On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 08:26:01 -0800 (PST)
Should be easy, specially if Vim has a way to add virtual text. But I
think that'd add too much noise to be useful.
I suggest using 'f' and 't' and plain searching ('/' and '?') to move
around than motions like 'nw', 'nb', 'ne', etc. (where 'n' is any
positive integer). I can't provide any statistical data supporting that
'f','t','/','?' are better, but try it out and see if it works before
investing time building a custom plugin to add “relative numbering for
P.S. I don't use line numbers (relative or otherwise) either, except
when doing pair programming. I find that '/','?' are much faster and
precise and jumping to lines with 'nj','nk','nG', etc. So consider my
suggestion with enough skepticism.