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Oct 22, 2018, 2:27:43 AM10/22/18
to Materials & Welding
Dear Gents.

Would you please help, can we prepare WPS under AWS D1.1 to weld A36 to API 5CT L80.
API 5CT L80 not listed in D1.1 how will find the requirements.

Thanks in advance.

Sam SM

Oct 22, 2018, 4:22:26 AM10/22/18
to material...@googlegroups.com
API 5 CT L80 grade is an alloy steel used in casing and tubing pipes in drilling. In what way you are correlating this with AWS D1.1??

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Mohammed Shaban

Oct 22, 2018, 9:20:34 PM10/22/18
to material...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, Sam for your respond. the situation like that, we have helical piles ( tubular hollow section API 5CT L80 OD 244.9mm WT 12 mm) to be installed and then square base plate ASTM A36 thickness 20mm will be welded (fillet weld) on top of each pile and then the skids will be installed on the base plates.
Would you please, advise under which standard we can qualify WPS?

Appreciate your help.

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Sam SM

Oct 23, 2018, 6:16:28 AM10/23/18
to material...@googlegroups.com
API 5CT is the manufacturingstandard for casing and tubing which always comes with threaded and coupled. So there is no welding involved during field installation. Hence this grades are not coming under section IX P numbers. There are some equivalent ASTM graded available like A519. Also I'm not sure the meaning of helical piles. It's helical welded pipes or something else. Because only seamless and erw pipes only produced under 5CT. 

If it's a structural work, then you can take the P number for A519 grade and prepare WPS inline with D1.1. 


Nov 4, 2018, 12:29:45 PM11/4/18
to Materials & Welding
Dear Sam,

What will be the criteria for welding of L80 API 5CT as per ASME Sec. IX with GTAW + SMAW processes.
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