A paranormal prediction for the next year

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John Clark

28. dec. 2022, 13.34.2028.12.2022
til 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
I just sent the following message to the Extropian list, as there has been
some discussion of psi on this list too I thought I'd sent it here also.
One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one
word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.
Happy New Year all.

I predict that a paper reporting positive psi results will NOT appear in
Nature or Science in the next year. This may seem an outrageous
prediction, after all psi is hardly a rare phenomena, millions of
people with no training have managed to observe it, or claim they have.
And I am sure the good people at Nature and Science would want to
say something about this very important and obvious part of our natural
world if they could, but I predict they will be unable to find anything
interesting to say about it.
You might think my prediction is crazy, like saying a waitress with an
eight's grade education in Duluth Minnesota can regularly observe the
Higgs boson with no difficulty but the highly trained Physicists at CERN
in Switzerland cannot. Nevertheless I am confident my prediction is true
because my ghostly spirit guide Mohammad Duntoldme spoke to me
about it in a dream.
PS: I am also confident I can make this very same prediction one year from

    John K Clark

Philip Benjamin

28. dec. 2022, 15.58.5228.12.2022
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

[Philip Benjamin]

Not only WAMP-the-Ingrate, the WHITE HOUSE, governments, businesses, many churches, synagogues, religious centers etc. are deep into occultism ( even in the past,  Russian Rasputin, Tzar Nicholas, Hitler, British Royals etc.)  References below. Trickeries of the real entities of darkness!

References. The Occult Connections of Hillary Clinton     

https://www.richardcassaro.com/prince-charles-publicly-reveals-the-secret-doctrine-of-the-occult/ 2016.    In September 2006, Prince Charles publicly revealed what can arguably be called “the Secret Doctrine of the Occult” in a 16-minute long, specially-videotaped address to the Sacred Web Conference at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Queen Elizabeth I & Francis Walsingham


Five Creepy Royal Family Facts  April 14, 2017 By: A.L.Cuin

10 Royals Who Dabbled in the Occult  by Lorna Wallace

https://theparanormalsite.com/the-occult-connections-of-hillary-clinton/                                      The Occult Connections of Hillary Clinton

https://www.truthandaction.org/hillary-clinton-referred-satanic-occult-high-priestess/   Hillary Clinton Referred to as Satanic, Occult High Priestess


        From: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 12:34 PM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: A paranormal prediction for the next year


One year ago I sent the following post to the list, I did not change one word. One year from now I intend to send this same message yet again.



Philip Benjamin

30. dec. 2022, 10.54.1530.12.2022
til Everything List

general...@googlegroups.com  Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

[Philip Benjamin]

     I remember a high elected member of the federal government who was very conservative with respect to classical norms and mores abruptly endorsing alternate lifestyle correct and normal when a close relative came out of the closet.

      The question here is, what makes modern paganism ( ancient heathenism) different from a rebirth or regeneration life and consequent culture or ethos. Physical BIRTH for a person is ONLY once. So also, REBIRTH is ONLY once by regeneration. Augustinian transformation is an example. Myriads of others can be cited—Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus etc. A transformation is reformation, but all reformations but not vice versa. That is a historical and historic difference with distinction.  WAMP the-Ingrate knows not!!

Philip Benjamin       


From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online <general...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:47 PM
To: general...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year


Dear Philip ,


What a wonderfully useful link https://www.richardcassaro.com/prince-charles-publicly-reveals-the-secret-doctrine-of-the-occult/ 2016. Thank you

Being interested in the occult is not satanism

Lewis Carroll had a large library of occult books https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TmtPoxzoXo

Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln was clearly open to spiritual communication and the reason I say this is because he used the services of a medium called Nettie Colburn. Most of what Nettie achieved under trance conditions for him, could only have been achieved by there being very strong inter composer communication between the two of them. Furthermore both Abraham Lincoln and his wife were believers in the spiritual world and the power of mediums.


30. dec. 2022, 12.00.3430.12.2022
til medin...@hotmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
I know little of the Church fathers am not sure of Paul of Tarsus (Tent maker for the Roman legions) was a Rabbi. But,He was for you guys, nevertheless, on his road to Tarsus! I did learn this year that most of the bishops were the sons of Roman senators who still inherited the manors after the Sack of Rome in 476 AD., It really expanded the Church origins for me. They made the structure of The Church identical to the fallen empire. For me it explained a lot of Europe's history, its religion, its class system, and so forth. Not to mention the Eastern Empire which continued for 9 centuries before it got absorbed into Islam. 1453 AD.

If the vast, amount of scientific research is conducted by Pagans-Atheists-Agnostics, and they generate the preponderance of the measurable data with, (repeatable experiments) what are you going to do? I suppose we shall wait for The Book of Revelations to finally play out, and The Hero to return to the stage to judge the living and the dead?

Do you think the new heaven and the new earth will be from this? 

To me, it sort of even looks like a Christmas Ornament, or a 70's disco ball. if one prefers? 

