Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

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John Clark

2022 ж. 23 қар., 08:00:3523.11.22
– 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
Many had thought Elon Musk was some sort of transcendental genius and even I thought he must be a pretty smart cookie, but when I heard he was spending $44 billion to buy a company as silly as Twitter I felt it might be time to reconsider my judgment. Could Mr. Musk really not find a better use for that $44 billion in Tesla or SpaceX? Alternatively, with that much money he could've started a new company that would be a world leader in the field of AI or Quantum Computing, but instead he bought Twitter so people could continue to send tweets about Taylor Swift and Donald Trump could get his account back. As if that wasn't bad enough he completely bungled the purchase, after agreeing to buy the piece of crap he tried to back out of the deal but it was too late; and as soon as he took control he fired more than half the employees, an even greater percentage among the engineering staff, and then belatedly realized the company would fall apart without some of them and try to hire them back, but with company morale at an all time low few agreed to come back to a toxic workplace and would prefer unemployment. He seems like he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and is just flailing around doing things at random and hoping that something works.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Lawrence Crowell

2022 ж. 23 қар., 08:06:1323.11.22
– Everything List
Musk has a BS degree from U-Penn (as I recall) which means he is probably smarter than most. However, all of his corporate successes have been built by others, from Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla etc. The engineering of these were done my other people, and Musk just had the money to become majority shareholder. With respect to Twitter, I somewhat suspect he is intentionally demolishing the company.


Terren Suydam

2022 ж. 23 қар., 08:57:2323.11.22
But why would anyone sacrifice so much of their own money to do that?  I think he is probably a genius, but everybody has blind spots, and anyone is capable of making dumb mistakes. This looks like a colossal failure to me.

By the way, if there is a bright spot to inviting Trump back, it's that it seriously compromises the future of Truth Social.  And, he's under contract with Truth Social to not use any other platforms. Not that something as silly as a legally binding contract would stop Trump from tweeting, but it would give his lawyers yet another expensive project.


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Lawrence Crowell

2022 ж. 23 қар., 15:19:4123.11.22
– Everything List
elon musk statement.png

On Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 7:00:35 AM UTC-6 wrote:

Telmo Menezes

2022 ж. 23 қар., 15:51:0723.11.22
– Everything List
What is the source of this, can you say?

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John Clark

2022 ж. 23 қар., 16:22:1623.11.22
On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 3:51 PM Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

> What is the source of this, can you say?

Huh? The man worked there and he's telling us what he saw. Who do you think was the source? 
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Telmo Menezes

2022 ж. 23 қар., 16:31:0723.11.22

On 23. Nov 2022, at 22:22, John Clark <> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 3:51 PM Telmo Menezes <> wrote:

> What is the source of this, can you say?

Huh? The man worked there and he's telling us what he saw. Who do you think was the source? 

It’s a png, so I figured it could be some file making the rounds. Can also be a way to make the message not searchable on google. I am inclined to believe in such a scenario at this point, just curious.


 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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Brent Meeker

2022 ж. 23 қар., 17:09:2523.11.22
Elon makes a lot of dumb mistakes, like his tunnel under LA and his demo version in Las Vegas.  His hyperloop LA to SF was dumb too although he passed it off to someone else.  His idea of colonizing Mars is dumb too as well as what he's proposed for getting people there.


2022 ж. 23 қар., 17:38:0623.11.22
He's a child king that gets things accomplished. Spacecraft, robots, electric cars, and solar panels that shake packed snow off. Not shoddy at all.

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Lawrence Crowell

2022 ж. 23 қар., 20:10:1623.11.22
– Everything List
I got this off of FB as an account by an intern.


Lawrence Crowell

2022 ж. 23 қар., 20:11:5123.11.22
– Everything List
On Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 4:38:06 PM UTC-6 wrote:
He's a child king that gets things accomplished. Spacecraft, robots, electric cars, and solar panels that shake packed snow off. Not shoddy at all.

These things are being done by others, and Musk is taking credit because he has the money to become majority shareholder.


Alan Grayson

2022 ж. 23 қар., 22:37:2223.11.22
– Everything List
SpaceX developed a rocket which lands softly after doing its job. For that reason he deserves credit as Chief Engineer. But the reinstatement of DT shows very poor judgement, given that about 30% of adult Americans think the last presidential election was stolen and DT is the responsible person for that outcome.

