Setting window views

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Chris Gilland

Mar 15, 2023, 12:59:16 PM3/15/23
Sorry if lately I'm wearing out my welcome here on list with so many message. I promise I'm gonna slow down now that I have PT working again. That said, may I bother you all with one more question? :)

I noticed when going through the PT Access guide, as I'm brushing up on a few things here and there, when I hit one of the edit view buttons like the mix view button where you then select the things to show/not show, same with the edit window in the edit toolbar etcetera, when I press either just space by itself, or VO+Space on one of the buttons, I'm unable to tell if it's enabled or disabled.

In 2022.12, on Ventura, how can I go about telling. I kind of remember that it used to be, if it was enabled, you'd hear it say comma before the name of the button. But now, that's not even working on my end.

I have all preferences and such set down to an exact T the way Slau has them set up to the end of chapter 1 in the guide, if that helps, and I'm now in the edit window trying to do this on the views where he enabled zoom controls.


Martin (Punky) Sopart

Mar 15, 2023, 1:06:58 PM3/15/23

After pressen e.g. the mix window view selector button you can toggle the state by using the space bar.
On my system Flo Tools speaks the word "comma" to announce the checked state.

Does that help?

Best! / Martin
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Chris Gilland

Mar 15, 2023, 1:12:21 PM3/15/23
No, not really, absolutely no offense meant. It's weird as for some bizarre reason, mine isn't saying comma no matter what I do on the button. It does seem to be toggling, but comma isn't being read out.

But, I do have a question of suspition as I know most people up here probably are not using this on Ventura.

I'm using Eloquence, not Alex or the like. Could it be that somehow, Eloquence just isn't reporting the commas? Would you be willing to test for me? I'd do it, but I suffer from severe hearing loss, and most of the other voices, I have trouble understanding well enough to easily navigate. I can, and did in the past do it, but very difficultly.

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Martin (Punky) Sopart

Mar 15, 2023, 1:20:30 PM3/15/23

Yes, it's the Eloquence.
I'm using the Siri voice 4 here.

Maybe there're some special punctuation settings for the Eloquence, don't know.
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Chris Gilland

Mar 15, 2023, 1:24:59 PM3/15/23
OK, that's really really good info to know. Thank you for conforming this. I suspect this is not something that could be fixed with ProTools, as it's not a PT issue to start with. It's like you said, an Eloquence thing. Well, that stinks! I mean, granted, I guess I could look manually and see if it's enabled, and if so, great, if not, then just go hit space on it and trust it's enabling. Kind of annoying, but you do what you've gotta do.

To be totally fair, Eloquence has always had some odd querks like this one, so, I definitely don't put this at all on the Avid accessibility team. It's definitely not their faults.

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