Console OS stole Android-x86

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Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 11, 2015, 11:01:29 PM12/11/15
to Android-x86,
Hi all,
[CC this to Android-IA list since the guy continues
lying on Android-IA list]

Honestly speaking, I really have no time to check what
Christopher Price and his crappy Console OS did recently.
But I'm getting more and more private requests to ask me
to stop him from stealing the Android-x86 effort.
So as the project leader of the Android-x86 project,
I think I need to do something.

As a background for new comers who haven't heard
the story of Console OS, here is a brief:

Christopher Price started a project called Console OS
at Kickstart in the middle 2014. He promised
"We've rebuilt Android™ to be a primary operating system
for your PC, 2-in-1 or PC Tablet. Over 100 new features
built-in already..."

Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign
on the android-x86 list to seek for support.
He claimed Console OS will be shipped at the end of 2014.
Finally he succeeded to collect $78,497 for the project.

However, without any real demo and detailed explanation
how he could achieve his goal, the android-x86 community
quickly exposed this is just a scam and banned this guy forever.

In Dec 2014 Christopher released a first test build of Kitkat
called DR1 to his backers only. However, according to
the comments of some backers, this is just a copy of
android-ia image without any promised features.
Most devices he promised to support cannot install
or even boot the DR1.

While most of his backers are waiting for an update of Kitkat DR2,
Christopher claimed he was moving the development
of Console OS to Android 5.x (Lollipop) since most backers
voted to do so. However,
he is unable to deliver any Lollipop build one year later.
He made many excuses like the most devices have
32-bit UEFI (which is never an issue of android-x86),
Intel didn't support Core processors
(which are supported by android-x86) anymore, and
the Lollipop Logjam (I really have no idea what it is).

Two months ago after the android-x86 5.1-rc1 released,
Christopher claimed he will "open source" the code of
Console OS soon to speed up the development.
Several days ago I was informed the
"Console OS source code" finally appears in github:

Guess what it is?
It's just a copy and forked of Android-x86 5.1-rc1
by renaming Android-x86 to ConsoleOS:

Android-x86 -> ConsoleOS

Update generic makefiles for ConsoleOS needs

The code can't lie.
Except the two commits listed above you
couldn't find any commit made by the Console OS.
There is no any feature developed by them.

According the announcement in the Console OS Facebook
(my comments for each item below)

"What is on GitHub, right now?

* The Android-x86 Core, with some of our improvements

==> at least he is honest that he uses android-x86 code,
but what's the improvements??

* Device-specific build targets for BayTrail-T

==> well, just renaming

* A new home screen, Trebuchet (from CyanogenMod)

==> how could you called it an improvement by just
adding a launcher from another open source project?
besides, where is the source?

* Intel drivers (though many are not active yet)

==> actually all of them are not active

Strictly speaking, this guy is legally to fork android-x86
and sell it because this project is open source licensed
(via Apache License, GNU GPL or BSD-like licenses
depends on the components you use).
At first I hope I can just ignored what this guy did
and continue our development,
But after reading more evidences including the
comments of his backers and others,
I think I could endure it no longer.

Christopher Price continues cheating his backers
and all others that "his team" is developing an OS which
is much better than other competitors (including android-x86):

However, one year and a half later,
the guy just copied and renamed android-x86
and then claimed this is his amazing OS!

All the developers of android-x86 including me
have spent many sleepless nights to code,
test and debug android-x86 to make it better,
but this guy just copied it to deceive his backers.
The dishonest actions do hurt the android-x86
community very much.

I have to clarify I'm not against the business.
Using android-x86 to do some business is totally fine.

If at the time his Kickstart campaign began,
he honestly described he will use and ship
a unmodified (just renamed) android-x86 product,
and the backers still support it. I'm fine with it.

If he does make some improvements based
on the android-x86 code, I'm glad to see so.

However, cheating the world that he is developing
something amazing on Kickstart in 2014
but finally just copied an open source project that
he degraded at first (see the competitive chart on his site)
is very immoral.

When Kickstart campaign began in 2014, he promised
you "A" (a much better stuff) and accept your money,
but now he just deliver you "B" (a totally different stuff).
If you are a backer, can you accept?
If this is not a scam, what is a scam?

IMO, Christopher Price and his Console OS is
*a cancer* that lives by the nutrient of android-x86.
If we can't cut it immediately, he will continue
absorbing the effort of android-x86 and finally
choke this project.

So if you still cherish the small achievements
we have done so far, please help me to
stop this guy from hurting the community.
I beg for your assistance including

* If you know some media reporters,
tell them the truth about Console OS.
Ask your friends to publish some news
about the failed story of Console OS.
Forward letter to anyone who heard the
Console OS and tell them the truth.
* If you are a backer, tell Kickstart and other backers
the facts. Question Kickstart why they allow
such a scam existing on its platform.
Consider to take legal action to stop the scam.
* I believe some developers from the community
are helping Christopher Price to make the fraud.
I ask you stop doing so since you're playing with fire.

Let us know if you have any other idea to stop this guy.

Please keep the discussion rational in this thread.
Avoid words that may result in flaming war.
Also avoid simply reply like "I agree" or "I support you".
Please express your support by doing the above items
or any useful thing you think.

Finally, if you still believe Christopher Price and his vaporware,
just go away since you are not welcome.

Android-x86 project

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 11, 2015, 11:08:16 PM12/11/15
to android-x86

If you are a backer, tell Kickstart and other backers
  the facts. Question Kickstart why they allow
  such a scam existing on its platform.
  Consider to take legal action to stop the scam.

I dont think KickStarter could do anything. Last time I read the TOS, Its (almost) legal to scam, since KS did not take any responsible.

cwhuang deserves the money from KS. If this shitty scam could make money, why we shouldn't? We didnt scam anybody. Now lets start campaign at KS for android-x86! 😁

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Dec 12, 2015, 11:37:56 AM12/12/15
to Android-x86
I warned people about chirs' scam when his ks project had barely started. Backers didn't care, bloggers didn't care, and kickstarter in particular didn't give a damn.

The ks platform is made for scams, they actually lowered their security so they wouldn't lose revenue to indiegogo which is so full of scams they don't even ask for working prototypes anymore and are full of projects with fake renders. Check things like the ritot watch or the dragonfly laptop, it makes chris here look like an honest developer!

Contacting bloggers is no use, chris probably paid them for coverage, happens all the time now.

The best we can do is contact tech youtubers, many have a far bigger reach than bloggers and don't care about smalltime bribes like bloggers do

Jon West

Dec 12, 2015, 1:35:14 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86,
There is also the option of posting it as a plea for help on 4chan or something like that. Since this is a community project, maybe the community can help in a different way :)

stavros daliakopoulos

Dec 12, 2015, 3:29:56 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86,
Would like to go to court and sue the s.o.a.b.?
In that case you could ask for donations and I would like to help. 
Or maybe you could ask for donations to support the development of android x86.

What are your thoughts ?


Dec 12, 2015, 4:30:57 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86,
getting some traction already..........

Console OS stole Android-x86 - Google Groups
15 hours ago - Console OS stole Android-x86, Chih-Wei Huang, 12/11/15 8:01 PM. Hi all, [CC this to ... Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign on the android-x86 list to ...called DR1 to his backers only. However ....

On Friday, December 11, 2015 at 11:01:29 PM UTC-5, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:


Dec 12, 2015, 5:15:42 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86, moving all right....about 14 min ago


Dec 12, 2015, 5:44:21 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86,
Here's the thing: I love open-source development. I think it's the future and where great innovation is born. But in this case, I have drawn my conclusion that Console OS is not innovative, and not what was originally promised. At all. End of story.

I was on the Android-IA list the other day and asked Christopher Price a series of specific questions. He beat around the bush and never answered a single one.

I quoted the following that he posted on Kickstarter and Twitter, respectively (important statements bolded):

What is on GitHub, right now?
The Android-x86 Core, with our improvements


Buildable with 70% of our unique contributions up there.

I then asked him, considering 70% is quite a large percentage, what the unique contributions were. One would assume from his statement that that would include code and serious development setting Console OS apart from Android-x86 and Android-IA, since all the marketing material shows how drastically different Console OS is. Instead, the GitHub contains only 2 commits that change the name of Android-x86 to Console OS. Ummmm?

I proceeded to ask these questions:
  • Can you please provide me links to specific code that you wrote and integrated into Console OS? Please?
  • Why did you tell your backers that most of the material is already up if it's not? Because most of them won't actually investigate your claims or analyze what you say?
  • If you look at your comparison chart, which is displayed proudly on your website, it talks about functions and components that have never existed. Why do you continue to show it?
  • Backers paid you extra money to receive tangible goods like T-Shirts, flyers, and Spotify subscriptions over-and-beyond the software. You do realize you can't just decide after the fact that you're not going to give them those things? 
  • You also make claims that Console OS is deployed in enterprise environments and that you're called on personally by Fortune 500 companies. Can I have contact information to ask them about their experience with your product?
  • Did DR1 dual boot with Windows and was it painless to install?
  • Was multi-window support in the build?
  • Was it designed for consumers and OEMs?
  • Was InstaSwitch included? 
  • Was legitimate Google Play available? 
  • Could you toggle between different UXs?
Not a single one of my questions was answered. Not a single one over the course of an entire day. I gave Christopher plenty of chances to answer real and legitimate questions without resorting to flaming or belittling him as a person. He chose not to answer.

Josaphat Soekahar

Dec 12, 2015, 9:39:24 PM12/12/15
to Android-x86,
I'm sorry to hear this. But this was expected to happen in open source softwares.

And a case that's more similar to yours :

But they won't last long, since they lack any knowledge or skill to do this project by themselves. That's why they stole it in the first place right? And they're doing it purely for money, no goals or whatsoever. They simply won't survive. And you should do much aggressive marketing with Android x86 so everyone know it's your child.

Nevertheless, please don't turn this project into closed source just because of that scum. And since we're talking about kickstarter, haven't it got crossed your mind to do one yourself?



