Hi Renee,
Thanks for reaching out!
I'm seeing your question pop up in all of our channels, and you're not the only one asking this week.
Consider this a response from Coworking Ontario, Foundery and myself ;)
There isn't one company in Ontario that I would recommend - each one is unique, and there is likely a few that will meet your needs.
I would suggest using an insurance broker.
In my experience, this is a free (and fantastic) service.
They will shop around and do the comparison for you, bringing you the top options to review.
Each landlord requires different insurance terms - your broker can ensure those are covered for you.
The premiums vary across the province, and the rate will reflect the terms of your specific policy.
In Ontario I've had policies for $60 /month and policies for $300 /month and it varies depending on the coverage I choose, size of space, number of members, type of building and location.
You can combine 2 policies together (your business insurance policy and your business location insurance policy) but in some cases it may be in your interest to maintain 2 separate policies.
The rate also changes if you are open to the general public, and if you offer additional products or services.
If you are hosting events, serving alcohol etc in your space, the rate tends to be much higher than if you are not.
If you want to adjust the policy price you can always play with your deductible, just as you can with auto insurance.
In addition to covering your own property and liability, you can play with the amount of coverage you have for the belongings of others - this should simply be articulated in your members agreement.
As for iv, this clause is standard and is easy to cover, just pass it on to your broker with the rest of the requests from the landlord.
Clause v is a bit tricky - especially in your first year of operations, as it is difficult to prove / agree upon an amount, regardless of your coverage.
It's very similar to the experience of insuring artwork - the perception of value can change dramatically between parties.
Ask your broker for some options and ask a lot of questions.
They can help you navigate the insurance requirements in your lease and ensure you have the right type of coverage for your specific business.
Good luck!