make the source code of the django tutorial available ?

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Mar 26, 2012, 4:59:33 PM3/26/12

I do not know if this is the right place so sorry if not.
I am new to Django for a few months. I love the official django tutorial and I went through it. 
However, I actually never kept the whole tutorial source code on my PC so after a while, when I wanted to look at a specific thing I saw in the tutorial, I just felt bad that I had to do the whole tutorial again to get the whole project working.
So I created a public repository on github ( with the source code of the django tutorial and I have thought that it might help people like me, being between beginner and intermediate that just wanna go through the tutorial sometimes.

What do you think ? Would it be nice to mention the link at the end of the tutorial on the documentation ?
Could it help beginners ?

That was just a thought to help the community.


Russell Keith-Magee

Mar 26, 2012, 7:28:59 PM3/26/12

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the suggestion, but we've been down this path before and abandoned it.

Once upon a time -- way back in Django's past -- we actually did have the tutorial code available as part of the Django repository. The problem was keeping the tutorial code and the tutorial itself in sync. If the two ever diverged (because someone made a change and forgot to update the code) or if there was ever an error in the code, then anyone doing the tutorial would get confused -- and that's the worst possible time to get confused, since it's our opportunity to convince someone how good Django is.

There's also the problem that the tutorial goes through 4 steps, and it would be useful to have the code at the end of each step of the tutorial. Maintaining 4 tutorial codebases is also a time consuming process.

Ultimately, the decision was made that there isn't *that* much code in the tutorial, so it was better to just have the text explanation, and get people to type the code. There's also a certain amount of evidence from education circles that this is a good idea anyway -- forcing someone to actually type the code (and therefore engage with the learning process) has benefits over just cutting and pasting some pre-prepared code.

Russ Magee %-)

Alex Ogier

Mar 26, 2012, 7:49:23 PM3/26/12
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
Once upon a time -- way back in Django's past -- we actually did have the tutorial code available as part of the Django repository. The problem was keeping the tutorial code and the tutorial itself in sync. If the two ever diverged (because someone made a change and forgot to update the code) or if there was ever an error in the code, then anyone doing the tutorial would get confused -- and that's the worst possible time to get confused, since it's our opportunity to convince someone how good Django is.

There's also the problem that the tutorial goes through 4 steps, and it would be useful to have the code at the end of each step of the tutorial. Maintaining 4 tutorial codebases is also a time consuming process.

There's a middle ground: add enough metadata to the tutorial that its instructions can be interpreted by a machine. One could imagine a build script that parses the tutorial docs and produces four templates suitable for 1.4's project templating system, in much the way that the ALFS project takes its build instructions from the Linux From Scratch documentation intended for humans.

That said, it does seem counterproductive to give people shortcuts past the fundamentals, especially when the fundamentals are already so carefully curated. If you want the tutorial code as a reference, the tutorial itself is an excellent textual description of all the changes made, so why not just refer to that?

Alex Ogier


Mar 27, 2012, 3:07:09 PM3/27/12
Alright, I understand your point and I totally agree.
I think the proposal of Alex can be good but well, I guess this is another debate.


Daniele Procida

Jan 16, 2013, 6:07:25 PM1/16/13
I'm re-opening an old discussion - Sorry if it all comes out weird, I'm having to do it in Google Groups.

I propose maintaining a repository of the Polls tutorial code, with each branch representing the state of the code at the end of each tutorial.

I realise that there is a danger that people might be tempted simply to checkout the code rather than type it in, following all the useful steps and mis-steps that the tutorial provides, but at the same time it would have other significant advantages that it would be a shame to forego just in order to save people from temptation, especially if they are strongly warned against it.

The advantages:

A learner likely won't just follow the steps in the tutorial, but will also want to play and experiment, and break things. It will make for a better learning experience if that's possible with the safety-net of being able to return to a known good state. 

In particular, it will make it easier for the learner to reset their tutorial code so that they can go on to the next tutorial after playing freely with it. And sometimes, it might be weeks or months later that they want to do part five, or go back to have a look at some particular thing in it from an earlier stage.

It will help the documentation writers. It's difficult to build on the work in the tutorial if it's not easy to get where it was. For example, a new tutorial could use the Polls application to tackle logging or static files - which is what I would like to start doing now - but it's quite a bore to have to go through all the steps in all the previous tutorials just so you can start writing it.

