NWS files being written to a bogus date directory

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Brad Bowers

Dec 18, 2021, 11:22:22 AM12/18/21
to goestools-users
Looks like anything coming down from the nws channel is getting dumped to a 1970 directory? Everything else seems correct.

Writing: /var/www/html/NOAA/nws/1970-01-01/19700101T000000Z_20211218160002-atl72_latestBW.gif
Writing: /var/www/html/NOAA/nws/1970-01-01/19700101T000000Z_20211218160002-atl48per_latest.gif

Brad Bowers

Dec 18, 2021, 4:32:38 PM12/18/21
to goestools-users
Here's a couple more weird ones I just noticed.

Writing: /var/www/html/NOAA/nws/2021-07-01/20210701T100000Z_20211218210001-atl48per_latest.gif
Writing: /var/www/html/NOAA/nws/2021-07-01/20210701T100000Z_20211218210001-atlsfc72_latestBW.gif

Leith Cullen

Dec 31, 2021, 6:43:41 AM12/31/21
to goestools-users
Hi, there's a GitHub issue that acknowledges this, that was posted a while ago in November of 2020, it's waiting for the dev to see, I can confirm I'm also having this issue.  GitHub issue linked below.

Pieter Noordhuis

Mar 15, 2022, 4:24:29 PM3/15/22
to goestoo...@googlegroups.com
Hey all,

It looks like the pattern for the timestamp encoded in the filename has changed. The pattern used to be "year-month-dayofyear" and it looks like it has changed to "year-month-dayofmonth". Likely happened quite some time ago. If someone could confirm a couple filenames from both February and March then we can see if it still uses the "year-month-dayofmonth" pattern (I expect so, looking at the filenames shared by Brad).


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Thomas Abell

Jul 7, 2023, 8:10:45 PM7/7/23
to goestools-users
Could this be happening again?  Beginning this afternoon I am not receiving any files at all, just as before.  Good signal, good virterbi, data flowing, and no files using WxMesg WxGtIngest.

Thomas Abell

Jul 8, 2023, 8:31:26 AM7/8/23
to goestoo...@googlegroups.com
The issue has been resolved. 

From: goestoo...@googlegroups.com <goestoo...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Thomas Abell <tmabe...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 8:10:45 PM
To: goestools-users <goestoo...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [goestools-users] Re: NWS files being written to a bogus date directory
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