Question on Hierarchy & To-Do Filters

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JL Fitzpatrick

Mar 13, 2015, 2:15:36 PM3/13/15
Using MLO specifically as a Project Management Tool. Each Project has numbered task and subtask labels which I organize our server files and cost codes by so everything is organized the same for reference. 

For my To-Do view I primarily use By due date but turn hierarchy on so things are listed by Project. I've experimented some with advance filters, but this has not turned out to be an intuitive tool for me. (Adding "AND" and two parent filters, everything disappears. Actions are always set to "All".

I have the tasks and sub-tasks arranged in what seems like a logical manner, much like I would run a Schedule. Many tasks will have several sub-tasks in the same level all with different Due Dates which are checked off when complete. I don't generally update the due date if a Consultant misses his commitment so it shows up for my records when I search by Code. Therefore I generally look at due dates simultaneously in the past and present in one view. I would however prefer not to show the completed tasks to focus on incomplete items but when I select Show Completed: "No" those incomplete subtasks listed alongside completed subtasks disappear from the To-Do view (By due date, hierarchy "On").

Is there some hierarchy requirement or filtering option I'm missing here? If the view is set to show all tasks by due date, why do some disappear when incomplete tasks are hidden? Would love to just see all incomplete tasks in hierarchy order with whatever due date was assigned otherwise the To-Do view is just the same as the Outline (?)

Screenshots attached, Task is in Project; 5) RCC-R - PRD P14-0472, TTM 39534 



Mar 13, 2015, 4:53:54 PM3/13/15
Just a quick thought. You mentioned you were playing around with advanced filter settings. Is that unchecked now? (can't tell from your screenshots)

JL Fitzpatrick

Mar 16, 2015, 11:22:11 AM3/16/15
Advanced Filter settings are default for "By due date" view (DueDateTime / Exists).

Dwight Arthur

Mar 16, 2015, 1:47:01 PM3/16/15

Hi, John. I don’t understand your situation well enough to be able to help you with a solution but I can talk through MLO’s concept of filtered hierarchies and maybe it will help.


It appears to me that you want to apply a filter to your hierarchy and have it applied across all the levels of your hierarchy. Unfortunately it’s not that simple.


Hierarchical views are created in two steps (well, more really but only two that matter to this discussion) First, the main and advanced filters are applied to create a flat list of items that pass the filter at that level. The second step makes it hierarchical: the children and/or parents (per your request) are attached to each of the items that passed step one. The children and/or parents are filtered based *not* on the main and advanced filters but on the child filter and/or parent filter (click the “config” button after the Show Hierarchy filter). Then the resulting trees are merged and your view is ready.


I’m not sure if this is what you are after, but you could try turning Show Completed to Yes in the main filter and adding a child filter, Complete is False


None of this explains why you would get a nearly empty view when you set the main filter for Show Completed to No. We would have to dig further – if you don’t need to investigate this question that’s great, otherwise please let us know whether the project or any level parent of the missing tasks were completed. If not, to investigate this further I would ask you to post your profile file to the forum – if you do not want to publish the actual contents of your profile (I wouldn’t) maybe you could create a new blank profile, set up some dummy projects and tasks and reproduce the situation there, and then post it.


JL Fitzpatrick

Mar 17, 2015, 1:54:06 PM3/17/15
Thank you for your time in responding to my query.

So if I understand correctly (and apparently I don't), under the Filter menu the "General" tab (Actions / Hierarchy / Completed) should take precedence over the Advanced Filter near the bottom. That would make sense given its location in the window, however when I started with a new view and used the Hierarchy Config button to Include Parent and Child items, with the Filters both set to "DueDateTime exists" only a hand full of incomplete tasks showed up, none of which were for the Project I'm trying to focus on and none of the Project Folders are visible to see what project the tasks are in (I've got all Personal and Business Projects in one file, maybe that's the issue).

Starting again with the "By due date view" which seems to be a partial success (hey MLO, what's due on each of my Projects?):
  • Show Actions: "All"
  • Show Hierarchy "Yes" / Config Default on "Include Parent Items" and "Include Child Items" (I had not used this before because the "Config" text is not wrapped within the button and is illegible)
  • Show Completed on "Yes"
  • Advanced Filter default "DueDateTimeExists" for this view.
With these settings on one of my Projects I've been reviewing the view shows Nine (9) incomplete tasks which matches the Outline View, of course all completed tasks are also shown which I have to scroll through to see the incomplete tasks. So why not just look at the Outline View?