Brent Meeker

2022 ж. 24 қар., 00:37:4324.11.22

On 11/23/2022 7:37 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> SpaceX developed a rocket which lands softly after doing its job. For
> that reason he deserves credit as Chief Engineer.
That would be like Henry Ford calling himself "Chief Engineer".


2022 ж. 24 қар., 00:56:5124.11.22
Since ballots are collected, and released after the prescribed allotted voting times in most states where the party rules, why wouldn't voters be suspicious? We need to ask how come the US has issues with our voting practices when the EU doesn't. 

The answer is likely, that the lawyers who are politicians design voting laws in this matter, so as to provide for voter fraud. Yeah, that. As cartoonist Scott Adams recently suggested, if the politicians really wanted accurate counts of votes, they'd ensure it. On the other hand, the streets are not aflame over this corruption. I have long agreed with the 2014 Princeton Study indicating that the US is really an oligarchy.

For Musk or even Joey, let's not expect too much from these people. Because we'd always be disappointed. 

Hence, for me, I don't look to government to solve human problems, I look to technology to accomplish this. Technology, being engineering & engineers. Musk knows this, Joey, being a lawyer doesn't otherwise he'd have done things better from day one. Trump is/was, a showman, a conman, a comedian, but his policies were bad. Democrats are fixated on personality, rather than policy. "Ooh! I hate him!!" Me: "So what?" Policy is what affects the common serf, and personality is best left for entertainers, which yeah, Don was. 

DeSantis will be much better!

2022 ж. 24 қар., 01:18:3824.11.22
Yes, LC, Musk employ's engineers to follow his goals. His goal is to make money, a profit. Musk produces products, whereas the attorneys that we seem to elect, simply make laws (rules) and expect the universe to comply with their edicts. They make speeches and take campaign donations from Musk, and many other billionaire$. The billionaires that fund the US political process, and the politicians comply with the billionaires' lobbyists. Pay for Play aka Payola. 30 years ago, Humorist P.J. O'Rourke wrote Parliament of Whores. His observations are never more accurate. Welcome to the former USA.

So far, the revolt hasn't hit the streets, so I figure people are mostly content. It's beer o' clock somewhere. No revolution comrades!

At any rate I look not to law or lawyers to solve human problems, but for 80% of troubles, I look to technology, aka engineering. The thing of it is, Musk, for example, or for that matter Raytheon does more of this than the lawyers do. But the lawyers' got the cash to fund the engineers and scientist's technologies, or what's R & D for?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 23, 2022 8:11 pm
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

Telmo Menezes

2022 ж. 24 қар., 03:08:3324.11.22
– 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
I once read the hypothesis that the real reason for him promoting hyperloop was to discourage public investment in conventional public transit, which he saw as competition to his electric car business.

I also think that his idea of colonizing Mars is dumb. I often think the following about such projects: colonizing the Arctic is at least an order of magnitude easier. Why isn't there ever any serious effort to use some inhospitable place here on earth for practice, to test ideas, etc? Unfortunately, I think the answer to this question is this: it's because it is not sexy and these efforts are not serious to begin with.

It might even be that we will be able to colonize Venus before Mars. Crazy as it might sound, I believe that there is a layer of the Venus atmosphere that is much closer to being hospitable to human beings than anywhere on Mars. Of course this also comes with incredible challenges, not the least of it the one of building floating structures.


John Clark

2022 ж. 24 қар., 06:53:5824.11.22
On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 12:56 AM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

>We need to ask how come the US has issues with our voting practices when the EU doesn't.

The short answer is the European Union never had the misfortune of running into somebody as evil as Donald Trump, and even the US never had an issue with voting practices until Donald Trump came along not even during the Civil War, the south disliked the results of the 1860 election so much that 13 states seceded from the union, but they never claimed the election was fraudulent. By contrast it wasn't just in 2020, Trump has NEVER lost an election without claiming it was fraudulent; in 2016 EVERY state Republican primary election that he lost he claimed was fraudulent, and in 2012 when his brainless TV game show didn't win an Emmy he claimed that was fraudulent too. And Trump isn't just a sore loser he's also a sore winner, he won the 2016 election but nevertheless claimed even that was fraudulent, he should've won by more.  The jackass is always whining about how the world has treated this poor little billionaire's son so unfairly.

