adding bullets to existing linked transcript

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Bridget Rennard

Jun 26, 2021, 3:53:56 PM6/26/21
to chibolts

I'm trying to figure out how to add bullets to an existing linked transcription. When I try to add new bullets it just jumps to the existing bullets and won't let me push the space bar to add new bullets in to the beginning. Any tips? 


Leonid Spektor

Jun 26, 2021, 4:34:26 PM6/26/21

The F5 function works correctly in our version of CLAN. After you press F5 key the playback starts and the next utterance is selected. When you hear the utterance text you press space character and the bullet is inserted or changed and the next utterance is selected. If this is not what you are experiencing, then I need to ask you following questions. Have you tried to quit CLAN completely and the restart is again? Are you using F5 function to add bullets? Do you have the latest CLAN installed? What computer system are you using? If you are using Mac, then do you have CLAN or CLANc? What kind of media you are linking transcript to? Is it wave or mp3 audio or mp4 video?


On Jun 26, 2021, at 15:54, Bridget Rennard <> wrote:


I'm trying to figure out how to add bullets to an existing linked transcription. When I try to add new bullets it just jumps to the existing bullets and won't let me push the space bar to add new bullets in to the beginning. Any tips? 


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Bridget Rennard

Jun 30, 2021, 11:37:57 AM6/30/21
to chibolts
I don't think it's the latest version, I will try to download it. Yes, but there are already bullets added in the middle of the video. I want to add bullets to the beginning and end after those sections, but it keeps jumping to the point where the bullets have been added in the middle section. I am using a PC, and the media is m4v file. 

Leonid Spektor

Jun 30, 2021, 12:08:10 PM6/30/21
To add bullets after the middle segment, put text cursor at the utterance with the last bullet in transcript and press F5.
To add bullets at the beginning of transcript, put cursor before the utterance with the first bullet and press F5. 
This assumes that there is no time gaps in the transcript and that the beginning of transcript starts at the beginning of media file.

Otherwise you can fake it. Copy any bullet to an utterance you want to start linking and press ESC-a or select menu "Mode->Expand bullets", then change the bullets numbers to whatever time values you want, put text cursor at that modified bullet and press F5. The playback will start at that time in the media file.


Bridget Rennard

Jun 30, 2021, 4:54:33 PM6/30/21
Thank you! The beginning of the transcript doesn't start at the beginning of the media fine, so I updated the bullet manually and was able to link it that way. I appreciate your help!

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Bridget Rennard

Jun 30, 2021, 5:00:52 PM6/30/21
I tried to add more bullets after manually changing the time to where I want the beginning of the transcription to start (not the beginning of the media file), but when I try to add the bullets it's jumping to the middle part that was already transcribed and replacing those bullets.

Leonid Spektor

Jun 30, 2021, 5:21:17 PM6/30/21
Yes, the F5 will replace existing bullets, so unless you want to relink the existing bullets you need to stop F5 once you reach existing bullets.

The F5 should highlight each utterance one at the time and wait for you to press space key. After you press space key it will move to the next utterance in the transcript. If you are saying that F5 jumps over some utterances and does not allow you to add bullets to them, then please email your transcript to me directly at "" for testing. I do not need the media file.


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