Interest in a Conference Panel Session about the Academy

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Aug 5, 2010, 9:56:16 AM8/5/10
to ITCLA10
I have to prepare a mini-presentation on what I brought back from the
leadership academy. If the ITC would like, and others are interested
and attending the conference in February, we could put together a
panel session on take-away's from the leadership academy. Would that
be something the ITC Council would like us to do? I'd be willing to
put together the initial description, etc and we could make edits
here. I went to the site and the deadline is October 8.

M Kathryn Rhodes

Aug 5, 2010, 10:03:40 AM8/5/10

Sounds great. I am in the process of compiling a 10 - 15
minute video podcast on the ITC Leadership Academy. Would love to participate.

Jean Runyon

Aug 5, 2010, 10:03:50 AM8/5/10
to ITCLA10

We love for you to submit a proposal. In fact, we were going to ask
participants to do so. We're also hoping to schedule a time for a



John Sneed

Aug 5, 2010, 1:08:28 PM8/5/10
I think this is exactly what we want. I hope acouple of you or more will join this effort
John Sneed

Paula Ascher

Aug 10, 2010, 5:49:18 PM8/10/10
Count me in!  :)


Sep 7, 2010, 3:10:32 PM9/7/10
to ITCLA10
Hi Folks,

My out of state travel request was approved and I just received it
today. I would need to know everyone who would be able to attend/
participate and what the ITC Faculty would like to see included in the
description (assuming for the registration all panelists are
participants?) . Today is September 7 and the proposal deadline is
October 8, but before it slips my mind, I'd like to get this ready and
submitted. Thanks everyone!

Robert Rosenbalm

Sep 7, 2010, 3:14:49 PM9/7/10
I do not anticipate being able to attend.

M Kathryn Rhodes

Sep 8, 2010, 10:33:32 AM9/8/10
Count me in -- K.


Sep 8, 2010, 11:48:50 AM9/8/10
to ITCLA10
Everyone who is participating, please reply with a bio and I will get
the description written and share for editing.

On Sep 8, 9:33 am, M Kathryn Rhodes <> wrote:
> Count me in -- K.
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Robert Rosenbalm <>wrote:
> > I do not anticipate being able to attend.

Paula Ascher

Sep 8, 2010, 4:48:41 PM9/8/10
Thank you for getting us organized.

Here is my bio:

Paula Ascher is the distance learning and instructional technology coordinator at Columbia Gorge Community College, in a beautiful region where the Columbia River has carved a piece of heaven through the Cascade mountains.

(Hope that is enough.)

All the best,

M Kathryn Rhodes

Sep 13, 2010, 6:10:48 PM9/13/10
HI Sheri,
Bio attached -- thanks, K.
MKR Condensed Vita (2).doc

Janet Oliver

Sep 16, 2010, 7:43:25 AM9/16/10
to ITCLA10
I am a late starter on this. I am hoping to be able to go, and would
be interested in participating. Let me explore funding, then I will
reply with my bio if I can, or a sorry, can't do, if no funding...
Jan Oliver

Runyon, Jean, M

Sep 16, 2010, 7:49:29 AM9/16/10
We'd be glad to have you participate!


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John Sneed

Sep 16, 2010, 2:05:46 PM9/16/10
I would like to see the focus of the presentation follow the framework of the academy. Each of you developed an individual leadership plan based on your particular environment . The presentations could be as simple as focusing on what you are now doing, and how the acdemy helped you get there. By the way, Mickey has a good article in Distance Education September edition that has some interesting ideas about moving from management to leadership.
John Sneed


Sep 30, 2010, 9:04:56 AM9/30/10
to ITCLA10
I submitted the proposal yesterday, with the bio's of those folks

I wish there is a hotel, nearby, that is a little less expensive than
the $155 a day. Anyone found one? I am going to search, because I hope
to arrive a few days early and perhaps only stay in this hotel the
conference days. Let me know, if you are attending, any less expensive
ones! I haven't lived and visited Tampa/St. Pete for almost 20 years.
Used to spend lots of time there, but things I knew are probably long

On Aug 5, 8:56 am, Sheri <> wrote:

Mickey Slimp

Sep 30, 2010, 9:08:49 PM9/30/10
Sheri - I generally have good luck using hotwire to find a better place for the AACC conference.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Sheri
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: Interest in a Conference Panel Session about the Academy

Lea Ann Turner

Oct 18, 2010, 9:03:02 PM10/18/10
I won't be able to attend this year. My travel budget went to the Academy!