Remember the bumper sticker, WWJD? Promoting the idea of Jesus as a moral guide on human relations. (What Would Jesus Do?). I always thought it would be better in a theological fashion to change it to HWJSI, How Would Jesus Do It? The mechanics, the physics, the mechanism. It makes (for most I suspect) Word, Flesh. It makes it more real. Or at least less vague, less hand waving. This is why I am such big Frank Tipler fan, (Christian) and also a fan of roboticist, Hans Moravec. (Atheist). More recently, with Guilio Prisco (atheist and retired physicist). There are others, many of whom are simply writers on the topic. So, if you blame me for anything, it's cherry-picking scholars. 

I could throw in Lee Smolin, sort of, but I'll see if this email passes you by, or it garners a response.

 I do like the Dyson Spere thing (new heaven + earth). Plenty of physical room for lots of people, either as physical humans or as restored computer proggies? The Dyson Sphere is closer to Moravec's conception where "simulators" possibly made from super dense neutron star material (Moravec wrote) would Rez the dead. Tipler's Singularity is more profound emotionally, but a fantastically longer wait! Astronomers, using microwave receivers aimed at neutron stars have noted pasta patterns of crushed neutron star material. I wondered if somehow this could be analogous to the human brain? Are Neutron stars conscious? Blah Blah Blah...? 

Image result for Neutron Star Pasta

Happy New Year to All!
Cosmologically speaking that is.

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Philip Benjamin

30. dec. 2022, 15.13.2730.12.2022
til Everything List

[Philip Benjamin]

       . Nothing pertinent. What is relevant here is that occultism is paganism, pagans have been transformed without self-reformation. Moses was an adopted Egyptian murder prince, Saul of Tarsus qas a murder, pharisee Rabii, Augustine was a Greco-Roman pagan profligate. Nothing to do with unregenerated “conscious” states. And so many ordinary peoples besides.  

Philip Benjamin

Friday, December 30, 2022 11:00 AM
To: medin...@hotmail.com; everyth...@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

         I know little of the Church fathers am not sure of Paul of Tarsus (Tent maker for the Roman legions) was a Rabbi. But,He was for you guys, nevertheless, on his road to Tarsus! I did learn this year that most of the bishops were the sons of Roman senators who still inherited the manors after the Sack of Rome in 476 AD., It really expanded the Church origins for me. They made the structure of The Church identical to the fallen empire. For me it explained a lot of Europe's history, its religion, its class system, and so forth. Not to mention the Eastern Empire which continued for 9 centuries before it got absorbed into Islam. 1453 AD.



If the vast, amount of scientific research is conducted by Pagans-Atheists-Agnostics, and they generate the preponderance of the measurable data with, (repeatable experiments) what are you going to do? I suppose we shall wait for The Book of Revelations to finally play out, and The Hero to return to the stage to judge the living and the dead?

Do you think the new heaven and the new earth will be from this? 


Happy New Year to All!

Cosmologically speaking that is.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Benjamin <medin...@hotmail.com>
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2022 10:54 am
Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

general...@googlegroups.com  Subject: RE: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

[Philip Benjamin]

     I remember a high elected member of the federal government who was very conservative with respect to classical norms and mores abruptly endorsing alternate lifestyle correct and normal when a close relative came out of the closet.

      The question here is, what makes modern paganism ( ancient heathenism) different from a rebirth or regeneration life and consequent culture or ethos. Physical BIRTH for a person is ONLY once. So also, REBIRTH is ONLY once by regeneration. Augustinian transformation is an example. Myriads of others can be cited—Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Saul of Tarsus etc. A transformation is reformation, but all reformations but not vice versa. That is a historical and historic difference with distinction.  WAMP the-Ingrate knows not!!

Philip Benjamin       


From: 'Rosemary    via Consciousness-Online <general...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 3:47 PM
To: general...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year


Dear Philip ,




1. jan. 2023, 01.42.4801.01.2023
til medin...@hotmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Ok, just to be clear you are indicating that pure, Christianity started with The Protestant Reformation? So, is Martin Luther the founder of The Church, or Henry the 8th, Calvin? John Knox? We still go back to the sciences which dictate to us, no matter what one's philosophical views are, it is what one can produce in real life? 

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Philip Benjamin

2. jan. 2023, 10.59.4702.01.2023
til Everything List

[Philip Benjamin] These questions are irrelevant to WAMP-the-Ingrate!!                   


  1. Who, what where, how caused Reformation?  Established Church? Roman monks and clerics?  Atheists? Scientists? Greco-Roman pagans?
  2.  When, how,  where, why modern science began? What or who caused it?
  3.   What caused modern or colonial expeditions and investigations? Landlocked Islam that stopped all Western access to the Eastern trade and commerce? Or liberty and tolerance of alien cultures?