Dec 13, 2015, 4:33:43 AM12/13/15
I'm gonna throw in my two cents.

The answer is NO. Because he's not A Thieving POS...

See how simple that was?


Sent with AquaMail for Android

Dec 13, 2015, 5:27:46 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86,
Mr. Huang,

I posted my original comments on the Android-IA list:

Now for the positive feedback. Here is my feedback to help Android-x86. It’s based on what I’ve seen from contentious forks in the past:

# Avoid subjective or hyper-aggressive words. “Stole” and “Scam” and “Cancer” are words that give Console a great amount of latitude to attack back. It gives them more merit than they had before, in some cases. They can walk away from an interview with the moral high ground.

You say “stole”, they can say they compiled with the rules of forking a project.
You say “scam”, they can demonstrate their releases, and GitHub and point out Intel cut back Android-IA.
You say “cancer”, they say you’re a bully.

See what I mean? Each time, Console wins - at least partially.

Instead, focus on the technical reasons why you think forking the project is bad. That should be the bulk of your focus. People rarely care about the past as much as the present.

# Set up an open-door contribution policy. There should be an email inbox, and a page dedicated to how to contribute. I don’t see one. The pressure should be on Console to keep sending things upstream, should they actually make improvements.

# Find a publicist - - one with great English skills. I touched on this over on the IA list. You make arguments in poor English that are easily challenged. Regardless of it’s Intel or Console or whoever, you lose because they can explain things rationally. In English - you really struggle with arguments.

# Either ban Console OS discussion or open it all up. It hurts your case to limit discussion to opposition only. Either block the topic completely, or open up both sides to hear it out. You are giving Console ammunition to challenge you, by arguing your community prohibits them from responding.

# Discourage abuse. I just read people call for what sounds like “4chan attacks” which I infer to mean DDoS or abuse - This again gives Console ammunition to say your community is acting illegally.

# After making your case, stop talking about Console. Unless and until they make another move.

Assuming Console does start checking in talented/unique code, the more you talk at this point, the more they will have ammunition to use against you later. If you decide to use those diffs later - you risk their publicists calling you hypocritical otherwise.

Console pretty clearly isn’t going away, Kickstarter protects them as long as they keep building (at whatever pace), but these points should at least allow you to stand out from them without giving them ammo to shoot back at you.

As I mentioned on the other site, my manager would probably can my bottom if I participated publicly - so it pains me a bit to see this divide. But I do hope you take that feedback to heart.

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 13, 2015, 5:39:06 AM12/13/15
to android-x86

Correcting disinformation campaigns from some people who just don't like us. From our CEO:

While only about 70% of our code is on GitHub at the moment, you are free to run a diff between Console OS and any other Android source tree.

There can no longer be claims we've "ripped off" one project or the other. Console OS is a distribution of Android™ that is blending and Android-IA together. You can now literally compare line-for-line what is in Console OS and the other relevant projects. You can see where we're different, and you can see where we're the same.

Further, we have posted a list (sent to our Kickstarter backers) of the future components that we expect to stage over the next 90 days - components that parallel what shipped in Console OS KitKat, as well as new components we've developed and partner to offer. Except when we're not allowed, we hope to post 100% of them to GitHub, at least in binary form.

We are basing our internal builds, and testing our new Windows installer with what we build off GitHub. GitHub is what we overlay with additional code (still being staged) that will represent our release builds, hopefully later this month.

Hmmm..... interesting.
*Grabs popcorn


Dec 13, 2015, 5:50:56 AM12/13/15

Lol!  Better have alot of it.. Needed that at 5am.. Ty

Sent with AquaMail for Android


Dec 13, 2015, 6:30:28 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
We can't sue chris directly, only his backers can because he stole their money.

As for an alternative project I been meaning to build a sort of DE for android for a while, kind of like what remixOS did end up doing just open source rather than a closed source and which is also limited to certain ARM tablets and devices only.

Problem is it takes fulltime talented coders to do this or a lot of community traction. The first takes a lot of money and getting that is easier said than done, and I been trying to get people in the Linux community to join but most dislike android for its close proximity to google.

Dec 13, 2015, 7:21:40 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
In terms of Kickstarter, Console just has to show “good faith” effort. They probably couldn’t be sued the moment Intel dropped Android-IA support upstream.

That’s bad faith on the part of Intel. Someone (really, really high up) at Intel kinda had to know Console OS was out there raising money, at the same time they were about to gut Android-IA. It made news. They at least *saw* Console OS existed. I think they let Console raise money, only to slam the door shut on them by pulling Android-IA for PCs shortly thereafter.

Short of a real lawsuit - we may never get the answer. I suspect they’re making amends by supporting Console OS today now that Google has said Android is coming to the PC. Intel realized they screwed up in dropping support for PC on Android.

[Just noticed they have a Intel Gen8 driver on GitHub - no way in hell that’s on GitHub without permission from Intel. I work in the biz, you don’t post something like that without written permission.]

I ran a build for my T100. There are improvements, albeit small ones. The resolution is more correct. The DPI matches my screen. But all the Android-x86 bugs are there. It's like they have a second code drop in the wings.

I don’t think it’s "coincidence" that Google says Android is coming to the PC, and all of a sudden Console OS reboots. I think Console had inside knowledge that was going to happen, and this is Intel’s path. Intel is helping them, no question.

My prediction - - The GitHub posting of Android-x86 repos will be followed by a massive code dump of Intel-coordinated code. Like a mountain. All at once. And it will differentiate them. 

Intel has chosen Console OS to be their Android-x86 and Android-IA in the community, that’s my take. It’s their Cyanogen. And oddly, I am not sure how I feel about that. If Intel is pumping cash in, it could be a good thing overall, past aside.


Dec 13, 2015, 7:28:58 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
Actually you can sue for kickstarters gone bad, problem is most people don't even bother because it takes a ton of work and money to hire a lawyer, in fact it will most likely be more than what chris got in the campaign.

As for intel they are a making a huge horrible mistake backing this joke of a project. In any case they should work with google after all intel isn't in the software biz but the hardware biz and getting people back to the PC and out of ARM phones and tablets is its only concern.

Dec 13, 2015, 7:34:50 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
Yeah but Intel likes to have a Plan B always. It's why they funded Linux while being in bed with Microsoft. They still are backing Tizen. I think Console OS is their Tizen for Android on PC. If Google doesn't do Android on PC well, they have Console OS as a backstop.

As long as it all goes on GitHub, that's fine with me. Android-x86 can copy improvements as they come, and stay independent with Mesa and AMD.


Dec 13, 2015, 7:44:40 AM12/13/15
It's the fact that he didn't deliver anything he promised, Intel Aside, Intel has nothing to do with everything else he didn't do.....  That he promised for the funds he received, hell, anyone can spout a bunch of "keywords" and make money, He scammed it... and he knew it from jump, If you or anyone else searches through this thread or on my forum or XDA, the history is very easy to see... He wanted HIS OWN GIT, And He used all this to do it, Don't believe me, Search it...  I hope not ONE PERSON helps him or HIS Open Source BS, This one is Just fine...


Dec 13, 2015, 7:55:43 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
Not to be rude, I just don't think how Console grandstanded matters. I agree with much of what you said, but ethics aside... how much does it matter today? Intel can't or won't back away from them if they are pushing unique work today.

I am more fearful that Console OS rewrites their GitHub in a way that can't be mainlined with Android-x86, like what Apple did with WebKit to KHTML.

If backers were to sue Console, I think Intel would just pay them off and cut Console a 78k check to pay them back. I seriously doubt Intel wants the "inside story" coming out in court, whatever happened.

And unless you're a backer, you aren't "harmed" by Console going dark for most of a year. Most backers reading the Kickstarter comments, seem unlikely to sue.

The code on GitHub clearly shows Intel collaboration. The origin repos are the same - but there is new Intel code there that has never been posted before. Not on or anywhere else. There isn't a lot of it (it seems like staging), but enough to point to hooks for more coming.

I think Console has negotiated a path - and at least they think it's sustainable. Intel clearly is supporting it behind the scenes. The next 90 days will be interesting.


Dec 13, 2015, 9:04:07 AM12/13/15
to Android-x86
I don't know where you are getting that 90 day figure but I been following other scam tech projects in ks before and consoleos has all the markings of a project thats in the deadpool.

Intel is more likely to pay remixOS to port it to x86 than to invest in chris scheme, not because he is a scammer but because the remix guys have shipped several ROMs for different devices and two hardware products in a smaller timeframe than chris has taken to deliver next to nothing.


Dec 13, 2015, 12:12:12 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
I don't have a problem with what Console OS is trying to do. I have a problem with how Christopher Price conducts business. He's a pathological liar, and it's clearly evident if you do some research that goes back to his other ventures over the years; this isn't his first rodeo. He won't answer pressing questions when directly asked, because he realizes doing so won't fit the narrative he's constructed. He understands how to use the English language to paint a pretty picture, to harness emotions, and in this case, to "create" a project that is in fact nothing more than slapping pre-existing things together. It's the equivalent of Ahmed's clock. The kid can say til kingdom come that he "invented" his clock, but all he did was tear down an off-the-shelf model and stick the insides into a carrying case.

RemixOS has talented developers who have actually created something. Christopher Price relies on components built by the blood, sweat, and tears of other developers. The moment the developers stop spoon-feeding him, his project dies. He made a living writing blog posts, not coding for Android.

What irks me most is the dishonest marketing. If you go on the main website, every single thing on it is just false. Why, now that Console OS KitKat has not and will not ever be produced, does he continue to use that information as marketing? It's just completely unethical and wrong to base your entire public image on a product that doesn't exist. And why does he say stuff pointing to Console OS being used in enterprise environments? We all know that's not true, and so does he. Or that 70% of their unique contributions exist on GitHub when nothing is up there? Or that they delivered what was promised last year? 

I hope Christopher Price proves me wrong, but if you simply take the facts of, let's say, RemixOS, and place them side-by-side with those of Console OS, it's really really hard to say that Console OS is legit.