But all of this does have a bright side, it places the Republican party between a rock and a hard place, if Trump wins the nomination I think he would perform very poorly in the general election because in 2016 he was an unknown quantity and many people just wanted to vote for something new and different, but in 2024 he'd be old and very well known, and tens of millions of people would hate his guts.  But if he doesn't get the nomination Republicans would be in even worse shape,  there is no way Trump would gracefully concede and throw his political weight behind the man who beat him (and it will almost certainly be a man and a white one), instead he will do what he is always done when he loses an election, he will claim it was fraudulent. At that point I think Trump would MUCH rather see a Democrat win than see the man that beat him sitting in the White House, and the best way to do that would be to become a third-party candidate.

Trump may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I think even he is smart enough to know he could never win by becoming a third-party candidate, but he could split the lunatic fringe, and there are not enough sane Republicans and independents around anymore for Republicans to win a presidential general election without them. So Trump could get his revenge against Ron DeSantis or whoever it was that beat him in the primaries, and for a 78 year old Trump who knows this would be his last chance to become president revenge would be far far more important than Republican policy statements.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

2022 ж. 24 қар., 10:40:2424.11.22
Nobody, Telmo, could accuse you of not thinking outside the box! On anything these billionaires do, it comes down to (duh! on me) Profit of Loss. Hyperloop is less practical then say Renfe in Spain. Or so it seems to us peasants! Musk could likely give me a sales pitch by offering counter arguments, especially on profitability. 

My objection to space ventures, beyond science is what is the benefit for us as a species, or less than that, a nation state(s)? How much of our wealth, out, versus, what do we get back, and yes money. I am something of a fan of both economists, John Maynard Keynes, and Milton Friedman. I lean with Keynes, but even here people need to make money, so we can distribute money. It comes down to what causes us to behave in specific ways. Shiny! Shiny! Or in the case of all of our ancestors, "How do we feed the kids?" 

Venus may work, but let us verify that it is a dead, hot, world first. Or, as one astronomer called its surface: searing, black, calm. Lifeless. For us, the greatest impact psychologically and economically, would be the moon and its minerals. Secondly, would be the mineral wealth floating around the inner solar system. The metallic asteroids (forget the Asteroid Belt) possess many, many, trillions of Ecu's in wealth flying above our heads (Be sure to duck!). Here is just one of two... (lots more!).

Planetary floating cities on Venus sound excellent, but I am thinking that Jupiter is a better option. One could think of continent-sized, balloon arrays, supporting (in the atmosphere), and carrying a hundred million citizens and robots. Downside? Radiation from Jupiter, cost-price for effort, and, let's face it; unless some brilliant AI comes up with breakthroughs on accomplishing all this, it's years away. Venus, 200 years, Mars, 100. 

For us, money making, lifestyle upgrades, I look to material science, organic & inorganic chemistry, tissue engineering, robotics. And, I could be absolutely incorrect, and things could happen differently!

-----Original Message-----
From: Telmo Menezes <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 24, 2022 3:08 am
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

2022 ж. 24 қар., 11:26:0624.11.22
First, you are using the archaic word, evil. Evil means something supernatural, and that means God, and God is off your short list. Why not accuse orange man of being unethical? Ethics are how we treat each other, or animals, or even plants, mushrooms, etc. Unchallenged and unchecked voting rules, especially, the new vote harvesting open the way for vote fraud, and let us face it, we no longer trust each other anymore. I think by 2024 the Reps will be doing this as well. Then, the DNC will object!!!

It is ok with me, if you love or hate whomever, because I do like Constitutional Bill of Rights. Now, I go back to Policy.
1. What policies did you violently oppose that Don conducted, specific, policies, "I hated this because...?"
2. What specific policies or practices do you consider Joey's rule to be superior? 

As of now, on policy, I would say what do we agree on anymore? This is why I harp on Policy all the time! Policy effects our lives. Doing a war in Vietnam, a handshake with China, whether one leans to a DNC/Soros DA in democratic party run zones, which sides with the street criminals over their victims, because they came from hard, upbringings (so do many of their victims!). 

I don't care who runs the country, only to the extent (for whatever it's worth?) that it aligns with the best interests of the middle class, as opposed to the wealthy coastal elites. Sorry to remind you JC, that the rich have more in common with each other that they do with us swine. Again, policy. Don was, as a rich man, somewhat better for us than Hillary, an elitist lawyer. Maybe. Based only on policy, not personality. 

