error: No network interfaces were found for out-of-band communications. We require at least one available network for out-of-band messaging.

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Cameron Prybol

Jul 1, 2016, 4:42:32 PM7/1/16
to Trans-ABySS

I've received the error message in the subject-line and don't know what out-of-band communications are or where to start with fixing this issue. Full output of the run is below:

Trans-ABySS 1.5.4                                                                                                                   
CMD: /home/cjprybol/Software/transabyss-1.5.4/transabyss --pe /scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Data/merged_1.fq.gz /
scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Data/merged_2.fq.gz --outdir /scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Abyss 
--threads 16                                                                                                                        
Found Trans-ABySS directory at: /home/cjprybol/Software/transabyss-1.5.4                                                            
Found Trans-ABySS `bin` directory at: /home/cjprybol/Software/transabyss-1.5.4/bin                                                  
Found script at: /home/cjprybol/Software/transabyss-1.5.4/bin/skip_psl_self.awk                                                     
Found script at: /home/cjprybol/Software/transabyss-1.5.4/bin/skip_psl_self_ss.awk                                                  
Found `blat' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/blat                                                                                  
Found `MergeContigs' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/MergeContigs                                                                  
Found `abyss-filtergraph' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/abyss-filtergraph                                                        
Found `abyss-map' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/abyss-map                                                                        
Found `abyss-pe' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/abyss-pe                                                                          
Found `abyss-junction' at /home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/abyss-junction                                                              
# CPU(s) available:     16                                                                                                          
# thread(s) requested:  16                                                                                                          
# thread(s) to use:     16                                                                                                          
CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe --directory=/scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Abyss k=32 name=transabyss E=0 e=2
 c=2 j=16 transabyss-1.fa transabyss-1.adj q=3 se="/scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Data/merged_1.fq.gz /scratch/PI/
make: Entering directory `/scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Abyss'                                                   
/home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/bin/mpirun -np 16 ABYSS-P -k32 -q3 -e2 -E0 -c2    --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s transabyss-bubbles.fa  
-o transabyss-1.fa  /scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Data/merged_1.fq.gz /scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regul
[sh-17-9.local:88517] [[36120,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Address family not supported by protocol in file oob_tcp_listener.c at line 120 
[sh-17-9.local:88517] [[36120,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Address family not supported by protocol in file oob_tcp_component.c at line 639
No network interfaces were found for out-of-band communications. We require                                                         
at least one available network for out-of-band messaging.                                                                           
[sh-17-9.local:88517] [[36120,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not initialized in file util/session_dir.c at line 579                          
make: *** [transabyss-1.fa] Error 213                                                                                               
make: Leaving directory `/scratch/PI/euan/cameron/Projects/HCM-regulation/Abyss'                                                    
ERROR: CMD ended with status code 2

The cluster I am trying to run this on uses a Slurm job scheduler. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem. I receive the same error message when running the job interactively or when submitting a job to the job scheduler to be run non-interactively. I also receive the same error when running single-core without the threads option.

The system I am working on has openmpi/1.10.2 installed, which I tried loading but that had no effect. I also googled "out-of-band slurm", which returned lots of results, but nothing that gave me any leads.

Any ideas?


Ka Ming Nip

Jul 1, 2016, 7:46:09 PM7/1/16
Hi Cameron,

Do you get this error immediately? or was it after a while? I actually have never heard of this error before.
Were you able to assemble our tiny sample data set?

Ka Ming

Ka Ming Nip
GrasPods Wellness Coordinator
Graduate Student | Dr. Inanc Birol Lab (BTL)
Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
From: [] On Behalf Of Cameron Prybol []
Sent: July 1, 2016 1:42 PM
To: Trans-ABySS
Subject: error: No network interfaces were found for out-of-band communications. We require at least one available network for out-of-band messaging.
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Cameron Prybol

Jul 2, 2016, 6:53:57 PM7/2/16
Hi Ka,

I was not able to assemble the sample data by running `./` in the directory `transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/`, it returns the same error.

I tracked the problem down to being MPI by finding similar error messages and feedback here ->

Their suggested fix was to check ipv6, and I reinstalled openmpi on linuxbrew to check what the configuration options are.

./configure --prefix=/home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/Cellar/open-mpi/1.10.2 --disable-silent-rules --enable-ipv6 --with-libevent=/home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/opt/libevent --with-sge


As you can see, the ipv6 flag is there, so I guess that's not the issue. Not sure what may or may not be the problem with the other flags.

Because of that linuxbrew openmpi problem, I removed my abyss install from linuxbrew and tried to reinstall it using the openmpi library that was installed by the staff who manage the cluster.

Now I've bypassed the openmpi problem, but now I'm having problems with ABYSS-P. I'm not sure if now I should move over to an Abyss-specific help area, but if so, let me know.