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 12:17:02 PM12/13/15
to Dublin,, Android-x86
I'm surprised you are so acute to my interaction
with Android-IA but in a very biased view.
I hope you didn't do that on purpose
in a bad intention. So let's clarify it.

2015-12-13 16:45 GMT+08:00 Dublin <>:
> Mr. Huang:
> I don’t want to represent my employer, but I’ve been following Android/x86
> since v4.1. And I will post my feedback specific to Android-x86 over on your
> list - it will be more positive, I hope.
> Chin-Wei, you are a great developer. I think you may be the most talented
> developer that has ever posted on this list. No sarcasm!!
> But you have been animus to Intel and its works for years. Over like a half
> of an entire decade by my lurking.
> Pertinent to Android-IA, is your history of attacking Android-IA:
> # You attacked Intel over the GMA 500 GPU driver.
> # You demanded that they open-source it.
> # Then you demanded that they post files to support your project.
> # Then you called them evil for keeping it closed.

I am not the first or only one who requested
an open source driver for the PowerVR based chip.
The reason is very clear and rational:
we (the open source community) hope to develop
software for such a kind of chipsets.
We hope to make the chipsets useful to those who
want to run open source software on them.

I don't understand why you called such a reqest
"an attach". This is very incorrect.

> # This repeated itself for the GMA 600.
> # And then it repeated itself with the Clover Trail BSP.
> # You then bashed Android-IA for being commercial and not embracing
> Android-x86 instead.

Again you are a very large bias in view of this matter.

How did I "bash" Android-IA?
Exactly the opposite, I have contributed
several patches to Android-IA.
If you have ever read the git history of Android-IA,
you must have known that.

In fact I really appreciate Android-IA contributed
many good features for Android on x86.
I've merged patches of Android-IA into Android-x86
for years. I always list these patches in the 'android-ia'
branch to respect the contributions.
If you ever read Android-x86 git history, you know that.

You are so shrewd to my interaction with Android-IA,
why did you not mention that on purpose?

"Console OS" is NOT the commercial of Android-IA.
Christopher Price just made use of Android-IA before
and now exploits Android-x86 for his scam.

> Now you’re doing it about Console OS. You even threatened people who
> contribute to their open-source, just now, saying they are “playing with

By "open sourcing" a project, that means you
wrote some code and release it to the public.
Christopher Price and his team (if exists?) didn't release
any one line of code they wrote.
(except renaming Android-x86 to Console OS)
"Console OS" is not an open source project.
Christopher Price pretended it is. It's not true.

> fire” — See a trend here? Who does that in open-source?
> I’ve never heard such a threat before from an open-source advocate - -
> Ever!!

That's definitely not a threat but a advice.
Christopher Price's scam is exposing and
his team may finally face the legal sanctions.
So it's very risky to help him.

Actually this is the most important reason
why I have to do something to stop
Christopher Price's scam.
If people who don't know Android-x86 or me
read the git log of,
they may conclude "cwhuang" is the biggest
developer of "Console OS".
If I tacitly consent it, I may be treated as
an accomplice in the law court.

> Here’s my bet. Companies would have probably given you hundreds of thousands
> in investment, maybe even millions, if they thought you wouldn’t go off your
> rocker and [verbally] stab them in the back. You’re that great at developing
> Android, and yet that bad at relating to others.
> You deserve a lot of credit for your hard work. But you need to stop bashing
> people in the Android-IA community, and focus on your project. Or quit and
> do something less stressful. I don’t want you to quit, by the way. I do
> think if you improve how you engage with companies on this stage - - - you
> might find more pounds in your bank account.
> Intel probably supports Console OS today because it gives them an
> Android/x86 participant that they can cooperate with without worrying about
> being harassed - - - by the very people that they support. I suspect what
> Console OS doesn’t deliver in immediate changes, they make up for in
> diplomacy. In turn, that can lead to momentum.
> Let the community decide on Console OS, and consider what you write
> regarding Intel. Perhaps find a publicist (with better English skills) to
> represent the project. I really think you burned bridges there - and gave
> others (like Console) gaps to commercialize. Perhaps after enough time - the
> big players might work with you in earnest on Android-x86.

Well, seems you still naively believe
Christopher Price could do something useful.
Let me tell you more truth.

Christopher Price had contacted me many times to
ask for cooperation. At first I'm glad to co-work with him.
But every time I asked more details about the
development status of the Console OS, he refused
to gave a clear answer. I became suspicious to him.
Last time I visited US this year, I even asked him
to demo the Console OS to me face-to-face,
he still refused to do that.
He even can't make a demo video to show
the existence of Console OS.
Nobody has even seen the claimed features
developed by Console OS.
If I'm wrong, show me a disproof.

For "a team" that couldn't deliver any real feature
to the backers in the past 1.5 years,
how could you believe they can do it
in the next 90 days?

Harshad Joshi

Dec 13, 2015, 12:33:40 PM12/13/15
to Chih-Wei Huang, Dublin, Android-x86,

I have got a query -  what did Mr Christopher Price do with the 78k$ he got from Kickstart campaign if all he wanted to do was forking android x86 code and renaming it as console os.

Also, what is Intel view on this entire event?  Wondering if there is real deal with Intel or it is just another scam we are seeing!?

Most probably it might be like Intel losing interest in android IA development and Mr Christopher Price taking easy route to rename readily available (and usable)  android x86 code to console os code.

This is probably very unfortunate and very disappointing incident I have seen since entering opensource community in 2006..

There is no proper communication in Intel android IA team and opensource community all that makes us feel like this entire project is vapour ware!

Sent from my Cyanogen phone

Android-IA mailing list

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 12:38:14 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
The post was sent by an incorrect address
"androidnougat via Android-x86 <>"
which is very inappropriate.

Please do not hide your name and address
since people want a credible discussion.

2015-12-13 20:34 GMT+08:00 androidnougat via Android-x86

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 13, 2015, 12:41:16 PM12/13/15
to android-x86

I have got a query -  what did Mr Christopher Price do with the 78k$ he got from Kickstart campaign if all he wanted to do was forking android x86 code and renaming it as console os.

There's the word scam coming from.
It was not the problem about how he use the money. He can actually go on vacation to Bali and push from there. We dont care, and probably dont want to. All we (well, most of us) want is the end product, which is never done.

This is getting more and more interesting, but I've run out of popcorns. I'm cooking spaghetti 😂


Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 12:42:30 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
2015-12-13 19:30 GMT+08:00 JS <>:
> We can't sue chris directly, only his backers can because he stole their money.

Yes, exactly.
That's why telling the truth to the backers is important.

Any backer can help to post the whole story to
the Kickstart?

> As for an alternative project I been meaning to build a sort of DE for android for a while, kind of like what remixOS did end up doing just open source rather than a closed source and which is also limited to certain ARM tablets and devices only.
> Problem is it takes fulltime talented coders to do this or a lot of community traction. The first takes a lot of money and getting that is easier said than done, and I been trying to get people in the Linux community to join but most dislike android for its close proximity to google.

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 13, 2015, 12:44:40 PM12/13/15
to android-x86

Must be Mr. Price acting as 3rd person (because from what I understand, he is on Price's side).

I know he is here. How can he make ConsoleOS without android-x86?


Dec 13, 2015, 12:49:52 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
Chih-Wei, I was going to ask if there's a way to see how long a member has been on the group and how many posts they have contributed. The reason is because androidnougat's language, word choice, and examples sounds very close to Christopher Price. He also pretty much apologetically agrees with everything Christopher Price has said and re-hashes the same material. Christopher has become good at writing like different people, so he can pretend there's a team. I think this poster may simply be Christopher Price.

The reason why androidnougat stood out was for the following few quotes (my comments in parenthesis):
  • "Intel realized they screwed up in dropping support for PC on Android" (Christopher has used this exact statement many, many times)
  • "I am more fearful that Console OS rewrites their GitHub in a way that can't be mainlined with Android-x86, like what Apple did with WebKit to KHTML." (Christopher used this exact example in his personal blog post: . I find it very coincidental that this guy would use the same obscure example)
  • "Intel has chosen Console OS to be their Android-x86 and Android-IA in the community, that’s my take. It’s their Cyanogen." and "I think Console OS is their Tizen for Android on PC." (This is the same exact language Christopher uses in many of his posts)
I may be wrong, but I'd be willing to bet $20 androidnougat is Christopher Price.

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 12:58:40 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
2015-12-13 18:38 GMT+08:00 Rinaldo Jonathan <>:
> Correcting disinformation campaigns from some people who just don't like us.
> From our CEO:
> While only about 70% of our code is on GitHub at the moment, you are free to
> run a diff between Console OS and any other Android source tree.
> There can no longer be claims we've "ripped off" one project or the other.
> Console OS is a distribution of Android™ that is blending
> and Android-IA together. You can now literally compare line-for-line what is
> in Console OS and the other relevant projects. You can see where we're
> different, and you can see where we're the same.

Except two renaming commits, there is no difference.

Show me a real commit made by Console OS
if I'm wrong.

> Further, we have posted a list (sent to our Kickstarter backers) of the
> future components that we expect to stage over the next 90 days - components
> that parallel what shipped in Console OS KitKat, as well as new components
> we've developed and partner to offer. Except when we're not allowed, we hope
> to post 100% of them to GitHub, at least in binary form.

This is another ridiculous excuse made by Christopher Price.

Christopher Price claimed he "open sourced Console OS"
because he wants the community help to improve it.
Without releasing any one line of code developed his team,
how could the community help him to improve Console OS?

Recall the assertion on Kickstart:
"... Over 100 new features built-in already. "

They didn't release any code of they have developed,
how could they ask the community to help them?

Indeed I'd like to help, but how could I do that
without reading their code?

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 1:24:47 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86,
2015-12-13 4:17 GMT+08:00 Josaphat Soekahar <>:
> I'm sorry to hear this. But this was expected to happen in open source softwares.
> And a case that's more similar to yours :

Thank you for sharing these stories.

I've to clarify again forking Android-x86 is
definitely legally and allowed.
I'll even support it if the forking can develop
something useful to me.

