Expected pass level on unit tests?

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Ed Guy

۲۶ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۸:۴۹:۵۷۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۶
به opencog


What is the current expectation for passing test percentages on the included unit tests?

I'm getting these results on Ubuntu 14.04 (U1404) and Ubuntu 16.04 (U1604) :

OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpaceStatus98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 111
OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtilStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
OpenCOG_U1404_MosesStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
OpenCOG_U1404_OpencogStatus76% tests passed, 6 tests failed out of 25
OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpaceStatus98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 111
OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtilStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
OpenCOG_U1604_MosesStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
OpenCOG_U1604_OpencogStatus72% tests passed, 7 tests failed out of 25

Thanks in advance,


===================== Edward T Guy, III, Ph.D. Cen.ai Chief Technology Officer +1 908 400 0094

Linas Vepstas

۲۶ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۱۲:۰۷:۱۰۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۶
به opencog
I looked at your matrix.  I get 100% of the Atomspace unit tests pass; - the tests that are failing for you are some sort of UTF8  misconfiguration, the failing tests are super-basic, testing to make sure internationalized strings can be handled.  I have 118 tests not 111 so it seems you don't have some component configured -- probably postgres.

The Opencog tests have long, long been problematic: basically, python is broken, and that is manifesting in several different ways. seven failing out of 26 is currently "normal". Note that you are testing only 25, suggesting some component is missing.


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"The problem is not that artificial intelligence will get too smart and take over the world," computer scientist Pedro Domingos writes, "the problem is that it's too stupid and already has."

Michael Duncan

۲۶ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۱۲:۴۶:۲۹۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۶
به opencog
thanks, ed! this is great.  can you add the actual failing tests to your table?  for 16.04 i'm only getting a fail in atomspace for 118 CythonGuile and for Opencog
The following tests FAILED:
          2 - AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          6 - AtomOcTreeUTest (SEGFAULT)
          7 - TimeSpaceAtomUTest (SEGFAULT)
          8 - AnaphoraTest (Failed)
         12 - PLNRulesUTest (Failed)
         14 - OpenPsiRulesUTest (Failed)
         16 - OpenPsiSCMUTest (Failed)
         25 - PatternMinerUTest (Failed)

for 14.04 i get CythonGuile and 117 CythonBindLink in atomspace and opencog doesn't build for me.  i agree with linus that python is the main problem but it's not just internal bugs it's the variability of python installations across systems.  that's why all the large scale bioinformatics projects that use python define project specific python environments or use project specific python installations like anaconda.  i think we should do the same.

Ed Guy

۲۶ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۲۲:۵۹:۲۰۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۶
به opencog



If you click on the module name, e.g., ‘OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace’, it should bring you to the full log file. (except right now while a new build is running ) 

But to make it easier, I’ve added the last two dozen or so problems into the report page. 



41/111 Test  #41: BasicSCMUTest ....................***Failed    0.17 sec

111/111 Test #111: CythonGuile ......................***Exception: SegFault  0.21 sec



2/25 Test  #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception: Other  5.14 sec  

 6/25 Test  #6: AtomOcTreeUTest ..................***Exception: SegFault  0.07 sec

7/25 Test  #7: TimeSpaceAtomUTest ...............***Exception: SegFault  0.07 sec

8/25 Test  #8: AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed    1.22 sec

12/25 Test #12: OpenPsiRulesUTest ................***Failed    0.49 sec

14/25 Test #14: OpenPsiSCMUTest ..................***Failed    8.84 sec





I’ll look at the UTF-8 config; perhaps a regional default is giving a different configuration. 


Regarding the 118 vs 111 tests.   Yes, postgres was not installed.  I’ll add it at next opportunity. 





I’ll be in Miami for the rest of the week – If anyone is at the BTC, drop me a line for a face-to-face. 





On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 8:49:57 AM UTC-5, Ed Guy wrote:

Michael Duncan

۲۸ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۰۳:۱۸۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۸
به opencog

thanks, ed!  i think i'm ahead of jenkins now but for 16.04 i'm getting
atomspace$ git branch -v
* master 9c1ad80 Revise python dictionary printing
The following tests FAILED:
        118 - CythonGuile (SEGFAULT)

opencog$ git branch -v
* master 9e89aa1 Merge pull request #2979 from ngeiswei/optimize-xpattern-miner

