Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

Yametazamwa mara 33
Ruka hadi kwenye ujumbe wa kwanza ambao haujasomwa

John Clark

24 Jun 2021, 13:20:5124/06/2021
kwa 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
A few minutes ago a New York appellate court suspended Rudolph W. Giuliani’s law license, it said:

“We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at re-election in 2020,”

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


Lawrence Crowell

24 Jun 2021, 14:55:4024/06/2021
kwa Everything List
I keep hoping enough threads get pulled so this structure falls apart.


24 Jun 2021, 23:14:4524/06/2021
I fear "this structure" only dwells in your imagination. But that is what is fascinating about the democrats. Trump is their only point of focus, and if it is a true derangement, I say Hip-Hip! Chin-Chin! Trump Derangement Syndrome. That phrase I have lifted the German Jazz group  Club Des Belugas, I highly recommend them.

On John's submission for polling, I would point out the current average from Real Politics. It indicates a declining support base for the president, and a widening disapproval rating. The thing to consider gentlemen is that old devil, Inflation. Printing cash with a unsound economy behind it, didn't help the Weimar Republic, nor did it help Zimbabwe more recently. The rising crime violent crime rates helped even Dicky Nixon attain power, and kissing up to China's Chairman Xi, as the Biden's are wont to do, will also have impact, although that is out of President Joe's hands, and firmly in Chairman Xi's. As the ancient Chinese curse goes, "May you live in interesting times."

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Brent Meeker

24 Jun 2021, 23:40:4324/06/2021

On 6/24/2021 8:14 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
I fear "this structure" only dwells in your imagination. But that is what is fascinating about the democrats. Trump is their only point of focus, and if it is a true derangement, I say Hip-Hip! Chin-Chin! Trump Derangement Syndrome. That phrase I have lifted the German Jazz group  Club Des Belugas, I highly recommend them.

On John's submission for polling, I would point out the current average from Real Politics. It indicates a declining support base for the president, and a widening disapproval rating. The thing to consider gentlemen is that old devil, Inflation.
Curiously, the Repugs dropped all opposition deficit spending BEFORE Trump took office.  No lesser conservative than Dick Cheney proclaimed "Deficits don't matter."

Printing cash with a unsound economy behind it, didn't help the Weimar Republic, nor did it help Zimbabwe more recently. The rising crime violent crime rates helped even Dicky Nixon attain power, and kissing up to China's Chairman Xi,

You're a little confused.  It's Trump, not Biden, who said, "Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better.  He's for China, I'm for the U.S., but other than that, we love each other."


John Clark

25 Jun 2021, 09:16:0725/06/2021
kwa 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List,
On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 11:14 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:
> The thing to consider gentlemen is that old devil, Inflation. Printing cash with a unsound economy behind it,

Ah yes, it's nostalgic to hear the plaintive song of the deficit hawk again as it has not been heard for 4 years since it went into hibernation as it always does whenever a Republican is president and reawakens only when a Democrat gains power. But I'm a big fan of debt because I'm a big fan of capitalism, and you can not have capitalism without capital. If I invent a brilliant new widget it's not gonna do anybody any good unless I can mass-produce it, and for that I need capital, and if I don't have the capital to do that I'm going to have to borrow some. And if I borrow something I'm going to have to give it back, and that means I've incurred a debt. Without debt Silicon Valley wouldn't exist, even renaissance Italy wouldn't have existed without its banks.

I've been hearing predictions of impending economic doom from deficit spending all my life, and so has my father, and so has my father's father. And his father too. But the fact is except for the last 3 years of Democrat Bill Clinton's administration (which had a surplus) the US government has run a deficit EVERY SINGLE YEAR since 1835, and yet the USA still has the most powerful economy in the world. A dollar you have today will always be more valuable than a dollar that you will get in 10 years, and the best time to borrow money is when interest rates are low, and they have never been lower than they are right now. 

> it [inflation] didn't help the Weimar Republic, nor did it help Zimbabwe more recently.

True, but that just proves too much of anything (except perhaps for wisdom) is a bad thing. Inflation is not the only catastrophe that can happen to an economy, deflation can be just as bad or worse, if you don't believe me just ask the average American from 1929; and for over a decade America has been suffering an inflation rate that has been historically freakishly low.