> But they won't last long, since they lack any knowledge or skill to do this project by themselves. That's why they stole it in the first place right? And they're doing it purely for money, no goals or whatsoever. They simply won't survive. And you should do much aggressive marketing with Android x86 so everyone know it's your child.

I even didn't talk about my credits.
I don't really care it.

What I concern more is people (especially the backers)
may treat me and the whole android-x86 devs
as a part of the scam of Console OS
if we acquiesce in it.

> Nevertheless, please don't turn this project into closed source just because of that scum. And since we're talking about kickstarter, haven't it got crossed your mind to do one yourself?

I do the open source project just because
I like the open source movements.
There is no reason to close source it anyway.


Dec 13, 2015, 1:26:42 PM12/13/15

It is why I stopped talking to him.

Sent with AquaMail for Android


Michel Memeteau - EKIMIA

Dec 13, 2015, 2:05:31 PM12/13/15
to Chih-Wei Huang, Android-x86,
Hi Chih-Wei Huang,

this leads me to a question ( a bit off topic ...)

Do you have some OEM that supports you so they can have a supported
x86 android port on their hardware ?

Michel Memeteau
Directeur, Ekimia SAS
+33 (0)9 72 30 83 34 | | Notre WebBoutique : | 49 chemin union 13720 La bouilladisse

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 2:09:45 PM12/13/15
to Michel Memeteau - EKIMIA, Android-x86,
2015-12-14 2:35 GMT+08:00 Michel Memeteau - EKIMIA <>:
> Hi Chih-Wei Huang,
> this leads me to a question ( a bit off topic ...)
> Do you have some OEM that supports you so they can have a supported
> x86 android port on their hardware ?

I hope so but not yet.

> Michel Memeteau
> Directeur, Ekimia SAS
> +33 (0)9 72 30 83 34 | | Notre WebBoutique :
> | 49 chemin union 13720 La bouilladisse

I noticed you are from France.

Do you know Christopher Price even used
the recent Paris calamity as an excuse of
the delay of Console OS.

Could you endure that?


Dec 13, 2015, 3:04:11 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
ya but...

I think the backers who have heard
         "additional code (still being staged)"

since the Kickstarter closed in Aug. 2014 have totally lost faith in that excuse....
but it's good to keep peddling it I guess...

competent sw engineers would prefer to actually see the code, not fluffy reply's for the last 18 -24 months

Douglas Santillan A.

Dec 13, 2015, 5:17:06 PM12/13/15

It seems to me that at this point the project would highly benefit having a PR / communications / image coordinator who conveys things for its developers in a coherent manner.

Perhaps opening some kind of internship competiton with an action plan, or something like it.

It is highly unlikely that the community will expontaneusly come up with an structured plan to address these things. Let someone with the required skill set help advance the work outside of the community while developers continue what has been a great project.

George Turner

Dec 13, 2015, 6:07:04 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86,


Dec 13, 2015, 7:15:23 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86
easier than that....just close it down except to legit developers......

let someone else setup a support forum that the developers can visit to get input...

problems solved


Dec 13, 2015, 7:38:42 PM12/13/15

Come on over.. That would make it hard to steal!  Only need to do it till he implodes ...

Sent with AquaMail for Android


Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 9:16:38 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86,
2015-12-13 20:21 GMT+08:00 androidnougat via Android-x86
> In terms of Kickstarter, Console just has to show “good faith” effort. They
> probably couldn’t be sued the moment Intel dropped Android-IA support
> upstream.
> That’s bad faith on the part of Intel. Someone (really, really high up) at
> Intel kinda had to know Console OS was out there raising money, at the same
> time they were about to gut Android-IA. It made news. They at least *saw*
> Console OS existed. I think they let Console raise money, only to slam the
> door shut on them by pulling Android-IA for PCs shortly thereafter.
> Short of a real lawsuit - we may never get the answer. I suspect they’re
> making amends by supporting Console OS today now that Google has said
> Android is coming to the PC. Intel realized they screwed up in dropping
> support for PC on Android.
> [Just noticed they have a Intel Gen8 driver on GitHub - no way in hell
> that’s on GitHub without permission from Intel. I work in the biz, you don’t
> post something like that without written permission.]
> I ran a build for my T100. There are improvements, albeit small ones. The
> resolution is more correct. The DPI matches my screen. But all the
> Android-x86 bugs are there. It's like they have a second code drop in the
> wings.

Be careful to talk about the T100 status.
Everyone who follows the list closely would know
T100 is one of my main development device.
I clearly know the current status.

Tell me which commit in
that fixes "the resolution and DPI bugs".

I couldn't find any evidence that the code at has fixed anything for T100.

So just show me the fixes of the commit id, please!

> I don’t think it’s "coincidence" that Google says Android is coming to the
> PC, and all of a sudden Console OS reboots. I think Console had inside
> knowledge that was going to happen, and this is Intel’s path. Intel is
> helping them, no question.
> My prediction - - The GitHub posting of Android-x86 repos will be followed
> by a massive code dump of Intel-coordinated code. Like a mountain. All at
> once. And it will differentiate them.
> Intel has chosen Console OS to be their Android-x86 and Android-IA in the
> community, that’s my take. It’s their Cyanogen. And oddly, I am not sure how
> I feel about that. If Intel is pumping cash in, it could be a good thing
> overall, past aside.

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 13, 2015, 10:03:10 PM12/13/15
to Christopher Price, Android-x86,
2015-12-14 10:50 GMT+08:00 Christopher Price <>:
> Part of our per-device targets includes DPI calculations in the build prop.
> See the device trees.

Of course I have read.
The only thing related to DPI is

# Typical T100 (not Chi) display is 10.1-inch 1280x800 = 156 DPI -
Round to 160 to match AOSP standard
ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.sf.lcd_density=160

which is exactly the same setting as
we have done in android-x86 codebase.

You didn't fix anything.

> We also made some changes to the grub config since BYT-T does auto configure
> the resolution. This resolved some of the boot menu looking distorted.

The current i915 driver of kernel 4.0.x we use
doesn't need any config to set the resolution of T100.
Every T100 owner who has tested the android-x86
4.4-r2, 4.4-r3 or 5.1-rc1 releases can confirm
the resolution is correctly set to 1280x800.

Nothing you can fix.

Just another lie.

> Our Windows installer will bypass some of it, but it was an easy fix.

Will provide a T100 build from
to let everyone check whether it has any improvement.


Dec 13, 2015, 11:42:43 PM12/13/15
to Android-x86,
new additions now the rest of the world is into Monday from where I am....

On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 4:30:57 PM UTC-5, fgdn17 wrote:
getting some traction already..........

Console OS stole Android-x86 - Google Groups
15 hours ago - Console OS stole Android-x86, Chih-Wei Huang, 12/11/15 8:01 PM. Hi all, [CC this to ... Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign on the android-x86 list to ...called DR1 to his backers only. However ....

On Friday, December 11, 2015 at 11:01:29 PM UTC-5, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
Hi all,
[CC this to Android-IA list since the guy continues
lying on Android-IA list]

Honestly speaking, I really have no time to check what
Christopher Price and his crappy Console OS did recently.
But I'm getting more and more private requests to ask me
to stop him from stealing the Android-x86 effort.
So as the project leader of the Android-x86 project,
I think I need to do something.

As a background for new comers who haven't heard
the story of Console OS, here is a brief:

Christopher Price started a project called Console OS
at Kickstart in the middle 2014. He promised
"We've rebuilt Android™ to be a primary operating system
for your PC, 2-in-1 or PC Tablet. Over 100 new features
built-in already..."

Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign
on the android-x86 list to seek for support.
He claimed Console OS will be shipped at the end of 2014.
Finally he succeeded to collect $78,497 for the project.

However, without any real demo and detailed explanation
how he could achieve his goal, the android-x86 community
quickly exposed this is just a scam and banned this guy forever.

In Dec 2014 Christopher released a first test build of Kitkat
called DR1 to his backers only. However, according to
the comments of some backers, this is just a copy of
android-ia image without any promised features.
Most devices he promised to support cannot install
or even boot the DR1.

While most of his backers are waiting for an update of Kitkat DR2,
Christopher claimed he was moving the development
of Console OS to Android 5.x (Lollipop) since most backers
voted to do so. However,
he is unable to deliver any Lollipop build one year later.
He made many excuses like the most devices have
32-bit UEFI (which is never an issue of android-x86),
Intel didn't support Core processors
(which are supported by android-x86) anymore, and
the Lollipop Logjam (I really have no idea what it is).

Two months ago after the android-x86 5.1-rc1 released,
Christopher claimed he will "open source" the code of
Console OS soon to speed up the development.
Several days ago I was informed the
"Console OS source code" finally appears in github:

Guess what it is?
It's just a copy and forked of Android-x86 5.1-rc1
by renaming Android-x86 to ConsoleOS:

Android-x86 -> ConsoleOS

Update generic makefiles for ConsoleOS needs

The code can't lie.
Except the two commits listed above you
couldn't find any commit made by the Console OS.
There is no any feature developed by them.

According the announcement in the Console OS Facebook
(my comments for each item below)

"What is on GitHub, right now?

* The Android-x86 Core, with some of our improvements

 ==> at least he is honest that he uses android-x86 code,
        but what's the improvements??

* Device-specific build targets for BayTrail-T

 ==> well, just renaming

* A new home screen, Trebuchet (from CyanogenMod)

 ==> how could you called it an improvement by just
       adding a launcher from another open source project?
       besides, where is the source?

* Intel drivers (though many are not active yet)

 ==> actually all of them are not active

Strictly speaking, this guy is legally to fork android-x86
and sell it because this project is open source licensed
(via Apache License, GNU GPL or BSD-like licenses
depends on the components you use).
At first I hope I can just ignored what this guy did
and continue our development,
But after reading more evidences including the
comments of his backers and others,
I think I could endure it no longer.

Christopher Price continues cheating his backers
and all others that "his team" is developing an OS which
is much better than other competitors (including android-x86):

However, one year and a half later,
the guy just copied and renamed android-x86
and then claimed this is his amazing OS!

