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Venus Williams To Wed Mars' Womack ? (1.6)

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Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 27, 2013, 10:09:48 AM1/27/13
Pis Me Off?

Yo Venus, so howzhur back doing? Was the reported ailment something
that would bother your common couch potato, too, or only just enough
to stop world-class tennis competition?

A couple of hours ago I stumbled across quite a powerful raw video
nearly 20' long, here's the link:


Remake the above, adding quick clips of other victims of the Jews,
including JFK, MLK, RFK, Fred & Carl Hampton, USS LIBERTY sailors,
Archbishop Romero, mass murder & torture scenes from Iraq, Diana, WTC

I again nominate you for Queen of the World. Will you take my hand?

Did you in fact watch the footage, my dear, then you have fresh in
mind our first goal of leading the Seven Billion to defeat JAPE [see
below, Glossary] and to throw the warx into prison. Chorus: Starting
with Ole King HenKi, Obomber, Bushez, Sulzbergerz, Netanyahu & Kabal.

Then we will jolly up our whole race & clean up Mother Earth:
stabilize our Planetary pop by using Mothers' Pay to undergird the Two
Child Family policy.

Strew her path with roses: Madame Teenage Mom, you dig?

Yes, we can, too, DEW.

Give you joy for having found such a handsome playmate for the nonce.
One of my many unique brilliancies in world affairs was being the
first to ID el Barbudo as the leading suspect for having infected poor
Hugo with cancer. EP's opinion on this Q? By me you are welcome to
bring him along to the household, should both of you so wish. Our own
projected kids (#'s 1 & 2 + Honor & Malcolm Xtra, as you may recall)
will need an uncle or father stand-in of his age. Should such an
arrangement eventuate, then I have in mind that bymeby EP will also
marry (Miss Someone Else, of course & prolly ~a dozen years younger
than your own gorgeous self).

When I did the obvious fairness calculation, it turned out that were
an older single woman pursuing me as I have for so long now wooed you
then, assuming a parallel age difference, she would be 137 years old.
Therefore I bow respectfully to all centurion beldames, ask their
blessing on this my quest and vow to raise a toast to the memory of
the splendid Leni Riefenstahl. And what kind of wedding cake would you

I am courting you for power, Venus, starting with the P to breathe in
& out. The duty of ambition....
BTW about that street corner encounter a while back: FTSOY, STSOM, rt?

Shorter be quicker, so for now I wish you a happy Sunday morning.


GLOSSARY 20121010:
AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
APM = “As Previously Mentioned”
AFTOC = “After a Fair Trial, Of Course”
CIB = “Composition In Brief”, i.e. only short time available.
DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious
sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent
= _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word
_ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in
meaning to our English "Amen!"
F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
GABI = “Grin And Bear It”
_hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people
alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a
HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
HP = “Hang HenKi by his Pinkie”
HenKi = Henry Kissinger
IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, “JAPE”)
JJ = joojingo
joopo = Jewish Secret Police
JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
MLG = “Murdering Little Girls”.
MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
ODC's = “Occupied & Destroyed Countries”.
OFD = “One Fine Day”
OP = "Originating Post"
PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".

PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985
burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in
the process.
STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".

T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
wark = from War Kriminal,
plural = "warx"

WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"


WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.


Venus Williams To Wed Mars' Womack ? (1.5)
alt.religion.christian,, alt.gossip.celebrities
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 12:26:14 -0700 (PDT)

Hal Womack 3-dan

Jan 29, 2013, 8:45:40 AM1/29/13
{José le dijo a Gabriela que se quería casar con ella porque la amaba,
pero realmente la quería por su dinero.}

On Jan 27, 7:09 am, Hal Womack 3-dan <> wrote:
> Pis Me Off?
> Yo Venus, so howzhur back doing? Was the reported ailment something
> that would bother your common couch potato, too, or only just enough
> to stop world-class tennis competition?
> A couple of hours ago I stumbled across quite a powerful raw video
> nearly 20' long, here's the link:

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 14, 2013, 1:38:50 AM2/14/13
V 2 V: Cock To Monkey Over Snake:

For the last 6 years I've had the pleasure of staying in a HUD housing
project apartment in SF's Chinatown. For the last couple of years the
SF Housing Authority has made free WiFi available to us tenants.
Unfortunately it is undependable and my home Internet connection is
down at the moment, so I'm composing this note at a library terminal.
I'm reading VOLTAIRE IN LOVE [1957] by Nancy Mitford. I want simply to
get this note to you up before tomorrow's Magic Date. Maybe later I
will be able to add more material at leisure. I have in mind to touch
the heads of Mandela, Tutu, Mumia & Hugo, among others. World drama
class? I'm also wondering if this really is the latest Wed Thread. The
new Joogle Groups hardly an improvement.


