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Did you make a link to your compiled version ?
I compiled sage in sage (which us the base dir) after I sudo ln -s /sage /usr/bin/sage then you get sage wide
I installed the ubuntu version which is working fine : sudo apt
install sagemath* jupyter* to get all libs working
hope that can help
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I was unable to get the distro sage to work. I compiled sage from source and this solved the problem. Sad though since I would have preferred to use the distro version.
--On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 6:55:16 PM UTC+2 Jan Groenewald wrote:HiDoes this happen with a user other than your own? Even root will do for a quick test.Perhaps pip installed packages or other repositories are conflicting. Also tryLC_ALL=C sageRegards,JanOn Sun, 13 Aug 2023 at 18:14, 'Michel VAN DEN BERGH' via sage-support <sage-s...@googlegroups.com> wrote:Hi,Today I installed sage on Ubuntu 22.04 usingapt install sagemathSadly after typing 'sage' the program crashes. The crash seems to be related to Cython. I am attaching the crash report.What are my options?Best regards,Michel--
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On Mon, 14 Aug 2023, 09:32 'Michel VAN DEN BERGH' via sage-support, <sage-s...@googlegroups.com> wrote:I was unable to get the distro sage to work. I compiled sage from source and this solved the problem. Sad though since I would have preferred to use the distro version.we are not involved in building distribution packages - this should be an Ubuntu bug report.
Did you make a link to your compiled version ?
I compiled sage in sage (which us the base dir) after I sudo ln -s /sage /usr/bin/sage then you get sage wide
I installed the ubuntu version which is working fine : sudo apt install sagemath* jupyter* to get all libs working
hope that can help
On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:45:32 AM UTC+2 Henri Girard wrote:Did you make a link to your compiled version ?
I compiled sage in sage (which us the base dir) after I sudo ln -s /sage /usr/bin/sage then you get sage wide
I don't use the sage executable, but I do "import sage" inside the python interpreter (I only run scripts). This used to work with the distro sage, but I have not found how to make that work with the compiled sage. Do you know how to achieve this?Michel
On Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 8:11:35 AM UTC+2 Michel VAN DEN BERGH wrote:On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:45:32 AM UTC+2 Henri Girard wrote:Did you make a link to your compiled version ?
I compiled sage in sage (which us the base dir) after I sudo ln -s /sage /usr/bin/sage then you get sage wide
I don't use the sage executable, but I do "import sage" inside the python interpreter (I only run scripts). This used to work with the distro sage, but I have not found how to make that work with the compiled sage. Do you know how to achieve this?MichelI did some investigating and it seems that the distro sage installs sage as an honest module (it is in the file system as /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sage/) whereas the python that comes with the compiled sage has sage as a built-in module (it seems to be not in the file system). So it is not accessible to the global python I think.The following is for the sage python.
$ sage --python>>> import sage>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getfile(sage)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/sage_user/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.11.1/lib/python3.11/inspect.py", line 901, in getfile
raise TypeError('{!r} is a built-in module'.format(object))
TypeError: <module 'sage' (<_frozen_importlib_external.NamespaceLoader object at 0x7fa4431b2550>)> is a built-in module
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HiA quick web search does not bring up results pointing at the sagemath package being broken on Ubuntu 22.04.My guess is that it is something else on your system.Regards,Jan
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