SymPy 1.11 released

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Oscar Benjamin

Aug 23, 2022, 8:17:53 PM8/23/22
to sympy
Hi all,

I've just pushed the release for SymPy 1.11 to PyPI and updated the docs.

To upgrade to 1.11 you can run

$ pip install --upgrade sympy

The release files can also be downloaded from GitHub here:

I presume that the release will also be available via conda soon (I'm
actually not sure who/what makes that happen...).

The release notes for 1.11 are here:

As always please report any bugs or other issues with the release to GitHub:

The following people contributed at least one patch to this release (names are
given in alphabetical order by last name). A total of 70 people
contributed to this release. People with a * by their names contributed a
patch for the first time for this release; 32 people contributed
for the first time for this release.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

- Saksham Alok*
- anutosh491
- Alexander Behrens*
- Oscar Benjamin
- Varenyam Bhardwaj*
- Anurag Bhat
- Akshansh Bhatt
- Francesco Bonazzi
- Arie Bovenberg*
- Riley Britten*
- Zaz Brown*
- cocolato*
- Björn Dahlgren
- Nikhil Date
- dispasha*
- Pieter Eendebak*
- extraymond*
- Tom Fryers
- Mauro Garavello
- Anton Golovanov*
- Oscar Gustafsson
- Miro Hrončok
- Siddhant Jain
- Gaurav Jain*
- Kuldeep Borkar Jr
- Georges Khaznadar*
- Steve Kieffer
- Sergey B Kirpichev
- Matthias Köppe
- Sumit Kumar*
- S.Y. Lee
- Qijia Liu
- Riccardo Magliocchetti
- Tirthankar Mazumder*
- Carson McManus*
- Ehren Metcalfe
- Aaron Meurer
- Ansh Mishra
- Jeremy Monat
- Jason Moore
- oittaa*
- Omkaar*
- Andrii Oriekhov*
- Julien Palard
- Advait Pote
- Seth Poulsen*
- Mamidi Ratna Praneeth
- Psycho-Pirate
- Mayank Raj
- rathmann
- ritikBhandari*
- Arthur Ryman*
- Shivam Sagar*
- Gilles Schintgen
- Jack Schmidt*
- Sudeep Sidhu
- Chris Smith
- Jisoo Song
- Paul Spiering
- Timo Stienstra*
- Kalevi Suominen
- Luis Talavera*
- tttc3*
- user202729*
- Orestis Vaggelis
- viocha*
- Brandon T. Willard
- Donald Wilson*
- Xiang Wu*

The SHA256 hashes for the release files are here:



Peter Stahlecker

Aug 24, 2022, 3:55:31 AM8/24/22
I have upgraded to sympy 1.11
I wanted to try the cse keyword.

If I set cse = False, all seems to work fine.
If I set cse = True, lambdify(..) seems to work fine, but solve_ivp(..) gives and error.

Attached is one program, where I noticed this. I tried on other programs, same results.

Any help would be appreciated!

import sympy as sm
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint, solve_ivp
from scipy.optimize import fsolve, minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

A ball is rolling without sliding on a horizontal plane.
start = time.time()

cse = False

q1, q2, q3 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3')  # q is the angle of the ball
u1, u2, u3 = me.dynamicsymbols('u1 u2 u3')

x, z = me.dynamicsymbols('x z')             # ccordinates of contact point
ux, uz = me.dynamicsymbols('ux uz')

m, g, r, iXX, iYY, iZZ, iXY, iXZ, iYZ = sm.symbols('m, g, r, iXX, iYY, iZZ, iXY, iXZ, iYZ')
amplitude, frequenz, reibung, t = sm.symbols('amplitude frequenz reibung t')

# determine distance of center of mass from geometric center: is all zero, same location, if all are 1
# mass center at the edge of the ball
alfa, beta, gamma = sm.symbols('alfa beta gamma') 

