On 2020-05-02, Kunal Chauhan wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I have large code , and run make all command in vim but at the end it shows
> some error for navigating to that error I have to scroll down all the stuff
> which is very painful.
> Is there is a fast way to see or navigate to file which is causing error ?
If you run make all by executing the vim :make command like this:
:make all
then all the errors will be captured in a quickfix list and you can
easily navigate to each one by using the :cn and :cp commands, or by
opening the quickfix list with the :copen command, searching or
scolling through the list and hitting Enter on the desired error.
In either case, Vim with then open a buffer containing that file and
with the cursor on the line with the error.
:help 30.1
:help :make
:help quickfix.txt