The following tests FAILED:
          2 - AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest (OTHER_FAULT)
          6 - AtomOcTreeUTest (SEGFAULT)
          7 - TimeSpaceAtomUTest (SEGFAULT)
          8 - AnaphoraTest (Failed)
         12 - PLNRulesUTest (Failed)
         21 - RestApiTest (Failed)

with cogutil and moses passing 100%

Linas Vepstas

۲۸ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۱۶:۲۹:۰۵۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۲۸
به opencog

in general, open bug reports. Also please try to get the iCog labs guys to fix them.  For the CythonGuile crash, you can run the test by hand, like so:

cd to/where/atomspace/is
export PYTHONPATH=./build/opencog/cython
nosetests -vs tests/cython/guile

Actually, before you do that, make sure you remove all the various *.pyc files, and the __pycache__ cache directories in  tests/cython/guile  and elsewhere.   Python tends to compute caches, write them in random directories, forget that it created those caches, not regenerate them and then crazy-making.   I assume this is fixed in python3...  also make sure you did a `sudo make install`  so that you are not picking up old, stale junk from /usrlocal    .. that should be enough to make the test pass.


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Ed Guy

۳۰ دی ۱۳۹۶، ۹:۳۰:۵۹۱۳۹۶/۱۰/۳۰
به opencog

The tests which fail are very dependent on the precise packages installed. 
I started to address the unicode issues ( at a deb package level) and broke the 1404 builds. 
I made the mistake of not putting the docker config files in a repo, so I'm going to have to grok the log files
to find the root cause. (fortunately, the logs are in a repo)  I'd eventually like to get debian/ubuntu packages
out of this process. 

/ed @ cen.ai 
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Michael Duncan

۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۳:۰۷:۴۸۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۵
به opencog
ed, someone in japan made some debian packages and set up an apt repo last august, see threads  here and here.  i don't know their current state.

i've often had different test failures than jenkins on ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04:  currently i'm getting 1 passing and 1 failing test different for both the atomspace and opencog builds.
here's an interesting clue:  i had some folders installed by pip called without sudo for some packages (also installed globally) that i cleared out in case that was the problem.  this caused the PythonEvalUTest fail in addition to the CythonGuile test fail for the atomspace repo.  in opencog, my ShellUTest passes but PLNRulesUTest fails.

i think this mess could be fixed with dedicated python installation like conda.  opensource bioinformatics pipelines that use python do this to avoid all the inter-machine variation that inevitably seems to accumulate in python installations.  i've given up on 14.04, it's too much of a pain keeping up as the packages get out-dated.

good luck with the package work, it will really help make opencog more accessible to all the folks getting inspired by the singularity net !

Linas Vepstas

۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۰۸:۲۱۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۵
به opencog
Based on my experience with link-grammar, any system (conda?) which installs packages both locally and globally, on a per-app deployment, makes the problem much much worse.  There, we have an Apple user who had an endless, bottomless litany of crazy failures we the developers never saw before.  During diagnosis, we discovered that his system contained 5 different versions of python installed in 5 different locations,  and during a typical compile, header files from one version would be linked to libraries from a different (incompatible) version.    We told him to nuke everything. Easier said than done.
As soon as you have multiple versions of crap on a system, you will get crashes, compile errors, test failures, etc that are hard-to-debug,  or even very hard, almost impossible to debug.   It is a recipie for guaranteed disaster.  Don't go there.

In general, on a linux system, avoid and do not use: pip, easy_install, virtualenv, conda -- they are the root cause of these failures.  Just use apt-get.  Everything that you need is on apt-get already, and using pip or conda is gauranteeed to install a second copy of things that is not compatible, and *WILL* with 100% certainty, cause crazy-making failures.


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cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you

Michael Duncan

۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۵۰:۲۰۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۵
به opencog
conda installs a complete local python, R or other infrastructure separate from the system installation, there is no global installation component.  this is an example of a high performance pipeline combining many components routinely installed on academic clusters:  https://github.com/chapmanb/bcbio-nextgen.  i think this is their solution to the problem you describe by completely controlling the necessary installations locally, since especially python with versions 2 and 3 being routinely used, seems inherently incapable on it's own of keeping track of how it gets installed.

as far as left-over compiled python bits, as a last ditch measure i eliminate the opencog related files and directories in /usr/local/* and delete the build folders and redo cmake and 'make install'.  is there anywhere else leftover python files can accumulate?

Linas Vepstas

۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۵۷:۴۸۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۵
به opencog
Yes! You have to eliminate all of the files that conda installed.

The problem is not with opencog. The problem is with conda.  Don't se conda, and things will work. Use conda, things will break. Its almost a 100% guarantee on that.

