Taiga 6 Import Projects does not show other options than Taiga (no Trello et al)

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Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Nov 10, 2021, 7:05:19 AM11/10/21
to taigaio
I see only one option "Taiga"

I am running a test instance of a current taiga-docker setup.
  1. We have read the guide at https://resources.taiga.io/extend/importer-trello/
  2. We created successfully two test users from the original Trello team
  3. We can add them both to a new vanilla Taiga Kanban Project
Environment is installed and updated Docker Desktop on Apple Silicon MacMini M1 running BigSur.

I can enter a local shell inside of the container of taiga-back and have verified, that the trello importer code is present at ``taiga-back/taiga/importers/trello``

We tried the Incognito Window + Clearing Cache hint from https://groups.google.com/g/taigaio/c/jYibL4ayxTU/m/H7OQ30dbBQAJ "Trello importers isn't shown in the front" with no effect.

We tried both: admin user and normal user and normal user ugraded as Superadmin with no change. All Users were intially created from the Django Admin GUI.

In Docker-Desktop we see one container  not running "taiga-docker_taiga-manage_run_[ID]" failing to create an admin user:

    Username: admin
    Error: That username is already taken.

Traceback available 

Any ideas?

Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Nov 24, 2021, 5:12:24 AM11/24/21
to taigaio
FYI: Found these pull requests on github today instead of pill request:

1. (feat) add importers by yamila-moreno · Pull Request #1550 · taigaio/taiga-back [Internet]. GitHub. [cited 24. November 2021]. https://github.com/taigaio/taiga-back/pull/1550
2. (feat) add importers by yamila-moreno · Pull Request #2082 · taigaio/taiga-front [Internet]. GitHub. [cited 24. November 2021]. https://github.com/taigaio/taiga-front/pull/2082

Will now check my docker config files, pull the latest images and check again. 
Report follows...

Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Nov 30, 2021, 7:10:02 AM11/30/21
to taigaio
Using the details from the above pull requests I finally fixed the issue for me and the Trello Importer shows up.

This is describing how to enable the Trello importer. You may need to add more environment variables to enable other importers.

Update to the latest images:

-   Pull the new images::

        cd [Yourpath]/taiga-docker
     docker pull taigaio/taiga-back:latest
     docker pull taigaio/taiga-front:latest
     docker pull taigaio/taiga-events:latest
     docker pull taigaio/taiga-protected:latest

-   Relaunch the services so it starts with the new images::

     docker-compose up -d

in your docker container in taiga-front maybe the Trello Importer is still disabled!

check your taiga-front setup in the container via bash:

    docker exec -it [taiga-front_1 container ID] bash
    grep enableTrelloImporter /usr/share/nginx/html/conf.json

result could be :

    "enableTrelloImporter": false,

in your checkout of taiga-docker edit the file docker-compose.yml and add the following environment variables (...  means leftout existing parts)

    version: "3.5"



      # Importer settings
      TRELLO_IMPORTER_API_KEY: "******************0218"
      TRELLO_IMPORTER_SECRET_KEY: "******************************************7652"


          # Importer settings
          ENABLE_TRELLO_IMPORTER: "true"

    *   The ``True`` value of the environment variable name ``ENABLE_TRELLO_IMPORTER`` for ``taiga-back`` is uppercase
    *   The ``true`` value of the environment variable name ``ENABLE_TRELLO_IMPORTER`` for ``taiga-front`` is lowercase

reprovision your setup:

    cd [Yourpath]/taiga-docker
    docker-compose up -d

check your taiga-front setup in the container via bash:

    docker exec -it [taiga-front_1 container ID] bash
    grep enableTrelloImporter /usr/share/nginx/html/conf.json

result should now be :

    "enableTrelloImporter": true,

Now go to Taiga. login and create New Project with Importer.
The Trello Importer should be there!


(Remark: The actual import is not tested yet!)

David Barragán

Nov 30, 2021, 7:52:30 AM11/30/21
to Armin Stroß-Radschinski, taigaio
Hi Armin,

in the 30 min setup there is information about how to configure the different importers https://resources.taiga.io/30min-setup/#trello-importer

There is a known bug in the trello importer that affects attachments. I hope it can be solved soon in future versions.

Best regards

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Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Nov 30, 2021, 9:14:05 AM11/30/21
to taigaio
Hi David,
i found this resource too today when struggling with setting the environment variables.

When I tried Taiga the last time some years ago with version 4/5 the Importer was there by default. That time I used a classic install.

The 30 minutes doc snippets you mentioned above are not easy to understand if you are not familiar with the docker yaml file syntax.
So I wrapped it up anyway.

We imported a simple Trello board for testing.

It basically works. The text and field details are impressingly perfect.

The issue with the attachments is recognizable. File sizes are recorded. All Links are there. We need now to find the issueyou mentioned in the tracker. Maybe I can fix something.
Any Links?
Do you already know, if the attachments are already in the database and just the display is broken or is there an issue fetching them from Trello?

Trello changed the API settings and you now need to specify "From URLs" . It is basically working even if you write your http://localhost:9000 there but for text content. Maybe the download of the attachments needs other ports?

This as a hint.


David Barragán

Nov 30, 2021, 9:37:15 AM11/30/21
to Armin Stroß-Radschinski, taigaio
The error is related to a change in the Trello API, the description say:

[BUG] Trello importer generate empty attachments

We have been doing tests and the content of the attachments is: unauthorized permission requested

You can replicate it by importing any trello project with attachments on a card.

Investigating a little more we have seen this: https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/update-authenticated-access-to-s3/43681 It seems like a relatively recent change (beginning of the year) that is surely related. In the file taiga / importers / trello / importer.py it seems that the attachments are fetched using query parameters, and it's just what the thread is talking about.

You can follow the issue in Taiga here https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/4782

Thanks for your feedback.

Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Nov 30, 2021, 10:15:16 AM11/30/21
to taigaio
Hi David,
thanks for the links. Seems they cover everything to know to fix this, but at first sight it needs some deeper dive in.

I tried to look for logs.

    journalctl --user-unit taiga_back
    journalctl --user-unit taiga_celery

I tried to check the Docker docs how to view the logs but I failed on MacOS.

On MacOS Mojave I grepped but it did not help much (no errors found):

    grep -Ri trello ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/log/.

Do you have a hint for checking the logs in Docker on macOS?

Off Topic Tipp: The Taiga Docs at https://docs.taiga.io/ are not searchable very well.
You can get a free community plan for the Algolia search engine for free documentations from https://docsearch.algolia.com/
Algolia is a commercial product based on OpenSource Technologies. This service is a way how they pay back.

The results are amazing!

I managed to help to integrate Algolia into the Search of the huge docs of https://docs.plone.org/ and the Sphinx-doc search of https://userguide.present4d.com/en/index.html
see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54960623

David Barragán

Dec 1, 2021, 3:08:11 AM12/1/21
to Armin Stroß-Radschinski, taigaio
Yes, we want, and need, to improve a lot the documentation for Taiga 7.

First you need to start Taiga in DEBUG mode. To do this, the best option is to activate the settings in taiga-back, DEBUG = True , following the steps to mapping a config file https://resources.taiga.io/30min-setup/#map-a-configpy-file

With docker-compose you can use logs command:

- for all services: docker-compose logs

- for one service: docker-compose logs <name-of-service>   services names could be  taiga-back , taiga-async , ... and the rest of the services in the docker compose file
- to follow the log output use -f:  docker-compose logs -f <name-of-service>

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