# H1, H2 are auxiliary frames, so orient_axis may be used, see below. One could also do without them and
# use orient_body_fixed, but the operations in the right hand side of the differential equations (here
# called force) are generally a bit more if orient_body_fixed is used.
N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')         # Inertial frame
H1 = me.ReferenceFrame('H1')       # auxiliary frame
H2 = me.ReferenceFrame('H2')       # dto. 
A1 = me.ReferenceFrame('A1')       # fixed to the ball

P0 = me.Point('P0')                # fixed reference point
CP = me.Point('CP')                # contact point of ball and plane
Dmc = me.Point('Dmc')              # geometric center of the ball
m_Dmc = me.Point('m_Dmc')          # mass center  

H1.orient_axis(N, q1, N.x)
H2.orient_axis(H1, q2, H1.y)
A1.orient_axis(H2, q3, H2.z)

# rot, rot1 are needed for the kinnematic equations, see below.
rot = A1.ang_vel_in(N)
A1.set_ang_vel(N, u1*A1.x + u2*A1.y + u3*A1.z)
rot1 = A1.ang_vel_in(N)

Locate the contact point CP, and the center of gravity, Dmc, at distance r
As the CP is obviously (also) on the plane, it's Y coordinate is zero, and it does have zero
velocity. Of course, subsequent contact points are at different locations on the plane
this is calculated further down.
CP.set_pos(P0, x*N.x + z*N.z)
CP.set_vel(N, 0.) # this is the contact point to the street, hence no velocity

Dmc.set_pos(CP, r * N.y)
Dmc.v2pt_theory(CP, N, A1)

m_Dmc.set_pos(Dmc, alfa*r*A1.x + beta*r*A1.y + gamma*r*A1.z)
m_Dmc.v2pt_theory(Dmc, N, A1)

Get the differential equations of the X, Z coordinates of the contact point. They will be 
integrated numerically.
OMEGA is the rotational speed of the ball.
u3_wirk is its component in N.z direction, analoguous u1_wirk.
hence: d/dt(X) = -u3_wirk * r (r = radius of the ball). The minus sign here is due to this:
if u3_wirk points in the positive z - direction, the right hand rule says, that X changes in the 
negative x - direction.
OMEGA = u1*A1.x + u2*A1.y + u3*A1.z
u3_wirk =, N.z)
u1_wirk =, N.x)
rhsx = -u3_wirk * r
rhsz =  u1_wirk * r
subs_dict1 = {sm.Derivative(x, t): rhsx, sm.Derivative(z, t): rhsz}

I = me.inertia(A1, iXX, iYY, iZZ, iXY, iXZ, iYZ)                                              
Body = me.RigidBody('Body', m_Dmc, A1, m, (I, Dmc))                               
BODY = [Body]

# A necessary, but by no means sufficient! condition for the correctness of the equations of motion
# is that, absent any friction, the total energy of the system must be constant 
pot_energie = m * g *, N.y).subs(subs_dict1)
kin_energie = Body.kinetic_energy(N).subs(subs_dict1)

FL1 = [(m_Dmc, -m*g*N.y)]
Torque = [(A1, -reibung * (u1*A1.x + u2*A1.y + u3*A1.z))]
FL = FL1 + Torque

kd = [ - rot1, uv) for uv in A1]

q = [q1, q2, q3]
u = [u1, u2, u3]

KM = me.KanesMethod(N, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kd)
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
MM = KM.mass_matrix_full
force = KM.forcing_full

# Add rhsx, rhsz at the bottom of force, to get d/dt(x) = rhsx, same for z. This is to numerically integrate x(t), z(t)
force = sm.Matrix.vstack(force, sm.Matrix([rhsx, rhsz]))

# It is a good idea to look at the dynamic symbols and the free symbols, can give a clue, where
# something might be wrong in the equations.
print('force DS', me.find_dynamicsymbols(force))
print('force free symbols', force.free_symbols)
print('force has {} operations'.format(sum([force[i].count_ops(visual=False) for i in range(force.shape[0])])), '\n')