Philip Benjamin   


2. jan. 2023, 23.02.4702.01.2023
til medin...@hotmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
My thinking is that after Christianity grew in the Roman Empire, and Constantine has his epiphany in battle, Christianity became the religion of empire. It (Christianity) also became Romanized, where the bishops were organized as the Roman empire government was structured. To the emperor, a bishop elected as Pope
                  To the Roman Senate -a College of Cardinals,
                   Etc., with bishops, prelates, priests, and brothers. 
In post Roman Europe manorialism became feudalism out of necessity, and slaves on Roman manors became serfs. Christian society was divided into a trinity of "Those who fight, those who pray, those who work." 

Here's a historic, stumble-upon I find intriguing. It may bore you to tears which means, each to their own Note, that it does mention Paul, since you're a fan. 

The ancient Greeks did science, so I feel they deserve full credit. I suspect India/Hindus did math for sure, but also did engineering. The Chinese were super duper with engineering, but despite their brilliance got ruined by who governed them. Is history repeating itself there? 

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Samiya Illias

2. jan. 2023, 23.21.2902.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com, medin...@hotmail.com

The Mighty Ancients!

The Earth is dotted with ancient ruins.The Quran asks us to take heed from these ruins, as those civilisations were ‘greater in strength and in impression on the land’. This study explores what the Quran states about the ancients, as well as lists the discoveries of ancient ruins. It is interesting to note that, contrary to popular belief, both point towards mighty civilisations which flourished in the ancient past.   

Full Text 

John Clark

3. jan. 2023, 13.22.5903.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com, medin...@hotmail.com
On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 11:21 PM Samiya Illias <samiya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The Quran asks us to [...blah blah blah]

Who gives a damn what the Quran asks us to do? The people who wrote it didn't even know where the sun went at night.

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Samiya Illias

4. jan. 2023, 00.25.4604.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com


5. jan. 2023, 13.53.4505.01.2023
til samiya...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, Samiya, it is surely possible an adventurous, trader would have reached the polar regions and there have been tales as you know of blond haired kuffar reaching Baghdad, Acre, Cairo, who spoke an unknown Kuffar language. So why not the other way? Muslim kingdoms were already established in Spain aka, Al Andalus. Nobody to stop a voyage out to the Atlantic. Past the Pillars of Hercules. There is an Irish Saint who sailed in a leather ship north of Ireland and encountered ice bergs (giant crystals floating in the sea!). I failed to locate a quote! Here is evidence of an Arab trader in northern Europe. 

Is Quaran and Soonah always correct as in accurate? For me, this is not my battle today. For me, all now are the Houses of War, and before this, we were all war makers. My feeling is not a holy man, but logic, where it is better to be a live warrior than a dead victim. Or, as American writer, Robert Heinlein wrote, "It is better to be a live lion than a dead duck." Do I see Heinlein as ever accurate? NO.

We must slog along as best we can. We'll see if we can make machines cleverer than us (better at discovering inventions, not conscious things-are they like Jinns??). Will they, it, try to kill us? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Samiya Illias <samiya...@gmail.com>
To: everyth...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, Jan 4, 2023 12:25 am
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: A paranormal prediction for the next year

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5. jan. 2023, 16.41.1105.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com


5. jan. 2023, 16.44.0705.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

Naw, this ain't about John Clark, this is about considering an interesting idea.


6. jan. 2023, 00.13.3806.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

John Clark

7. jan. 2023, 07.24.0407.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 4:44 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Naw, this ain't about John Clark, this is about considering an interesting idea.

If Everett's Many Worlds hypothesis is true then the reason our universe seems to be fine tuned for biological life is easily explained; by contrast the God hypothesis makes things even harder to explain because if the universe needs to be fine tuned for a lowly human to exist then it must be even more finely tuned for an omniscient omnipotent being to exist.  

> According to Hoyle, it may be factual? 

Fred Hoyle was a great astrophysicist and his book "The Black Cloud" is one of my favorite science fiction novels of all time, but his speculations about Evolution and biology were amateurish if not downright dumb. 
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Samiya Illias

7. jan. 2023, 14.10.0807.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

Gamma Rays, Visible Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum 

On 07-Jan-2023, at 5:24 PM, John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Brent Meeker

7. jan. 2023, 16.50.5407.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com
If there's a God then human beings could exist miraculously in a universe that did not support their existence naturally.  Existing miraculously would be evidence for God's existence.  The universe does support their existence non-miraculously.  The same data can't be evidence for a proposition and it's contrary.  So our "fine-tuned" existence cannot count as evidence for God.

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7. jan. 2023, 19.25.1007.01.2023
til meeke...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
There certainly have been people who have proposed non-traditional origins of God, aka, the first mind, the big mind, who don't necessarily bunk with Thomas Aquinas's views. Naturalist writers have proposed naturalist explanations for the Big Mind. 
20 years ago  

Some are physicists, some philosophers, some are both.

My only weak, point, is that if one holds The Creator as a Perfectionist, well, that all the more reason to be a happy atheist.

It's Ok, fine. I see no problem. I am good with the quote from The Buddha who wrote, "If you are traveling a path in the forest and The Buddha stands in your way, strike him down." In other words, if you have a better way than mine, don't let me stop you!