All the developers of android-x86 including me
have spent many sleepless nights to code,
test and debug android-x86 to make it better,
but this guy just copied it to deceive his backers.
The dishonest actions do hurt the android-x86
community very much.

I have to clarify I'm not against the business.
Using android-x86 to do some business is totally fine.

If at the time his Kickstart campaign began,
he honestly described he will use and ship
a unmodified (just renamed) android-x86 product,
and the backers still support it. I'm fine with it.

If he does make some improvements based
on the android-x86 code, I'm glad to see so.

However, cheating the world that he is developing
something amazing on Kickstart in 2014
but finally just copied an open source project that
he degraded at first (see the competitive chart on his site)
is very immoral.

When Kickstart campaign began in 2014, he promised
you "A" (a much better stuff) and accept your money,
but now he just deliver you "B" (a totally different stuff).
If you are a backer, can you accept?
If this is not a scam, what is a scam?

IMO, Christopher Price and his Console OS is
*a cancer* that lives by the nutrient of android-x86.
If we can't cut it immediately, he will continue
absorbing the effort of android-x86 and finally
choke this project.

So if you still cherish the small achievements
we have done so far, please help me to
stop this guy from hurting the community.
I beg for your assistance including

* If you know some media reporters,
  tell them the truth about Console OS.
  Ask your friends to publish some news
  about the failed story of Console OS.
  Forward letter to anyone who heard the
  Console OS and tell them the truth.
* If you are a backer, tell Kickstart and other backers
  the facts. Question Kickstart why they allow
  such a scam existing on its platform.
  Consider to take legal action to stop the scam.
* I believe some developers from the community
  are helping Christopher Price to make the fraud.
  I ask you stop doing so since you're playing with fire.

Let us know if you have any other idea to stop this guy.

Please keep the discussion rational in this thread.
Avoid words that may result in flaming war.
Also avoid simply reply like "I agree" or "I support you".
Please express your support by doing the above items
or any useful thing you think.

Finally, if you still believe Christopher Price and his vaporware,
just go away since you are not welcome.

Bernard Dime

Dec 13, 2015, 11:55:45 PM12/13/15
Here's an update comparison chart: I kept the ones blank that I was unsure about.

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Dec 14, 2015, 12:21:08 AM12/14/15
to Android-x86,
ya had to update mine again the other day.......just click on it to increase size here:

Josaphat Soekahar

Dec 14, 2015, 1:26:34 AM12/14/15
Are you implying that kickstarter are only for thieves or something?

I don't understand. Elaborate.

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Mke <> wrote:
I'm gonna throw in my two cents.

The answer is NO. Because he's not A Thieving POS...

See how simple that was?


Sent with AquaMail for Android

On December 12, 2015 8:39:21 PM Josaphat Soekahar <> wrote:

I'm sorry to hear this. But this was expected to happen in open source softwares.

And a case that's more similar to yours :

But they won't last long, since they lack any knowledge or skill to do this project by themselves. That's why they stole it in the first place right? And they're doing it purely for money, no goals or whatsoever. They simply won't survive. And you should do much aggressive marketing with Android x86 so everyone know it's your child.

Nevertheless, please don't turn this project into closed source just because of that scum. And since we're talking about kickstarter, haven't it got crossed your mind to do one yourself?


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Josaphat Soekahar
CGPixol Consultant Manager
Josoka Founder

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 14, 2015, 1:59:37 AM12/14/15
to android-x86

Yeah. If kickstarter are for thief, explain Pebble Watch.

Josaphat Soekahar

Dec 14, 2015, 2:12:16 AM12/14/15

Um actually I own a pebble, and I'm very satisfied with the watch.

I'm not a backer, bought the watch couple of months after release so I can read reviews and waited for patches and such.

But they do deliver all the stretch goal features.

Possibly my best gadget I've ever bought. So yeah. I still don't get it.

I mean there're bunch of crap projects (go watch idubbbz kickstarter crap channel for this) but there are tons of other legit projects that do delivered what they promised.

Your turn to explain now, how's kickstarter are for thieves.


Dec 14, 2015, 5:07:08 AM12/14/15
to Android-x86,,
ConsoleOS github Lollipop Test Builds

OK testing are the first builds from ConsoleOS github sources for the

What we need are testers who have run the android-x86 builds(most by Povilas) for this product 
and compare against this build, then give a report / information back on the good / bad / and the ugly...

Just kidding...need to know what is different, better, or not as difference?? say so...

Issues, please supply a logcat / dmesg file for analysis by developers.....

Please don't try and use it and report if you don't have a t100ta device.....


located here:


Dec 14, 2015, 8:03:17 AM12/14/15
to Android-x86,,
Something wrong... boot stuck with flashing "_" simbol, in debug "<11>[  688.193066] init: untracked pid 17493 killed by signal 9"... log.txt is cllean, dmesg:

понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 г., 15:07:08 UTC+5 пользователь rbg написал:


Dec 17, 2015, 1:49:07 AM12/17/15
to Android-x86,

On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 4:30:57 PM UTC-5, fgdn17 wrote:
getting some traction already..........

Console OS stole Android-x86 - Google Groups
15 hours ago - Console OS stole Android-x86, Chih-Wei Huang, 12/11/15 8:01 PM. Hi all, [CC this to ... Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign on the android-x86 list to ...called DR1 to his backers only. However ....

Povilas Staniulis

Dec 17, 2015, 6:59:16 AM12/17/15
I've tested some builds created by rbg from code at
They are the same thing as Android -x86 RC1, except for changed boot entry to "Console OS" and customized build strings.

For now, all they (Console) are doing is copying the community effort.
Even the recent patches, eg. the Surface Book patch.

See comments here:
"@Zishan - Not yet, but we have some patches in-hand from the community that should enable the keyboard and dock on Surface Book. So, we will probably mainline a per-device build"

JJ Meijer

Dec 17, 2015, 8:40:30 AM12/17/15
to Android-x86
Hahaha, that's just silly. 70.000$ for a very simple port with no self build drivers, just pulling stuff together. I'm doing that right now for free.


Dec 17, 2015, 9:17:44 AM12/17/15
to Android-x86
Ya but you have a software background...big difference. On the other hand there are
always those who don't and need something, they are always "just pulling stuff together"

The real insider / driver may be others.....

JJ Meijer

Dec 17, 2015, 10:09:01 AM12/17/15
to Android-x86
Actually I ment I'm sharing it for free. Like many other good people from the android-x86 project, Intel and over at xda developers. But somehow this guy thinks he should get paid for his clone.

Indeed this console-os really damage the community as people will feel ripped off.


Dec 18, 2015, 2:28:06 AM12/18/15
to Android-x86
Well now Console OS in on hold again, because they are "...focused on responding to some of the vitriolic, baseless claims that have been raised recently... which we will make a response to early next week." Of course, instead of just pushing forward, delivering features, and showing that actions speak louder than words though the delivery of legitimate code, the whole project has to stop. Obviously, what's more important is another update to promise backers how much innovation is sure to follow and to once again say how Intel dropped support for Android on core.


Dec 18, 2015, 2:49:43 AM12/18/15
to Android-x86
I'm gonna post about this on Facebook and spread this. May Console OS die soon. Respect to the Android x86 developers and the community. Hats off to the whole Android x86 team. Keep up the good work

Bernard Dime

Dec 20, 2015, 3:18:40 PM12/20/15
to Android-x86,
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video interview of Christopher Price . This was conducted in March, so well after Android-IA issued a statement saying they would drop support of Android. So why was this a response?:

"We're going to ship them the first alpha and nightly builds of Lollipop by, uhhhh, the end of this month. And iConsole Micro will ship this summer with Lollipop out of the box."

iConsole Micro still remains vaporware, and 9 months later, no builds have been shipped.

Bernard Dime

Dec 20, 2015, 6:20:57 PM12/20/15
We did ship our first alpha builds of Lollipop earlier this year.

Did you mean alpha build, as in singular? The one that was broken by all accounts of your Kickstarter backers? Because no, there weren't multiple builds, and you quickly pulled down the only one you uploaded.

From February 4, on Kickstarter: 

Hi everyone, good news. We published our Lollipop preview last night.
Bad news, we found a bug and took it down. But, we should have the bug fixed later today. It was a small fastboot glitch.
As to other topics, we want to assure you we are working on UEFI32 as fast as we can. If we can get it working before Mobile World Congress, we will ship it out. What we said was that the newer/easier installer may ship after that...

This comment was a month before MWC, and the continual responses to backers addressing Lollipop issues, including reasons why you couldn't release any builds, continued well into March. You can go read them yourself if you want; you wrote them. So when you sat down for that interview and said you'd be shipping Console OS and iConsole Micro products that month, you knew very well that was anything but accurate.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Christopher Price <> wrote:
We did ship our first alpha builds of Lollipop earlier this year. They were based on Android-IA, despite Android-IA 5.0 dropping support for PC hardware.

Feedback was negative, and we took in that feedback as part of assessing if we could continue to base on the Android-IA kernel, in spite of Intel pulling support for PC hardware. 

We continued to try through to July. You will notice if you read the history that we attempted to mainline (and restore) support for EFI Mixed Mode, after that too was dropped by Intel. 

We are just about to post a timeline in our next update to Kickstarter backers that demonstrates this with clarity. Everything shared here (and more) will be in that update. 

But this list's relevance to those topics pretty much ends there. By August the Android-IA kernel could not sustain target device hardware. Even Intel China was not supporting the kernel for Compute Stick (which they had for KitKat) which is why we have not moved forward with iConsole micro yet. 

We are continuing to develop iConsole micro, and have not sought funding for it from the community. 

Christopher Price

Android-IA mailing list

Chih-Wei Huang

Dec 25, 2015, 1:31:41 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,
Merry Chrismas!

It's two weeks after we exposed the "Console OS" scam.
Though I've got many positive feedback and encouragement,
I still feel disappointed that the scam has not stopped.
Christopher Price continues making more execuses to
cheat his backers that he still works hard for the "Console OS".