# Enlarge MM properly
MM = sm.Matrix.hstack(MM, sm.zeros(6, 2))
hilfs = sm.Matrix.hstack(sm.zeros(2, 6), sm.eye(2))
MM = sm.Matrix.vstack(MM, hilfs ) 
print('MM DS', me.find_dynamicsymbols(MM))
print('MM free symbols', MM.free_symbols)
print('MM has {} operations'.format(sum([MM[i, j].count_ops(visual=False) for i in range(MM.shape[0]) for j in range(MM.shape[1])])), '\n')

# Lambdification
pL = [m, g, r, iXX, iYY, iZZ, iXY, iXZ, iYZ, reibung, alfa, beta, gamma]
qL = q + u + [x, z]

MM_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, MM, cse=cse)
force_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, force, cse=cse)

pot_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, pot_energie, cse=cse)
kin_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, kin_energie, cse=cse)

print('it took {:.3f} sec to establish Kanes equations'.format(time.time() - start), '\n')

# Integrate numerically and plot results
start = time.time()

mm = 1.                    # mass of ball
rr = 1.                    # radius of ball
iXXe = 2./5. * mm * rr**2   # from the internet
pL_vals = [mm, 9.8, rr, iXXe, iXXe, iXXe, 0.1*iXXe, 0.1*iXXe, 0.1*iXXe, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ]

y0 = [0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.] + [0., 0.]
intervall = 10.
schritte = 200

#startwert = y0[2]    # just needed for the plots below
#startomega = y0[1]   #  dto.

times = np.linspace(0, intervall, schritte)

def gradient(t, y, args):
    vals = np.concatenate((y, args))
    sol = np.linalg.solve(MM_lam(*vals), force_lam(*vals))
    return np.array(sol).T[0]

t_span = (0., intervall)
resultat1 = solve_ivp(gradient, t_span, y0, t_eval=times, args=(pL_vals,))
resultat = resultat1.y.T

event_dict = {-1: 'Integration failed', 0: 'Integration finished successfully', 1: 'some termination event'}

print("To numerically integrate an intervall of {} sec, the routine cycled {} times and it took {:.3f} sec ".format(intervall, resultat1.nfev, time.time() - start), '\n')


# plot results

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
for i, j in zip(range((resultat.shape[1])), ('q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'X coordinate of CP', 'Y coordinate of CP')):
    ax.plot(times, resultat[:, i], label=j)
    ax.set_title("Generalized Coordinates")

kin_np = np.empty(schritte)
pos_np = np.empty(schritte)
total_np = np.empty(schritte)

for i in range(schritte):
    kin_np[i] = kin_lam(*[resultat[i, j] for j in range(resultat.shape[1])], *pL_vals)
    pos_np[i] = pot_lam(*[resultat[i, j] for j in range(resultat.shape[1])], *pL_vals)
    total_np[i] = kin_np[i] + pos_np[i]

fig, ax = plt. subplots(figsize=(15, 10))
ax.plot(times, kin_np - kin_np[0], label='kinetic energy')
ax.plot(times, pos_np - pos_np[0], label='pos energy')
ax.plot(times, total_np - total_np[0], label='total energy')
ax.set_title("Energy of the disc, normed so initial energies = 0.")
ax. legend();


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Best regards,

Peter Stahlecker

Oscar Benjamin

Aug 24, 2022, 8:26:16 AM8/24/22
to sympy
On Wed, 24 Aug 2022 at 08:55, Peter Stahlecker
<> wrote:
> I have upgraded to sympy 1.11
> I wanted to try the cse keyword.
> If I set cse = False, all seems to work fine.
> If I set cse = True, lambdify(..) seems to work fine, but solve_ivp(..) gives and error.