This is what Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman had to say a few days ago about the irrational fear of inflation:

Will the tyranny of the 1970s ever end?

by Paul Krugman
Jun 22, 2021

"Leisure suits went out of fashion more than 40 years ago. High inflation stopped being a problem only a few years later. Yet while you rarely see warnings about the imminent return of disco style, hardly a year goes by without dire predictions that ’70s-type stagflation is coming back.

Today’s column is about how the case for fearing runaway inflation has collapsed over the past few weeks. But I didn’t have space to talk about why such fears have received widespread publicity, even though they were always on very shaky ground.Of course, one reason people are talking about inflation is that some prices have shot up in the past few months. But I don’t have the sense that inflation worriers are really arguing that soaring prices of used cars and lumber are harbingers of a return to double-digit inflation. Instead, they’re treating the background of price hikes as a kind of Greek chorus to reinforce their claim that we’re repeating the mistakes of the 1970s.

The question is why invoking the specter of the 1970s evokes such terror.

Not that the ’70s were a good time economically. The great post World War II boom ended circa 1973, introducing a long period of sluggish gains and often declines in median income. But the ’70s don’t stand out as worse in that respect than several other periods. Real income growth under Jimmy Carter was better than it was under George Bush the elder; the Gerald Ford and Carter era as a whole was better than the reign of George Bush the younger. And none of the economic travails of the period matched the suffering of the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath.

True, there was that inflation, although incomes by and large kept up. Still, by the numbers, it’s hard to see why we still scare children by telling them that if they’re bad, they’ll end up back in the 1970s. What’s all that about?

Part of the answer is that the economic troubles of the ’70s came along with other bad news. Crime was still on the rise; inner cities were decaying; we lost the war in Vietnam. These were pretty much entirely separate stories both from one another and from the economic malaise, but they tend to merge in historical memory.

But here’s the thing about historical memory: It tends to be selective, and what gets remembered often reflects elite agendas. To take an infinitely more important subject than mere economics, how many white Americans were ever taught about the 1921 Tulsa massacre? I know I wasn’t.

And so it is with economic history. You very rarely hear about the bleak economic mood of the early 1990s, a time of falling incomes, deindustrialization and widespread fear that the United States was losing out to foreign competitors. Somehow that episode got dropped from the curriculum even though Bill Clinton got elected by campaigning against the Bush economy.

But harping on the troubles of the 1970s serves a political purpose. To this day, I keep reading declarations that Carter-era stagflation is an object lesson in the terrible things that happen if taxes and spending are too high. There’s actually no evidence that big government had anything to do with the economic problems of the time; soaring oil prices caused by wars and revolutions in the Middle East were probably the biggest factor, plus irresponsible monetary policy (undertaken in part to help Richard Nixon win re-election).

Still, the legend of ’70s stagflation as the market’s way of punishing America for being too liberal lives on; for influential forces in our political discourse, it remains a story too good to check.

The relevance to our current discourse is obvious. Democrats with a progressive agenda have taken control of the White House and, barely, Congress. Of course, there are widespread declarations that we’re about to relive (cue scary music) the … 1970s.

Well, I’m not scared. Unless there’s a real possibility of a return to disco-era fashion, which would be terrifying."

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


25 Jun 2021, 13:48:1125/06/2021
Krugman? They NY Times nobelist who predicted in November 2016, that electing Donald would tank the economy? As President, Captain Peter Peachfuzz would would say, "C'mon man!"  If democrats are such a hot item, then how do we explain the unemployment issues of Jimmy Carter & the consistently feeble recovery of Barack Obama. You are leaving out the Reagan years of prosperity, For Bush senior, he was nothing wonderful and both he Bubba Clinton started the globalist thing, which democrats now adore!

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
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Sent: Fri, Jun 25, 2021 9:15 am
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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25 Jun 2021, 15:06:2825/06/2021
Brent, if anybody said this, be it Donny or Captain Joe, they're freak'in wrong. Don did impose trade tariffs on the Xi regime, which was at least something, rather than the Biden family which takes cash from the Communist Party China. 
Meaning, China-facing corporations who wanted the tariffs lifted.

So, what does this mean for the middle class? As always the words of politicians mean jack, and if one is to be intellectually honest, we need to look at the actual behavior, and link it to the words said or written. Be it Donald or Joe or Mayor Smith, Anywhere, USA. 