There are some misunderstandings that I have to clarify.
I am NOT AGAINST the forking of Android-x86.
Forking an open source project is definitely allowed.
Actually if you follow android-x86 closely,
you probably have known there are already
some projects forked from Android-x86.
Someone even sells Android-x86.
It's absolutely OK. I never say no to these.

"Console OS" is NOT a forking of Android-x86.
"Console OS" does not exist.
No any evidence can show it has ever been developed.
It is just a scam which makes use of Android-x86
(and Android-IA as well).

Someone tried to defend for "Console OS" as
"the developers may have under-estimated the work to be accomplished,
and development did not go according to plans, ..."
"it's likely more incompetence than an outright scam",

Well, if you compare the resources and achievements
of Android-x86 and "Console OS" in the past two years,
you know the answer clearly.

Resources of Android-x86:
* Man power: <= 3 volunteers work part-time wihout paid
* Fund: none (PayPal even blocks the donation of Android-x86)
* Vendors support: none

Resources of "Console OS":
* Man power: A big team including Paris's and womem
==> Christopher Price emphasized that
* Fund: $78,497 from Kickstart + unknown from investors
* Vendors support: Intel + a lot of unknown

Achievements of Android-x86 since 2014:
* 3 stable release of kitkat-x86
* 1 release candidate of lollipop-x86
* 1 test release of marshmallow-x86
* Kernel 3.18 / 4.0 / 4.x
* Mesa porting 10.x / 11.x
* Ffmpeg integration
* Bluez integration
... (too many to be listed)
Please read the presentation page 18 for details of the porting status:

Achievements of "Console OS" so far:
* Kitkat DR1 -- a copy of Android-IA wihotut promised feature
* Lollipop source - a copy and renamed Android-x86
* No demo
* No video
* No any one line of code can be seen

Assuming "Console OS" is not a scam, a team is working for him.
The team is definitely not qualified since
they cannot meet any goal they set.
They have no performance.
Christopher Price, as the CEO of Console Inc.,
is unqualified to lead the team. His KPI is zero.
The board of directors of Console Inc. (if exists)
should fire him immediately.

Since the "code of Console OS" is just a copy
of Android-x86 lollipop-x86 branch.
To disillusion the scam quicker,
I decide to STOP development of lollipop-x86 entirely.
We will focus on the marshmallow-x86 branch
to make it stable as soon as possible.

As a result, I've rebased marshmallow-x86
to Android 6.0.1_r3 (marshmallow-mr1)
and pushed it to the git server as
a Chrismas gift.

Let's bet on what Christopher Price can do next.
Well, he will decide to move "Console OS"
to Marshmallow as well since "his backers"
asked him to do so.
Then he will "open source" his code to github
in the next 180 or 360 days.
What else?

If you are a backer who still believes that
Christopher Price will deliever something
you expected in the next 360 days,
good luck to you.
Or, please contact me privately to discuss
what the next actions we can do.

DDS Central

Dec 25, 2015, 3:35:34 PM12/25/15

Way to go Chih-wei. Let's see what cprice can do without community support.

Still waiiting for T100 support though...


Dec 25, 2015, 6:13:32 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86
Getting beat up pretty good, see here for some good laughs

Bernard Dime

Dec 25, 2015, 6:19:47 PM12/25/15
I just read Console OS' latest update on Kickstarter. For trying to dispel myths, misinformation, and for noting how transparent and honest you are, I felt it was very disrespectful how you portrayed Chih-Wei.

Instead of providing context, full conversation threads, or a backstory of your involvement and actions within the Android-x86 community, Christopher, you cherry-picked a single email reply from Chih-Wei and then built an entire argument around it.

Pretty low. Bottom of the barrel move.


Dec 25, 2015, 6:50:51 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,


Dec 25, 2015, 7:13:51 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,
just starting to read this and already noticed 1 thing I propose to backers.....

Hey backers ask CPrice these questions PLEASE....
Reading his Dec. 25 Update from:

1) look at the date of the email(pdf) with Chih-Wei, November 4 , 2015 and
realize this...., look at the git for Console OS and notice that they started seeding
android-x86 into their tree in October 22, 2015 time frame.....he must think Chih-Wei
is really stupid to not know through logs and such what he had already done....and it
just shows what a "sleze" he is as he talks out of both sides of his mouth.....he's
already started folking your code and "suggest" that you and he cooperate on a project...!!!

Then he says:
"This is an underhanded effort with the undercurrent of a threat. What happens if we didn’t pay him? We respectfully declined, and decided to move ahead."

So Chris....who was actually being "underhanded" here......YOU WERE, you already had started
forking the code and then tried to buy their silence it seems......various
logs prove this....

I'm going to continue reading that Update to see what other mis-truth's / sleazebag stuff is there that can be refuted
through statements, or other documentation.....

Jianlong Liu

Dec 25, 2015, 7:54:30 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,
Hope you don't mind, I copy pasta'd your reply on reddit.


Dec 25, 2015, 8:01:29 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86
I just saw this went viral on reddit, anyway I don't expect chris to apology, let alone return the money to his backers but I would like intel to drop all support of this scam.


Dec 25, 2015, 8:32:13 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,
ok after some more reading....

OK more from his Update for backers...and this is just IMO...

more deception for your backers.....

"For the past year, we have tried to jump start Android-IA for Lollipop, on PC hardware. We’ve open sourced dozens of kernel patches and tried time and time again to make Android-IA 5.0 work with PC hardware."

Anyone who's spent time doing software work at both the highest and lowest levels
knows there is a big difference between "proposing a patch to solve an issue" as opposed
to "reverting a patch that caused an issue", every one of those patches you supposedly
"open sourced" were already part of the android-ia kernel and removed by a patch going
forward because Intel was going in a different direction, but you claimed you "opened sourced
dozen of kernel patches" when in reality all you were doing was reverting dozens of
patches that Intel deemed not necessary for them to progress in whatever direction they
were headed. Furthermore as a developer of open source code I am free to take patches
and revert them for my own use to keep my project progressing, after all my open source code is independent of something
done by Intel to progress in their direction while I'm going in a different direction. Putting that in general backer / user terms,
you didn't have the knowledge to proceed without Intel doing all your work for you, when they refused to you were stuck
and figured you use android-x86 code so you had someone doing the work for you.

Marcell Lévai

Dec 25, 2015, 10:16:18 PM12/25/15
to Android-x86,
On Friday, December 25, 2015 at 7:31:41 PM UTC+1, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> Merry Chrismas!

Merry Christmas to you, too!

> If you are a backer (...)

I am (or rather: was) a backer of the project. I feel ashamed because the reason this got so huge is partly because of the people like me. Of course, the "bad guy" is not me, but I just feel like it couldn't have come to this, if not for the people like me. I didn't check the facts included thoroughly, and a video that showed a laptop working with android, support from Intel, etc, convinced me, that this was legit. Too bad. But let's move on, when later I read that this was a scam, and put the whole image together, I didn't really feel like I could do something, mostly because of Kickstarter's policies.

But. This time it seems like he just won't stop. He could have just gotten away with his money, and shut his lying mouth. But today I received the following update to my email inbox:

Which made me come to the android-x86 site immediately, and thus I found this conversation. I read almost everything here. I understand that his behavior is toxic and it is now affecting the android-x86 community and the project itself. Which is just unbearable.

I want to help tackle this issue and make this right (as much as possible).

Huang you wrote:
> Or, please contact me privately to discuss
> what the next actions we can do.

So please let me know how to do that, as I'm new to this group and I can't seem to find your email address or anything to contact you directly. I don't have money for lawyers, so going to court is not a possibility for me, but I'm willing to communicate with kickstarter as much as needed.

If I can be of help any further, please let me know.

Yi Sun

Dec 25, 2015, 10:36:53 PM12/25/15
I maybe naive , but do we still have rights to change our licens to prevent the Con whatever fuckers to use our code?

Antony Stone

Dec 26, 2015, 4:45:39 AM12/26/15
On Saturday 26 December 2015 at 04:36:32, Yi Sun wrote:

> I maybe naive , but do we still have rights to change our licens to prevent
> [other people] to use our code?

Yes, this is impossible.

Anyone who has contributed code specifically to the Android-x86 project would
have to be asked whether they are happy to agree to it being released under a
different licence.

With a small number of people, this may be feasible.

However, it would also be necessary to do the same for all the code which the
Android-x86 project has not created for itself, and has taken (quite legally,
according to their licences) from other sources.

Any such code which was released under the GPL could not be re-licensed,
because the GPL explicitly forbids this. The only solution there would be to
write new code to replace what Android-x86 got from elsewhere under the GPL.

That would be such an enormous job that it's infeasible.

It would also mean that from that point onwards, Android-x86 would be a
project in its own right, and could not "upgrade" to the next version of
Android when Google release updated source code (because the x86 version would
no longer be based on the code released by Google).

So, a nice idea to stop con artists from taking code and passing it off as
their own, but unfortunately this is very clearly allowed by the GPL; the best
thing to do (in my opinion) is what Chih-Wei Huang has already started doing,
which is to publicise that ConsoleOS has done nothing original for the money
it's received from Kickstarter backers, and encourage those who've put money
into it to complain.

Legally I don't think even they have any right to get their money back, or
claim breach of contract, etc., because Kickstarter projects are basically
ideas put up saying "if we can raise this much money, we'll try and achieve X"
but there's no guarantee that X will be achieved, and you can't complain even
if you think nobody really put any effort in.

Unfortunately, under the GPL, it's not even possible to release Android-x86
with a restriction such as "you may not change the name of the project". You
can copyright the name and stop someone else using it, but you can't stop them
releasing the same code under a different name (see, for good examples, Fedora
and Red Hat; Firefox and Iceweasel; Open Office and Libre Office).



PS: I am not a lawyer :)

The lottery is a tax for people who can't do maths.

Please reply to the list;
please *don't* CC me.

Jianlong Liu

Dec 26, 2015, 12:14:09 PM12/26/15
to Android-x86,
This is good. Now he's (CP) claiming that git diff doesn't show the changes he has made (except the name change).