On policy, I choose technology, aka, engineering as a first go-to, for our problems. That's my policy, and hopefully, I am accurate? if I am not accurate, I would advocate a correction in this assessment.

Remember, I am the dude who still advocates fetal transfer to artificial wombs as a replacement for abortion, cuz, it seems much more ethical. I remind you that I can sometimes pick them, and I was ahead of the curve over 2 years ago when you were caviling against the vaccine avoiders, and I proposed drugs that alleviated Covid. Fortunately, the Pfizer investors "listened to me," and signed on for research that produced Paxlovid. $$$$. I will go with this as well.

I think this will be a big medical success and soon both leaders with Planned Parenthood, and Roman Catholic affiliated hospitals will bill for this service. Downside? Cost for more orphanages. From your business eye, a cost!!! 

Back to this! 
Complete Little Orphan Annie Volume 1: Gray, Harold, Gray, Harold:  9781600101403: Books

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 24, 2022 6:53 am
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

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John Clark

2022 ж. 24 қар., 16:35:4524.11.22
On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 11:26 AM <> wrote:

> First, you are using the archaic word, evil.

I don't care how old it is and I'm not afraid of that word so I intend to keep using it.  

> Why not accuse orange man of being unethical?

Because I think euphemisms are cowardly, that's why I get irate when I read stories in the New York Times about Trump's "falsehoods " when the correct word is "lies".
> 1. What policies did you violently oppose that Don conducted, specific, policies, "I hated this because...?"

I don't like Trump's POLICY of trying to overturn an election he lost and becoming a dictator. I don't like Trump's policy of trying to blackmail the president of Ukraine. I don't like Trump's policy of bungling the response to the Covid epidemic and lying to the American people about its seriousness, and thanks to Bob Woodward we have irrefutable evidence that he did exactly that. If you don't believe me you can buy the audiobook and hear Trump say it in his  own voice:

2. What specific policies or practices do you consider Joey's rule to be superior? 

I like Joe Biden's policy of taking vaccination seriously and not dispensing quack medical advice. I like Biden's policy of trying to repair the catastrophic damage caused by Trumps idiotic withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. I like Biden's policy of not picking judges for the Supreme Court that he knew would outlaw abortion.  

> I harp on Policy all the time! Policy effects our lives.

Incorrect, only implemented policy affects our lives. Trump's policy was to rebuild the nation's infrastructure but he never actually did a damn thing and his numerous "infrastructure weeks"  became a running gag for late night comics. But Biden actually got something done! 

> On policy, I choose technology, aka, engineering as a first go-to, for our problems. That's my policy,

Then you should like Biden's  $280 billion Chips and Technology Act, regardless of what Trump's policy may have been, he never actually enacted anything like that. Even though Trump had control of both the house and the senate during his first two years all Trump did was talk about it, Biden actually did something about it.  

> Remember, I am the dude who still advocates fetal transfer to artificial wombs as a replacement for abortion

Let's compromise, I will let you transfer anything that develops in your womb into an artificial one if you let other people do what they think is best for what develops in their womb.  

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



The John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis and Science Act: Here’s what’s in it

The CHIPS and Science Act: Here’s what’s in it

Alan Grayson

2022 ж. 24 қар., 19:02:5224.11.22
– Everything List
Brent; are you disputing my characterization of Musk as chief engineer? Can't Henry Ford also be considered a chief engineer even though, like Musk, he was CEO and financing the innovations in the production processes? AG

Brent Meeker

2022 ж. 24 қар., 23:34:0624.11.22
Henry Ford built and raced his own car before founding Ford Motor Company and made innovations in the use of an assembly line for his cars.  Musk is just a front man for a company he bought controlling interest in.  I only know of one decision he made about the design of Tesla; namely that it be a high-performance luxury car.  That was a good idea from a marketing perspective.  Attempts to sell EV's as econo-cars were doomed to failure because they were necessarily much more expensive than second hand ICE econoboxes and only people who could afford another ICE could use an EV.

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Telmo Menezes

2022 ж. 25 қар., 03:27:4125.11.22
– Everything List

Am Do, 24. Nov 2022, um 16:40, schrieb
Nobody, Telmo, could accuse you of not thinking outside the box!

Thanks spud, but in this case I am mostly just repeating stuff I read elsewhere...

