Many-to-many using custom join columns and autoloaded tables

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Rob Rosenfeld

21 juli 2020 21:40:402020-07-21

Hi All,

I'm struggling to put several concepts together.   I am working with a legacy SQL Server database (2008 R2 and 2019) that was not setup with much planning, let alone ORM in mind.   I would like to set up a many to many relationship that joins through columns I specify and all the tables are autoloaded from the database schema.  I've been doing fine until I hit this association object pattern.  Can  you please offer any advice?


In the end my goal is to execute the following and have it issue a single statement to the database.
    results = Class.query.join(Enrollment).join(Student).join(StudentDetails).all()

But even this call fails and gets the error below.  I assume I've incorrectly defined the relationships if it doesn't know how to do the join. 
    results = Class.query.join(Enrollment).all()
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Don't know how to join to <class '__main__.Enrollment'>. Please use the .select_from() method to establish an explicit left side, as well as providing an explcit ON clause if not present already to help resolve the ambiguity.

Here's a trimmed example illustrating what I'm trying

class Class(Model):
__table__ = Table("classes", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

class Student(Model):
__table__ = Table("Students", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

class Enrollment(Model):
__table__ = Table("Enrollment", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

class_join_string = ("and_(remote(Class.ClassID)==foreign(Enrollment.class),"
class_ = relationship("Class", primaryjoin=class_join_string, backref="enrollments")

student_join_string = "remote(Student.StudentId)==foreign(Enrollment.studentID)"
student = relationship("Student", primaryjoin=student_join_string, backref="classes")

class StudentDetails(Model):
# 1 to 1 with Student
__table__ = Table("StudentDetails", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
student_join_string = "foreign(StudentDetails.student)==remote(Student.Student_id)"
student = Db.db().relationship('Student', primaryjoin=student_join_string,
backref=Db.db().backref('details', uselist=False))

Mike Bayer

22 juli 2020 00:15:202020-07-22
till noreply-spamdigest via sqlalchemy
to join on the relationships you have to name them:


the different ways to join are laid out at

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Rob Rosenfeld

22 juli 2020 18:46:242020-07-22
Thanks.  Sorry I missed that.  I latched onto "Joins to a Target Entity or Selectable"

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