I think it would be worthwhile having an official repository for this purpose.



Russell Keith-Magee

Jan 16, 2013, 7:43:14 PM1/16/13
Hi Daniele,

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Daniele Procida <> wrote:
I'm re-opening an old discussion - Sorry if it all comes out weird, I'm having to do it in Google Groups.

I propose maintaining a repository of the Polls tutorial code, with each branch representing the state of the code at the end of each tutorial.

I realise that there is a danger that people might be tempted simply to checkout the code rather than type it in, following all the useful steps and mis-steps that the tutorial provides, but at the same time it would have other significant advantages that it would be a shame to forego just in order to save people from temptation, especially if they are strongly warned against it.

Yes, because the best way to make sure nobody presses a button is to put a sign over it saying "Under no circumstances press this button" :-)
The advantages:

A learner likely won't just follow the steps in the tutorial, but will also want to play and experiment, and break things. It will make for a better learning experience if that's possible with the safety-net of being able to return to a known good state. 

In particular, it will make it easier for the learner to reset their tutorial code so that they can go on to the next tutorial after playing freely with it. And sometimes, it might be weeks or months later that they want to do part five, or go back to have a look at some particular thing in it from an earlier stage.

I can see what you're trying to achieve here, but I'm still not convinced. 

 1) The tutorials aren't that complex; even if you did have to reproduce them from scratch, it doesn't take that long (I've done this quite a few times, so I'm speaking from experience here). 

 2) This is what version control is for. I'd much rather see someone do the tutorial and use version control on their own repository, rather than just pull down the latest version of a repo that contains all the code they need.

Following point 2, it might be worth suggesting that people use version control during the tutorial. I'm not suggesting we turn the Django tutorial into a parallel tutorial on git, but seeding the idea in people's heads has the benefit of reinforcing best practice (you do version control everything you do, right?), and makes it easier to work around the rollback problems you describe; if they don't know what version control is, they might be encouraged to go investigate, and as a result, another code-fairy gets their wings :-)

It will help the documentation writers. It's difficult to build on the work in the tutorial if it's not easy to get where it was. For example, a new tutorial could use the Polls application to tackle logging or static files - which is what I would like to start doing now - but it's quite a bore to have to go through all the steps in all the previous tutorials just so you can start writing it.

I'm definitely not convinced by this. Anyone who is in a position to be writing documentation should *definitely* be able to wrap their head around enough version control to handle this sort of thing, or be sufficiently expert to rebuild the tutorial in a couple of minutes.
I think it would be worthwhile having an official repository for this purpose.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm still not convinced, but I'm always interested to hear the opinion of others. Eventually, someone (or the weight of public opinion) might convince me to change my mind.

Russ Magee %-)

Daniel Greenfeld

Jan 17, 2013, 12:17:45 AM1/17/13

On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:43:14 PM UTC-8, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
Hi Daniele,

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Daniele Procida <> wrote:
I'm re-opening an old discussion - Sorry if it all comes out weird, I'm having to do it in Google Groups.

I propose maintaining a repository of the Polls tutorial code, with each branch representing the state of the code at the end of each tutorial.

I realise that there is a danger that people might be tempted simply to checkout the code rather than type it in, following all the useful steps and mis-steps that the tutorial provides, but at the same time it would have other significant advantages that it would be a shame to forego just in order to save people from temptation, especially if they are strongly warned against it.

Yes, because the best way to make sure nobody presses a button is to put a sign over it saying "Under no circumstances press this button" :-)

What Russell said. 
I can see what you're trying to achieve here, but I'm still not convinced. 

 1) The tutorials aren't that complex; even if you did have to reproduce them from scratch, it doesn't take that long (I've done this quite a few times, so I'm speaking from experience here). 

If you copy/paste from an existing code base to get the tutorial working, then the tutorial is meaningless. Part of learning Django, Python, or whatever is through the experience of finding and fixing your mistakes. Making an official repository for the tutorial would be a disservice for would-be developers.

 2) This is what version control is for. I'd much rather see someone do the tutorial and use version control on their own repository, rather than just pull down the latest version of a repo that contains all the code they need.