Lea Ann
Lea Ann Turner

M Kathryn Rhodes

Oct 22, 2010, 11:53:52 AM10/22/10
FYI -- I completed my podcast of my experiences at ITCLA and thought you might be interested in viewing via iTunes U: 

Thanks, K.

Jean Runyon

Oct 24, 2010, 5:30:48 PM10/24/10
to ITCLA10
Hi, Kathy!

What a great overview of the ITC as well a summary of the highlights
of the summer's leadership academy! I loved the way you mentioned the
sessions (even shared one of Barry's handouts) and how you were able
to apply the concepts in your work environment. Like you, I also
enjoyed the sunset cruise because it gave us a chance to network and
to build relationships.

Would you mind if we shared some of this vodcast at our general
session at the conference? What a great testimonial!

Thanks for reminding us of summer, the leadership academy, and key
take-aways! Looking forward to seeing members of the academy in St.


On Oct 22, 11:53 am, M Kathryn Rhodes <>
> FYI -- I completed my podcast of my experiences at ITCLA and thought you
> might be interested in viewing via iTunes U:
> Thanks, K.
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Lea Ann Turner <>wrote:
> > I won't be able to attend this year. My travel budget went to the Academy!
> > Lea Ann

Fred Lokken

Oct 24, 2010, 10:52:11 PM10/24/10
I am so happy we finally got the leadership academy started.  It is making
a difference - and I agree, this is worth sharing.
I plan to come out to DC a few days early (the 7th) - is there a chance we
could meet on the 8th or 9th?  I could come out as far the as the Metro will
take me if that would help - just think it would help to get caught up and
strategize on the meeting with Martha.  If you would want to include, Chris,
we can do that too.

Fred B. Lokken
Associate Dean for
TMCC WebCollege &
Academic Support Center
Truckee Meadows Community College
SIER 104
7000 Dandini Boulevard
Reno, NV 89512-3999
Phone: 775.673.7148
Fax: 775.673.7176

>>> Jean Runyon <> 10/24/10 2:31 PM >>>

Paula Ascher

Jan 11, 2011, 12:20:34 PM1/11/11
Am I correct in thinking that the panel was canceled?
Thank you,

Sheri steinke

Jan 11, 2011, 12:43:42 PM1/11/11
I don't believe so.
Warm regards,

Sheri Steinke

"We forget that human affairs require a high degree of uncertainty, messiness, and chaos to function smoothly." Quote: Dr. Larry Dossey


Jan 11, 2011, 1:00:08 PM1/11/11
to ITCLA10
Hi everyone,

The panel discussion is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011 from 3:30
to 4:30pm. Here is the description I have, but I only have Sherri as
a panelist and would like to add some additional people. Please just
send me your name and title and I will add you to the discussion!
Thank you! Chris.

ITC Leadership Academy Panel Discussion
Sheri Steinke, Director of Online Learning, North Hennepin Community

In July 2010, a cohort of distance education leaders attended the
three-day 2010 ITC Leadership Academy in Portland, Maine. Successful
online programming requires a broad-based knowledge of effective
leadership strategies. The academy gave participants time to focus on
their organization and refine their own leadership goals. Attendees
learned how to leverage their use of new communication tools and
discussed ways to enhance their roles as successful on-campus
leaders. The attendees were encouraged to network, share resources
and develop their individual leadership plans. This panel of
graduates will discuss what they learned and explain why you should
attend in July 2011, or consider sending someone from your
organization who could also benefit.

On Jan 11, 12:20 pm, Paula Ascher <> wrote:
> Sheri,
> Am I correct in thinking that the panel was canceled?
> Thank you,
> Paula
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Paula Ascher <> wrote:
> > Sheri,
> > Thank you for getting us organized.
> > Here is my bio:
> > Paula Ascher is the distance learning and instructional technology
> > coordinator at Columbia Gorge Community College, in a beautiful region where
> > the Columbia River has carved a piece of heaven through the Cascade
> > mountains.
> > (Hope that is enough.)
> > All the best,
> > Paula

C. DeWitt Salley, Jr.

Jan 11, 2011, 2:15:25 PM1/11/11
to, ITCLA10
I've confirmed that I'll be there and would love to participate as a panelist.


Sent from my iPhone


Jan 11, 2011, 2:25:22 PM1/11/11
to ITCLA10
I plan to be there as well. Feel free to add my name to the panel.
Looking forward to seeing many of you!