Here are the several ways that I've tried to install abyss, and the errors associated with each. Now, either ABYSS-P cannot be found, or when ABYSS-P can be found, it is unable to find ``. For the github installs, I also ran the procedure but did a `git checkout 1.5.2` to get the version specified in the readme for transabyss, and got the same output, so I've not included those attempts.

I'm happy to try and debug whichever error seems easiest to deal with. Googling the didn't return anything helpful, which was the error I tried to debug first.

The first line is the method for installation, and the rest of the code blocks are the truncated error messages / transabyss output with the relevant info.

brew install --ignore-dependencies abyss

CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe --directory=/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25 k=25 name=test.k25 E=0 e=1 c=1 j=2 test.k25-1.fa test.k25-1.adj q=3 se="/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz"'
make: Entering directory `/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25'
/share/sw/free/openmpi/1.10.2/gcc/4.8/bin/mpirun -np 1 ABYSS-P -k25 -q3 -e1 -E0 -c1    --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s test.k25-bubbles.fa  -o test.k25-1.fa  /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz
ABYSS-P: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[44272,1],0]
  Exit code:    127

brew install --build-from-source --ignore-dependencies abyss

CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe --directory=/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25 k=25 name=test.k25 E=0 e=1 c=1 j=2 test.k25-1.fa test.k25-1.adj q=3 se="/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz"'
make: Entering directory `/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25'
/share/sw/free/openmpi/1.10.2/gcc/4.8/bin/mpirun -np 1 ABYSS-P -k25 -q3 -e1 -E0 -c1    --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s test.k25-bubbles.fa  -o test.k25-1.fa  /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz
mpirun was unable to find the specified executable file, and therefore
did not launch the job.  This error was first reported for process
rank 0; it may have occurred for other processes as well.

NOTE: A common cause for this error is misspelling a mpirun command
      line parameter option (remember that mpirun interprets the first
      unrecognized command line token as the executable).

Node:       sh-17-9
Executable: ABYSS-P

cd abyss
./configure \
make && make install

CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe --directory=/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25 k=25 name=test.k25 E=0 e=1 c=1 j=2 test.k25-1.fa test.k25-1.adj q=3 se="/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz"'
make: Entering directory `/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25'
/share/sw/free/openmpi/1.10.2/gcc/4.8/bin/mpirun -np 1 ABYSS-P -k25 -q3 -e1 -E0 -c1    --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s test.k25-bubbles.fa  -o test.k25-1.fa  /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz
mpirun was unable to find the specified executable file, and therefore
did not launch the job.  This error was first reported for process
rank 0; it may have occurred for other processes as well.

NOTE: A common cause for this error is misspelling a mpirun command
      line parameter option (remember that mpirun interprets the first
      unrecognized command line token as the executable).

Node:       sh-17-9
Executable: ABYSS-P

cd abyss
./configure \
--prefix=/share/PI/euan/cameron \
--with-boost=/home/cjprybol/.linuxbrew/Cellar/boost/1.60.0_2/include \
make && make install

CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe --directory=/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25 k=25 name=test.k25 E=0 e=1 c=1 j=2 test.k25-1.fa test.k25-1.adj q=3 se="/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz"'
make: Entering directory `/share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/test.k25'
/share/sw/free/openmpi/1.10.2/gcc/4.8/bin/mpirun -np 1 ABYSS-P -k25 -q3 -e1 -E0 -c1    --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s test.k25-bubbles.fa  -o test.k25-1.fa  /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_1.fq.gz /share/PI/euan/cameron/transabyss-1.5.4/sample_dataset/reads/rnaseq_2.fq.gz
ABYSS-P: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[3147,1],0]
  Exit code:    127

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Ka Ming Nip

Jul 2, 2016, 10:36:47 PM7/2/16
Hi Cameron,

This is indeed an issue with your ABySS installation. Best to get help from Sorry, I wasn't of much help to you.

Just so you know, the current version of Trans-ABySS only works with ABySS version 1.5.2.

Ka Ming

Ka Ming Nip
GrasPods Wellness Coordinator
Graduate Student | Dr. Inanc Birol Lab (BTL)
Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
From: [] On Behalf Of Cameron Prybol []
Sent: July 2, 2016 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: error: No network interfaces were found for out-of-band communications. We require at least one available network for out-of-band messaging.
On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Ka Ming Nip <<>> wrote:
Hi Cameron,

Do you get this error immediately? or was it after a while? I actually have never heard of this error before.
Were you able to assemble our tiny sample data set?

Ka Ming

Ka Ming Nip
GrasPods Wellness Coordinator
Graduate Student | Dr. Inanc Birol Lab (BTL)
Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Cameron Prybol [<>]
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