Possible meta goal of the Universe? Evolve species which ensure that entropy doesn't win by building machines, which then build better machines, which then manage entropy. Is this a top priority for this mailing-list? I'd say, lets back-burner it, at least until we get solar power and batteries up and running in most places in the world. First things first. 
Boltzmann brain - Wikipedia

Kudos to Ludwig.

Samiya Illias

7. jan. 2023, 21.11.4707.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com


8. jan. 2023, 07.34.1608.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Sure. The flip side of this from critics of course, is that one has to create an infinity of universes to battle one God, and maybe not the fellow the ancients ascribed to being the Boss? The Black Cloud is interesting in the fact that Hoyle proposed a highly intelligent, not biological, non-planetary, life. This in itself could answer Fermi's Paradox, but you knew that. 

For the Anthropic Hypothesis, there are other flavors, and one is we are the section that creates the machinery which creates the machinery, which mends the threats to the universe? As George Carlin said of the Gaia hypothesis, "Maybe the earth didn't know how to make plastic, and it wanted plastic, so it made us?"

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: everyth...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, Jan 7, 2023 7:23 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos

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John Clark

8. jan. 2023, 08.45.0708.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 7:34 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> The Black Cloud is interesting in the fact that Hoyle proposed a highly intelligent, not biological, non-planetary, life. 


> This in itself could answer Fermi's Paradox

How do you figure that? 
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


8. jan. 2023, 10.55.4208.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Simply, the smart life in the cosmos is smart clouds perhaps forming a vast civ? The Life as We Don't Know it, rules. Not necessarily CO2+ H2O brewing up from a planets' chemistry. You said it yourself. Fred Hoyle's The Black Cloud. Yes. It did use radio waves to chat. So, closer to the 1977 WOW signal because planetary things don't use radio the way Mr. Black Cloud did.  

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2023 8:44 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos

John Clark

8. jan. 2023, 11.37.5308.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 10:55 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> Simply, the smart life in the cosmos is smart clouds perhaps forming a vast civ?

I'm not fluent so it took me a while but eventually I figured that "civ" probably means "civilization" in the Spudeze language, if so that certainly doesn't explain why we have never seen the slightest hint of intelligence in the universe other than on this planet , and it doesn't explain why the universe has not been engineered and lets an astronomical number of photons to be radiated uselessly into space instead of being used to power calculations and enhance consciousness. Human beings seem smart enough to get the ball rolling on the way to producing something they can fundamentally change the nature of the cosmos given enough time, and Fred Hoyle's Black Cloud is supposed to be enormously smarter than even the smartest human being so I see no reason why it couldn't do it even faster,

> You said it yourself. Fred Hoyle's The Black Cloud. Yes. It did use radio waves to chat. So, closer to the 1977 WOW signal because planetary things don't use radio the way Mr. Black Cloud did.  

I don't know what you mean by that, Mr. Black Cloud  made use of electromagnetic waves just as we do. In fact unlike us the black cloud uses radio waves in the operation of its very brain, and yet even our most sensitive radio telescopes have never heard a peep from them. And the "wow signal" does not impress me.   


8. jan. 2023, 12.01.5208.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Well recalling the novella (1957) the predicament was as you have known for years is that Black Cloud needed sunlight to nosh on. What BC didn't know that you, JC already know, was that life was capable of producing life and after an introduction, moved his cloudy ass out of earth's light zone. Call it a learning experience. 

Black Cloud could be the equivalent of our Boltzmann Brain (whom I sacrifice goats to appease!), and smart as one, though never as powerful, since BB can dream up a universe, and cloudy just does his interstellar jaunt looking for other clouds to mate with (I guess?).  

Yes, Civ is civilization for stenographic purposes.

Now, why the hell would you believe an interstellar smart entity like BC would jabber away or even do broadcasts or narrowcasts just like us??? My guess it'd be looking for meetups somewhere in the Clouds of Magellan, and, "see ya in 7.4 million earth years, save a dark matter seat for me!"  To Cloudy, we'd be sub-sub-microscopic radio propagators and not what The Cloud is used to BS-ing with. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2023 11:37 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos

John Clark

8. jan. 2023, 12.22.1008.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 12:01 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> Now, why the hell would you believe an interstellar smart entity like BC would jabber away or even do broadcasts or narrowcasts just like us???

Because members of Mr. Cloud's species like to communicate by radio among themselves over vast galactic and even intergalactic distances. But we hear nothing. And humans have engineered the surface of the Earth, so why the hell would you believe that neither Mr. Black Cloud nor any of his friends would want to engineer the cosmos? Even if for some strange reason most felt that photons radiating uselessly into infinite space was preferable to photons being put to use powering a brain, do you really believe every single one of them would feel that way without exception?  After all it would only take one contrarian to get the ball rolling, and after that the universe would never look the same again.