If I want to just focus on just incomplete tasks within a certain Project I go back up and select Show Completed: "No" and the same Project now only shows One incomplete task out of the Nine in the Outline and previous Show Completed: Yes view. So where are the other Eight incomplete tasks? They're in the Outline View, and show up when all complete tasks are shown, but they still are not complete and I need to see them whether I see the incomplete tasks or not. What's the secret to a usable To-Do view?

I've tried General Filter options and Advanced Filter Options with Rules and Sub-rules either in combination with General Filters or separate, that by their descriptions should work but nothing has. I've also tried Sorting the View, either separately or combined with Filters. These views were further off the mark.

If I get time I'll either post my profile or create a test profile to post, but for now I'm still scrolling through completed tasks. Hardly seems like the To-Do view is worth it, just scroll though the Outline which is the only view I really trust that doesn't hide incomplete tasks.

Dwight Arthur

Mar 17, 2015, 5:38:35 PM3/17/15

Hi, John. Reading your description I now have a better understanding of what you are trying to do but no better understanding of why it does not work for you. My profile is fairly complex but it may have fewer levels that I’m guessing yours might have. ByDueDate has (as far as I can see) three changes from the Alltasks view (1) hierarchy is turned off, (2) Advanced filter selects items with due date (3) items are grouped by due date.


Remember that a hierarchical view presents a collection of one or more trees, where trees that overlap are merged. Main and advanced filters, sorts and grouping apply only to the top (root) level item in each tree. I believe that when you turn on the hierarchical view the default config is to show parents (with no parent filter) but not children. So the specification you have given asks for items that have a due date together with all parents of each, with the trees merged whenever they overlap, with the whole thing grouped by the due date of the item at the top of each tree.


First of all, I cannot imagine that grouping by the due date of the root is useful. I would suggest turning it off as it seems to make the result a little more confusing.


Second, remember that your view is made up of merged trees. Many of the items that qualify for inclusion are also parents of items that qualify for inclusion. Once the merging of trees is complete, those items are not shown because they passed the primary and advanced filters. Rather they are shown because they are parents of an included item, and passed the parent filter. When you throw out some of the bottom-level items because they are completed, that will also throw out any item that’s there only because it is somebody’s parent.


Consider this tree:

  A     D 

 / \   / \

B   C E   F


If every one of these items is uncompleted and has a due date, your view will show all of them. If you complete B, C, and D they will drop from the listing but so will A. That’s because A was included as an item in its own right because it is uncompleted and has a due date, but also because it is a parent of B and also because it is a parent of C. In the merge, it survives as a parent. If B and C are then eliminated from the view because they are completed, A is eliminated because it has lost all of its children. D remains because it is the parent of uncompleted task F.

To get the view you want, I think you have to go at it from the other end. Instead of “show uncompleted tasks with due dates, and their parents” how about “show projects and all of their uncompleted children with due dates.”?


To do this, start with an unmodified All Tasks view. Set the general filters to Actions:all, Hierarchy: yes, completed: yes. Set the hierarchy config to: parents: clear. Child items: checked. Child filter: ((DueDateTime exists)AND(not(Complete))). I do not understand the Continue Searching item and it seems to make no difference in this case so ignore it. Back in the main screen, set advanced filter to (IsProject). Clear any groups and sorts.


Is the result what you want? If not, please be specific about what’s different from your expectation.



JL Fitzpatrick

Mar 18, 2015, 12:28:31 PM3/18/15

Your suggested View and Filters is BRILLIANT! Exactly what I was looking for. Even created an MLO Outline of these setting for reference.

Besides solving my View issue thanks to you I have a little better understanding of how these filters work. As a test I noticed if I "Include Parent Items" in the Hierarchy without a filter these Parent Tasks will show but since there are no Child Tasks with incomplete items then they're not necessary to see. Applying the same Filter options for Parent Items as the Child Items everything disappears. Because of course there are no Parent Items that are incomplete. Hence being a filter, being a choice of what NOT to show rather than what you want to see. (These could be explained better somewhere in the Manual).

