NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

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John Clark

no leída,
4 sept 2021, 7:44:03 a.m.4/9/2021
para 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
From The New York Times:

White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

The plan calls for an initial investment of at least $15 billion — half of what President Biden initially proposed.



no leída,
4 sept 2021, 3:11:31 p.m.4/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
From what my B' in law told me the other day (retired physician) we'll have to vax the world to succeed. 

Thought- This highlights the need for medicines that end the virus's damage via cytokine storms, as a treatment, a cure, rather than a prevention. 

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Lawrence Crowell

no leída,
4 sept 2021, 6:16:51 p.m.4/9/2021
para Everything List
On Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 2:11:31 PM UTC-5 spudb...@aol.com wrote:
From what my B' in law told me the other day (retired physician) we'll have to vax the world to succeed. 

Well DUH?! That though is the sort of soft power that can raise the prestige of the US.

Thought- This highlights the need for medicines that end the virus's damage via cytokine storms, as a treatment, a cure, rather than a prevention. 

My brother as a molecular biologist specializing in plant biology, worked on cell signaling and cytokines. It is a vastly complicated topic. As yet no cure for any viral infection has come of this. A global program of vaccines might eliminate Covid, or at least keep it down.


John Clark

no leída,
5 sept 2021, 6:29:28 a.m.5/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 3:11 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> From what my B' in law told me the other day (retired physician) we'll have to vax the world to succeed. 

Yes, everybody will need to get vaccinated, that's why the smallpox virus has gone extinct and why nobody needs to be vaccinated for smallpox anymore. They almost succeeded in making the polio virus go extinct too, but in Afghanistan the Taliban, just like Trump worshipers, don't like vaccinations and started killing the medical teams who were giving out vaccinations. So some children in Afghanistan still die or get paralyzed from polio.

But Biden's $30 billion proposal wasn't meant to prevent any existing virus from spreading but from stopping a new unknown virus from turning into the next pandemic, after all 2 years ago nobody knew that COVID-19 existed, probably because 2 years ago it didn't. But Republicans felt that $30 billion was too much to pay just to prevent the next multi-trillion dollar mega-death producing pandemic, so they cut that figure in half, they figured our national security could be better enhanced by using the $15 billion that was saved and buy another aircraft carrier instead. We only have 20.  

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


no leída,
5 sept 2021, 9:35:28 a.m.5/9/2021
para goldenfield...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On soft power, that is a binary or tertiary concern. We funded Pfizer & Moderna, and I don't see the soft power advantage you have suggested. Nobody in the world (I have observed) is saying, "Yeah Afghan is a massacre, but those Yank sons a bitches sure got everyone beat on Covid!! That, is another separate discussion in my oppy.

Your mole biologist brother is of course correct. Having said that, we probably cannot vax every soul on earth, so hence my statement on switching focus to treatment & cure. If your buddy Joe has no problem with "human infrastructure," to the tune of 3.5 trillion, then why not (If it is not already being pursued) would be meds that are non-damaging, and have the virtue of stopping deaths from the mutations.  

I am a bigger spender than old Joe and would happily throw vastly more cash at R&D in specialized areas like medical solutions, AI, energy, and climate, and also resource production, space, etc. I'd be looking for big ROI, but we know I am simply a mouthy peasant, with no cash to throw at out politician$. 


no leída,
5 sept 2021, 9:52:25 a.m.5/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
The opposition to vaccinating and masks is a many splendored thing. Lots of people in the world don't vax or ignore precautions 
. Some of these are from your team, many are from mine. 

Here, from the peg o' your heart, the WaPo is an article that illustrates this conundrum. 

Many who don't vax look at the vaxing demands to be. 
1. Despite what the experts said, people are afraid of vaxing and still getting killed by Covid. This has been an news item.
2. People see the effort as a governmental effort for control of the population. 

Given the progressive takeover of business and government, these fears are not insubstantial. 