With China, as with Putin, the people in charge require a great, external, enemy, to unite the people behind. Otherwise support for "The Party," dwindles, because, why? Thus, yeah, I fear Xi, and Joes reaction to an invasion of Taiwan and what happens afterwards, which is something they CCP would not consider if Donny were still in charge?

 This is identical with the democrats, being Don, as the Great Enemy, which was my Orwell's 1984 reference to Big Brother versus Goldstein reference. So, my concern China or Putin will see advantage to a "weak," US president as I view Joe as being. Team loyalty is Baked In to the human brain, the anthropologists and neurobiologists tell us and I believe them. This works in Russia, China, the US, and The Maldives, everywhere. 

I am aware of this, (big deal!) so I continue to look at technological fixes to human issues and look to the sciences and engineering for relief, for fixes. I look to AI to drive more innovations in technology, more better, faster. For example, with AGW, we need solar and wind and storage to work now! Then, run both the dirty and the clean concurrently, then switch over once the Clean is perfected. One recent Idea I like is by the Norwegians using wind power at sea. This method would use less physical space, is built vertically and so is sure to catch more wind flow. It reminds me of a giant box fan that sits in the ocean. 
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 24, 2021 11:40 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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Brent Meeker

25 Jun 2021, 15:34:1825/06/2021

On 6/25/2021 10:48 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
Krugman? They NY Times nobelist who predicted in November 2016, that electing Donald would tank the economy? As President, Captain Peter Peachfuzz would would say, "C'mon man!"  If democrats are such a hot item, then how do we explain the unemployment issues of Jimmy Carter & the consistently feeble recovery of Barack Obama. You are leaving out the Reagan years of prosperity, For Bush senior, he was nothing wonderful and both he Bubba Clinton started the globalist thing, which democrats now adore!

Potatoes for brains, crap for facts.  No wonder he doesn't use his real name.

Of course conservatives like high unemployment.  It pushes down the cost of labor.  Let the hoi polloi go into debt for housing and education.  Then corporations can pay low wages and the rich can live off interest.  It's win-win.


John Clark

25 Jun 2021, 16:19:2225/06/2021
On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 1:48 PM <> wrote:

> They NY Times nobelist who predicted in November 2016, that electing Donald would tank the economy?

Yep, the same fellow, and it turned out his prediction was dead accurate, see the chart below.

>If democrats are such a hot item, then how do we explain the unemployment issues of Jimmy Carter

The Gross Domestic Product of the nation grew very nearly as fast under Carter as it did under Reagan.  Take a look at the chart below, out of the last 14 presidents the top 4 in terms of economic growth were all Democrats, and Republican Donald Trump was of course dead last, #14 out of 14.
> & the consistently feeble recovery of Barack Obama.

Obama inherited from his Republican predecessor the worst economic catastrophe in 80 years, and the recovery could've been much faster if the Republicans had not killed Obama's economic stimulus bill, which the country desperately needed, with its idiotic filibuster. 
> You are leaving out the Reagan years of prosperity,

The economy grew faster under Bill Clinton than it did under Ronald Reagan, and although I don't think it's terribly important, Clinton not only managed to balance the budget he actually ran a surplus for the last three years of his administration. Reagan constantly talked about the importance of a balanced budget, but he never actually managed to do it, not even once. Clinton did it 3 times 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



Brent Meeker

25 Jun 2021, 16:26:2625/06/2021

On 6/25/2021 12:06 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
Brent, if anybody said this, be it Donny or Captain Joe, they're freak'in wrong. Don did impose trade tariffs on the Xi regime, which was at least something, rather than the Biden family which takes cash from the Communist Party China. 

Biden left Trump's trade tariffs in place and proposed more trade restrictions on China at the G7 meeting.
Liz Peek is a little short on the logic.  She's berating Dems because they're taking money from big corporations while attacking the influence of money in politics. But they're not changing their attacks on big money.  You need money to win, so you'd be stupid (and defeated) to stop taking the money before you can get legislation to cut it off from both sides.  As Big Daddy Unruh once said, "If you can't eat their food, drink their liquor, fuck their women, and then vote against them, you don't belong in politics."

So, what does this mean for the middle class? As always the words of politicians mean jack, and if one is to be intellectually honest, we need to look at the actual behavior, and link it to the words said or written. Be it Donald or Joe or Mayor Smith, Anywhere, USA.