   John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



8. jan. 2023, 13.09.1808.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Lets speculate.
They ain't things on a planet.
They're highly smart,
They kinds of things they are, never having been near a gravity well, seeing it as a threat, would put themselves at risk only, yes, for photons
Their communication would look like stellar and cosmological phenomena, stars, neutron stars, black holes. 
You do know we need to correct our view on GRB's don't you? 
Gamma Ray Burst Neutron Star

Their chat won't look like our chat. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2023 12:21 pm
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos

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John Clark

8. jan. 2023, 14.09.2708.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 1:09 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> Lets speculate.
They ain't things on a planet.


> They're highly smart,

Far far smarter than any human.  

> They kinds of things they are, never having been near a gravity well, seeing it as a threat, would put themselves at risk only, yes, for photons

If they value photons why do they let 99.9999....% of them be radiated uselessly into infinite space instead of putting them to work? And humans are at risk if they are NOT at the bottom of a gravitational well, but that hasn't stopped them from making use of outer space.  

> Their communication would look like stellar and cosmological phenomena, stars, neutron stars, black holes. 


> You do know we need to correct our view on GRB's don't you? 

 Maybe, but what does that gotta do with the price of eggs ?

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 

 members of Mr. Cloud's species like to communicate by radio among themselves over vast galactic and even intergalactic distances. But we hear nothing. And humans have engineered the surface of the Earth, so why the hell would you believe that neither Mr. Black Cloud nor any of his friends would want to engineer the cosmos? Even if for some strange reason most felt that photons radiating uselessly into infinite space was preferable to photons being put to use powering a brain, do you really believe every single one of them would feel that way without exception?  After all it would only take one contrarian to get the ball rolling, and after that the universe would never look the same again.




8. jan. 2023, 18.43.0708.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Things that we're not accustomed to seeing as living or intelligent could exist. Whose job is it to give forth evidence of this? People in the sciences. How likely is this to be a real thing? Unlikely, because I go with the scientists, and nobody is getting a fat budget pursuing this idea. It's not something I am sweating because the Fermi Paradox s mostly entertainment. Interesting, but not existential for humans. Could Hoyles clouds or other things be alive, and we wouldn't have a clue? Yep! Would scientists be surprised if something unusual arrived? Obviously. 

What could open up this as a possibility without breaking the budget? A computer model. That assuming it wasn't pure GiGo? Then we'd know where to aim our radio telescopes.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 8, 2023 2:08 pm
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos


8. jan. 2023, 18.46.2908.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

John Clark

9. jan. 2023, 04.56.1909.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 6:43 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> Things that we're not accustomed to seeing as living or intelligent could exist.

There is no end to the "maybe" game. Maybe rocks are brilliantly intelligent but they're just shy and taciturn. But I doubt it.  

> Could Hoyles clouds or other things be alive, and we wouldn't have a clue? 

Could ET be super intelligent and yet every single one of them wants to let 99.99999....% of the universe's photons go to waste instead of putting them to work to produce more thoughts and a more aware universe? Maybe, but I doubt it.  

> Would scientists be surprised if something unusual arrived? Obviously. 

Would scientists be surprised if it turned out that rocks really were brilliant? Obviously.  

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 

Samiya Illias

9. jan. 2023, 07.21.0309.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com


On 09-Jan-2023, at 2:56 PM, John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Samiya Illias

9. jan. 2023, 13.03.3809.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

Kawakib: Planets, Comets and other rocky bodies? 

On 09-Jan-2023, at 5:21 PM, Samiya Illias <samiya...@gmail.com> wrote:

Philip Benjamin

10. jan. 2023, 10.55.1810.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

[Philip Benjamin]

     “Missing Mass” was determined first by Fritz Zwicky from gravitation and luminosity measurements.  measurements. Vera Rubin and others determined by gravitational measurements alone.

 https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/msingh-eportfolio/2012/12/13/dark-matter-and-the-missing-mass-of-the-universe  December 13, 2012

“Measurements of total mass based on gravity did not match the estimated total mass based on the sum of luminous material within the galaxy. In fact, it was 400 times greater than previously estimated.”     L M 3.5  https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/astronomy/the-hertzsprung-russell-diagram/mass-luminosity-relationship

    What happens to luminosity relationship in MoND?

Philip Benjamin


10. jan. 2023, 16.56.0510.01.2023
til medin...@hotmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
The astronomers don't fully explain or justify because they cannot, yet. Physicists often follow along unless they's doing cosmology? Or, need to make some cash doing an interview or publishing a non-peer reviewed article. 

Thing is, it may decades till we fund equipment better than we have funded so far. Also, I figure the father off-earth, the better the measurement. So being able to place scopes and detectors on the lunar backside and the edge of the Oort Cloud (probably this side not the farside of Oort will revolutionize our knowledge. If it glows it shows, yes. But there is crap out there with mass that maybe doesn't show? It's theirs's to prove. Yeah the galaxies tug and spin by something? Or do the astronomers have physics wrong? Maybe, speculating, perhaps Kurt Goedel, Einstein's pal at Princeton is correct? The Universe may rotate, although so far there is zero evidence!!! 