Now what do I think about Biden's 30 billion? My response is...SOLD!! I am for it. I am not a libertarian. And I won't be one until we move to magic mass production tech like 3D printing and maybe Drelxer-stuff? Then, like Engel's & Marx spake, we will be able to have the means of productions in our own grubby hands. I don't think we can do Libertarianism successfully till that golden age. 

Sorry for the techno-economic diversion here. Yes, lets all vax, yes, lets fund for new badness to inevitably come. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>

John Clark

no leída,
5 sept 2021, 10:28:44 a.m.5/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 9:52 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> The opposition to vaccinating and masks is a many splendored thing. Lots of people in the world don't vax or ignore precautions . Some of these are from your team, many are from mine. 

Unlike you, the leader of my team didn't publicly attempt to sabotage techniques which have been scientifically proven to be effective against fighting the virus by telling his worshipers that he didn't "feel" the booster shot was necessary. The leader of my team believes that "feeling" is an inferior method of dealing with a huge health emergency than thinking, and that is why hundreds of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily under the watch of the leader of your team.

> Many who don't vax look at the vaxing demands to be. 
1. Despite what the experts said, people are afraid of vaxing

In other words, many people are not only wrong they are stupid.  

> 2. People see the effort as a governmental effort for control of the population. 

In other words, many people are not only wrong they are stupid.  

> Now what do I think about Biden's 30 billion? My response is...SOLD!! I am for it. I am not a libertarian. And I won't be one until we move to magic mass production tech like 3D printing and maybe Drelxer-stuff? Then, like Engel's & Marx spake, we will be able to have the means of productions in our own grubby hands.

Great, but do you really believe the best way to get to that point is to make sure very intelligent scientifically minded people don't enter the country? And most members of your Republican tribe believe we should teach creationism not Evolution in public schools, and we should indoctrinate our kids that the entire universe was created less than 6,000 years ago! it's not hard to see why the Chinese are laughing at such scientific illiterates.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


no leída,
5 sept 2021, 8:02:30 p.m.5/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
It was well known that Donny took the shots. It was observed that the Texas rallies were spreader events, but your guys mass protests and riots were never characterized in this fashion. It was magically germ free, Locally after the Minneapolis killing there were was a maskless march in support of the slain dude. The kiddies march produced a Covid situation.  Righteousness doesn't beat the infection, that is certain. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 5, 2021 10:28 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

John Clark

no leída,
6 sept 2021, 8:31:26 a.m.6/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 8:02 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> It was well known that Donny took the shots.

No, it was not particularly well known, Trump certainly didn't go out of his way to publicize the fact, and when he got around to admitting he had taken the vaccination he did so apologetically, and that is the first time I've ever seen Trump do anything apologetically. And when Trump admitted to his worshipers that he had taken the shot they actually booed their God, something that had never happened before. After that experience you can be certain Trump will never again say something that even approaches being intelligent, and sure enough soon after that he said he would not get the booster shot; personally I think he will but he will never ever admit it.  

> It was well known that Donny took the shots. It was observed that the Texas rallies were spreader events,

Yep. And given that they were held at the height of the worst pandemic in a century, that was just about as irresponsible as a president can get. Those Nuremberg style rallies killed people, if you don't believe me just ask Trump's friend Herman Cain..... Oh that's right you can't.  

 > your guys mass protests and riots were never characterized in this fashion.

The leader of "my guys" did not organize any of the BLM stuff, much less be the main or only attraction. And the BLM stuff was done outdoors, but Trump insisted that his worshipers must densely flock together inside poorly ventilated buildings and not wear any masks if they wish to hear his lethal medical advice, treasonous orders, and wall to wall whining ("it's very unfair") . And Dr. Fauci ( who you think is one of "my guys" ) did criticize the BLM people for not wearing masks even though they were outside; as it turned out there's no evidence of a link between any outdoor maskless BLM event and a COVID-19 spike, but of course at the time there is no way Dr. Fauci could've known that. But there is a mountain of evidence of links between indoor Trump rallies and COVID-19 spikes.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


no leída,
6 sept 2021, 11:28:36 a.m.6/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
Well, the biggest rally was outside, in Tx. The Nuremberg thing is only in the eye of the beholder. They supported Trump because they realized even growing up that the Reps were whores to the old big businesses. What you avoid is acknowledging that the Dems now are even deeper in with Wall Street +Sili Valley + Hollywood than the old country club reps of my misspent youth.
Witness 2003-

