Hey all,
We have a simple adduser module, with an init.pp like so:
class adduser::config {
case $facts['operatingsystem'] {
'Debian': {
$bash = '/bin/bash'
$tcsh = '/bin/csh'
$sh = '/bin/sh'
$staffgid = '50'
$wheelgroups = ['adm', 'sudo']
$rootgroup = 'root'
default: {
$bash = '/usr/local/bin/bash'
$csh = '/bin/csh'
$tcsh = '/bin/csh'
$sh = '/bin/sh'
$staffgid = '20'
$wheelgroups = ['wheel']
$rootgroup = 'wheel'
This code *was* in the main "adduser" class, but we found that when we called a user directly, it didn't run.
All our users have stanzas like this one:
class adduser::user_ray {
require adduser::config
user { 'bob':
ensure => 'present',
comment => 'Bob User',
gid => $staffgid,
home => '/home/bob',
password => '*',
shell => $tcsh,
uid => '20049',
managehome => true
Even with the direct require of adduser::config we still see errors like this in the puppetserver log:
2018-06-04 03:27:24,369 WARN [qtp1220040994-783] [puppetserver] Puppet Unknown variable: 'tcsh'. at /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp:249:17
2018-06-04 03:27:24,377 WARN [qtp1220040994-783] [puppetserver] Puppet Unknown variable: 'staffgid'. at /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp:460:17
2018-06-04 03:27:24,380 WARN [qtp1220040994-783] [puppetserver] Puppet Unknown variable: 'wheelgroups'. at /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp:461:17
2018-06-04 03:27:24,382 WARN [qtp1220040994-783] [puppetserver] Puppet Unknown variable: 'bash'. at /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp:464:17
What's the proper way to do this inheritance? And the proper way to name variables so they scope right?
Thanks in advance,