Like I said no evidence of this at all. Theories over time will get revised, changed, dumped. 

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10. jan. 2023, 17.33.3110.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Obviously. But why say rocks when crystals could do the job? Obviously you have forgotten Bill Shatner's fav Trek episode, The Devil in the Dark (1967)?

I would say that IF Black Clouds exist as a species, or that there can be naturally occurring Electric or Electronic Life, (nat computers?), they'd be looking for life as They Know it. Same with us. This is our speculation and there are logical ups and downs for or against my assertion. Being Shy would accommodate the Life as we know it and this'd be our Cosmic Zoo Galaxy-but you have know this for years. For me, it looks like a cold-dead, hot-dead, galaxy. But I don't get to make the discoveries being a mere, American serf. I still read sci-fi. Sometimes it holds, often it doesn't? Current Sci-fi thriller, Portals (sorta good-sorta uneven). Best Sci-fi Authors in my opinion? Stephen Baxter (engineer) specializes in Multiverses, & astrophysicist, Alastair Reynolds. 

I will go with Freeman Dyson astronomy & physics. The better we build our equipment, the more we learn.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 9, 2023 4:55 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos


10. jan. 2023, 21.20.2610.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com, johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Ponderously, replying to myself is a Twit stumble-across JC. The title is, if we have issues seeing earth life up close, maybe it's worth considering if non-carbonaceous life would be so easy for us to recognize? 
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Telmo Menezes

11. jan. 2023, 06.19.5011.01.2023
til Everything List
Obligatory Einstein quote:

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."


John Clark

11. jan. 2023, 06.36.5411.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 9:20 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> maybe it's worth considering if non-carbonaceous life would be so easy for us to recognize? 

First of all, when somebody talks about extraterrestrial life they're almost always talking about intelligent life, with intelligence being defined as the ability to make a radio telescope. And secondly, it's not necessary to recognize life it's only necessary to recognize life's activity, and if life was common a blind man in a fog bank should be able to tell that the universe has been engineered, but instead it's a fact that 99.9999999999% of the universe's is energy rich photons are being radiated uselessly into infinite space. 
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Philip Benjamin

11. jan. 2023, 10.25.5511.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

[Philip Benjamin]

   Critical thinking—not WAMP-ish Marxist authoritarianism—requires now speculating  “Missing Luminosity” and a new “Mass-Luminosity Equation”  in lieu of “Missing Matter”!!!  Philip Benjamin   


From: spudboy100 via Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3:56 PM
To: medin...@hotmail.com; everyth...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city


The astronomers don't fully explain or justify because they cannot, yet. Physicists often follow along unless they's doing cosmology? Or, need to make some cash doing an interview or publishing a non-peer reviewed article. 


Thing is, it may decades till we fund equipment better than we have funded so far. Also, I figure the father off-earth, the better the measurement. So being able to place scopes and detectors on the lunar backside and the edge of the Oort Cloud (probably this side not the farside of Oort will revolutionize our knowledge. If it glows it shows, yes. But there is crap out there with mass that maybe doesn't show? It's theirs's to prove. Yeah the galaxies tug and spin by something? Or do the astronomers have physics wrong? Maybe, speculating, perhaps Kurt Goedel, Einstein's pal at Princeton is correct? The Universe may rotate, although so far there is zero evidence!!! 



Like I said no evidence of this at all. Theories over time will get revised, changed, dumped. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Benjamin <medin...@hotmail.com>
To: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2023 10:55 am
Subject: RE: So now dark matter don't exist MoND city

[Philip Benjamin]

     “Missing Mass” was determined first by Fritz Zwicky from gravitation and luminosity measurements.  measurements. Vera Rubin and others determined by gravitational measurements alone.

“Measurements of total mass based on gravity did not match the estimated total mass based on the sum of luminous material within the galaxy. In fact, it was 400 times greater than previously estimated.”     L M 3.5  https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/astronomy/the-hertzsprung-russell-diagram/mass-luminosity-relationship

    What happens to luminosity relationship in MoND?

Philip Benjamin


Brent Meeker

11. jan. 2023, 14.38.4211.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com


11. jan. 2023, 20.09.0011.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
If it started as a Boltzmann, yeah, it takes a while to learn things. I am using this as the autodidactic model. Is it all random? Yeah, it sure could be. Is there an embedded error-correction feature? Well, it is how we would assemble things. Is there any evidence of this? That question would better be addressed to Smolin & Alexander. Or anyone else with say a masters in physics or astronomy. Wasted photons may not be an issue for the Big Mind, if photons can get produced virtually? Witness Ruth Kastner's 2016 paper on Virch versus Traditional photons. 