Witness 2014-

Witness 2016-


 Fauci himself was such a poor communicator going back on his "We're getting herd immunity at 75%." "Ok I lied, we're not reaching herd immunity till it's 90%! I just didn't want you all to become discouraged." 
Now changed again..

BLM and Antifa were outside looting, burning, attacking, masked and unmasked. I did supply a nice group hug amongst them, back in 2020 when Trump was viewed as having a chance. I can supply pics, but it was in 2020 just like the Trump rallies. Both were plague spreaders. 

 I am not trying to persuade anyone here to my view, simply to state that I am following my position against the ideological mindset of the Trump haters. I cannot even persuade my own sister and brother in law of my accurateness tonight to ring in 5734, woohoo! This is because of Orange Man bad!  

What brought DJT to power was fear, fear of the effects of the self-willed decline deemed necessary by Barrack. Kamala-Joe is Barrack on steroids. It took a plague to bring him down. Now, the same is happening to Joe. But that is common in history of course, smallpox, bubonic, typhus. Each has their impact and changes things. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2021 8:30 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

John Clark

no leída,
6 sept 2021, 2:54:21 p.m.6/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 11:28 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

>They supported Trump because they realized even growing up that the Reps were whores to the old big businesses.

Well yeah, but you almost make it sound like being a whore to old big businesses is a bad thing.  
> the Dems now are even deeper in with Wall Street +Sili Valley + Hollywood than the old country club reps

Good! I like Wall Street and I love Silicon Valley even more because they have advanced the human condition more than anything else I can think of, and because If you put all the bad stuff they have done since the beginning of time together in one big lump it wouldn't amount to much more than just a little naughtiness compared to the monstrous evil nation states do on a routine basis. And what the hell do you have against Hollywood?! I happen to like movies, but maybe you agree with the Taliban that movies are fun and fun should not be allowed. 
> BLM and Antifa were outside looting, burning, attacking [ blah blah blah ]

I don't know why you keep ragging on Antifa when you have one hell of a lot in common with them, you both hate Capitalism (as did the Soviets and Chinese communists) and you both hate Wall Street, Antifa fully supported the left wing and totally imbecilic "Occupy Wall Street" crap, and I think Antifa would love your idea of investing all power into a sort of "People's Committee For Public Safety" like they had in the leftist French revolution; and that worked out with no problem, if you don't count The Great Terror and all the guillotines and blood and misery.  

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 



no leída,
7 sept 2021, 6:45:23 p.m.7/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
You hold the view that like the popes, scientists are infallible axiomatically. You might say that "Ah! but scientists self-correct when new data comes through." I would then reply, "often yes. Or they fight to the death to defend the awesome egos." Peer review does not cure this condition. Worshiping Wall Street is not my thing and the ROI in doing such is often nonexistent. Any relationship tween myself and Ayn Rand (nee' Rosenbloom) is purely biblical.  Meanwhile, Mr. science guy, here is new information from from another scientist. 

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, said the documents – obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request — made it clear that Fauci had been “untruthful” about gain-of-function

The lab diddled and fiddled with the bat stuff and didn't have proper control in place. Too expensive, probably. Fauci covered, Rand pounced. I reject your ruling class comprised of holy scientists and jolly boards of directors. I am a minority of one. However, the tendency of your elected likely will annoy others based on their separation from the realms of joe sixpack. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2021 2:53 pm
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

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John Clark

no leída,
8 sept 2021, 10:38:31 a.m.8/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 6:45 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> You hold the view that like the popes, scientists are infallible axiomatically.