You're about the last person in world I look to for advice on intellectual honesty.


John Clark

26 Jun 2021, 06:42:2726/06/2021
I should add that Donald Trump is the first American president since fellow Republican Herbert Hoover to leave office with fewer people working in the country than when he started. On the day Donald Trump took over in 2017 145.6 million Americans had jobs, on the day he left office in 2021 only 142.6 million did. 3 million jobs disappeared thanks to Trump.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


Brent Meeker

26 Jun 2021, 17:11:5226/06/2021
But he didn't increase unemployment that much since several hundred thousand of the people who had been employed were only unemployed because they were dead of covid.

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27 Jun 2021, 13:16:5927/06/2021
Yeah, this explains why Gore lost in 2000 to Bush 43, and McCain lost to OBama in 2008, and Hillary lost to Trump is 2016, yeah! Statisticians never lie, nor do they ever get thing inaccurate or withhold data? Ok, excellent. Your democrats didn't jail at all in 2020,  in your riot cities during 2020 <=== Important! NYC just dismissed hundreds arrests charges last week for rioting and arson. My original point was the globalists have damaged the US middle class, but ideology is your central motivation. 

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 25, 2021 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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27 Jun 2021, 13:29:0027/06/2021
Like you John I lived thru some of those years. The most obvious thing with Roosevelt for instance I notice was the historians observation that it wasn't the Civilian Conservation Corp that ended the Great Depression but WW2 with , Roosevelt died shortly before its end in  April 1945, and 13 million men and women were in the military from 1941-1946. This kind of skews your big blue stripe. I lived thru a time when American job growth expanded during Orange Man and people it IT had a hard time finding work during the Obama years. One reason was the Big Companies importation of Indian IT workers. It was physical, it was tactile. Remember the saying statistics don't like, but liars can figure, applies here. I lived thru it in the last several years, saw it, heard it, understood it, and under Donny we experienced job growth-to the point in 2019 that joe jobs were hard to find employees for, because of job growth. 

Today, many, naturally, stay on unemployment due to covid. Which causes jobs again hard to find employees for a totally different reason. That long time democrats side with globalist boards of directors shows how the Party has gone wrong and their voters simply vote their emotions. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 25, 2021 4:18 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

27 Jun 2021, 13:32:4427/06/2021
Understood and this is fine. We agree on nothing and like all democrats you loyally follow your DNC fuhrer's in their money-taking from China-bribed boards of directors. No problem. 

John Clark

27 Jun 2021, 14:30:2227/06/2021
On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 1:28 PM <> wrote:

> Roosevelt died shortly before its end in  April 1945, and 13 million men and women were in the military from 1941-1946. This kind of skews your big blue stripe.

I don't know how you figured that, they were gainfully employed and their employer was the US government, and a good thing too  or we'd all be speaking German or Japanese right now. It certainly demonstrates the government does have the ability to stimulate job growth if it chooses to do so.   

> I lived thru a time when American job growth expanded during Orange Man and people it IT had a hard time finding work during the Obama years.

As I said before, Obama inherited the worst economic catastrophe in the past 80 years from his Republican predecessor who caused it all.  And the Republicans did everything they could to sabotage Obama's job growth initiative, in hindsight there is little doubt that if they hadn't the economic recovery from the Bush Great Recession would've been much faster.
>  It was physical, it was tactile. Remember the saying statistics don't like, but liars can figure, applies here. I lived thru it in the last several years, saw it, heard it, understood it, and under Donny we experienced job growth

Sorry Spuddy, but in my book cold hard statistics outrank personal anecdotes, that's why if scientists say a vaccine is safe but a friend of my neighbor's cousin says a vaccine shot made him sick I decide to take the vaccine anyway. 

> One reason was the Big Companies importation of Indian IT workers. 

Well,..., what can I say other than if Indian IT workers are smarter than you then Indian IT workers are smarter than you?  
> Today, many, naturally, stay on unemployment due to covid.

And you can give equal credit to the virus itself and to Trump's bungled response to it for that.

> Which causes jobs again hard to find employees for a totally different reason.

