete-functions sql-completion-filetypes CompleteDone
completion-functions sql-completion-procedures
ins-completion :command-complete

Of course, this is more powerful than the simplistic bash compgen. It
needs to be, because users do not always know whether the precise
completion-guff they're seeking on a particular day starts with, end
with, or has "complet" in the middle. Nor do they know if it is
"complete" or "completion".

If the need for the extra power in Vim is not yet obvious, please
consider a comparable bash case: I have 1160 subject-related mail
folders just at the minute. (93 of them Vim-related) Simple filename
completion is entirely inadequate, since the keyword I'm using might be
anywhere in the filename. So I use a customised mail-ls:

mls ()
ls -xF ~/mail/*$1*

Now the similarity between Vim and Bash is almost complete.


Charles Campbell

Apr 2, 2015, 12:28:48 PM4/2/15
Peng Yu wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Tim Chase <> wrote:
>> On 2015-03-29 20:22, Peng Yu wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Tim Chase wrote:
>>>> :help list<C-D>
>>> Is there a way to somehow print the potential matches in the
>>> command to stdout.
>>> I am able to get vim print some arbitrary text. But I can not get
>>> the above printed to the command line.
>>> vim -T dumb -c echo\ \"Hello\ World\!\" -c q
>> Not that I know of. If I aspired to do something like that, I'd start
>> by using :helpgrep to find the matches of interest:
>> :helpgrep \*[#-)!+-~]\+list[#-)!+-~]\+\*
>> and then access the quick-fix window with ":copen", extracting the
>> matching contents.
> In bash, there is `compgen`. So, it might make sense to add something
> similar to vim as well?
Are you using a Linux/Mac? Perhaps

grep shiftwidth [path to vim's doc files]/tags

would get you a list.


Charles Campbell

Apr 2, 2015, 12:30:02 PM4/2/15
Please don't hijack threads.

Chip Campbell

Charles Campbell

Apr 2, 2015, 12:31:44 PM4/2/15
If this helps, here's the pertinent section from bash's manpage for compgen:

compgen [option] [word]
Generate possible completion matches for word according to
the options, which may be any option accepted by the complete builtin
with the exception of -p and -r, and write the matches to the standard
output. When
using the -F or -C options, the various shell variables
set by the programmable completion facilities, while available, will not
have useful values.

The matches will be generated in the same way as if the
programmable completion code had generated them directly from a
completion specification with the same flags. If word is specified,
only those completions
matching word will be displayed.

The return value is true unless an invalid option is
supplied, or no matches were generated.


Tim Chase

Apr 2, 2015, 2:16:09 PM4/2/15
On 2015-04-03 02:13, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 01.04.15 17:25, Peng Yu wrote:
> > ~$ compgen -c ls
> > ls
> > ls
> > lsof
> > lsappinfo
> Or, more succinctly:
> $ ls<Tab>
> ls lsblk lscpu lsmod lspci
> lsusb lsattr lsb_release lsinitramfs lsof lspgpot
> Compare, in Vim:
> :h complet<Tab> # Type that,
> complete() # and with each succeeding <Tab>
> 'complete' # ONE new alternative is presented.
> ...
> Now that you understand how it works

Peng has demonstrated pretty solid knowledge of how it works in Vim.
The main difference is that compgen puts the output on stdout where it
can be captured for future uses. Vim's autocompletion displays the
matches but doesn't readily grant access to them in a way that
scripts can make use of that auto-complete information. See
Nikolay's contortions elsewhere in the thread for capturing them.



Apr 3, 2015, 10:55:29 AM4/3/15
I decided to use showbreak to solve my problem before I find a better
solution. In my vimrc file, I have

let &showbreak='▲'

It will show ▲ at the beginning of a line that is continued from the
line above. When choosing the character for showbreak, I tried to choose
a symbol from the digraph table so that it is not mixed up with the
normal characters. However, I found that many symbols in the digraph
table are missing and are shown as an empty box. For example, if I type
C-K PR to get a right triangle ▶, vim just shows an empty box. But it
does show up triangle ▲ if I type C-K UT. Does anyone know how to set up
vim so that it will show all symbols in the digraph table? Thanks.

Tim Chase

Apr 3, 2015, 11:16:59 AM4/3/15
On 2015-04-03 10:55, 'Paul' via vim_use wrote:
> if I type C-K PR to get a right triangle ▶, vim just shows an empty
> box. But it does show up triangle ▲ if I type C-K UT. Does anyone
> know how to set up vim so that it will show all symbols in the
> digraph table?

This is likely an issue with either your terminal or your 'guifont'

If you're using (non-g)vim in a terminal, then its ability to render
characters is limited by the terminal's awareness of extended
glyphs. E.g., you might try running "uxterm" (the
Unicode-aware xterm) instead of "xterm".

Also, it may be that the terminal or gvim knows how to render it, but
that you're using a font in that environment that doesn't support the
given glyph. If you're using gvim, enter the character and then try
changing your 'guifont' setting

:set guifont=*

and see if some other font properly renders the triangle. For your
terminal, you'd have to check its settings to determine which font
it's using and try others to see if they support the glyph.


Charles E Campbell

Apr 3, 2015, 11:18:08 AM4/3/15
Just in case you (Paul) don't know what I meant by that: please don't
reply to a message and change its subject to something utterly
unrelated. The result is that your message appears buried inside the
original thread, and so others who may be interested in your topic won't
see it because they're not interested in the original topic. Instead,
send an email to the group with your new topic (not a reply).

