End user question - usage on Ubuntu with PyPy

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no leída,
10 mar 2019, 7:32:17 p.m.10/3/2019
para sympy
When I was using a development repository and wanted to test with PyPy, I wrote a little bash function that would set PYTHONPATH to include whatever repository I was interested in, and then call PyPy.  That way I didn't need to change my environment, and could easily switch from tree to tree.

Now, on one of my Ubuntu installs, I don't have any of the Git tools, but just installed Sympy from the regular Ubuntu channel using Synaptic.   (Ubuntu 18.10 currently has version 1.2, so not quite up to date, but very functional.)    Works nicely, and integrates with Jupyter notebook, etc.

But, if I want to use PyPy, it doesn't see the Sympy install.  (This is a generic PyPy / debian issue, I think.  PyPy doesn't seem to find any of the extra packages that you install.)

Have other people in the community taken the Ubuntu install route?  Is there a reasonable technique for dealing with this situation?   I suppose I could use the PYTHONPATH=... trick, but was wondering if there was a more easily maintainable approach?

I know I could use Anaconda or pip, but as a general rule like to use the Ubuntu repositories where they are available.   I figure it it is easier to administer a machine if all my packages are installed/updated with the same tools.

If there is a good solution, AND there is a consensus that it is worth documenting, I volunteer to add it to the "Other methods" paragraph of the installation section of the docs.


Oscar Benjamin

no leída,
10 mar 2019, 8:43:11 p.m.10/3/2019
para sympy
I generally use virtual environments to test development versions of
Python libraries. Within the virtual environment you can install the
library using pip install -e.

Create and activate virtualenv:

enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp$ mkdir pypydemo
enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp$ cd pypydemo/
enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo$ pypy -m virtualenv mypypyenv
enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo$ . mypypyenv/bin/activate

Clone and install sympy as "editable":

(mypypyenv) enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo$ git clone
(mypypyenv) enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo$ cd sympy/
(mypypyenv) enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo/sympy$ pip install -e .
(mypypyenv) enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo/sympy$ cd ..

Test and run:

(mypypyenv) enojb@IT035770:~/current/tmp/pypydemo$ isympy
Couldn't locate IPython. Having IPython installed is greatly recommended.
See http://ipython.scipy.org for more details. If you use Debian/Ubuntu,

just install the 'ipython' package and start isympy again.

Python console for SymPy 1.4.dev (Python 2.7.13-64-bit) (ground types: python)
These commands were executed:
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> from sympy import *
>>> x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')
>>> k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)
>>> f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)
>>> init_printing()
Documentation can be found at https://docs.sympy.org/dev
Python 2.7.13 (ab0b9caf307db6592905a80b8faffd69b39005b8, Jun 24 2018, 08:19:27)
[PyPy 6.0.0 with GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.1.0
(clang-902.0.39.2)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from sympy import __version__
>>> __version__

Having set this up in future you only need to activate the virtualenv.
Changing branches with git will automatically update the code used for
"sympy" in the virtualenv.

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