This is not an opencog issue or a linux issue -- this is a generic software issue spanning all operating systems. In the 1990's, it hit microsoft really bad-- it was called "dll hell".  Now you can call it "conda hell". Don't use it,. blow it away, cleanly scrub out all the files it (conda) installed, all the caches it created, and the problem will go away.


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Amir Plivatsky

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به opencog
In case of link-grammar and the conda installation on MacOS, it turned out that the final killer problem was that in the new conda versions the python binary is now statically linked (for performance, they say).
So python mysteriously fails when trying to import the bindings module. 

The link-grammar language bindings with old conda versions,  in which python is dynamically linked, worked for me. But you must ensure that if there are several python binaries, the one you actually use has been (dynamically) linked with the same python library that the language binding (that you import to it) has been linked to. Because usually no library version check is done on import (between the loaded module and python), an undefined behaviour may happen on a mismatch. 

Hopefully it is possible to implement such a library match check in the language bindings module before it loads the binary module. I still investigate how to do that in the case of link-grammar.


Michael Duncan

۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۲۳:۳۸:۴۷۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۵
به opencog
to be clear i've never installed conda on my 16.04 system.  the extras i eliminated where from using pip vs pip2 and pip3 without sudo, which i started messing with when some mozi code started randomly trying to run opencog with python 3.  i last used conda a year ago on ubuntu 14.04 and it seems like it's morphed and expanded since then as well. it worked fine for me with bcbio-nextgen and i had the same issues with opencog unit tests then that i'm having now.  i'm not in a position to judge if it's a solution for openocog, but the current system doesn't seem to be working either, including for you.  and it seems to work for running complicated projects with multiple languages on diverse high performance installations.

Linas Vepstas

۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱:۵۹:۵۸۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۶
به opencog
On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Michael Duncan <mjsd...@gmail.com> wrote:
 started randomly trying to run opencog with python 3. 

The atomspace python bindings now work with python 3.  The #1 roadblock for supporting python3 on opencog is that cmake does not yet support it -- there is no way to detect if python3 is installed on a system.  Googling this seems to indicate that this is a "well-known issue" -- python3 is apparently still bleeding-edge enough that a popular tool like cmake does not yet support it.  Go figure.

 i had the same issues with opencog unit tests then that i'm having now. 

There's something fundamentally flawed with how you install your system. The atomspace unit tests have been passing at 100% for about a decade, now. The opencog tests were passing at 100% until about half-a-year ago, when they started falling down because basically, there are certain subsystems that are dead.   The original authors are gone, and no one actually uses those failing components -- the space server, the rest-api, the python bindings - none of that stuff -- Its dead code.  One solution is to just delete it.

I'm vaguely irked. Porting opencog to python3 took about a day - 8 hours, morning coffee till dinner-time - while reading email in between - it wasn't hard.  People have been yapping about this since about forever -- I personally have spent more time talking about it, than it actually took to do the work. At some point, the people who actually use python need to stop yammering, and just plain-old actually do the work.   Get the priorities straightened out.

I mean - python is supposed to be incredibly popular-- so why doesn't cmake support it? what's wrong with this picture? Are the python guys lazy or incompetent?  Or do they just have bigger mouths than everyone else?
i'm not in a position to judge if it's a solution for openocog, but the current system doesn't seem to be working either, including for you. 

Bullshit. System works great for me. The fact that portions of opencog (such as the python bindings) are abandonware does not mean "the system isn't working".  What's not working is that the python boosters are too fucking lazy to do any work.  They'd rather talk about how smart they are, and how great python is.  STFU.   Python is the visual-basic of the 21st century. It attracts the same mindset, the same class of people.
and it seems to work for running complicated projects with multiple languages on diverse high performance installations.
opencog is used on diverse high performance installations ??  Whaaat ??


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Michael Duncan

۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۱:۴۷:۴۵۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۶
به opencog

On Friday, January 26, 2018 at 1:59:58 AM UTC-5, linas wrote:

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Michael Duncan <mjsd...@gmail.com> wrote:
 started randomly trying to run opencog with python 3. 

The atomspace python bindings now work with python 3.  The #1 roadblock for supporting python3 on opencog is that cmake does not yet support it -- there is no way to detect if python3 is installed on a system.  Googling this seems to indicate that this is a "well-known issue" -- python3 is apparently still bleeding-edge enough that a popular tool like cmake does not yet support it.  Go figure.

 i had the same issues with opencog unit tests then that i'm having now. 