I see. So whenever something bad happens during a Republican administration it's not the president's fault, but if the same thing happens during a Democratic administration it is, and whenever something good happens during a Democratic administration it was just luck, but if it happens during a Republican administration it is caused by pure skill; and that's why ot of the last 14 presidents the top 4 in terms of GDP growth were Democrats and Donald J Trump was number 14 out of 14. No I take that back, I don't see.


John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

27 Jun 2021, 16:36:4427/06/2021
I figure it because statistics were accurate during FDR's final term, the CCC only helped unemployed somewhat, and that according to every historian what ended the Great Depression was the Second World War, something I think you had familiarity with? 11 million males in uniform, so no unemployment, millions of men and women working in factories for the war effort,  yeah, that could be the reason for FDR's big Bar. 1933, unemployment rate 30% just post Hoover, FDR's unemployment thru April 1945 before the War in Europe ended on May 7, 1945; and in the Pacific August, officially September 2nd 1945. So that's what earned FDR's big bar. There was a 2nd stock market crash in 1937 during FDR's second term, which kicked the unemployment back up, and caused some Americans to consider what employment plans Stalin and Adolf had to offer? 

For FDR on policies there have been articles by academic economists and historians, concerning the effectiveness of the New deal.

Who did the best with unemployment in cold hard reality? I suspect over the last several decades it went like this, Bubba Clinton, Bush43 from the 9-11 recession, Regan, then Trump, and on the other side because of their policies, on the bad side, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, George Bush Sr. & then Barrack, using for both job makers and job losers, two data points: unemployment rate & population of those of working age? 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Sun, Jun 27, 2021 2:29 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

John Clark

28 Jun 2021, 05:57:2828/06/2021

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 4:36 PM <> wrote:

> Who did the best with unemployment in cold hard reality? I suspect over the last several decades it went like this [...]

You don't need to "suspect", you don't need to hear anecdotes from your dentist's nephew's friend, you can look up the cold hard employment figures in a book and they do not cast Republican presidents in a flattering light.  

the CCC only helped unemployed somewhat [...]   Roosevelt died shortly before its end in  April 1945, and 13 million men and women were in the military from 1941-1946. This kind of skews your big blue stripe.

That big blue stripe, and stripes (plural), in the figure below are not about unemployment, they are about the annual Gross Domestic Product growth rate, they are about the size of the economy, and the red stripes also do not cast Republican presidents in a flattering light, especially Donald J Trump.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

28 Jun 2021, 19:32:0128/06/2021
The GDP was much smaller even in proportion to the popular size. Plus, there is no taking account of the decline in GDP from 1929-1933. I don't care about republican or democrat, I just care about results. Going from begging to full employment was not a masterstroke of the New Deal, John, but America's entry and triumph in WW2. I am saying what your statistic reflects is millions or men in the military, plus million working in wartime factories. If the New Deal was such a success, which it was not, nobody would be arguing the point. It would be like going against an improved chipset or trace arrays on your personal devices, because, why interfere with better? 

Now, this makes me wax philosophical because if FDR looked back and had his life to live over again, would he have started a war against Adolf, defeat the nazis, and laid barriers against Stalin in Eastern Europe, and blunted, or tried to bring in from the cold that Japanese? Killing Hitler in 1934 would have changed the world. This, then, is a many worlds argument worth arguing (maybe). 

On our world, as it is now, please keep your eye on the crazy employment numbers, but also inflation. Keep an eye on housing as well, and ask yourself could we again arrive at another Dodd-Frank circa 2008 housing collapse (Now that happened under  Bush 43's watch. 

From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 28, 2021 5:56 am
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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John Clark

28 Jun 2021, 20:16:5228/06/2021
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 7:32 PM <> wrote:

> I am saying what your statistic reflects is millions or men in the military, plus million working in wartime factories.

And what I am saying is that however you try to explain it away the fact remains that under FDR the economy grew at an astonishing rate, over 8% a year. Come on Spud, you know that if FDR had been a Republican right now you would be screaming about his huge success as loud as you could, but he was a Democrat, he was not a member of your tribe so everything he did must be either stupid or evil or both.

> If the New Deal was such a success,

Who said anything about the new deal.?  And what about the economic success during the Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton and Carter administrations? And what about the dismal economic performance during both Bush presidents and the even worst performance during Trump's administration? At least Truman had an excuse, he had to make the huge transition from a wartime  economy to a peacetime economy. 
> if FDR looked back and had his life to live over again, would he have started a war against Adolf, defeat the nazis, and laid barriers against Stalin in Eastern Europe, and blunted, or tried to bring in from the cold that Japanese? Killing Hitler in 1934 would have changed the world. 

