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China continues arms build-up despite warming ties with Taiwan:U.S.

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Peter Terpstra

Jan 16, 2010, 8:07:51 AM1/16/10
China continues arms build-up despite warming ties with Taiwan:U.S.
CNA[Thursday, January 14, 2010 13:27]

Washington, Jan. 13: Although Taiwan's relations with China have improved,
China has continued its military build-up against the island, which raises
doubts about whether China really wants to adopt peaceful means to resolve
cross-Taiwan Strait issues, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

Since Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May 2008, Taiwan and
China have reached several agreements on direct flights, tourism, and
economic and trade cooperation, the officials reported to the House of
Representatives Armed Services Committee.

The U.S. administration is happy to see this development because it helps
reduce tension between the two sides and is good for peaceful resolution of
cross-strait issues, said David Shear, the deputy assistant secretary of
state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

However, despite the easing of tensions across the strait, China has
continued its military build-up, Shear added.

Therefore, the U.S. will closely watch China's arms build-up in terms of
both quality and quantity to fulfill the U.S.' commitments under the Taiwan
Relations Act to provide Taiwan with arms necessary for its self-defense,
according to Shear.

The U.S.' focus of attention is on the speed and scope of China's military
modernization, the lack of transparency in the process of its modernization,
and the transformation of the People's Liberation Army from a military force
restricted to national defense to a mobile, high-tech one capable of
mounting operations beyond its borders, said Wallace Gregson, an assistant
secretary of defense.

China's military expansion and modernization against Taiwan includes the
addition of a great number of missiles and strengthening of warfare
capability in the air, on the ground and at sea, Gregson said during the
hearing on China and recent security developments.

As to whether U.S. arms sales to Taiwan will draw China's ire, Robert
Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, said that in the past, China has
several times expressed opposition and has once suspended military exchanges
over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, but it is not clear whether the U.S. new
arms sales will trigger similar responses.

(By Zep Hu and Y.L. Kao)

Amnesty International Report 2009 on China:


Jan 16, 2010, 8:42:54 AM1/16/10
Oh yes, we will continue to buy weapons from the USA or other nations
even Taiwan and China have warmed up the relation. But you never know
those unpredictable commies. We are also making our own missile system
which is capable to attacking Three Gorge Dam if China dares to attack

On Jan 16, 8:07 am, Peter Terpstra <>



Jan 16, 2010, 11:24:43 AM1/16/10
Who are these "we", report2009/abianchen/Meichi? You and your old

Proof that you are not "a guy from Taiwan", but an ugly Philippino

Proof that you can't read/write Chinese other than cutting-and-pasting
from the internet:

> > Amnesty International Report 2009 on China: Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Jan 22, 2010, 5:40:23 PM1/22/10
Target bthe Three gorges and all aother dams adn take them out - if Chicoms
attack - their call.

But a an my general did state a few years ago that "we are prepared to lose
China east of Xian - is the US prepared to lose California." He was
susbequently promoted.

"report2009" <> wrote in message


Jan 23, 2010, 1:04:26 AM1/23/10
Any normail country will build up arms for defence.
China uses a small percentage of GDP for defence and arms.
With GDP growing up, the figure for defence is also up, but the
percentage is still the same.
China is now the 3rd largest economy country in the world.
If it becomes the top economic power, you still want them to spend
less for defence?
Defence is maily against big countries that can turn nasty.
To kill Taiwan is to stop all trade with it, and Taoiwan will

On Jan 16, 9:07 pm, Peter Terpstra <>



Jan 23, 2010, 2:18:37 AM1/23/10
Please explain to Edward Ng what you meant by your allegations, and
show him conclusive proof of what you accused Mao of having been.
Edward Ng lives in Hong Kong and might not have access to the info you
have in New Zealand, so enlighten him.

On Jan 21, 12:54 am, "tfkmjk6262" <> wrote:
> Mao was a mass murdering pedophile. HA Ha China hAS A PEDOPHILE ONTHEIR
> "Special Care" <> wrote in message
> > Everything is relative.
> > The Dalai Lama is a bag of shite, a ruling group stooge, a dictator
> > and an expoliter, belonging in the same septic tank as Nelson
> > Mandela.
> > It's better to be ruled by a little shit than by a big shit, so I
> > guess it would be better for the people of Tibet if that dirty fithy
> > stinking lousy parasite the Dalai Lama were still ruling Tibet

On Jan 22, 2:40 pm, "tfkmjk6262" <> wrote:
> Target bthe Three gorges  and all aother dams adn take them out - if Chicoms
> attack  - their call.
> But a an my general did state a few years ago that "we are prepared to lose
> China east of Xian - is the US prepared to lose California." He was
> susbequently promoted.

> "report2009" <> wrote in message


Jan 23, 2010, 2:51:06 AM1/23/10

Please explain to Edward Ng what you meant by your allegations, and
show him conclusive proof of what you accused Mao of having been.
Edward Ng lives in Hong Kong and might not have access to the info you
have in New Zealand, so enlighten him.

On Jan 21, 12:54 am, "tfkmjk6262" <> wrote:
> Mao was a mass murdering pedophile. HA Ha China hAS A PEDOPHILE ONTHEIR
> "Special Care" <> wrote in message
> > Everything is relative.
> > The Dalai Lama is a bag of shite, a ruling group stooge, a dictator
> > and an expoliter, belonging in the same septic tank as Nelson
> > Mandela.
> > It's better to be ruled by a little shit than by a big shit, so I
> > guess it would be better for the people of Tibet if that dirty fithy

> > stinking lousy parasite the Dalai Lama were still ruling Tibet.-

On Jan 22, 2:40 pm, "tfkmjk6262" <> wrote:

> Target bthe Three gorges  and all aother dams adn take them out - if Chicoms
> attack  - their call.
> But a an my general did state a few years ago that "we are prepared to lose
> China east of Xian - is the US prepared to lose California." He was
> susbequently promoted.

> "report2009" <> wrote in message

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