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Thanks :)
Ramon Suarez
Serendipity Accelerator, Betacowork
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1. Get to Know People Outside of the Coworking Space - Alex Hillman, co-founder of Indy Hall
Go outside. Literally, go outside. Stop trying to get people to walk into your coworking space as the first step to discovering you. Most of the people who are ideal members for coworking aren't actively looking for an office, so expecting them to walk in off the street or even sign up for a tour is crazypants.
Get to know people on their own turf. Where do those people already gather in your city/town/village? It might be coffee shops...but it also might not be. Try focusing outside of the obvious "business" meetups - explore all kinds of activity based communities. Within them, you're bound to find people who have similar goals and values, even among different professions.
Then participate in those communities instead of just trying to sell them on coworking. Bring people together. Add value. Earn trust. If you already have some members in your coworking space, invite them to come along. Help cross pollinate the communities you get involved in.
When people ask how you all know each other - bam. "We're all a part of Indy Hall." What's that? "Have you ever worked from home...and felt like being alone was hurting your productivity...."
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The #1 mistake in community building is doing it by yourself.
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Benjamin Dyett |
If you write "We are a coworking place where everybody is worthy of love and belonging" and you truly intend that, you will exclude people who don't want everybody there, people who want cliwues or don't consider themselves worthy of love or belonging. (As an example.)
Common advice on this group is, stsrt with community before you rent a place.
Find people who care about many people and who have communities they will benefit by referring.
Find people who have strong feelings and experiences about the place you will fent or will rent in, who actively want something. That is how I start things.
If it isn't fun while doing it, don't do it.
Alex Linsker, Collective Agency, Portland Oregon http://CollectiveAgency.co
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