Thanks for informing me of that, I had absolutely no idea I held that view.  
And your authority is the New York post?!  Next time pick a more respectable source, like "Thrilling Stories Of The Supernatural" or "UFO Digest" or "Wonder Tales Of The Bermuda Triangle".

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


no leída,
9 sept 2021, 6:46:53 p.m.9/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com

You discard the Post as I discard the the Ny times. I can and do play the game as well. The fictionist thinking I can cite from memory is their economist  in 2016(Reich) predicting a stock market crash in 2017. Scientists have turned out to be ideologists and narcissists just like everyone else. Shall we look at Lysenko, the eugenicists, Galton, Davenport, etc? For Fauci we look to the Australian media using The Intercept as a news source. The Intercept is nice and Left, but they obtained the evidence, so they ran with it.

Not the Post so no worries.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Sep 8, 2021 10:37 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

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John Clark

no leída,
10 sept 2021, 6:17:49 a.m.10/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:46 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> You discard the Post as I discard the the Ny times.

I maintain it would be impossible for a disinterested observer to read the New York Times and the New York Post and conclude they both operated at the same intellectual level, and that the New York Times was not far far more intelligently written and more diligently fact checked.  
> For Fauci we look to the Australian media using The Intercept as a news source. The Intercept is nice and Left, but they obtained the evidence, so they ran with it.
Nice and Left? The website you cite is owned by News Corporation, the exact same Trump worshiping propagandist that owns both Fox News and your previous right wing source, The New York Post.  It's no wonder you have such a warped worldview if that's the only sort of stuff you read. Maybe there is some truth to the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab story, but if there is we're not gonna learn about it from unscientific nincompoops like that.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


no leída,
13 sept 2021, 12:38:06 a.m.13/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
It doesn't matter how brainy you think you are if you are wrong. Robert Reich predicted a stick market crash in his column commenting on Trumps win in 2016, and he was dead wrong. "but wait, wait, look how brainy I am. Look at my intellectual level-aren't you awed?!" 

No, and only success matters because as that social construct Madonna sang many years ago, "we are living in the material world, and I am a material girl."

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Sep 10, 2021 6:17 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

Lawrence Crowell

no leída,
13 sept 2021, 5:51:56 a.m.13/9/2021
para Everything List

John Clark

no leída,
13 sept 2021, 8:55:55 a.m.13/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 12:38 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> It doesn't matter how brainy you think you are if you are wrong. Robert Reich predicted a stick market crash in his column commenting on Trumps win in 2016, and he was dead wrong.

I'm not a Robert Reich fanboy so I have no duty to defend what the man said, but it's a fact that the Dow Jones Industrial Average saw an annualized return of 11.77% under Trump, versus 12.1% for Obama, and 15.9% for Clinton. And in case it slipped your mind I remind you that both Obama and Clinton were Democrats.

> but wait, wait, look how brainy I am. Look at my intellectual level  -aren't you awed?!


John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 



> You discard the Post as I discard the the Ny times.

I maintain it would be impossible for a disinterested observer to read the New York Times and the New York Post and conclude they both operated at the same intellectual level, and that the New York Times was not far far more intelligently written and more diligently fact checked.  
> For Fauci we look to the Australian media using The Intercept as a news source. The Intercept is nice and Left, but they obtained the evidence, so they ran with it.
Nice and Left? The website you cite is owned by News Corporation, the exact same Trump worshiping propagandist that owns both Fox News and your previous right wing source, The New York Post.  It's no wonder you have such a warped worldview if that's the only sort of stuff you read. Maybe there is some truth to the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab story, but if there is we're not gonna learn about it from unscientific nincompoops like that.



no leída,
13 sept 2021, 8:54:41 p.m.13/9/2021
para johnk...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
They were democrats for sure. Clinton did do a Republican economy back in the 90's that insulated him from impeachment in getting kicked from office, because why mess with a good thing? Obama is a different kind of guy that like Joe, is an ideologist. I am sure that Joe is taking direct advice from Obama right thru this moment. The Afghan thing, the Ayatollah thing, both the same. The Trump job thing was that it was good enough, that back in 2019, just as today, employers were hurting for employees and wages were rising..