On anything these billionaires do, it comes down to (duh! on me) Profit of Loss. Hyperloop is less practical then say Renfe in Spain. Or so it seems to us peasants! Musk could likely give me a sales pitch by offering counter arguments, especially on profitability. 

My objection to space ventures, beyond science is what is the benefit for us as a species, or less than that, a nation state(s)?

One could argue that ultimately we must become a multi-planetary species, or we are doomed to perish earlier and quite vulnerable in our little blue dot. But I don't think it's natural to think in those terms. Being explorers is in our nature, we just want to do it. What's the point of life if we get nothing out of it?

How much of our wealth, out, versus, what do we get back, and yes money. I am something of a fan of both economists, John Maynard Keynes, and Milton Friedman. I lean with Keynes, but even here people need to make money, so we can distribute money. It comes down to what causes us to behave in specific ways. Shiny! Shiny! Or in the case of all of our ancestors, "How do we feed the kids?" 

Well, if you lean with Keynes you might agree that huge government projects can be beneficial to the economy even if they are ultimately pointless.

Venus may work, but let us verify that it is a dead, hot, world first. Or, as one astronomer called its surface: searing, black, calm. Lifeless.

You mean you suspect there is life there? I know nothing about that...

For us, the greatest impact psychologically and economically, would be the moon and its minerals. Secondly, would be the mineral wealth floating around the inner solar system. The metallic asteroids (forget the Asteroid Belt) possess many, many, trillions of Ecu's in wealth flying above our heads (Be sure to duck!). Here is just one of two... (lots more!).

You know about Ecus, I'm impressed :) The Portuguese language might have had something to do with the name switch to Euro, since "Ecu" phonetically translates to "it's ass". (É cu)

Planetary floating cities on Venus sound excellent, but I am thinking that Jupiter is a better option. One could think of continent-sized, balloon arrays, supporting (in the atmosphere), and carrying a hundred million citizens and robots. Downside? Radiation from Jupiter, cost-price for effort, and, let's face it; unless some brilliant AI comes up with breakthroughs on accomplishing all this, it's years away. Venus, 200 years, Mars, 100. 

Maybe the Jupiter moons in that case. At least going by decades of scifi on the topic :)


Brent Meeker

2022 ж. 25 қар., 16:00:5025.11.22

On 11/25/2022 12:27 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
Venus may work, but let us verify that it is a dead, hot, world first. Or, as one astronomer called its surface: searing, black, calm. Lifeless.

You mean you suspect there is life there? I know nothing about that...

It's pretty certain that there's no life on the surface of Venus, where it's hot enough to melt lead.  But there could conceivably be some form of life high up in the atmosphere where temperatures are Earth like.


2022 ж. 25 қар., 18:35:4025.11.22
You provide zero evidence, nor, do any of your fellow dem lawyers successfully, prosecute the Donald for any crime. In this response regarding archaic, & policy, you need to indicate via news items, even the NYT us acceptable. Otherwise, you're just doing word games. No need to challenge yourself on my account. It just means that you cannot provide evidence for a prosecution even after almost 2 years of Don's departure from office!! 

"I accuse JC of assassinating Abe Lincoln! I have it on reliable sources, unnamed, that.....blah..blah"

So, yes, rather than demand of a Democrat, why you hate Donny, what are were your policy differences? No need for hysterics on how much you hate Donny.  I just appreciate what you support as national policies and what you oppose?  You're an engineer, & like all citizens, you have a right to thumbs down, or up, upon national policies? 

Meaning, let us talk policy not clearly, unprosecuted accusations as of this evening!

You hated, fracking, or no support for solar?? You hated keeping illegal immigrants (NO I won't edit that term because it's Archaic!!!!! sputter! choke!) in Mexico, a deal cut with the Mexican government.  His space program, his tax policy, his haircut? 

You have a thing for Nancy, or AOC??? Pressly's baldilock's look get to ya???

If you have no policy issues to state with him, as your DNC buds have failed to demonstrate (YET!!) an overthrow of the government or Constitution, you, like LC, simply allow your religious/ideological commitment to eclipse your intellect. 

Sans, rational arguments, savvy?

