# Configuration #
# Enable or disable the complete Searchguard plugin functionality
searchguard.enabled: false
# Path where to write/read the searchguard master key file
searchguard.key_path: /tmp/dldm/elasticsearchConfig
# When using DLS or FLS and a get or mget is performed then rewrite it as search request
searchguard.rewrite_get_as_search: true
# The index name where Searchguard will store its configuration and various other informations related to Searchguard itself
# This index can only be access from localhost
searchguard.config_index_name: searchguard
# Enable or disable HTTP session which caches the authentication and authorization informations in a cookie
searchguard.http.enable_sessions: false
# Enable or disable audit logging
searchguard.auditlog.enabled: true
# If this is true (default is false) then Searchguard will check if elasticsearch is running as root/windows admin and if so then abort.
searchguard.check_for_root: false
# If this is true (default is false) then allow all HTTP REST requests from nodes loopback (e.g. localhost)
searchguard.allow_all_from_loopback: true
# X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header #
# #
# X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header
# If you have a http proxy in front of elasticsearch you have to configure this options to handle XFF properly
searchguard.http.xforwardedfor.header: null
#searchguard.http.xforwardedfor.trustedproxies: null
#searchguard.http.xforwardedfor.enforce: false
# Authentication backend #
# #
searchguard.authentication.authentication_backend.impl: com.floragunn.searchguard.authentication.backend.simple.SettingsBasedAuthenticationBackend
searchguard.authentication.authentication_backend.cache.enable: true
# Authorization backend (authorizer) #
# #
searchguard.authentication.authorizer.impl: com.floragunn.searchguard.authorization.simple.SettingsBasedAuthorizator
searchguard.authentication.authorizer.cache.enable: true
# HTTP authentication method #
# #
# Define HTTP authentication method. In future we will here have more like NTLM, SPNEGO/Kerberos and Digest.
searchguard.authentication.http_authenticator.impl: com.floragunn.searchguard.authentication.http.basic.HTTPBasicAuthenticator
# Settings based authentication (define users and password directly here in the settings. Note: this is per node)
#searchguard.authentication.settingsdb.user.<username>: password
searchguard.authentication.settingsdb.user.root: ********
searchguard.authentication.settingsdb.user.kibana: ********
searchguard.authentication.settingsdb.user.marketing: ********
# Settings based authorization (define users and their roles directly here in the settings. Note: this is per node)
#searchguard.authentication.authorization.settingsdb.roles.<username>: <array of roles>
searchguard.authentication.authorization.settingsdb.roles.root: ["admin"]
searchguard.authentication.authorization.settingsdb.roles.kibana: ["guest"]
searchguard.authentication.authorization.settingsdb.roles.marketing: ["guest"]
# Below here you configure what authenticated and authorized users are allowed to do (or not)#
# This maps to the acl defined in the searchguard configuration index #
# Configure the field level security (fls) filter to filter _source
searchguard.flsfilter.names: ["guest"]
searchguard.flsfilter.guest.source_excludes: ["user"]