If the Universe is a work in progress, and this is assuming a lot, error-correction could be a thing. Photons, are merely the cost of doing business. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 11, 2023 6:36 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos

John Clark

12. jan. 2023, 06.00.0912.01.2023
til spudb...@aol.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:08 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

 > Wasted photons may not be an issue for the Big Mind, if photons can get produced virtually? 
Energy is conserved so the amount of energy in the photons that the Earth receives from the sun is equal to the energy in the photons that the Earth re-radiates into infinite space, however the photons the Earth receives from the sun are high energy low entropy photons mainly in the visible range, while the photons that the Earth re-radiates into infinite space are low energy high entropy photons mainly in the infrared. The less entropy something has the more useful work you can get out of it, and the higher the energy and lower the entropy a virtual photon has the less time it can exist.  However big a Big Mind is it can't ignore the Second Law Of Thermodynamics, it is the only law that I am certain is valid in every universe in the Multiverse, because it is based on logic and not on physics. There is no universe in which 2+2=5 and there is no universe in which there are more ways something can be arranged in an orderly way than in a disorderly way.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


12. jan. 2023, 12.51.4712.01.2023
til johnk...@gmail.com, everyth...@googlegroups.com
Now remember, this all happened way before you had the opportunity to tell the Universe about its profligate wastefulness with photons and Newton's 2nd Law.  If the Universe is autodidactic, it will give your epistle a listen. If this turns out to be successful, then you have the duty to print cards indicating that JC Consultant to the Universe as part of your business profile. 

Concerning a multiverse, we can only look to the physicists at Oak Ridge labs for further elucidation, concerning not photons but neutrons in order to demonstrate The Multiverse. Bear, Witness!

Yea, verily! All this hath been fore told in the Book of Tegmark, verse 7!  Hallelujah!

Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 12, 2023 5:59 am
Subject: Re: On The Super Intellect and the cosmos


12. jan. 2023, 16.33.3812.01.2023
til everyth...@googlegroups.com

Philip Benjamin

18. mar. 2023, 16.10.3418.03.2023
til Everything List

From: Philip Benjamin  : general...@googlegroups.com Subject: Journal. Womenio.com Paganism & Tattoos


[Philip Benjamin]   Read below in article by Sylvia Silverstone in Journal.  Womenio.com .         

      Contrasts between  unregenerated/WAMP  &  regenerated/ Sola Scriptura consciousnesses:

    A.     WAMP [Western (World) Acade-Media Pagan(ism]:

1 .Natural and raw pan-Gaia-n  earth worship(er) with aseity of dead matter (no life) to solve infinite regress in Causality Law.

2 . Conformism to world order or disorder.

3 .  Fear, hopelessness, angst, guilt meaninglessness and despair.

4 . Self-reformation by mental and physical exercises or techniques such as meditation, yoga, drugs, occultism, sorcery, compromises, appeasements, instant gratifications indulgences., perversions.

5 . Unitary cosmic consciousness, or mono or poly theism.

6 . There is no 7-day week or 2-day weekend in any pagan worldly record including astronomy, (Ptolemaic) or astrology or religion.

B . Sola Scriptura  Transformation:

1 . Regenerated. or Reborn consciousness by Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) with aseity and generating both dead matter and life forms. What is more reasonable,  

A-1 or B -1 ?

2 .  Sola Scriptura cancellation of genetically encoded Capital Death Sentence for willful Cosmic Insubordination.

3 . Willing acceptance of vicarious death of the Sentencer and Resurrection, ascension, imminent Return. That was first typified by the Passover, the Atonement (Scapegoat) and the Levitical Altar Ordinances.

3 . Necessarily, the Sentencer became  “in fullness of time” a Theanthropic Zygote without male and female agency.

4 .  Sabbath, and Sabbatical are strictly and exclusively Sola Scriptura statutes nowhere else; subsequently after Resurrection the Ordinance of Lord’s Table was ordained first daily  antetype to daily Temple sacrifices (Acts 2:46 in the Temple) and then every First Day (Acts 20:7). This could be . acceptable only with 100% Jewish membership of the early Church.

5 . Angelic beings were individually created with immortality   and free will.

6 . Humans were  procreated, initially with “free will” but only potentially immortal.    


Notes:  1 . The word “gentile” was coined by KJV Bible translators conveniently perhaps to avoid referring to England  (or Europe including Catholicism & Orthodoxy) as heathen  meaning “foreign” or pagan, meaning earth/Gaia- worship.

2 . ‘Sovereign will’ includes freely both ‘will to know’ and ‘will not-to-know’, a necessary determinant of foreknowledge. 

3. Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry for prospective exploration  (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282154962_Bio_dark-Matter_Chemistry_Implications; https://core.ac.uk/display/21767122. 2012.  Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2. Amrit S. Sorli ;  "Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit? Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry & Your Invisible Doppelganger". Sunbury Press, PA. February 2013. ISBN: 978-1-62006-182-4 ;  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282154962_Bio_dark-Matter_Chemistry_Implications



[Sylvia Silverstone Journal.  Womenio.com   Paganism & Tattoos 

 https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/mind-and-soul/can-we-go-to-heaven-with-tattoos-here-is-what-the-bible-says/.   Story by Sylvia Silverstone. 1-2-2023

   “However, the very core of the Christian teaching about how to get to Heaven is by believing in Jesus Christ and doing as much good as possible while you are still living. This is why good people who believe in Christ can go to Heaven, regardless of whether they have tattoos or not”. Leviticus 19:28, "You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord…. Based on scholars, the verse refers to the mourning rituals that pagans commonly did during the time of Moses. At the time, pagans mourned their loved ones by scarring themselves to increase their pain and sorrow.". 