Now that I get back home & find my Net access here restored (touch
wood), it turns out wondering was right. So I've copied the content
from the older thread.


Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 14, 2013, 5:32:52 AM2/14/13
{Innumerable high-dressed gentlemen are gone to inorganic powder, no
comfortable or profitable memory to be held of them more; and this
poor Voltaire, without implement except the tongue and brain of him,
he is still a shining object to all the populations and they say and
symbol to me: 'Tell us of him, he is the man.' --Thomas Carlyle*}

Gootchy gootchy goo?

I miss Michael Crichton, Tony Martin, William Tapply, Robert B.
Parker, Hugo Chavez and a number of other noble creators now gone
under suspicious circumstances suggesting assassination by bioweapons.
I'm sure that well-informed author Greg Iles, who discusses such
Ft.Detrick techniques in his novel TRUE EVIL [2006, p.94] now misses
his right foot [since near-fatal auto attack in 2011].
Another important leader suffering severe, long-term, life-threatening
~iatrogenic injury = David Ray Griffin [in July of 2010].

Pending = Review of Billary Clunk & Super-Sniper Splat.

Have you yet watched WACO: THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT [1997]?

As I said when it came out, this masterpiece shows only ~1/100,000th
part of the murders committed worldwide by the Clintonz & their master
HenKi but this tiny, lurid part takes place on my own home ground. The
20th anniversary of the decisive moment of this most notorious Texas
massacre of the 20th Century comes on April 19th.

RIG or DIF ?

That's Rule In Glory vs Down In Flames BTW.

Romance, gosh....


*_History of Friedrich the Second called Frederick the Great_, Volume
4 [1864], quoted in the frontispiece of Mitford op. cit.


Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 15, 2013, 12:53:34 AM2/15/13
{A great man, she thought, a truly great man. I'm in the presence of a truly great man....

Candy was born on Valentine's Day.}

CANDY [1958, p.13] by Terry Southern & Mason Hoffenberg.


Hal Womack 3-dan

May 30, 2013, 9:04:51 PM5/30/13
My dear Venus,

I do apologize for having speculated out loud about the possible names of our 3rd & 4th children. I should be more respectful of Lady Luck, eh?


Heavenly Road - Peng Liyuan [wife of the new President Xi Jinping].


Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 3, 2013, 4:30:44 AM12/3/13
One good thing, at least, about Joogle swallowing the Usenet, they do seem to leave these threads alive longer, handy for slow old men, eh what?

Now for the first time (as far as I recall) reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's THE LAST TYCOON, I come to the end of the fifth chapter witch boots me right back here, you betcha. 'Ware the telegram!

My favorite toast = the Spanish classic. First voice: "!Salud, pesetas y amor!
Respondent: "!Y tiempo para gozarlas!"

So the image of the two of us what sticks in me mind = Standing outside some big grim prison when the inmates learn who we be & what we're about, so we can hear their cheers like the joint was a yellow painted wooden church fulla niggers on Sunday. Hard for me to think of any other woman who'd be better company for me on such an occasion, eh what? Ever providing, of course, that we had beforehand come to a meeting of the minds but that would pretty much be the precondition for such an appearance anyway.

I do ever so subtly keep soliciting your attention as my student in social theory but as my wife only if the two of us after due consideration do conclude that we have a good chance of bearing at least one healthy child. Verra likely you the most remarkable Old Maid in all history! Between your syndrome** and my own diabetic old age, 'tis a topic deserving of reflection.

I have a notion for a new class to be called the "Barrenessi" for wimmens who waited too long FTRMTCA (got that?). An outstanding few of the childless have diverted their personal energies into such brilliant careers that their sacrifice seems eminently worthwhile. Mother Teresa and Kathy Kelly come to mind here.

I'm knocking on your door to say we want to shape our new world so that the typical maiden marries at about age 18 and rather quickly thereafter cradles her firstborn.

Besides my plan to STW (if necessary raise the eyes to Heaven & calmly* draw in the breath while praying for inspiration) & also to rule it --surely you remember "TWAMA"-- I also have a commercial scheme with a potential of many billion$ in revenue IMHO. Quite simple to understand, really, should you care to review it. At present part of your attraction for me = the dowry of which you are capable. Even though, as often said before, I am by far a richer man than Bill Gates --in law & in theory-- under today's circumstances of oppression, my checking account could definitely use a boost. So I wonder, do I execute "3HEP" & relatively suddenly have baskets of moola of my own for a change, then how would this affect my 'tude 2 U? Reckon I mo'betta try to find out PDQ. One thing, do I get into a practical financial position wherein I can directly afford to buy a young bride --a la Rupert Murdoch, to name one example-- then my matrimonial clock will definitely tick quicker.

Join our hands?


* Sign reported back during the cold war from a restaurant in Marin County: "In case of emergency, keep clam!"