Talk about Monday morning quarterbacks! So now I guess FDR is to be blamed because he didn't have access to a crystal ball. Anybody can be a genius, in retrospect.  
> please keep your eye on the crazy employment numbers,

I don't think you'd really want me to keep my eye on the employment or rather the unemployment figures during the Trump administration.

> but also inflation.

And also Vikings, watch out for those damn Vikings!  
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

28 Jun 2021, 22:11:2928/06/2021
My point is that from a contemporary, a depression starting from the Oct 29 Stock Market Crash until June 1930 when Smoot Hawley became law, and the economic picture collapsed into the Great Depression, there was a enormous decline in both jobs and economic growth.  It like falling into a vast sinkhole and then celebrating one's half-way climb-out, that one may claim, "Ooh! Looky! We've had 8% growth, now only half of us are starving! Wonderful!" WW2 ended the Depression in the USA.

Kennedy did so so and was killed, which is the most important feature, not civil right. Johnson had a million males involved in Vietnam or NATO, and this out of the job market. Clinton I had previously mentioned, and Jimmy Carter was so weak and ineffective, that American elected Reagan in response. If we don't look at things in retrospect how can we compare & contrast? Are we to hold these people you like as sacrosanct? You will get an argument regarding Obama's economy and Trumps, because I lived through it and experienced it. 

On the Great Depression, you needn't argue with me, instead, consider the Library of Congress.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 28, 2021 8:16 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

Brent Meeker

28 Jun 2021, 22:17:2028/06/2021

On 6/28/2021 4:31 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
The GDP was much smaller even in proportion to the popular size. Plus, there is no taking account of the decline in GDP from 1929-1933. I don't care about republican or democrat, I just care about results.

Then why do you vote for Republicans or the Orangeatan they support for President?

Going from begging to full employment was not a masterstroke of the New Deal, John, but America's entry and triumph in WW2.

Just one of the Democratic Presidents who preside over growth.

I am saying what your statistic reflects is millions or men in the military, plus million working in wartime factories. If the New Deal was such a success, which it was not,

It would have been except the Republicans blocked it on theory that the government shouldn't go so deep into debt....until there was a war.

nobody would be arguing the point. It would be like going against an improved chipset or trace arrays on your personal devices, because, why interfere with better? 

Now, this makes me wax philosophical because if FDR looked back and had his life to live over again, would he have started a war against Adolf, defeat the nazis, and laid barriers against Stalin in Eastern Europe, and blunted, or tried to bring in from the cold that Japanese? Killing Hitler in 1934 would have changed the world. This, then, is a many worlds argument worth arguing (maybe). 

On our world, as it is now, please keep your eye on the crazy employment numbers, but also inflation. Keep an eye on housing as well, and ask yourself could we again arrive at another Dodd-Frank circa 2008 housing collapse (Now that happened under  Bush 43's watch.

Funny how you can ramble on but never get around to answering JKC's direct questions.



From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 28, 2021 5:56 am
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 4:36 PM <> wrote:

> Who did the best with unemployment in cold hard reality? I suspect over the last several decades it went like this [...]

You don't need to "suspect", you don't need to hear anecdotes from your dentist's nephew's friend, you can look up the cold hard employment figures in a book and they do not cast Republican presidents in a flattering light.  

the CCC only helped unemployed somewhat [...]   Roosevelt died shortly before its end in  April 1945, and 13 million men and women were in the military from 1941-1946. This kind of skews your big blue stripe.

That big blue stripe, and stripes (plural), in the figure below are not about unemployment, they are about the annual Gross Domestic Product growth rate, they are about the size of the economy, and the red stripes also do not cast Republican presidents in a flattering light, especially Donald J Trump.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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28 Jun 2021, 22:41:0828/06/2021
Let's look at inflation in 6 months and see what the public thinks of Joe's policies, like with inflation? We had very low unemployment after Obama and during Donny, before the Plague. My observation is once said by a economics professor of mine who stated, "People vote with their feet." So, this is now occurring with people leaving the democrat run zones. Or maybe all these people are just ya know, racists, and don't just adore the taxes, high street crime and the sweet embrace of BLM + Antifa? 