Following point 2, it might be worth suggesting that people use version control during the tutorial. I'm not suggesting we turn the Django tutorial into a parallel tutorial on git, but seeding the idea in people's heads has the benefit of reinforcing best practice (you do version control everything you do, right?), and makes it easier to work around the rollback problems you describe; if they don't know what version control is, they might be encouraged to go investigate, and as a result, another code-fairy gets their wings :-)

There are already third-party versions of the Django tutorial that also instruct on source control and TDD. These are great, and wonderful, but I feel they overwhelm beginner Django developers with too much.

It will help the documentation writers. It's difficult to build on the work in the tutorial if it's not easy to get where it was. For example, a new tutorial could use the Polls application to tackle logging or static files - which is what I would like to start doing now - but it's quite a bore to have to go through all the steps in all the previous tutorials just so you can start writing it.

I'm definitely not convinced by this. Anyone who is in a position to be writing documentation should *definitely* be able to wrap their head around enough version control to handle this sort of thing, or be sufficiently expert to rebuild the tutorial in a couple of minutes.

This is a fact.

In August, when we worked on refactor of page 3 of the tutorial Dave and I spent about 5 minutes setting up things to match. The real spent was gathering feedback from beginners to find their pain points with the tutorial.
I think it would be worthwhile having an official repository for this purpose.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm still not convinced, but I'm always interested to hear the opinion of others. Eventually, someone (or the weight of public opinion) might convince me to change my mind

I'm completely with Russ. Scratch that, I feel much stronger about this issue then he does. 

Zed Shaw, with LPTHW, has proven that by forcing people to type stuff out they learn better. You don't learn by copy/pasting or checking against a working implementation. It's not always fun to learn this way, but learning software development is a process of doing.

There are other places the tutorial needs improvement besides an official working implementation of the app. Off the top of my head here are a couple of items:

1. The new tutorial intros are nice but missing some pieces. I'll document this in tickets soon.
2. Page 2 of the tutorial is too long. People start copy/pasting very early, and attempts to teach the tutorial as a class always bog down on page 2. I would like to make this page shorter and move most of it to new intro page.

Daniel Greenfeld

Russell Keith-Magee

Jan 17, 2013, 12:28:42 AM1/17/13
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Daniel Greenfeld <> wrote:

On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:43:14 PM UTC-8, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
Hi Daniele,

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Daniele Procida <> wrote:

 2) This is what version control is for. I'd much rather see someone do the tutorial and use version control on their own repository, rather than just pull down the latest version of a repo that contains all the code they need.

Following point 2, it might be worth suggesting that people use version control during the tutorial. I'm not suggesting we turn the Django tutorial into a parallel tutorial on git, but seeding the idea in people's heads has the benefit of reinforcing best practice (you do version control everything you do, right?), and makes it easier to work around the rollback problems you describe; if they don't know what version control is, they might be encouraged to go investigate, and as a result, another code-fairy gets their wings :-)

There are already third-party versions of the Django tutorial that also instruct on source control and TDD. These are great, and wonderful, but I feel they overwhelm beginner Django developers with too much. 

To be clear -- I'm not suggesting we try and make the Django tutorial a parallel tutorial on source control. I'm just suggesting that we drop a gentle hint at the start of the tutorial, to the effect of:

"If you know how to use a source control system (like Git), you might want to set up your tutorial directory as a repository. 

If you don't know how to use a source control system, don't worry. You don't need to know anything about source control to complete this tutorial. However, source control systems are incredibly useful tools that are used widely in software development, and you'd be well advised to learn how to use them."

and then, after completing relevant blocks of work:
"If you're using source control on this project, now would be a good time to commit what you've done."

The aim is to encourage best practice, or at least make users *aware* of best practice, but leave the details up to them.

Russ Magee %-)

German Larrain

Sep 8, 2013, 1:47:35 AM9/8/13
I know there are different opinions on this topic but if anyone is interested, I created a repo for the tutorial. The idea is to have branches and tags that match those of the documentation.

A nice advantage of that is to be able to compare how the resulting code of the official tutorial changes between releases. Others are:
  • Be able to check that the tutorial is correct (it's kind of difficult to spot mistakes from the documentation, either rendered or rst), i.e. the code works (in fact, I think I discovered a bug in the current master, which I will file in trac ASAP).
  • Let the user compare at the end of the tutorial the code he/she typed with the one in the repo.
Best regards,

gilberto dos santos alves

Sep 9, 2013, 9:48:35 AM9/9/13
very great task!

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