FS: Rambouillet frameset 64cm c-t

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Kevin D norcal - santa rosa

Nov 19, 2021, 8:34:58 AM11/19/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nice Rambouillet frameset: 64cm c-t, f/f/h, Toyo, creamsicle, orangesicle

I bought this frame locally (SF) a year ago thinking it was 62c-t.  Both previous owners referred to it as 62 but now realize their default was c-c.  Finally started to build it up and . . . still shaking my head how I bought another too large frame.  Anyway, it's aged really well hanging in my garage and will hopefully return to the road for someone else.  *If anyone has a 62cm c-t interested in trading let me know (prefer green or creamsicle).

asking $825 + shipping.  Local p/u $800.
several very small paint nicks and a couple blems on decals but otherwise very good condition IMO 
here's a link to pics folder (let me know if it doesn't work) https://photos.app.goo.gl/Z83TibTSGZZZFUyx9
I have the Ram brochure if you have questions about geometry.

And if anyone's interested in an '83 Spec Sequoia frameset about the same size let me know: 62.5c-c (yep that's what it says in the spec sheet for 1983: 62.5cm)                                  



Nov 20, 2021, 10:46:40 AM11/20/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Wow, that's what mine looked like 20 years ago.

Note to the long of leg: this is a rare production "undersquare" (TT<ST) frame. Along with 2° upsloped TT and that 2 cm extended top head tube lug make for a pretty good fit without having to go to a custom made frame. Mine held me off that investment for almost two decades. Grant sold me when I called to ask him about customs or recommended custom builders in darker days of handmade frames when I needed a solution for a big ride across the country. 

Andy Cheatham

Matt Beecher

Nov 20, 2021, 2:06:16 PM11/20/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Beautiful. I'm fairly surprised that this is still available.  If only this were a 58, I'd be gearing it up for Spring with fenders, lights, etc.  

To the OP:  Good luck with the sale.  
To the next owner:  You better pounce on it soon.  

Best regards,
Matt in Oswego, IL
no relation to seller

Kevin D norcal - santa rosa

Nov 21, 2021, 7:11:26 PM11/21/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
update: this frame has a new owner - and heading off to the East Coast.  Long live the Rambouillet!
thanks to all comments and inquiries, happy trails, 

Paul Brodek

Nov 22, 2021, 3:51:43 PM11/22/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
Beautiful frameset, congrats to the new owner. Definitely a keeper if she fits, etc.

None of my beeswax, since I'm sworn to fleet reduction for the forseeable future, but if I were Kevin and were serious about also wanting to sell my '83 Sequoia, I'd snap some pix and make that sucker visible. Time for a double-header?

Paul Brodek
Hillsdale, NJ USA

kevin Dickerson

Nov 22, 2021, 7:19:54 PM11/22/21
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

Thanks Paul,

I did sneak a couple pics of the Sequoia into that pics folder and will try to add more.  But since it’s not a Riv I probably follow the rules and post to I-Bob.  Appreciate the support and suggestion,  

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Paul Brodek

Nov 22, 2021, 10:30:09 PM11/22/21
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Hi Kevin, I didn't notice your sneakiness, since I'm sworn to feel reduction. Trying real hard not to tempt myself. I also didn't realize you posted this in RBW, I kinda cruise all 3-4 riv-ish forums and sometimes lose track of what I'm looking at.

But yeah, I'd post that on ibob fer sure. Might not hurt to try on Classic Rendezvous, and bikeforums/classic&vintage as well. Sequoia are thin on the ground, and there are lotsa folks looking for that magic 30-32mm+ ride.

Good luck!

Paul B.


Christian Poppell

Nov 23, 2021, 10:02:17 PM11/23/21
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Hey Kevin,

Apologies for listing it as a 62. Like you said, I was basing that from what the previous seller had stated. Totally makes sense why it felt so large when I was riding it! 

Hope you find one that fits some day!
Phoenix, AZ

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Mike Godwin

Nov 23, 2021, 10:46:31 PM11/23/21
to RBW Owners Bunch
The three of us!

Mike "one size does not fit all" SLO CA

kevin Dickerson

Nov 23, 2021, 11:17:03 PM11/23/21
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

Hey Christian, no worry at all.  I should have double checked it when I picked it up - or realized it looked just like the 64 green one I had to begin with.  I still enjoyed seeing it in the garage and it’s now heading off to a new/hopefully taller ride back East.  It’s funny, Mike said the same thing: “no wonder it felt big”.  Sounds like none of us bothered to double check it with a tape.

I did manage to find an 62c-t Toyo Atlantis frame back then, to swap out for my 64cm so still have one good Riv to work with . . .  and a Sequoia frame to play with, too. 

Hope you’re doing well and getting out,





From: Christian Poppell
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 2:02 PM
To: rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [RBW] FS: Rambouillet frameset 64cm c-t


Hey Kevin,


Apologies for listing it as a 62. Like you said, I was basing that from what the previous seller had stated. Totally makes sense why it felt so large when I was riding it! 


Hope you find one that fits some day!


Phoenix, AZ


On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 1:35 AM Kevin D norcal - santa rosa <kevind...@gmail.com> wrote:

Nice Rambouillet frameset: 64cm c-t, f/f/h, Toyo, creamsicle, orangesicle


I bought this frame locally (SF) a year ago thinking it was 62c-t.  Both previous owners referred to it as 62 but now realize their default was c-c.  Finally started to build it up and . . . still shaking my head how I bought another too large frame.  Anyway, it's aged really well hanging in my garage and will hopefully return to the road for someone else.  *If anyone has a 62cm c-t interested in trading let me know (prefer green or creamsicle).


asking $825 + shipping.  Local p/u $800.

several very small paint nicks and a couple blems on decals but otherwise very good condition IMO 

here's a link to pics folder (let me know if it doesn't work) https://photos.app.goo.gl/Z83TibTSGZZZFUyx9

I have the Ram brochure if you have questions about geometry.


And if anyone's interested in an '83 Spec Sequoia frameset about the same size let me know: 62.5c-c (yep that's what it says in the spec sheet for 1983: 62.5cm)                                  



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