John Clark

29 Jun 2021, 06:50:1629/06/2021
On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 10:11 PM <> wrote:

> from a contemporary, a depression starting from the Oct 29 Stock Market Crash until June 1930 when Smoot Hawley became law, and the economic picture collapsed into the Great Depression, there was a enormous decline in both jobs and economic growth. 

Yes, and both Oct 29 1929 and June 1930 occurred during the administration of REPUBLICAN President Herbert Hoover, and both Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis Hawley were REPUBLICANS and were the authors of that disastrous Tariff Act.

> It like falling into a vast sinkhole and then celebrating one's half-way climb-out, that one may claim, "Ooh! Looky! We've had 8% growth, now only half of us are starving! Wonderful!"
It only takes a second to crash a car and any jackass can do it, but afterwards it takes much longer to fix the car and not every person has the skills to make the needed repairs. Roosevelt had to clean up the economic mess left after Hoover and his REPUBLICANS crashed the economy, and Obama had to clean up the economic mess left behind by REPUBLICAN George W Bush after he crashed the economy. And now Joe Biden has to pick up the turds left behind by REPUBLICAN Trump and scrape feces off the walls of the capitol building excreted by his zombie followers.

> Kennedy did so so and was killed, which is the most important feature, 

I have no idea what that means, but I would say Kennedy was the best president in American history, and I say that based entirely on what he did during 13 days in October 1962, I don't think anybody could've handled that crisis better, and failure would have resulted in the end of civilization if not the extinction of the entire human race. 

 > Johnson had a million males involved in Vietnam 

And that's why for years I said Johnson was the worst president in my lifetime, but then REPUPLICAN George W Bush and his mythical Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction"  came along and I had to change that, and then REPUBLICAN Donald Trump came along and the 600,000 deaths caused by his bungling of the COVID-19 pandemic (and many many other things besides) and I had to change it yet again. Now I say Donald Trump is not only the worst president in my lifetime Donald Trump is the worst president in American history. By far! Trump even beats out President James Buchanan for last place.

 > Clinton I had previously mentioned, and Jimmy Carter was so weak and ineffective, that American elected Reagan in response.

Clinton came after Reagan. And The 1980 election was not the first time American voters made a poor choice, nor the last, but maybe they're getting smarter; Reagan won the popular vote in both of his elections and did so in a landslide, but Trump did not win the popular vote in 2916 or 2020. And if Carter's economic policy was weak then Reagan's was just as weak, see below:  
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

29 Jun 2021, 14:20:1729/06/2021
Yeah, Herbert Hoover bad. Agreed. Yeah Republicans bad back then because they were exclusively the party of the rich, just as the democrats are today. Yeah Smoot Hawley very bad, because of tariffs which transformed The Depression into the Great Depression.  You know historian and Nixon dude Daniel Patrick Moynihan once wrote, "The road to Auschwitz and Hiroshima started through Smoot Hawley." 

The feces you speak of were in every democrat run city, all year long in 2020, so do you only care about DC, because, power? That's the only city that matters, to many, and the poor dwellers who are workers and biz people do not. The world has changed since we were both young animals, and the party of the little man is (now)  supported completely by Wall Street and Silicon Valley as in $$$.  The Rep elites on the other hand, represented by supporting the Bush regime is dwindling, Nat Assoc. of Manufacturers, are still in, and the US Chamber of Commerce completely left the Reps because of the China Tariffs. To wit, money, the stuff that dreams are made of to quote Boggart.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
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Sent: Tue, Jun 29, 2021 6:49 am
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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John Clark

29 Jun 2021, 17:43:4329/06/2021
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 2:20 PM <> wrote:

> Yeah, Herbert Hoover bad. Agreed. Yeah Republicans bad back then because they were exclusively the party of the rich, just as the democrats are today.

You must be kidding! If Republicans are big friends of the middle-class then why did Republican Trump lower taxes for the very rich despite the vigorous opposition from the Democrats? Thanks to Trump the average person in the top 1% got his taxes reduced by $50,000 a year but the average person in the bottom 80% got his taxes lowered by only $649.  Republican Trump also decreased the corporate tax bill by 1/3.  And you claim to get all hot and bothered over government deficits, but the Tump rich man's tax cut increased deficit spending by $1.9 trillion. That's trillion with a T. A billion here a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about real money. 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

29 Jun 2021, 20:44:1429/06/2021
John, because Orange Guy is a billionaire real estate developer that's stuck in neutral. He is part of the Establishment, aka The Ruling Cla$$, the Elites. That is a primary reason he got beat. he wanted their respect & approval. He was correct in cutting Corp income taxes as a job creator. Kennedy did this as well (another rich man), and so...did...Bubba Clinton. 