Never worry!! I am confident that you too, over time, will come to adore De Santis, not only, as our next President, but as god-king of Dune & Earth!!! All Hail, Lord Emperor De Santis! Ruler of the Thousand Worlds! (Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson). 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 24, 2022 4:35 pm
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

2022 ж. 25 қар., 19:35:5525.11.22
Si Telmo. 

Venus is a harder project to tackle, but maybe not for advanced robots someday? Mars, the same. It's our level of computing we achieve, and, of course, what we get back in return? The Greens like to say "There is no Planet B!" To which I like to say back, "Yes there is! Mars! (slap! slap!)" 

For economic and trade? Our species needs to have more projects to work on. Most are underfunded, or not funded at all. Once a technology is developed, getting it to market is essential. Profitability then produces the need to fund other projects. 

That's about it for me and money & opinion. 

Ate' Logo! 

Spud, o Preguiçoso

John Clark

2022 ж. 25 қар., 20:31:5925.11.22
On Fri, Nov 25, 2022 at 6:35 PM <> wrote:

> You provide zero evidence, nor, do any of your fellow dem lawyers successfully, prosecute the Donald for any crime.

Zero evidence? Zero?! Even for you that's a pretty silly thing to say.  

> You hated, fracking, or no support for solar??

I assume that's a question because there are several question marks at the end of it but I can't answer it because I have no idea how to parse that sentence.  

>You hated keeping illegal immigrants (NO I won't edit that term because it's Archaic!!!!! sputter! choke!) in Mexico, a deal cut with the Mexican government.

I have no idea how to parse that sentence either  

> Pressly's baldilock's look get to ya???

I'm not sure that's English, I'm not even sure it's any human language. Spud, you need to learn to communicate more better! I couldn't fail to disagree with you less about the clarity of your writing. 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



Alan Grayson

2022 ж. 25 қар., 21:36:3825.11.22
– Everything List
You're a hopeless moron. Did you know that Trump filed 63 cases to overturn his defeat and had a partial victory in only one? Yet he still touts the Big Lie that he actually won in 2020. And while the crowd yelled to hang Mike Pence, Trump sat on his fat ass in the Oval Office and did nothing to call off the mob. AG

Lawrence Crowell

2022 ж. 26 қар., 09:50:0626.11.22
– Everything List
There are ideas of lofting drones and balloons into the upper atmosphere of Venus. The controversy over phosphene, which is a nerve warfare agent, in the atmosphere is ongoing. So far nothing has been decided.


2022 ж. 27 қар., 15:57:0427.11.22
What specifically did you not agree with on Trump's polices? You accused him of stuff which he hasn't been charged or convicted of yet. But I am asking what of his policies and actions had you opposed? On my grammar used, what you are doing is to suddenly become the 7th grade English teacher, when in common parlance, you know what I simply asked? This is a tactic known as avoidance. and I have seen dems use this countless times, when they have to come up with a rational reason for opposition? You don't have to answer, because it was a simple question, and there are more scientifically, oriented, topics to give forth an opinion on. But then, it is specifically, yourself, that decides to invoke political topics here. I just reply sometimes. 

Since a coherent answer is not forthcoming, no worries.  Currently Buccaneers 17, Browns 17 Sudden Overtime.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 25, 2022 8:31 pm
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

John Clark

2022 ж. 27 қар., 16:20:3927.11.22
On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 3:57 PM <> wrote:

> What specifically did you not agree with on Trump's polices? You accused him of stuff which he hasn't been charged or convicted of yet. But I am asking what of his policies and actions had you opposed?

You keep asking the exact same question and I keep giving the exact same answers.  If you can't comprehend the meaning of "I don't like Trump trying to become a dictator by organizing a coup d'état nullifying a presidential election that he lost" then we're just not going to be able to communicate because I don't know how to express that more simply. I guess English is not your first language.
> On my grammar used, what you are doing is to suddenly become the 7th grade English teacher,

No, it's just that I don't understand the Spudize language (which I assume is the tongue spoken in the country of Potato) and you have not provided an English translation.
> You don't have to answer, because [blah blah blah]

I'd like to provide an answer to your questions but I can't because I have no clue as to what the hell  questions like "You hated, fracking, or no support for solar??" or "Pressly's baldilock's look get to ya???" mean.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

2022 ж. 27 қар., 16:36:1627.11.22
Mike Pence was not the guy I voted for twice. I voted for DJT to push back on anti-American practices from the Globalists who pay the DNC exclusively. I didn't expect the man to actually do that, because he's fucking rich and has more in common with them than myself any day. So, yeah, DJT was not the champion of the US middle class, but he appeared to be a bit solider than Hillary, whose head stuck so far up the Elite's asses, she could see daylight from their mouths.