It looks like cse=True doesn't work properly when lambdifying a Matrix:

In [3]: lambdify((x,), Matrix([[x**2, 0], [0, x**2]]), cse=False)(1)
array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]])

In [4]: lambdify((x,), Matrix([[x**2, 0], [0, x**2]]), cse=True)(1)
[array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]])]

Note that with cse=True the Matrix is in a list of length 1. If the
matrix doesn't have any nontrivial subexpressions then it doesn't

In [6]: lambdify((x,), Matrix([[x, 0], [0, x]]), cse=True)(1)
array([[1, 0],
[0, 1]])

Looking at the generated code we have:

In [11]: print(inspect.getsource(lambdify((x,), Matrix([[x**2, 0], [0,
x**2]]), cse=True)))
def _lambdifygenerated(x):
x0 = x**2
return [array([[x0, 0], [0, x0]])]

In [12]: print(inspect.getsource(lambdify((x,), Matrix([[x**2, 0], [0,
x**2]]), cse=False)))
def _lambdifygenerated(x):
return array([[x**2, 0], [0, x**2]])

So for some reason the generated code puts the output in a list. Looks
like this code is responsible:

It seems to presume that expr (which in this case is a Matrix) is
supposed to be a list or tuple. First it tries to add a list to it and
then if that fails it tries to add a tuple and then if that fails it
just puts expr into a list (expr = [expr]). I wish I could just ban
the use of try/except in the sympy codebase because it's almost never
used in a good way.

Basically that code will fail any time expr is not a tuple or a list e.g.:

In [3]: lambdify(x, x**2 + y*x**2, cse=True)(1)
Out[3]: [y + 1]

A workaround is just to extract the element from the list:

In [4]: lambdify(x, x**2 + y*x**2, cse=True)(1)[0]
Out[4]: y + 1

The bug comes from here:


Peter Stahlecker

Aug 24, 2022, 8:48:28 AM8/24/22
Dear Oscar,

my expressions into lambdify are of sm.Matrix type.
With cse=False, the output of lambdify is a numpy.ndarray of the same shape as the sm.Matrix.
With cse=True, the output is is list.
(I guess, this is what you said, would happen.)

Does this mean, if I somehow manage to convert the lists into ndarrays of the correct shape, the code should run with cse=True, too?

Thanks, Peter

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Peter Stahlecker

Aug 24, 2022, 11:39:11 AM8/24/22
Dear Oscar,

Thanks to your explanations, I managed  to use solve_ivp when I used cse=True in  lambdify in one of my programs. ( just convert the list to an np.ndarray of the correct shape)
The increase in speed in the integration was remarkable:
From around 8.5 sec with cse=False to around 0.13 sec with cse=True, 65 times faster!
Thanks! Peter

Jeremy Monat

Aug 24, 2022, 12:35:09 PM8/24/22
Thanks Oscar. Great to have the default (latest) version of the docs in the new, Furo format.

The release notes include

SymPy 1.11 has not been released yet.

Would you like me to update that to

SymPy 1.11 was released on 23rd August 2022.

or would you like to (or is some automation supposed to do that)?



Oscar Benjamin

Aug 24, 2022, 12:38:28 PM8/24/22
to sympy
Good point Jeremy.

Feel free to change it. Editing the release notes is a completely
manual process. I'd like to make it more automatic but the first step
for that is probably moving them out of the wiki and into the repo and
making them part of the docs.

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Arthur Ryman

Aug 24, 2022, 4:30:48 PM8/24/22
Congratulations to the dev team for the improved documentation. It looks much cleaner and more modern.

-- Arthur

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Jeremy Monat

Aug 24, 2022, 5:19:28 PM8/24/22
Oscar, I updated the Release Notes page.

Arthur, glad you like the new documentation! If you'd like to help with the documentation, you can check out the issues tagged Documentation and contribute to any.


Arthur Ryman

Aug 25, 2022, 8:24:52 AM8/25/22

That's quite a backlog of doc issues! I'll keep it in mind as a place to contribute.

-- Arthur

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