Both James Carville & Dick Morris, Bubba's advisors, told the man to do a Republican economy to recover from the Bush years. "Take the reason away why the other guy gets up in the morning," was the advice. Billy done it well, along with the Big Lewinsky. John, ALL, these people are greedy and since there are no revolts over this in the streets, life goes on. All these people are attorneys who went into politics, except the Donald, and he's a natural born comedian. So, if you are asking what I would do, or what I stand for. (and you never do), I will offer up some fixes real quick for where I think things would deliver the greatest advances for our species, like in a beneficial way. Thanks for asking.

1) I'd go with solar and wind and batteries with funding advances quickly and getting these to market at affordable prices. This takes development and engineering = development.
2) You mentioned taxes? I'd do taxes for the US working class to the upper middle class. Beats trickle down, and this would flow up and down via spending by the middle.
3) Pushing the advances of both electric and H2 for transportation. 
4) for some reason I fell in love with this concept, grow stuff from mushrooms-
5) Have all this stuff we have it ready to go, ready to install, before we switch off the dirty stuff. Must be available now should be the mantra. Say no to Green suicide because it makes libs feel good. 
I am leaving quantum computing out of this because it has so been over-promised. 

So what does this mean if the Reps will never follow this. It means that the lights won't go out before were ready, because we're still using the dirty stuff.
I have no influence with either party because money is the language that Pols listen to. We're an oligarchy my good man. Even your blessed democrats. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 29, 2021 5:43 pm
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

John Clark

30 Jun 2021, 06:47:4030/06/2021
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 8:44 PM <> wrote:
> You mentioned taxes? I'd do taxes for the US working class to the upper middle class. Beats trickle down

I agree, trickle down doesn't work. So why do you support Trump and his rich man tax cut?  I can only conclude it's because Trump is a member of the Republican tribe, and you are a member of the Republican tribe, so you feel duty-bound to support the man no matter what he does. Personally I believe "my country right or wrong" is stupid and "my party right or wrong" is just as stupid. I like to think for myself.  

> John, because Orange Guy is a billionaire real estate developer that's stuck in neutral. He is part of the Establishment, aka The Ruling Cla$$, the Elites.

Spud, logically the President of the United States will ALWAYS be a member of the ruling class, if he wasn't he wouldn't be president.  

> He was correct in cutting Corp income taxes as a job creator.

That's a real nice theory but a theory, no matter how beautiful, must fit the facts and this one doesn't. Payroll tax cuts do much better than business cuts because it reduces the cost of labor, corporate tax cuts are a lousy way to make jobs, only 4 jobs are created for each million dollars in government tax revenue lost. Instead of hiring more people corporations use most of the money saved on taxes to buy back their own stock which benefits rich stockholders not the middle class, or they use the money  to take over other companies and become larger even though most mergers end in disaster, especially really big mergers.  You were right the first time, trickle down doesn't work.

> Both James Carville & Dick Morris, Bubba's advisors, told the man to do a Republican economy to recover from the Bush years. "Take the reason away why the other guy gets up in the morning," was the advice. Billy done it well, along with the Big Lewinsky.

Spuddy, sometimes your prose is completely indecipherable. Is this some sort of avant-garde poetry? I've never been good at understanding poetry.
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

30 Jun 2021, 16:05:2530/06/2021
Tax cuts do work for a while or apparently so, and every single one of your democrats take cash from billionaire$, including Bernie, whose campaigns were financed by billionaire, Pierre Omidyar. Trickle down always works because its a business expansion cycle and an application of cause and effect, which is something you never apply, outside of physics chats. I would take a solid look at injecting tax cuts for the US middle class as an alternative in order to see if it would be quicker, and better? If my writing is beyond comprehension, then so be it. For myself, I will keep my eye, as I must, on the inflation rate, and the impact on jobs. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 30, 2021 6:47 am
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani's law license has been suspended

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