Problems with triggers from e-prime to Aquisition (URGENT)

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Gabriel Mograbi

May 31, 2014, 2:47:29 PM5/31/14
Dear All,

I am a complete newbie in e-prime. A philosopher by formation venturing myself in a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroscience. And I an running against time to run an experiment before my fellowship finishes. 

I am having problems with sending triggers to the "Aquisition" machine.

In my protocol I have 3 procedures (conditions) that divide the big list into 3. I have a first general Inline to open the ports. And I have an Onset Inline for each of the questions and each of the stimuli that can after the question. All that works. I can manage to make the machines send triggers when the question 1,2 and 3 appears and then when the 1,2 and 3 stimuli appears. When I try to insert an InLine after the stimuli, the first trigger (the one that marks the onset of the question does not work anymore)  

So my list is divided in 3 procedures (conditions) and each has the following structure

Text (ITI Fixation Cross with Jittered values) 
question (Image Display with 2000 ms duration)
Another ITI (Fication Cross with Jittered Values)
products (Stimulus/Image Display with fixed duration) 

My script runs like that. First in the beginning of the protocol:

question2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question2.OnsetSignalEnabled= True
question2OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products2.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products2OffsetSignalPort = & H378

question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question1.OffetSignalEnabled= True
question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products1OffsetSignalPort = & H378

question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question1.OffetSignalEnabled= True
question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products3.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products3.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products3.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products3.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

Before each condition (specific procedure) 

I have a Inline like that
question2.OnsetSignalData ="2"  and so on... for each of the question and products...

That works all fine! But I have to use a trigger for the responses of the stimuli. Whenever I insert

WritePort &H378,"11"  or any other value,

transforming the procedure to this structure to:

Text ITI (Fixation Cross with Jittered values) 
question (Image Display with 2000 ms duration)
Another ITI (Fication Cross with Jittered Values)
product (Stimulus/Image Display with fixed duration)
InLine - WritePort &H378,"11"

after each product object, the first trigger (related to the question) stops appearing in the aquisition machine. The Writeport command functions, the products onset keeps working, but the question that comes in the beginning of this condition stops appearing.
I will be deeply grateful if you could help me out, as I tried various (hundreds of) diverse strategies to fix the problem and nothing seems to work! 



Gabriel Mograbi

May 31, 2014, 6:07:32 PM5/31/14
Dear All,

the original transcript is:

question2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question2.OnsetSignalEnabled= True
question2OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products2.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products2OffsetSignalPort = & H378

question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True

question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products1OffsetSignalPort = & H378

question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
question1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True

question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

products3.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
products3.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
products3.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
products3.OffsetSignalPort = & H378

and runs well - the only problem is when I insert the Writeport after each condition. Then, the first command stops working! 

Thanks again! 

David McFarlane

Jun 3, 2014, 6:18:28 PM6/3/14
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