** Chanting Down Babylon: The CIA & The Death of Bob Marley

Proximate source =


DECEMBER 02, 2013

What Does Latest Dead Afghan 2-Year-Old Have in Common with Paul Robeson, John Wayne, Ernest Hemingway, Bob Marley, the Kennedys?
Stop Killing and Start Loving

Although Swanson does provide some useful info here, he definitely needs to sharpen his scimitar, as it were.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 14, 2014, 8:33:23 PM2/14/14

Can we still?

On Sunday, January 27, 2013 7:09:48 AM UTC-8, Hal Womack 3-dan wrote:
> .................
> AG2HXU = "Always Good To Hear From You"
> ...............
> APM = "As Previously Mentioned"
> .....................
> AFTOC = "After a Fair Trial, Of Course"
> .............
> CIB = "Composition In Brief", i.e. only short time available.
> .....................
> DEW = "Dog Ever Willing". The medieval predecessor of this pious
> sentiment was "D.V.", for "Deus Volens". The ancient Muslim equivalent
> = _Insha'Allah_, witch's in turn the origin of the common Spanish word
> _ojala_, as in "!Ojala que si!" or "May it be so!" Clearly similar in
> meaning to our English "Amen!"
> ..............................
> F = "Follow-up" + # for order of appearance in the given thread.
> .............................
> FODAD = Freedom Of Diet And Dress
> ...............................
> FTR = 1.) "For The Record". 2.) "Failure To Respond".
> .................................
> GABI = "Grin And Bear It"
> ..............................
> _hasbara_ = Hebrew for "lies for Jews to peddle to normal people
> alias "gentiles". Such a lipflapper, especially a hired one = a
> "hasbarat".
> .............................
> HDS = "Hypohetical Diligent Student"
> .........................................
> HP = "Hang HenKi by his Pinkie"
> ...........................
> HenKi = Henry Kissinger
> ...................................
> IFOT = "In the Fullness Of Time"
> .................................................
> JA = Jewish-American, in several variations: R for Regime; T
> for Tyranny; M for eMpire; PE for Planetary Empire (thus, "JAPE")
> .........................
> JJ = joojingo
> ..............................
> joopo = Jewish Secret Police
> ..............................
> JOW = "Jew Of the Worst Sort"
> .................................
> K7 = Kosher King Kissinger's Kultish Kabal of Kiddie- Killers
> ............................
> KPFS = "Know Problem, Find Solution"
> ...............................
> MEDUSA = propaganda alias "news" MEDia of the USA
> .....................
> MLG = "Murdering Little Girls".
> .......................
> MULL = "MUrder, Looting & Lying"
> ...............................
> ODC's = "Occupied & Destroyed Countries".
> ...........................
> OFD = "One Fine Day"
> .................
> OP = "Originating Post"
> .......................
> PFAB = "Please Find Appended Below".
> ...........................
> PFG = Philadelphia Fire Gang, Mayor & police who on May 13,1985
> burned to death 5 kids & 6 adults and destroyed a block of homes in
> the process.
> .......................
> STD = "Shot To Death". When with extension then "By Jews".
> ...................................
> T6 = Tucson, 6 slain in Stunt of Saturday 8 January.
> ......................................
> Thread Protocol Nomenclature:
> OP = "Originating Post", hence also "-er".
> On this thread, OP = _moi_ or {Hal Womack 3-dan
> <>}
> F = "Follow-up", hence also F1 etc for Follow-up posters.
> ...................................
> UZI's = Ultra-Zionists
> ..........................
> wark = from War Kriminal,
> plural = "warx"
> ...........................
> WADRT = "With All Due Respect To"
> ..........................................
> WTB = "With The Blessing", as Stephen Maturin says.
> ........................

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 14, 2014, 9:54:58 PM2/14/14
Elephant painting an elephant.


Hal Womack 3-dan

Dec 2, 2014, 8:47:52 AM12/2/14
Venus Williams To Marry Mars' Womack & Thereby Save Our Earth?

Short of that pro tem, howzabout us going together to one of the Rams' games? As of this writing on Tuesday, 2 December, they have four left in the season, the next being away against the Washington Redskins on 7 December --Does that sound 2 U like an auspicious date, quick upon us though it be? 73rd Anniversary of President-for-Life the Cryptic Cripple Franklin Roosevelt's biggest achievement & all that, you know. This Sunday past the Rams got righteously pumped up and whupped the Raiders 52/zip ! U reckon Muhammad Ali got a grin out of this?

Protocol: Pls. see Beta below. Do we make this my invite, then U have to front me all the expense money therefor PDQ. OTOH do U wish to make the offer, then I'll be @ my humbodle, waiting with a smile.

Bodacious pic of U for the Fla women's shelter BTW!

Alpha below = how I spent part of the morning beforehand.