From your suggested selections the Hierarchy view is preserved and only Task Trees with incomplete Tasks are visible. Perfect.

Screenshots are attached. Interesting because the All Tasks view is under the Outline View Group that's where it is listed, so I copied and renamed the view to keep it straight.

Jan 24, 2021, 4:58:40 AM1/24/21
to MyLifeOrganized
> Hierarchical views are created in two steps (well, more really but only two that matter to this discussion) First, the main and advanced filters are applied to create a flat list of items that pass the filter at that level. The second step makes it hierarchical: the children and/or parents (per your request) are attached to each of the items that passed step one. The children and/or parents are filtered based *not* on the main and advanced filters but on the child filter and/or parent filter (click the “config” button after the Show Hierarchy filter). Then the resulting trees are merged and your view is ready.

This is a clear explanation of how things should work. Unfortunately, they don't seem to work that way.

I would really like this bug fixed as I am having numerous problems with hierarchy displays, as others have reported:

> What I want is to have a view with a certain filter (doesn't matter) and include the parent item only if it's a project.
> When creating a filter for a custom view, there is a "Show Hierarchy" option. In the "Config" dialog, I can choose "Include Parent Item" and configure a filter for the parent items.
> However, if I set the filter to "IsProject = true", then I only get items that are in a project. That is, items that are included in my main filter are not shown if they are not children of a project.
> What I want is to get all items in my filter, but show the parent only if it's a project. Is that possible?

If things really worked how they should, a parent filter should never exclude any items that pass step one.


> I believe that when you have a filtered list of tasks and also have "include parents" turned on, that a task that passes the main filter but that does not have any parent is not included. I seem to recall one person a couple of years ago who reported this. I believe that there was some discussion, the final outcome of which was that this was by design and that the user should create a parent for the task in question.

It is hard to believe that something this buggy could be by design. A parent filter should act consistently, as in your clear description, not sometimes exclude tasks that pass the main filter.
Same for child filters. Please can we get this fixed!

Jan 26, 2021, 2:38:31 AM1/26/21
to MyLifeOrganized
> Hierarchical views are created in two steps (well, more really but only two that matter to this discussion) First, the main and advanced filters are applied to create a flat list of items that pass the filter at that level. The second step makes it hierarchical: the children and/or parents (per your request) are attached to each of the items that passed step one. The children and/or parents are filtered based *not* on the main and advanced filters but on the child filter and/or parent filter (click the “config” button after the Show Hierarchy filter). Then the resulting trees are merged and your view is ready.

Dwight, did you see Andrei's latest video:

Apparently this is *not* how it works - the parent filter actually controls whether items pass the main filter based on their parents.

On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:47:01 AM UTC-7 Dwight Arthur wrote:

Jan 27, 2021, 3:44:22 AM1/27/21
to MyLifeOrganized
Or, maybe not - Andrei now says this is a bug!

Andrei Bacean

Jan 27, 2021, 4:50:21 AM1/27/21
to MyLifeOrganized

i'm a user like you, and i can be wrong sometimes ;)
Please do not confuse me with Andrey, the developer.

Regarding how MLO treats hierarchy filtering, I'm used to this behavior of the program for long time, and I considered it to be normal.
By the way, would you like to join the MLO beta testing team? Sorry, maybe you have been already asked to apply. 

Have a nice day

best regards

среда, 27 января 2021 г. в 10:44:22 UTC+2,

Jan 28, 2021, 7:14:23 AM1/28/21
to MyLifeOrganized
Oh, sorry, I thought you were Andrey!

And the hierarchy bugs were something that frustrated me a while back when I started to use MLO.

Yes I'd love to join the beta testing team, thank you!

Andrei, Win&Droid MLO user

Jan 29, 2021, 10:11:35 AM1/29/21
to MyLifeOrganized
Yes I'd love to join the beta testing team, thank you!  

I've forwarded the message to the support   [at]
Check your inbox for an invite letter.

Best wishes

четверг, 28 января 2021 г. в 14:14:23 UTC+2,
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