Unknown error in my model

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Marcelino Coll

Dec 20, 2022, 4:14:29 PM12/20/22
to tlaplus
Hello! I was modeling a simple ETL framework we have to make sure we can never lose data.

When checking the model it prints:

悪 java -XX:+UseParallelGC -jar tla2tools.jar ETL.tla -dump dot,colorize,actionlabels ETL -workers auto
TLC2 Version 2.18 of Day Month 20?? (rev: 8a0da69)
Running breadth-first search Model-Checking with fp 22 and seed 1979252589652203881 with 24 workers on 24 cores with 7122MB heap and 64MB offheap memory [pid: 74299] (Linux 6.0.12-arch1-1 amd64, N/A 19.0.1 x86_64, MSBDiskFPSet, DiskStateQueue).
Parsing file /home/mcoll/capchase/code/client-monorepo/apps/metrics-api/models/ETL.tla
Semantic processing of module ETL
Starting... (2022-12-20 21:26:11)
Implied-temporal checking--satisfiability problem has 1 branches.
Computing initial states...
Finished computing initial states: 1 distinct state generated at 2022-12-20 21:26:11.
Error: The behavior up to this point is:
State 1: <Initial predicate>
/\ source_in = {1, 2, 3}
/\ pc_source = "consume"
/\ database = {}
/\ pc_store = "wait"
/\ item = FALSE
/\ malformed_entities = {}
/\ pc_trans = "wait"

State 2: <SourceConsume line 28, col 18 to line 34, col 77 of module ETL>
/\ source_in = {1, 3}
/\ pc_source = "yield"
/\ database = {}
/\ pc_store = "wait"
/\ item = 2
/\ malformed_entities = {}
/\ pc_trans = "trans"

State 3: <Transform line 49, col 14 to line 55, col 34 of module ETL>
/\ source_in = {1, 3}
/\ pc_source = "anext"
/\ database = {}
/\ pc_store = "wait"
/\ item = 2
/\ malformed_entities = {2}
/\ pc_trans = "wait"

52 states generated, 52 distinct states found, 19 states left on queue.
The depth of the complete state graph search is 9.
The average outdegree of the complete state graph is 2 (minimum is 1, the maximum 3 and the 95th percentile is 2).
Finished in 00s at (2022-12-20 21:26:11)
Trace exploration spec path: ./ETL_TTrace_1671567971.tla

Which doesn't give any information on what the error was, only "Error: The behavior up to this point is:"

I've rechecked my model several times and I don't know what could be causing this (truthfully, I'm very new with TLA+ so it may be just me being dumb).

Attached are my model and cfg file. I also welcome any improvements over the model if you see something that is wrong or could be done better.

Thank you!

----- ETL.tla
-------------------------------- MODULE ETL --------------------------------



vars == << source_in, database, malformed_entities, item, pc_source, pc_trans, pc_store >>

Init == /\ source_in = data
        /\ database = {}
        /\ malformed_entities = {}
        /\ pc_source = "consume"
        /\ pc_trans = "wait"
        /\ pc_store = "wait"
        /\ item = FALSE

SourceConsume == \E d \in source_in:
                    /\ pc_source = "consume"
                    /\ item' = d
                    /\ source_in' = source_in \ {d}
                    /\ pc_source' = "yield"
                    /\ pc_trans' = "trans"
                    /\ UNCHANGED << database, malformed_entities, pc_store >>

SourceAnext == /\ pc_source = "anext"
               /\ pc_source' = "consume"
               /\ UNCHANGED << source_in, database, malformed_entities, item, pc_trans, pc_store >>

SourceAthrow == /\ pc_source = "athrow"
                /\ pc_source' = "consume"
                /\ source_in' = source_in \union {item}
                /\ UNCHANGED << database, malformed_entities, item, pc_trans, pc_store >>

Source == \/ SourceConsume
          \/ SourceAnext
          \/ SourceAthrow

Transform == /\ pc_trans = "trans"
             /\ \/ /\ pc_store' = "store"
                   /\ UNCHANGED << source_in, database, malformed_entities, item, pc_source >>
                \/ /\ pc_source' = "anext"
                   /\ malformed_entities' = malformed_entities \union {item}
                   /\ UNCHANGED << source_in, database, item, pc_store >>
             /\ pc_trans' = "wait"

Store == /\ pc_store = "store"
         /\ pc_source' = "anext"
         /\ \/ /\ database' = database \union {item}
               /\ pc_source' = "anext"
               /\ UNCHANGED << source_in, malformed_entities, pc_trans, item >>
            \/ /\ pc_source' = "athrow"
               /\ UNCHANGED << source_in, database, malformed_entities, item, pc_trans >>
         /\ pc_store' = "wait"

Fairness == /\ WF_vars(Store)
            /\ WF_vars(Transform)
            /\ WF_vars(Source)

Disjoint(S1, S2) == \A i \in S1: i \notin S2
DataIsSomewhereCheck == /\ \A d \in data: d \in {database} \union {malformed_entities} \union {source_in}
           /\ Disjoint(database, malformed_entities)
           /\ Disjoint(database, source_in)
           /\ Disjoint(malformed_entities, source_in)
Terminating == /\ DataIsSomewhereCheck
               /\ UNCHANGED vars          

Step == \/ Source
        \/ Transform
        \/ Store

Spec == Init /\ [][Step]_vars /\ Fairness

DataIsSomewhere == <>[](DataIsSomewhereCheck)


--- ETL.cfg

PROPERTY DataIsSomewhere

  data = { 1, 2, 3 }

Markus Kuppe

Dec 20, 2022, 4:33:13 PM12/20/22
to tla...@googlegroups.com
Carefully look at this line of DataIsSomewhereCheck:

d \in {database} \union {malformed_entities} \union {source_in}

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Marcelino Coll

Dec 20, 2022, 7:21:44 PM12/20/22
to tla...@googlegroups.com
Oh, yeah okay. Thanks!

I don't completely understand why it breaks with an error and no more information, what is happening there? Shouldn't it just complain about the temporal formula being violated?

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