In any case the plague which devoured Captain Orange, is now continuing its meal on the Biden presidency. The reasons for this is complex but it comes down to the experts losing their mojo on true expertise. Witness today's happy headline from your pals at CNBC:

An expert review of scientific evidence has concluded that Covid vaccine booster shots are not needed at this time for the general public, a group of leading U.S. and international scientists said Monday.

Note, that I consider the Lancet a sometime thing. Accurate sometimes, politicized often. I am pro-vax so who do we believe? Do you wish to shutdown everything if it is not appropriate now? Do we shut things down worldwide without a global vaccination regime? How does one make public policy from conflicting 'expertise?' 

My own privative serf-ish public policy recommendation  would be to make a super push for treatments rather than vaccines, to buy time for vaccination research and delivery to kick in globally.  to kick in. It will take longer for Covid flavors to beat treatments which cure the virus rather than prevent it. This treatment focus would buy enough time to produce eventually super vaccines that finally send Covid to small pox land. Economics and plague intertwine as the always have. Back, historically to Justinian's' bout with the 1st bubonic plague, which in turn weakened  Byzantium enough to provide an avenue for Muhammad to arise.  

Back to economics, this development will surely change how we all live: This may fix a way to plagues. 
GPT-4 Will Have 100 Trillion Parameters — 500x the Size of GPT-3
-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 13, 2021 8:55 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

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John Clark

no leída,
14 sept 2021, 7:18:35 a.m.14/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 8:54 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> I am sure that Joe is taking direct advice from Obama right thru this moment.

I doubt it but I hope you're right. In my opinion Obama was the second best president in my lifetime, John Kennedy was the best.   
> In any case the plague which devoured Captain Orange, is now continuing its meal on the Biden presidency. The reasons for this is complex

No, it's not complex at all. The only reason the COVID-19 pandemic didn't end 5 months and tens of thousands of deaths ago is very simple, the USA has an excess of very simple people in it. Are these very stupid people divided equally among the political parties? Nope. 50% of Trump voters are so stupid they're not vaccinated, but only 7% of Biden voters are that brain dead dumb.

> My own privative serf-ish public policy recommendation  would be to make a super push for treatments rather than vaccines,

Given that COVID-19 is now a 100% preventable disease and the treatment is easy quick painless and free, and given that the amount of resources that can be allocated towards medical research is finite I'd be opposed to devoting a great deal of effort into saving very very stupid people from themselves.  

> to buy time for vaccination research

No vaccine is any good if people are too stupid to take it. We already have a near perfect vaccine for COVID19, several in fact, what we really need now is a vaccine that prevents stupidity...... but on second thought I guess even that wouldn't help because some people would be too stupid to take that too. Oh well, Evolution in action.

  > This treatment focus would buy enough time to produce eventually super vaccines that finally send Covid to small pox land. 
Smallpox became extinct in 1977, if not for the opposition from right wing religious people who violently opposed vaccinations (and I do mean violently) it could've happened a century earlier.  And just five years ago it looked like polio was on the verge of extinction, but right wing religious anti-vaccination nuts in the USA and Afghanistan and elsewhere have made a comeback and thus polio has made a come back too.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 

John Clark

no leída,
14 sept 2021, 9:03:06 a.m.14/9/2021
para spudb...@aol.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 8:54 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> Clinton did do a Republican economy back in the 90's that insulated him from impeachment in getting kicked from office,

I'm old enough to remember that is certainly NOT what Republicans were saying about Clinton at the time, they opposed him every single time he made a move and said his economic policies would lead to economic disaster. Instead Clinton started the longest economic boom in the nation's history and produced the first balanced budget since 1835.   