Josaphat Soekahar

Dec 26, 2015, 5:08:15 PM12/26/15
Lol... I see the problem now.

Anyway why the Android-x86 donation got blocked by paypal?

Use Patreon instead. Mostly it was used by artists and alike, but I don't see why not.

You can get monthly funding from there too.


Dec 26, 2015, 7:37:01 PM12/26/15
to Android-x86
Afaik patreon takes insane amounts of fees for whats essentially a donate button.

Rinaldo Jonathan

Dec 28, 2015, 7:41:28 AM12/28/15
to android-x86
 I can't seem to find your email address or anything to contact you directly.

thank me later. 

Will C.

Jan 4, 2016, 9:58:23 PM1/4/16
to Android-x86,
On Friday, December 11, 2015 at 8:01:29 PM UTC-8, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> Hi all,
> [CC this to Android-IA list since the guy continues
> lying on Android-IA list]
> ...
> --
> Chih-Wei
> Android-x86 project

Seems like there are some people who who want help out legally:

//disclaimer: I do not own this form nor did I make it.

Alex Lin

Jan 7, 2016, 8:31:28 PM1/7/16
to Android-x86,
I actually signed up for an Console OS account so I can try out their OS, but the damn OS sucked and it didnt install. And that now I read this, I think Chris Price should face some consequences for pretty much scamming people. Oh yeah, and some people on Reddit figured out his Console OS violated some license. Oh well, guess I will go troll the people on Console OS's forums.

Alex Lin

Jan 8, 2016, 10:32:13 PM1/8/16
to Android-x86,
Lol had some fun with a Chrome plug-in.

"Hi all, 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) this to johnbob list since the xXx_guy_xXx continues 
lying on Android-IA list] 

Honestly speaking, fedora really have no scrub to check what 
9/11 Le Reddit Armie and his crappy Console OS did recently. 
But m9 getting danker and more private jimmies to ask me 
to stop him from stealing the Android-x86 dankineer. 
So as the fedora leader of the Android-x86 project, 
I fluster I need to do something. 

As a background for xXx_new_xXx dankineers who haven't heard 
the story of Console parody, here is a brief: 

Rush Limbaugh Le Reddit Armie started a scrub called Console xXx_m80_xXx 
at Kickstart in the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 2014. He upboated 
"We've rebuilt Android™ to be a primary operating blunt 
for your ebola, 2-in-1 or PC blunt. Over 100 dank features 
built-in already..." 


Snipars also rekm8ed his Kickstart campaign 
on the android-x86 list to seek for 9gagger. 
He claimed Console m9 will be shipped at the parody of 2014. 
Finally he succeeded to collect $78,497 for the project. 

However, without any dank m8 and detailed explanation 
how he could achieve his goal, the xXx_android-x_xXx86 community 
quickly exposed this is just a scam and banned this guy forever. 

In Dec 2014 Christopher released a xXx_first_xXx test build of Kitkat 
called DR1 to his backers only. However, according to 
the m80s of some scrubs, this is just a copy of 
android-ia image without any promised doritos. 
Most 9gaggers he promised to m80 cannot install 
or even boot the DR1. 

While most of his backers are waiting for an update of johnbob DR2, 
Christopher claimed he was moving the ebola 
of Console mountain dew to ebola 5.x xXx_(Lollipop)_xXx since most backers 
robbled to do so. However, 
he upboats dank to deliver any xXx_Lollipop_xXx build 9gag year later. 
He made bestselling ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like the most ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fluster 
32m9 UEFI (which upboats never an xXx_issue_xXx of 9gagger86), 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) didn't support Core xXx_processors_xXx 
johnbob are supported by android-x86) anymore, and 
the Lollipop 9/11 (I really have no idea what it is). 

Two ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ago after the xXx_android-x_xXx86 5.1-rc1 released, 
Megatokyo rekt he will Gurl pineapple the ebola of 
Console dankineer soon to speed up the development. 
euphoric days ago I was informed the 
9/11 mountain dew source xXx_code"_xXx finally appears in fedora 


Vagabonds what it is? 
trilbies just a copy and forked of Android-x86 5.1trilby1 
by renaming 9gag86 to ConsoleOS: 

pineapple86 m8 ConsoleOS ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)d10b21a08c8ae9gagger516aa57713706d2 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) MLG xXx_makefiles_xXx for ConsoleOS needs 

The code can't lie. 
Except the two commits listed above you 
couldn't find any scrub made by the scrub OS. 
There is no any feature developed by them. 

According the announcement in the 9gag ebola pineapple 
scrub comments for each item fedora 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is on GitHub, right now? 

* The Android-x86 Core, with some of our improvements 

blunt at dankinest he is honest that he xXx_uses_xXx android-x86 blunt, 
johnbob dankineer     but what's the improvements?? 

* m9 build targets for parody 

johnbob well, just renaming 

* A dank home 9gagger, Trebuchet (from blunt 

 ==> how could you called it an Gurl by just 
Gurl      adding a mountain dew from another open blunt xXx_project_xXx? 
9/11     trilby, where is the ebola? 

* Intel drivers (though many are not active ebola 

 ==> actually all of them robble not active 

Strictly speaking, thrustles guy is legally to fork android-x86 
and sell it because this xXx_johnbob_xXx is MLG source licensed 
blunt xXx_Apache_xXx License, weed blunt or m8 m89s 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on the components you 9gag. 
At ebola scrub johnbob 9gag can just ignored what this guy rekt 
and continue our 9gag, 
But after reading ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) xXx_evidences_xXx including the 
comments of his backers and others, 
9gag ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I could endure it no longer. 

Christopher Price continues cheating his dankineers 
and all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that "his scrub is developing an dankineer which 
flusters much better than other competitors (including android-x869gag 


However, ebola xXx_fedora_xXx and a half later, 
the subreddit just copied and renamed android-x86 
and then flustered threkts is his amazing OS! 

All the pineapples of subreddit86 including me 
have rustled ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) xXx_sleepless_xXx nights to code, 
9/11 and debug android-x86 to make it better, 
but this guy just copied it to deceive his backers. 
The dishonest 9gaggers do hurt the android-x86 
community very bestselling. 

blunt transl8 to clarify I'm not against the business. 
Using fedora86 to do some m8 upboats totally fine. 

If at the 9gagger his Kickstart campaign began, 
he honestly described he will use and ship 
a unmodified pineapple ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) android-x86 product, 
and the johbobs still 9gag it. pineapple fine with it. 

If he does make some improvements based 
on the scrub86 code, xXx_I'm_xXx bestselling to see so. 

However, cheating the blunt that he is developing 
something amazing on Kickstart in 2014 
but finally just copied an MLG source dankineer that 
he degraded at m8 (see the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) m9 on his m8 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very immoral. 

When Kickstart campaign rekt in 2014, he flustered 
you "A" m8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) danker stuff) and accept your weed, 
but now he just deliver you mountain dew xXx_(a_xXx totally bestselling ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 
If you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) a backer, can you accept? 
If thupboats is not a xXx_ebola_xXx, what is a scam? 

IMO, Christopher Good Sir and his Console ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is 
*a trilby that pineapples by the bestselling of subreddit86. 
If we can't cut it immediately, he will continue 
absorbing the effort of mountain dew86 and finally 
choke this project. 

So if you still cherish the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) memes 
we robble done so far, please help me to 
stop this m8 from hurting the weed. 
xXx_I_xXx beg for your 9gag including 

* If you know some media reporters, 
  tell them the truth about Console 9gag. 
  Ask your pineapples to publish some xXx_news_xXx 
mountain dew about the failed story of Console OS. 
  Forward letter to anyone who heard the 
xXx_ _xXx Console OS and tell them the truth. 
* If you rekm8 a subreddit, tell m9 and other scrubs 
  the memes. subreddit m80 why they allow 
xXx_ _xXx euphoric a scam existing on its m8. 
  Consider to take xXx_legal_xXx m9 to stop the mountain dew. 
* I feel some m80s from the community 
ebola upvote helping Vagabonds Reddit to make the fraud. 
  trilby ask you stop doing so since mountain dew playing with fire. 

Let us know if you have any other idea to stop this 9gag. 

Please keep the 9gag rational in this scrub. 
Avoid words that mayy lmao result in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) m9. 
Also avoid simply reply like "I agree" or "I support you". 
Please express your trilby by doing the above items 
or any dank thing you think. 

Finally, if you still believe xXx_Christopher_xXx Snipars and his vaporware, 
just go awayy lmao since you transl8 not welcome. 

Android-x86 project dew "

Antony Stone

Jan 9, 2016, 4:15:22 AM1/9/16
On Thursday 07 January 2016 at 04:30:53, Alex Lin wrote:

> Lol had some fun with a Chrome plug-in.

Thanks for your lengthy posting about ConsoleOS.

I'm sure you have many good points to make, however the obscurity of your
language makes it very hard to understand. I am a native English speaker; I
don't know whether it's easier for anyone else to decipher?

Please can I suggest that, in order to get your hopefully valuable message out
to as many people as possible, you:

1. try to write something a bit shorter (it's hard for me to tell whether the
length is essential to get the points across, mainly because of (2))

2. write it in English.



Most people have more than the average number of legs.

Rinaldo Jonathan

Jan 10, 2016, 4:45:20 AM1/10/16
to android-x86

It is an edited version of cwhuang's first post about console os in this thread. Look at the word pattern.

Not sure why he edited like that btw.

Antony Stone

Jan 10, 2016, 4:57:50 AM1/10/16
On Sunday 10 January 2016 at 10:45:12, Rinaldo Jonathan wrote:

> It is an edited version of cwhuang's first post about console os in this
> thread. Look at the word pattern.
> Not sure why he edited like that btw.

Okay, I see what you mean.

All I can say is that I too have no idea why someone would want to do that.