Chip Campbell


Apr 3, 2015, 12:06:28 PM4/3/15
Thank Tim for the suggestion. I should mention that I am using gvim 7.4
on a Windows 8.1 system. I set my gvim window font as

set guifont Andale_Mono:h10

Following your suggestion, I tried other available fonts via menu
Edit->Select Font... Unfortunately none of them is better than
Andale_Mono, and some are even worsen than Andale_Mono because even
fewer symbols are displayed.

Tim Chase

Apr 3, 2015, 12:31:39 PM4/3/15
It works in the Linux+X+gvim and Linux+X+uxterm/urxvt+vim
combinations I use here. Same on the FreeBSD box I've got nearby.
But since I don't have a Windows machine at hand, I'm afraid I can't
be much more help here and will have to step aside for someone else
who does run Win8 and can suggest a good font.


Ben Fritz

Apr 3, 2015, 5:10:42 PM4/3/15
On Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:31:39 AM UTC-5, Tim Chase wrote:
> It works in the Linux+X+gvim and Linux+X+uxterm/urxvt+vim
> combinations I use here. Same on the FreeBSD box I've got nearby.
> But since I don't have a Windows machine at hand, I'm afraid I can't
> be much more help here and will have to step aside for someone else
> who does run Win8 and can suggest a good font.

Windows 7 here, but it should work fine on 8 as well. I use Deja Vu Sans Mono and I can see all of these characters (and many more) in gvim: ▲ ▶ ◀ ▼

Paul Isambert

Apr 4, 2015, 3:53:44 AM4/4/15
to 'Paul' via vim_use

> It will show ▲ at the beginning of a line that is continued from the line
> above. When choosing the character for showbreak, I tried to choose a symbol
> from the digraph table so that it is not mixed up with the normal
> characters.

You can also use the NonText highlight group to differentiate
characters. I use a simple “>” as a ‘showbreak’ symbol, but it is
slight less visible than normal characters (grey instead of black).


Paul August

Apr 6, 2015, 12:58:57 PM4/6/15
I just saw your two messages (for some reasons they were moved into a
spam folder by my server). I understand what you meant. But I don't
understand why you think the quoted paragraph changed the topic
indicated in the subject line. Maybe we misunderstood each other. Maybe
you meant my followup message about the digraph issue.



Apr 6, 2015, 4:14:49 PM4/6/15
to 'Paul' via vim_use

thanks for the suggestion. This is what I currently did. I use a symbol
like "|", but wish I can use other digraph symbols that look better.
Unfortunately many of them do not show in my gvim window in Windows 8.1.



Apr 6, 2015, 4:23:33 PM4/6/15
Thank you for the information, Ben. I will try Deja Vu Sans Mono and see
if it helps or not. I will post my results.


Apr 6, 2015, 4:25:35 PM4/6/15
Thank you for the information, Tim. Unfortunately I don't use Linux
machines. I will try another font and see whether it works on my pc or not.


Apr 6, 2015, 5:27:10 PM4/6/15
I confirm that using Deja Vu Sans Mono on my Windows 8.1 pc solves my
problem. Even though it still does not show all the symbols in digraph,
it shows much more than using other default fonts. Thank you for your help.



Apr 6, 2015, 11:44:47 PM4/6/15
I use DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono font on windows 7, but still cannot see all the symbols, which font can be used to show all symbols ?

> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 17:26:49 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to indicate multiple window lines that belong to a long line in a file
> >> gvim: ▲ ?心右指三角 ?心左指三角

Ben Fritz

Apr 6, 2015, 11:57:01 PM4/6/15
On Monday, April 6, 2015 at 10:44:47 PM UTC-5, TanParker wrote:
> I use DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono font on windows 7, but still cannot see all the symbols, which font can be used to show all symbols ?

"DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono" is the wrong format for Windows. It's more like this: "DejaVu_Sans_Mono:h10:cANSI"

But you're better off getting the font name yourself, using the font selection dialog, with ":set guifont=*"

After that, retrieve the value using the guifontname() function or query the option value itself.

Also see


Apr 7, 2015, 1:58:23 AM4/7/15
thank you, I have used the font, but it still cannot show all the symbol correctly, as below, I want to know the reason, and the solution ?

> Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 20:57:01 -0700
> From:
> To:
> CC:

> Subject: Re: How to indicate multiple window lines that belong to a long line in a file
2015-4-7 13-55-37.png

Charles Campbell

Apr 7, 2015, 9:27:13 AM4/7/15
The original subject: How to get to the helppage of shiftwidth in
After hijacking the thread, your new subject: How to indicate multiple
window lines that belong to a long line in a file.

These are different subjects. Your hijacked thread still shows up
embedded in the old thread, hence its reduced visibility.

Chip Campbell

Ben Fritz

Apr 7, 2015, 10:46:09 AM4/7/15
On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 12:58:23 AM UTC-5, TanParker wrote:
> thank you, I have used the font, but it still cannot show all the symbol correctly, as below, I want to know the reason, and the solution ?

Oh, I thought you were asking about the specific symbols already mentioned in this thread.

I didn't realize you were looking for a font containing every known Unicode character in existence.

No such font exists. Look for one that supports the specific set you need.

Sorry, I don't have suggestions for the specific characters missing from your screenshot.
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