Casting Church - Sun Aug 9

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Regan Burmeister

2020年8月5日 10:45:152020/8/5
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Casting Church this Sunday, 9 Aug, 8am - 11am, at Fletcher's Cove.

We will be addressing rod tip path - straight line path and why this matters. We will have some accuracy exercises and distance exercises, always lots of fun. Mainly, because they help you identify quickly where your casts are challenged and improvements are immediately obvious.

We will practice social distance.  Pretty easy to do since we are outside.  And since we are all holding fly-rods and moving them around, this separation tends to work out naturally.
However, if you are ill or suspect you might be, please respect the health of others and rest up at home.  There will be other casting churches, once a month at least.

Come on out, whether you are a novice, intermediate, or advanced caster, it is all fun to work on solving casting problems and casting challenges.
If you are just getting started, this is a great way to meet people who can help.  There will be casting instructors on hand.
If you are preparing for an upcoming trip and looking to re-fresh your casting skills, this is a great opportunity.

If you want to wade, just come prepared.  We work on casting on the grass fields and in the water, both single-hand and two-hand casting.

See you there,


Owen Williams

2020年8月8日 08:41:362020/8/8
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
Thanks for the reminder, Regan!

I'll be bringing my wife and 20 y.o. daughter (and three rods). Both have cast before, but not recently. 


Owen Williams

2020年8月9日 11:26:212020/8/9
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
What a great crowd we had! Glad to see so many beginners getting better so quickly!

I wanted to send a special thanks to Terry for helping my wife and daughter understand what to do with such great analogies. 



2020年8月9日 12:23:242020/8/9
Fantastic. I had clients and couldn’t make it. How did the water look? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Owen Williams <> wrote:

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2020年8月9日 12:23:332020/8/9
Fantastic. I had clients and couldn’t make it. How did the water look? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Owen Williams <> wrote:


Erika B

2020年8月9日 20:33:082020/8/9
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
I really enjoyed my first Casting Church...made great progress in a couple of hours thanks to Terry. What an amazing resource this event is!

I will note here in case someone searches for this in the future - I pulled into the Fletcher’s Boathouse parking lot and went straight towards the tunnel sign...through the tunnel...and down to the end of the lower parking lot. Took me a few minutes to figure that out!

Owen Williams

2020年8月10日 07:26:042020/8/10
收件人 Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
You're familiar with Nesquik? 

Actually, "Mr Spey" Regan would need to weigh in on that one. 

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Daniel Lazenby

2020年8月10日 08:43:442020/8/10
Erika, thank you and all of the others for coming.
Of the 24, or so, people (including instructors) attending about 10 had never cast a fly rod or had only just begun.
I agree it is amazing how much progress can be made at these events.


On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 8:33 PM Erika B <> wrote:
I really enjoyed my first Casting Church...made great progress in a couple of hours thanks to Terry. What an amazing resource this event is!

I will note here in case someone searches for this in the future - I pulled into the Fletcher’s Boathouse parking lot and went straight towards the tunnel sign...through the tunnel...and down to the end of the lower parking lot. Took me a few minutes to figure that out!

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