Evol, Hal
#1.) The virtually immediate editorial response of total censorship in the wee hours signals an on-duty SOTSie ("Sons Of The Stern" gang) RRT or "Rapid Response Team" at this site owned by Ron Unz, an active member of the Republican Party and ostensible advocate of free discussion.
05:02 hrs PST: Nameless Unz site response = "This comment was marked as spam."
{Hal Womack says: • Website
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
December 2, 2014 at 12:58 pm GMT
@Andrea Ostrov Letania

A friendly amendment to the observation by Andrea Ostrov Letania: An established additional spelling correction = “neo-cohens” . Also please note “JAPE”, for “Jewish-American Planetary Empire”.

Has any good soul a link to share with us for the entire video of the notorious recent jish war criminal duet by billionaire$ Adelson & Saban? Fangs a lot!

WRT personalities, I have proposed conditions for a Year of the Monkey ticket of Mel Gibson 4 Prez, with Dennis Rodman 4 VP {DR to be visibly backed by Rick Yune in his “Kang” character from OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (2013)}. Namely: 1) Mel reconciles with his wife. Should the honorable Robyn Denise Moore refuse despite humble entreaty to patch up the tattered marriage, then she must at least second MG’s nomination for the D.C. job or else we will relegate him to the position of chairman of the nominating committee. 2) Both candidates will take and pass my own two on-line multimedia courses 2 B created 4 the occasion: “Civics 101″ and “World Politics for Beginners”. Senior professor & author Ross Gandy PhD of UNAM (Mexico City) will assist me therein, especially for affairs South of the Rio Bravo & cultural interpenetration con los EU.

Some signature stances for the envisioned campaign will include: A) The demo chant: First Voice, “MuSu!” Response = “Swap John!” This means Mumia Abu-Jamal to the Supreme Court and present Chief Justice John Roberts to Mumia’s vacated cell. B) Noting the sequence: GM’14, in which World Jewry brazenly massacred >500 children, together with >1500 of their kith & kin, all helpless prisoners. The U.S. Senate responded to this ostentatious slaughter with unanimous applause, to show the twisted sincerity of which they sent additional hundreds of million$ to the perpz. To which we answer, “Hang the Senate!” (for starts). C) “FODAD” = “For Freedom Of Diet And Dress”. All grown-ups have the right to choose our own veggies & products thereof, notably including such presently contraband items as crack and heroin. All those who have been busted for dope deserve heavy compensation for their injuries, besides the obvious immediate release from confinement with honors. D) The revolutionary MG-DR administration will lead the USA to cooperate with the other 95% of our human race to constitute the Democracy of Earth. E) Death to the Jewish State and Hellorcell for all of itz goonz everywhere!}


1. The Master said, 'With sincere faith he unites the love of learning; holding firm to death, he is perfecting the excellence of his course.

2. 'Such an one will not enter a tottering State, nor dwell in a disorganized one. When right principles of government prevail in the kingdom, he will show himself; when they are prostrated, he will keep concealed.

3. 'When a country is well-governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill-governed, riches and honour are things to be ashamed of.' In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.
#3.) "sometime in the next few million years." TD* APOD. "Eta Carinae and the Expanding Homunculus Nebula".
* = "Title Date" (of file) = 20141202.

Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 7, 2015, 9:46:30 PM2/7/15
Hereby I draw a ring, entitle it "Sheriff Mahdi" and therein toss my cap.

BTW we note that Joogle CEO: Larry Page is up to the usual kosher kultish trix:

{This topic has been hidden because it was flagged for abuse.}
Jan 29, 2013 - I have a notion for a new class to be called the "Barrenessi" for wimmens who waited too long FTRMTCA (got that?). An outstanding few of the ...
How to restore and to promote the old freedom of the Usenet, so hated by the Jewish murderers of children?

My standard response on my FB "timeline" to the many reports of Jew atrocities against Palestinians:

!Death 2 the Jewish State & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate? Jews Out of the USGov? Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/1967!


Hal Womack 3-dan

Feb 14, 2015, 9:32:01 PM2/14/15
Happy Valentines Day!

Jails: Niggahs out! Jews in! (Only the guilty shall repine.)

Crown the Wise Queen to rule over our Home Planet?

Walk with joy in Mother Nature's Peaceful Garden (MONAPEGA)?

The Democracy of Earth shall pay all mothers a regular salary for raising at least their first two children up to school age. Ideal ages for marriage, which we shall aim to encourage , are for the buck 22 and for the maiden 18.

TJAM = "For Truth, Justice And the Milky way".

When you see the reports of Jewish atrocities in Palestine, will you remember my handy paste-on label:

!Death 2 the Jewish State & Hellorcell 4 all itz goonz everywhere. Hang the Senate? Jews Out of the USGov? Riddle: Q = 09/11/22? A = 06/08/1967!

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