[PSR-13] Fix for breaking bug

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Larry Garfield

2021年2月14日 下午2:25:412021/2/14
Michael Babker on Twitter recently alerted me to a bug in the new PSR-13 release. Specifically, it typed withAttribute(string $name, string $value), which is what the docblock had, but the spec said more than just strings were allowed for $value. In particular, arrays and bool are called out specifically. This is an API break.

After discussing with implementers (mainly Symfony) to verify existing behavior, I offer this second errata with fixes to the spec.


The PR there includes links to the package updates.

As an errata this would require another Core Committee vote, which I will call in two weeks unless there are any objections before then, or if enough of the CC says to just go ahead and vote sooner. (The two week discussion period is encouraged but not strictly required, so I'm willing to save time if everyone else is.)

Also, please check and make sure there were no other issues introduced that we missed. I'd hate to have to have another bug fix release. :-(

Larry Garfield

Larry Garfield

2021年2月21日 下午2:53:012021/2/21
Core Committee members, any feedback here? Good, bad, or otherwise?

--Larry Garfield

Enrico Zimuel

2021年2月22日 凌晨3:09:172021/2/22
Hi Larry,

I did a review of the PR and it looks good.
+1 for me.

Enrico Zimuel

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Ben Edmunds

2021年2月22日 上午10:55:292021/2/22
收件者:PHP Framework Interoperability Group

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

2021年2月22日 下午5:50:152021/2/22
No additional feedback from me; I'm good with the proposed changes. 

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Woody Gilk

2021年2月23日 上午10:15:202021/2/23
I’m good with these changes, though I wish the type was more strict. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 22, 2021, at 4:50 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <mweiero...@gmail.com> wrote:

Larry Garfield

2021年2月23日 上午10:20:592021/2/23
On Tue, Feb 23, 2021, at 9:15 AM, Woody Gilk wrote:
> I’m good with these changes, though I wish the type was more strict.

I'm always for tighter typing where possible, but in this situation I don't think it could be stricter. int and float are both needed. String is needed. The spec text explicitly says that Stringable is allowed, and that arrays are allowed and have a particular meaning. We kinda need all of them.

--Larry Garfield
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