There's something fundamentally flawed with how you install your system. The atomspace unit tests have been passing at 100% for about a decade, now. The opencog tests were passing at 100% until about half-a-year ago, when they started falling down because basically, there are certain subsystems that are dead.   The original authors are gone, and no one actually uses those failing components -- the space server, the rest-api, the python bindings - none of that stuff -- Its dead code.  One solution is to just delete it.
 then why am i getting most of the same failing tests on atomspace and opencog that jenkins was last week?  they are all passing now so what changed?  everything was passing for me last summer as well.

I'm vaguely irked. Porting opencog to python3 took about a day - 8 hours, morning coffee till dinner-time - while reading email in between - it wasn't hard.  People have been yapping about this since about forever -- I personally have spent more time talking about it, than it actually took to do the work. At some point, the people who actually use python need to stop yammering, and just plain-old actually do the work.   Get the priorities straightened out.

I mean - python is supposed to be incredibly popular-- so why doesn't cmake support it? what's wrong with this picture? Are the python guys lazy or incompetent?  Or do they just have bigger mouths than everyone else?
i'm not in a position to judge if it's a solution for openocog, but the current system doesn't seem to be working either, including for you. 

Bullshit. System works great for me. The fact that portions of opencog (such as the python bindings) are abandonware does not mean "the system isn't working".  What's not working is that the python boosters are too fucking lazy to do any work.  They'd rather talk about how smart they are, and how great python is.  STFU.   Python is the visual-basic of the 21st century. It attracts the same mindset, the same class of people.

i'm obviously talking about the python system and more specifically the unit testing infrastructure. here's just one example of how  well it works for you.  i don't like python any more than you do but i'm not the one ignoring it while developing the underlying code the python components are based on.  did it ever occur to you that people gave up on maintaining stuff because they got tired of fighting with you?

Ed Guy

۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۳۴:۳۶۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۶
به opencog

I'm making some progress on builds across platforms.  Fixed a couple minor issues along the way.  Now everything is consistently
building with a couple surprising results in the unit tests (below) on Ubuntu 1710,  1604 and 1404, as well as Debian Stable. 

These are all fairly minimal installs.  Currently working on an OSX build that I need for my own work and then plan to a create a
'kitchen sink' (more complete) install 
as time permits.   Benchmarks could easily be a part of this result. 

* MHatta, if you're reading:  any chance you can share your debian packaging scripts? 
* Linas: I haven't spent enough effort on the probably unicode issue that you pointed out. 

Is there ( or should there be) a telegram or slack (or similar) channel that real time results could be posted? 



MODULE & LogfileStatusDetailTest PassTest FailBuildAttempt

OpenCOG_DebStab_AtomSpaceStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 11109:1208:2209:12
Status100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
Status100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtilStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
OpenCOG_U1404_MosesStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtilStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
OpenCOG_U1604_MosesStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
Status100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
OpenCOG_U1710_MosesStatus100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3409:3208:3809:32
OpenCOG_U1710_OpencogStatus71% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 1709:3508:4009:35

( Times are currently EST/EDT GMT-5/-4)

Error Detail


 2/23 Test  #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception: Other  5.72 sec
 6/23 Test  #6: AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed   12.22 sec
 8/23 Test  #8: PLNRulesUTest ....................***Failed    3.59 sec
10/23 Test #10: OpenPsiRulesUTest ................***Failed    2.92 sec
11/23 Test #11: OpenPsiImplicatorUTest ...........***Failed    0.88 sec
12/23 Test #12: OpenPsiSCMUTest ..................***Failed    0.96 sec
17/23 Test #17: RestApiTest ......................***Failed    2.02 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog for more detail.


111/111 Test #111: CythonGuile ......................***Exception: SegFault  3.23 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace for more detail.


 6/25 Test  #6: AtomOcTreeUTest ..................***Exception: SegFault  0.09 sec
 7/25 Test  #7: TimeSpaceAtomUTest ...............***Exception: SegFault  0.08 sec
 8/25 Test  #8: AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed   14.28 sec
10/25 Test #10: PLNRulesUTest ....................***Failed    4.30 sec
19/25 Test #19: RestApiTest ......................***Failed    2.48 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog for more detail.


 41/111 Test  #41: BasicSCMUTest ....................***Failed    0.40 sec
111/111 Test #111: CythonGuile ......................***Exception: SegFault  0.50 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace for more detail.


