Only a few more hours left to give

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Daniel Lazenby

Apr 26, 2023, 11:02:11 AM4/26/23

Forum Members,

Can you believe Spring2ACTion is almost over? With $450.00 already raised for the DC Metro area’s only ADA-compliant water access with a roller-entry launch for human-powered watercraft project, the TPFR Board is proud of the impact our chapter members have made.

The Board is thankful for the support of our membership throughout this giving celebration - but the giving isn’t over yet! Visit the TPFR fundraising page at TPFR FUNDRAISER and make a contribution to help TPFR reach and surpass our fundraising goal.

Please share TPFR’s fundraising page with your friends and family and on your social media.

See attached for current project status report.

Daniel Lazenby
TPFR - Community Service Chair
All humans live downstream of pollution
Dock Project Status Narrative - April 2023.pdf
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