Honoria Balogh
Instructional Designer, Iowa Valley Community College District

On Jan 11, 1:15 pm, "C. DeWitt Salley, Jr." <>
> I've confirmed that I'll be there and would love to participate as a panelist.
> Witt
> Sent from my iPhone

John Sneed

Jan 11, 2011, 2:30:36 PM1/11/11
Sherri, Witt, Honoria! That is a panel that I would attend.
John Sneed

Paula Ascher

Jan 11, 2011, 7:08:05 PM1/11/11
Thank you for the update.  I checked in with Christine Mullins and she says that the panel discussion is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011 from 3:30 to 4:30pm.  I am glad to hear that we will do this workshop.  Do you think we need to do some planning?  Who else is on the panel?

Many thanks,

M Kathryn Rhodes

Jan 12, 2011, 9:34:08 AM1/12/11
Hello everyone,
Count me in!  My travel has been approved and I will arrive around 3:30 pm on Saturday.  Looking forward to our next virtual meeting on Friday, Jan 28 at 1 pm EST.  Thanks again to Lea Ann for coordinating.


Jan 12, 2011, 11:37:18 AM1/12/11
to ITCLA10
Wonderful! Here is what I have for the program. I am happy to add
anyone else who is interested in joining the panel! Thank you!

ITC Leadership Academy Panel Discussion
Paula Ascher, Distance Learning and Instructional Technology
Coordinator, Columbia Gorge Community College; Honoria Balogh,
Instructional Designer, Iowa Valley Community College District; C.
DeWitt Salley, Jr., Director of OTC Online, Ozarks Technical Community
College; and Sheri Steinke, Director of Online Learning, North
Hennepin Community College

In July 2010, a cohort of distance education leaders attended the
three-day 2010 ITC Leadership Academy in Portland, Maine. Successful
online programming requires a broad-based knowledge of effective
leadership strategies. The academy gave participants time to focus on
their organization and refine their leadership goals. Attendees
learned how to leverage their use of new communication tools and
discussed ways to enhance their roles as successful on-campus
leaders. The attendees were encouraged to network, share resources
and develop their individual leadership plans. This panel of
graduates will discuss what they learned and explain why you should
attend in July 2011, or consider sending someone from your
organization who could also benefit.

Sheri steinke

Jan 12, 2011, 12:17:39 PM1/12/11
Hi Paula,

Great! I am attaching the PowerPoint presentation I used to present what I gained from the ITC Academy. Please add to this and everyone can add their name, etc. It you have another idea for holding the content, let me know. The Powerpoint is something we can give to Christine and can be posted for those that don't attend the session, but wish to know something about the Academy.
Academy Presentation 2010.pptx

Paula Ascher

Jan 12, 2011, 4:53:53 PM1/12/11
The powerpoint looks great!  Thank you for putting that together.

Mickey and Jim,
You all took some video footage at the academy.  Were you able to find time to do the editing?  If so, would it be possible for us to use whatever you produced during the panel session?

All the best,

Janet Oliver

Jan 13, 2011, 12:59:59 PM1/13/11
to ITCLA10
Hi everyone,

I had really hoped that I could attend the conference this year.
Unfortunately, I professional development funding is not available. I
am glad that there are enough others able to be on the panel, so that
my not being there isn't going to be an issue.

Have fun everyone. I will be thinking of you all enjoying the
conference and sunny beach location.


Lea Ann Turner

Jan 13, 2011, 1:51:41 PM1/13/11
Are we interested in bringing a few, like Jan and myself, who cannot at the conference in through Adobe Connect?
Lea Ann

Lea Ann Turner

Mickey Slimp

Jan 13, 2011, 7:37:58 PM1/13/11

Sheri  and Paula – Jim has the video and could probably use this motivator to get it edited! I have some photographs if you need more.


From: [] On Behalf Of Paula Ascher
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: Interest in a Conference Panel Session about the Academy



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Paula Ascher

Jan 14, 2011, 5:35:57 PM1/14/11
Thank you for your offer of pictures for the panel.  Sometimes when I give a presentation, I will put cut picture size down a bit, put into powerpoint, and just let it cycle in the background during the talk.  I wonder if you could send us something like that or maybe I could get the photos from you, or if you are going to be at the panel, perhaps there is another solution.

What do you think about a video?  I know you had a purpose in mind for filming, so would a short video for the panel work for you too?  If you don't have time for editing, I do that often for my college if you need help.

Many thanks,

Barry Dahl

Jan 15, 2011, 12:04:48 PM1/15/11
to ITCLA10
Feel free to use any of the pictures I took in Portland.

You can download them, link to them, whatever you want. BD
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