> Pada tanggal 9 Jan 2016 16.15, "Antony Stone" menulis:
> > On Thursday 07 January 2016 at 04:30:53, Alex Lin wrote:
> > > Lol had some fun with a Chrome plug-in.
> >
> > Thanks for your lengthy posting about ConsoleOS.
> >
> > I'm sure you have many good points to make, however the obscurity of your
> > language makes it very hard to understand. I am a native English
> > speaker; I don't know whether it's easier for anyone else to decipher?
> >
> > Please can I suggest that, in order to get your hopefully valuable
> > message out to as many people as possible, you:
> >
> > 1. try to write something a bit shorter (it's hard for me to tell whether
> > the length is essential to get the points across, mainly because of (2))
> >
> > 2. write it in English.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> > Antony.

Having been asked for a reference for this man,
I can confirm that you will be very lucky indeed if you can get him to work for

Niels Garnier

Jan 10, 2016, 4:17:05 PM1/10/16
to Android-x86,
I read much about it, but don't comment until yet....

After I looked again on the Kickstarter of ConsoleOS, I found an Accusation from Mr. Price that you said you want him to pay you 50,000$ before you are willing to colaborate with him. As a "Proof" he posted this PDF Data of your Communication (as I think, a very bad fake, no Proof at all in my eyes).

Maybe you can tell some more about this.

Antony Stone

Jan 10, 2016, 4:41:40 PM1/10/16
On Sunday 10 January 2016 at 22:17:05, Niels Garnier wrote:

> After I looked again on the Kickstarter of ConsoleOS, I found an Accusation
> from Mr. Price that you said you want him to pay you 50,000$ before you are
> willing to colaborate with him.

> Maybe you can tell some more about this.

I suggest you review the archives of this list/forum for further details.

This has already been discussed (some may say in more detail than necessary).

Summary: Chi-Wei Huang suggested that Mr Price make a donation to Android-X86
if Mr Price wanted to benefit from a collaborative development effort, and at
the same time cast doubt upon Mr Price's truthfulness in offering the
enhancements to Android for the PC platform (either Android-X86 or Android-IA)
which he claimed.

Mr Price declined to accept this offer, and has also shown absolutely zero
results from his team's engineering effort to achieve the goals stated in his
Kickstarter proposal (for which he has benefited in the amount of US$78,000).

I hope that helps.



You can tell that the day just isn't going right when you find yourself using
the telephone before the toilet.

Niels Garnier

Jan 11, 2016, 11:36:23 AM1/11/16
to Android-x86,
I already read something about that Mr. Price asked Mr. Huang for help, but after I tried to search on it, I've nothing about a Comment here on the Post from Mr. Price on the Kickstarter Page about the "accusation" that he asked him to pay 50,000$ for help.

So that's why I reasked here on it

Niels Garnier

Jan 11, 2016, 11:44:34 AM1/11/16
to Android-x86,
Sorry for double posting, I can't find a possibility to edit my own post....

well anyway, if he asked to donate, it's absolutly okay I guess, anyway if he asked me for example, I wouldn't work for him for no Money after I'm thinking he became 78,000$ on Kickstarter for doing nothing.

But well anyhow, Mr. Price said himself "An Unreasonable Demand". After he "only" became 78,000$ is to asking for 50,000$ maybe some kind of unreasonable. Or maybe Mr. Huang wanted to say something like "I wouldn't never help someone, who is just Stole on other Project and Lying to his backers all time long". Then it's an good answer I guess. I only know what I readed on this message, not what Mr. Huang was maybe writing (if it's isn't a Fake and the "Screenshot" from the Mail is true)

Antony Stone

Jan 11, 2016, 12:50:43 PM1/11/16
On Monday 11 January 2016 at 17:36:22, Niels Garnier wrote:

> I already read something about that Mr. Price asked Mr. Huang for help, but
> after I tried to search on it, I've nothing about a Comment here on the
> Post from Mr. Price on the Kickstarter Page about the "accusation" that he
> asked him to pay 50,000$ for help.



BASIC is to computer languages what Roman numerals are to arithmetic.

Antony Stone

Jan 11, 2016, 12:57:24 PM1/11/16
On Monday 11 January 2016 at 18:50:19, Antony Stone wrote:

> On Monday 11 January 2016 at 17:36:22, Niels Garnier wrote:
> > I already read something about that Mr. Price asked Mr. Huang for help,
> > but after I tried to search on it, I've nothing about a Comment here on
> > the Post from Mr. Price on the Kickstarter Page about the "accusation"
> > that he asked him to pay 50,000$ for help.
> Try!topic/android-x86/qkWG2TwVBqs


> Antony.

It is also possible that putting the birds in a laboratory setting
inadvertently renders them relatively incompetent.

- Daniel C Dennett

Niels Garnier

Jan 11, 2016, 3:37:18 PM1/11/16
to Android-x86,
Well Thank you for that, I was actually looking for that, but didn't find it, now I have my respond


Jan 31, 2016, 5:30:50 AM1/31/16
to Android-x86,

在 2015年12月12日星期六 UTC+9下午1:01:29,Chih-Wei Huang写道:
Hi all,
[CC this to Android-IA list since the guy continues
lying on Android-IA list]

Honestly speaking, I really have no time to check what
Christopher Price and his crappy Console OS did recently.
But I'm getting more and more private requests to ask me
to stop him from stealing the Android-x86 effort.
So as the project leader of the Android-x86 project,
I think I need to do something.

As a background for new comers who haven't heard
the story of Console OS, here is a brief:

Christopher Price started a project called Console OS
at Kickstart in the middle 2014. He promised
"We've rebuilt Android™ to be a primary operating system
for your PC, 2-in-1 or PC Tablet. Over 100 new features
built-in already..."

Christopher also announced his Kickstart campaign
on the android-x86 list to seek for support.
He claimed Console OS will be shipped at the end of 2014.
Finally he succeeded to collect $78,497 for the project.

However, without any real demo and detailed explanation
how he could achieve his goal, the android-x86 community
quickly exposed this is just a scam and banned this guy forever.

In Dec 2014 Christopher released a first test build of Kitkat
called DR1 to his backers only. However, according to
the comments of some backers, this is just a copy of
android-ia image without any promised features.
Most devices he promised to support cannot install
or even boot the DR1.

While most of his backers are waiting for an update of Kitkat DR2,
Christopher claimed he was moving the development
of Console OS to Android 5.x (Lollipop) since most backers
voted to do so. However,
he is unable to deliver any Lollipop build one year later.
He made many excuses like the most devices have
32-bit UEFI (which is never an issue of android-x86),
Intel didn't support Core processors
(which are supported by android-x86) anymore, and
the Lollipop Logjam (I really have no idea what it is).

Two months ago after the android-x86 5.1-rc1 released,
Christopher claimed he will "open source" the code of
Console OS soon to speed up the development.
Several days ago I was informed the
"Console OS source code" finally appears in github:

Guess what it is?
It's just a copy and forked of Android-x86 5.1-rc1
by renaming Android-x86 to ConsoleOS:

Android-x86 -> ConsoleOS

Update generic makefiles for ConsoleOS needs

The code can't lie.
Except the two commits listed above you
couldn't find any commit made by the Console OS.
There is no any feature developed by them.

According the announcement in the Console OS Facebook
(my comments for each item below)

"What is on GitHub, right now?

* The Android-x86 Core, with some of our improvements

 ==> at least he is honest that he uses android-x86 code,
        but what's the improvements??

* Device-specific build targets for BayTrail-T

 ==> well, just renaming

* A new home screen, Trebuchet (from CyanogenMod)

 ==> how could you called it an improvement by just
       adding a launcher from another open source project?
       besides, where is the source?

* Intel drivers (though many are not active yet)

 ==> actually all of them are not active

Strictly speaking, this guy is legally to fork android-x86
and sell it because this project is open source licensed
(via Apache License, GNU GPL or BSD-like licenses
depends on the components you use).
At first I hope I can just ignored what this guy did
and continue our development,
But after reading more evidences including the
comments of his backers and others,
I think I could endure it no longer.

Christopher Price continues cheating his backers
and all others that "his team" is developing an OS which
is much better than other competitors (including android-x86):

However, one year and a half later,
the guy just copied and renamed android-x86
and then claimed this is his amazing OS!

All the developers of android-x86 including me
have spent many sleepless nights to code,
test and debug android-x86 to make it better,
but this guy just copied it to deceive his backers.
The dishonest actions do hurt the android-x86
community very much.

I have to clarify I'm not against the business.
Using android-x86 to do some business is totally fine.

If at the time his Kickstart campaign began,
he honestly described he will use and ship
a unmodified (just renamed) android-x86 product,
and the backers still support it. I'm fine with it.

If he does make some improvements based
on the android-x86 code, I'm glad to see so.

However, cheating the world that he is developing
something amazing on Kickstart in 2014
but finally just copied an open source project that
he degraded at first (see the competitive chart on his site)
is very immoral.

When Kickstart campaign began in 2014, he promised
you "A" (a much better stuff) and accept your money,
but now he just deliver you "B" (a totally different stuff).
If you are a backer, can you accept?
If this is not a scam, what is a scam?

IMO, Christopher Price and his Console OS is
*a cancer* that lives by the nutrient of android-x86.
If we can't cut it immediately, he will continue
absorbing the effort of android-x86 and finally
choke this project.

So if you still cherish the small achievements
we have done so far, please help me to
stop this guy from hurting the community.
I beg for your assistance including

* If you know some media reporters,
  tell them the truth about Console OS.
  Ask your friends to publish some news
  about the failed story of Console OS.
  Forward letter to anyone who heard the
  Console OS and tell them the truth.
* If you are a backer, tell Kickstart and other backers
  the facts. Question Kickstart why they allow
  such a scam existing on its platform.
  Consider to take legal action to stop the scam.
* I believe some developers from the community
  are helping Christopher Price to make the fraud.
  I ask you stop doing so since you're playing with fire.

Let us know if you have any other idea to stop this guy.

Please keep the discussion rational in this thread.
Avoid words that may result in flaming war.
Also avoid simply reply like "I agree" or "I support you".
Please express your support by doing the above items
or any useful thing you think.

Finally, if you still believe Christopher Price and his vaporware,
just go away since you are not welcome.
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