DJT did accomplish a few nice things that surprised me.  

DJT cut a deal with the Mexican govt to keep illegals on their side of the border. It reduced not only immigration, but deaths, and the running of Chinese fentanyl and guns, (back & forth), that we experience today with Joey. He was good on tariffs against Xi who has a goal of destroying the US physically, as opposed to former leader Hu Jintao, who had a much more nuanced view. Xi is the one who ordered hypersonic missiles aimed at the US to be installed. And, the elites want to trade with these people? Short sighted elites!

He kept inflation low, and unemployment followed. Much better than Joey. Joey opposed fracking while providing no substitute. DJT was tougher on street crime unlike his opponents who take the side of street thugs who had hard upbringings and thus merit release from jail. In this way the crime rates have skyrocketed. The problem with this philosophy, is that it increases the crime rate, but also it ignores the fact that the victims of thugs also had hard upbringings so what should they suffer? 

Joey is better on standing up to Putin and Xi, than I could have hoped.  But we'll see if this holds out or not? 
If Joey really wanted solar and wind power and EV's on our roads, he would've proposed and got thru congress, financing for this, in order to get EV's in every showroom. This should have been pushed when the dems ran both houses of Congress. He still could do more using executive orders. I don't see him, as having his heart in it at all.  But he knows the green libs do. 

Joey's hostile speeches have split the country more, and I have to ask, if China attacks in the Pacific, why die for the DNC and its voters who wish the rest of us dead? Before this even happens, I am thinking about a Gandhi-esque, long term walk-away from participating or obeying the edicts. "A bit of a lie-down," as the British call it. Policies are more dynamic than personality.

I expect De Santis to be nominated, run, and win, in 2024, because of his resourcefulness. DJT will probably do a TV series instead. Seriously. The DNC will be owned by The Squad and its policies and will make Bernie Sanders sound like Calvin Cooledge. Bernie who honeymooned in the old, CCCP 1980. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Grayson <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 25, 2022 9:36 pm
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

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John Clark

2022 ж. 27 қар., 17:04:0827.11.22
On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 4:36 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> Joey opposed fracking

> I expect De Santis to be nominated, run, and win,

If Ron DeSantis (Ron DeSanctimonious according to Trump) wins the Republican nomination there is no way on earth Donald Trump will support the man who beat him, he'll scream bloody murder and do what he ALWAYS does when he loses an election, claim  the primaries were rigged. And most of the Trump zombies will believe him. Republicans are screwed if they nominate Trump and they're screwed if they don't, their only hope is that Trump will slip on a banana peel and break his neck before 2024.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Dylan Distasio

2022 ж. 27 қар., 17:22:1927.11.22
I can understand why you might be confused with the number of times the demented in chief has misspoke, but even CNN admits he said he opposed fracking in 2019 before muddying the waters further in later statements.   

It's pretty clear what he has done to impact the industry in a very negative way at this point in any case.

John Clark

2022 ж. 28 қар., 05:44:0328.11.22
On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 5:22 PM Dylan Distasio <> wrote:

> I can understand why you might be confused with the number of times the demented in chief has misspoke, but even CNN admits he said he opposed fracking in 2019 before muddying the waters further in later statements. 

It is well known that Joe Biden was a gaffe machine even when he was young and often suffers from foot in mouth disease, but he never banned fracking, although he did put a moratorium on new drilling on federal land which, as I said previously, I think was a mistake. At least he never tried to become dictator by organizing a coup d'état or lied to the American people about the seriousness of the Covid epidemic. 
 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis    

2022 ж. 28 қар., 19:01:0628.11.22
Lets see what the reporting on Joey's energy policy comes up with?




He's all over the place and seems lax in getting solar and wind and storage fired up. For people who believe in saving the earth, they ain't doing jack. If you want to get sun and wind powering the US, this path is not coherent. But then I voted for the other team. The stuff is dirty, but at least it works. This is why I keep harping on policy. With personality we get speeches, with policy things happen or don't happen? They work or they don't.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 28, 2022 5:43 am
Subject: Re: Is Elon Musk as smart as we thought he was?

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