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 

Brent Meeker

no leída,
14 sept 2021, 1:47:09 p.m.14/9/2021
para everyth...@googlegroups.com
Smallpox is different in that only humans get it.  Covid probably can't be completely eliminated because there seem to animals that carry it.  That's part of the reason influenza can't be eliminated.


John Clark

no leída,
14 sept 2021, 2:57:51 p.m.14/9/2021
para 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 1:47 PM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com> wrote

> Smallpox is different in that only humans get it. 

There is a virus very similar to Smallpox called "Cowpox" that both humans and cows can get; when humans get it the symptoms are quite mild, you might feel a little subpar for a day or two but that's about it, however the two viruses are so similar that when you've recovered from Cowpox you've also received a lifetime immunity to Smallpox. That's why milkmaids had the reputation for being unusually beautiful, nearly all had been infected with Cowpox so they never had smallpox, thus they didn't have the Smallpox facial scars that most adults had. That's why 17th century Flemish artists love to paint  milkmaids.

And that's how Edward Jenner got the idea of using cowpox in his smallpox vaccine.

> Covid probably can't be completely eliminated because there seem to animals that carry it. 

I think if you went back far enough you'd find that nearly all human pathogens originated in an animal virus that underwent a mutation.  

> That's part of the reason influenza can't be eliminated.

Thanks to CRISPR gene editing I wouldn't be surprised if we had a universal influenza vaccine quite soon:

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 


Brent Meeker

no leída,
14 sept 2021, 4:45:20 p.m.14/9/2021
para everyth...@googlegroups.com
That's all right, except the part about milkmaids complexion.  Of course having immunity to smallpox means that a milkmaid would not have the extensive scarring of a smallpox survivor.  But I think cowpox also leaves larger, but fewer scars...link the one on my left arm.  So they would not be as fair as a maiden who had not had either pox.

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no leída,
15 sept 2021, 1:12:12 p.m.15/9/2021
para goldenfield...@gmail.com,everyth...@googlegroups.com
Nicolas Nassim Taleb & Black Swans

When one refuses to intake information because of ideology and policy, we have Black Swans come a calling. All politicians run on promises, but typically what overtakes a politician are emergencies, aka crises. One example was the wind down of the US military from WW2 only to get surprised by Stalin and Mao's endorsing the North Korean Kim's invasion of the South. 

Perhaps the standard of political office or of economics should be "Can you you us examples of how you managed, or would manage a crisis?"

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <goldenfield...@gmail.com>
To: Everything List <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Sep 13, 2021 5:51 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics


On Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 11:38:06 PM UTC-5 spudb...@aol.com wrote:
It doesn't matter how brainy you think you are if you are wrong. Robert Reich predicted a stick market crash in his column commenting on Trumps win in 2016, and he was dead wrong. "but wait, wait, look how brainy I am. Look at my intellectual level-aren't you awed?!" 

No, and only success matters because as that social construct Madonna sang many years ago, "we are living in the material world, and I am a material girl."

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com>
To: spudb...@aol.com
Cc: everyth...@googlegroups.com <everyth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Sep 10, 2021 6:17 am
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: White House Seeks $65 Billion for ‘Apollo’ Plan to Prepare for Future Pandemics

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 6:46 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:

> You discard the Post as I discard the the Ny times.

I maintain it would be impossible for a disinterested observer to read the New York Times and the New York Post and conclude they both operated at the same intellectual level, and that the New York Times was not far far more intelligently written and more diligently fact checked.  
> For Fauci we look to the Australian media using The Intercept as a news source. The Intercept is nice and Left, but they obtained the evidence, so they ran with it.
Nice and Left? The website you cite is owned by News Corporation, the exact same Trump worshiping propagandist that owns both Fox News and your previous right wing source, The New York Post.  It's no wonder you have such a warped worldview if that's the only sort of stuff you read. Maybe there is some truth to the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab story, but if there is we're not gonna learn about it from unscientific nincompoops like that.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 

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