[Philip Benjamin]

     Definitions:  Paganism is pan-Gaia-n = Earth-worship(er). In ancient Israel a heathen is a strange or foreign national to Israel.

WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism).

                       Pagan = Pan-Gaian = Earth worshipper versus a worshipper of Adonai (Plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) revealed in Sola Scriptura. Paganism is nonconformism of Sola Scriptura dictum of vicarious

Biblio-bigotry or Biblio-phobia


Philip Benjamin



Philip Benjamin

27. mar. 2023, 12.44.4227.03.2023
til Everything List


Poem Easter 2023 Ascended              Philip Benjamin

Adonai owned one’s are begotten to an endless living hope

Sola Gratia the Risen Redeemer cancelling sentence of death      

Condemnation changed to transformation, eternal glorious liberty

Edenic edict of guilty verdict vicariously nixed for willing acceptors   

Never again more terror of fear of death subjected to life bondage    

Delivered justified, begotten again with a living hope, safe and secure

Emboldened extrinsically the inner man nourished by Sola Scriptura

Davidic roots destined from Theanthropic Zygote to triumphant zenith


Note.  Theanthropic Zygote:  Almighty is mighty enough for direct geneticsn without male female union.

   Philip Benjamin                                                        Easter 2023


Everything List everyth...@googlegroups.com; general...@googlegroups.com Subject: Journal. Womenio.com Paganism & Tattoos

[Philip Benjamin]   Read below in article by Sylvia Silverstone in Journal.  Womenio.com .         

      Contrasts between  unregenerated/WAMP  &  regenerated/ Sola Scriptura consciousnesses:

    A.     WAMP [Western (World) Acade-Media Pagan(ism]:

1 .Natural and raw pan-Gaia-n  earth worship(er) with aseity of dead matter (no life) to solve infinite regress in Causality Law.

2 . Conformism to world order or disorder.

3 .  Fear, hopelessness, angst, guilt meaninglessness and despair.

4 . Self-reformation by mental and physical exercises or techniques such as meditation, yoga, drugs, occultism, sorcery, compromises, appeasements, instant gratifications indulgences., perversions          

5 . Unitary cosmic consciousness, or mono or poly theism.

6 . There is no 7-day week or 2-day weekend in any pagan worldly record including astronomy, (Ptolemaic) or astrology or religion. gbaz...@hds.harvard.edu

B . Sola Scriptura  Transformation:    

1 . Regenerated. or Reborn consciousness by Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) with aseity and generating both dead matter and life forms. What is more rational

A-1 or B -1 ?

2 .  Sola Scriptura cancellation of genetically encoded Capital Death Sentence for willful Cosmic Insubordination.

3 . Willing acceptance of vicarious death of the Sentencer and Resurrection, ascension, imminent Return. That was first typified by the Passover, the Atonement (Scapegoat) and the Levitical Altar Ordinances.

3 . Necessarily, the Sentencer became  “in fullness of time” a Theanthropic Zygote without male and female agency.

4 .  Sabbath, and Sabbatical are strictly and exclusively Sola Scriptura statutes nowhere else; subsequently after Resurrection the Ordinance of Lord’s Table was ordained first daily  antetype to daily Temple sacrifices (Acts 2:46 in the Temple) and then every First Day (Acts 20:7). This could be . acceptable only with 100% Jewish membership of the early Church.

5 . Angelic beings were individually created with immortality   and free will.

6 . Humans were  procreated, initially with “free will” but only potentially immortal.    


Notes:  1 . The word “gentile” was coined by KJV Bible translators conveniently perhaps to avoid referring to England  (or Europe including Catholicism & Orthodoxy) as heathen  meaning “foreign” or pagan, meaning earth/Gaia- worship.

2 . ‘Sovereign will’ includes freely both ‘will to know’ and ‘will not-to-know’, a necessary determinant” of foreknowledge. 

3 . “Woke consciousness” has produced totalitarianism—Marxist, Socialist, Fascist.

4 . Individual Sola Scriptura  “Awakened  consciousness” (Patriarchal, Augustinian, Puritan) produced :life, liberty ans pursuit of private  property.

5 .Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry for prutative and  prospective exploration  (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282154962_Bio_dark-Matter_Chemistry_Implications; https://core.ac.uk/display/21767122. 2012.  Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-2. Amrit S. Sorli ;  "Spiritual Body or Physical Spirit? Bio Dark-Matter Chemistry & Your Invisible Doppelganger". Sunbury Press, PA. February 2013. ISBN: 978-1-62006-182-4 ;  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282154962_Bio_dark-Matter_Chemistry_Implications

 Philip Benjamin

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