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yes that's sounds like a lot of load for the stations :)
it's a shot in the dark but maybe you have a to small subnet and the station runs out of IP addresses to assign, that's usally the case when you choose a subnet mask of
Reading the comments above, I was reminded of the old workatjelly.com wiki -- back before New Work City was called that and was Cooper Bricolage, and for Amit Gupta and Luke and other's Jelly coworking, people writing their name, estimated time of arrival and departure, and what we'd each be working on that day, often with a link to a website, was a great way for people to attract other people, a day or a week in advance.
We do that in person now at weekly Lightning Talks: your name, and in 10 seconds or less what are you working on today. (We do that before the talks, it is amazing for bonding.)
Alex Linsker, Collective Agency, Portland Oregon
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