 2/25 Test  #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception: Other  5.40 sec
 6/25 Test  #6: AtomOcTreeUTest ..................***Exception: SegFault  0.11 sec
 7/25 Test  #7: TimeSpaceAtomUTest ...............***Exception: SegFault  0.11 sec
 8/25 Test  #8: AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed    3.16 sec
19/25 Test #19: RestApiTest ......................***Failed    1.53 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog for more detail.


 41/106 Test  #41: BasicSCMUTest ....................***Failed    0.47 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace for more detail.


 2/17 Test  #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception: Other  5.73 sec
 6/17 Test  #6: MOSESPLNSynergyUTest .............***Failed    0.59 sec
 8/17 Test  #8: OpenPsiRulesUTest ................***Failed    1.55 sec
 9/17 Test  #9: OpenPsiImplicatorUTest ...........***Failed    0.39 sec
10/17 Test #10: OpenPsiSCMUTest ..................***Failed    0.77 sec

See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog for more detail.

On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 8:49:57 AM UTC-5, Ed Guy wrote:

Linas Vepstas

۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۷:۰۲:۰۹۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۶
به opencog

I was going to remark that every test passes on some version, except maybe that's not true; the ubuntu 1710 is running only 17 tests instead of 25

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Linas Vepstas

۶ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۹:۰۷:۳۹۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۶
به opencog
Bug #2991 describes why theOpenPsi unit tests fail.

In addition, the scheme bindings for the logger are mis-designed, causesing liblogger.so not found error messages.  I will try to hack around this, for now.


Nil Geisweiller

۸ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۲۰:۳۴:۰۱۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۸
به ope...@googlegroups.com

On 01/27/2018 02:07 AM, Linas Vepstas wrote:
> In addition, the scheme bindings for the logger are mis-designed,
> causesing liblogger.so not found error messages.  I will try to hack
> around this, for now.

Could you elaborate as to why the scheme bindings for logger
mis-designed and how to fix them?

> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 111 09:12 08:22 09:12
> OpenCOG_DebStab_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12 09:09 08:20 09:09
> OpenCOG_DebStab__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 2018-01-16 08:27
> OpenCOG_DebStab_Guile
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_Guile.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 08:20
> OpenCOG_DebStab_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35 09:19 08:26 09:19
> OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 70% tests passed, 7 tests failed out of 23
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_debstab_opencog> 09:23
> 08:27 09:23
> OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 111
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1404_atomspace> 08:44
> 07:57 08:44
> OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12 08:28 2018-01-21
> 07:56 08:28
> OpenCOG_U1404__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 2018-01-22 08:01
> OpenCOG_U1404_Guile
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Guile.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 2018-01-22 07:56
> OpenCOG_U1404_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35 08:51 2018-01-21
> 08:00 08:51
> OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 80% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 25
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1404_opencog>
> 08:54 08:01 08:54
> OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 111
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1604_atomspace> 08:58
> 08:07 08:58
> OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12 08:55 2018-01-21
> 08:06 08:55
> OpenCOG_U1604__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 2018-01-22 08:12
> OpenCOG_U1604_Guile
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Guile.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 2018-01-22 08:06
> OpenCOG_U1604_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35 09:05 2018-01-21
> 08:10 09:05
> OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 80% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 25
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1604_opencog>
> 09:08 08:12 09:08
> OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 106
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1710_atomspace> 09:26
> 08:34 09:26
> OpenCOG_U1710_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12 09:23 08:33 09:23
> OpenCOG_U1710__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 08:40
> OpenCOG_U1710_Guile
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_Guile.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASSNOTEST.svg>
> 08:32
> OpenCOG_U1710_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 34 09:32 08:38 09:32
> OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 71% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 17
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1710_opencog>
> 09:35 08:40 09:35
> ( Times are currently EST/EDT GMT-5/-4)
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#error-detail>Error Detail
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_debstab_opencog>OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog
> |2/23 Test #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception:
> Other 5.72 sec 6/23 Test #6: AnaphoraTest
> .....................***Failed 12.22 sec 8/23 Test #8:
> PLNRulesUTest ....................***Failed 3.59 sec 10/23 Test
> #10: OpenPsiRulesUTest ................***Failed 2.92 sec 11/23
> Test #11: OpenPsiImplicatorUTest ...........***Failed 0.88 sec
> 12/23 Test #12: OpenPsiSCMUTest ..................***Failed 0.96
> sec 17/23 Test #17: RestApiTest ......................***Failed
> 2.02 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_DebStab_Opencog.log>
> for more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1404_atomspace>OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace
> |111/111 Test #111: CythonGuile
> ......................***Exception: SegFault 3.23 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace.log>
> for more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1404_opencog>OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog
> |6/25 Test #6: AtomOcTreeUTest ..................***Exception:
> SegFault 0.09 sec 7/25 Test #7: TimeSpaceAtomUTest
> ...............***Exception: SegFault 0.08 sec 8/25 Test #8:
> AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed 14.28 sec 10/25 Test
> #10: PLNRulesUTest ....................***Failed 4.30 sec 19/25
> Test #19: RestApiTest ......................***Failed 2.48 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog.log> for
> more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1604_atomspace>OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace
> |41/111 Test #41: BasicSCMUTest ....................***Failed
> 0.40 sec 111/111 Test #111: CythonGuile
> ......................***Exception: SegFault 0.50 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace.log>
> for more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1604_opencog>OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog
> |2/25 Test #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception:
> Other 5.40 sec 6/25 Test #6: AtomOcTreeUTest
> ..................***Exception: SegFault 0.11 sec 7/25 Test #7:
> TimeSpaceAtomUTest ...............***Exception: SegFault 0.11
> sec 8/25 Test #8: AnaphoraTest .....................***Failed
> 3.16 sec 19/25 Test #19: RestApiTest
> ......................***Failed 1.53 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog.log> for
> more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1710_atomspace>OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace
> |41/106 Test #41: BasicSCMUTest ....................***Failed
> 0.47 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_AtomSpace.log>
> for more detail.
> ________
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus#opencog_u1710_opencog>OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog
> |2/17 Test #2: AtomSpacePublisherModuleUTest ....***Exception:
> Other 5.73 sec 6/17 Test #6: MOSESPLNSynergyUTest
> .............***Failed 0.59 sec 8/17 Test #8: OpenPsiRulesUTest
> ................***Failed 1.55 sec 9/17 Test #9:
> OpenPsiImplicatorUTest ...........***Failed 0.39 sec 10/17 Test
> #10: OpenPsiSCMUTest ..................***Failed 0.77 sec |
> See the log file at this link: OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1710_Opencog.log> for
> more detail.
> On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 8:49:57 AM UTC-5, Ed Guy wrote:
> Team:
> What is the current expectation for passing test percentages
> on the included unit tests?
> I'm getting these results on Ubuntu 14.04 (U1404) and Ubuntu
> 16.04 (U1604) :
> OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 111
> OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
> OpenCOG_U1404__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASS.svg>
> OpenCOG_U1404_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
> OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1404_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 76% tests passed, 6 tests failed out of 25
> OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_AtomSpace.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 98% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 111
> OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtil
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_CogUtil.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 12
> OpenCOG_U1604__Core_Build
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604__Core_Build.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/BUILDPASS.svg>
> OpenCOG_U1604_Moses
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Moses.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTPASS.svg>
> 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 35
> OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/jobs/OpenCOG_U1604_Opencog.log>
> Status
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus/blob/master/images/TESTFAIL.svg>
> 72% tests passed, 7 tests failed out of 25
> ( from https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus
> <https://github.com/edguy3/CenStatus> )
> Thanks in advance,
> /ed
> ===================== Edward T Guy, III, Ph.D. Cen.ai Chief
> Technology Officer +1 908 400 0094 <tel:(908)%20400-0094>
> --
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> cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you
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> cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you
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Linas Vepstas

۹ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۲۱:۵۷:۴۳۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۹
به opencog
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 7:33 PM, 'Nil Geisweiller' via opencog <ope...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On 01/27/2018 02:07 AM, Linas Vepstas wrote:
In addition, the scheme bindings for the logger are mis-designed, causesing liblogger.so not found error messages.  I will try to hack around this, for now.

Could you elaborate as to why the scheme bindings for logger mis-designed and how to fix them?

This seemed to make sense when I wrote it, but no so much now.  I think pull req
https://github.com/opencog/atomspace/pull/1543  fixes the underlying issue.

For some reason, can't fully explain why, but every times there were lkinking problems, liblogger
was always at the center of it all -- stub it out, and problems went away.  I thought I understood
why, for a while, but now I cannot recall.




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cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you

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Randy Deborggraeve

۱۰ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۶:۰۱:۲۶۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۱۰
به opencog
Atomspace unit test should be at 100% now

Michael Duncan

۱۱ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۲:۲۱:۳۳۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۱۱
به opencog
works for me, thx!

Nil Geisweiller

۱۱ بهمن ۱۳۹۶، ۱۴:۰۶:۲۳۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۱۱
به ope...@googlegroups.com
I concur, thanks!

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