newbie how to reflow comments?

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Andy Davidson

Apr 18, 2017, 3:18:55 PM4/18/17
to 'Ryan Blue' via Project Jupyter

One features I mis from R-studio is the ability to reflow comments. For example lets say I paste the following comment in a code cell

"This dataset checks that your code always picks the first-occurring Profile-most Probable k-mer in a given sequence of Dna. In the first sequence (“GCCCAA”), “GCC” and “CCA” are both Profile-most Probable k-mers. However, you must return “GCC” since it occurs earlier than “CCA”. Thus, if the first sequence of your output is “CCA”, this test case fails your code.”

After “reflow” the comment looks like

# test data set 1
# This dataset checks that your code always picks the first-occurring 
# Profile-most Probable k-mer in a given sequence of Dna. In the first 
# sequence (“GCCCAA”), “GCC” and “CCA” are both Profile-most Probable 
# k-mers. However, you must return “GCC” since it occurs earlier than
# “CCA”. Thus, if the first sequence of your output is “CCA”, this test 
# case fails your code.

Now if I go through and edit the commented section all I have to is ‘re-flow’ and it will reformat my comments so that no line is more than a fixed length

Kind regards


P.s. I am using a mac. Hopefully their is a keyboard short cut

Brian Granger

Apr 19, 2017, 12:27:55 AM4/19/17
to Project Jupyter
+1 fully agree!

I have opened an issue on the JupyterLab repo where we would implement this:
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Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub and

Jonathan Whitmore

Apr 19, 2017, 12:40:07 AM4/19/17
to Project Jupyter
So, I don't know a command that'll automatically take a long string and make it a fixed-width, but a Jupyter Notebook shortcut to quickly comment a block of code is to type: 


command + slash will toggle comment/uncomment a block of code. This works in both python and R flavors of the notebook. (type ESC while in a notebook to get to command mode, then "H" for a longer list of shortcuts).
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